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  • RMweb Gold

One small step for man.....


That's it, I've gone full circle....:)


All those years modelling and I've ended up with a circle of track laid on the carpet....




At least the ends meet. Matthew used to lay out huge amounts of Brio track all over the house but we never seemed to have the necessary bit to join it all up!



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All those years modelling and I've ended up with a circle of track laid on the carpet....


...and what a carpet it is too!


I didn't get any modelling done today - not that that is anything unusual. I took the Mini out for a run in the sun and she let me down :blink:


After a brief stop, she refused to restart. I tried everything - checked the fuses, pored under the bonnet, abused the starter motor with a heavy object. Nothing...


In frustration, I called nice man from the ADAC who arrived, looked, tweaked, pored, and then extracted a huge crowbar from his Zafira. One mega tw@t on the starter motor was all that was needed and I was left red faced...


Guess I need the following:


1. New starter motor

2. Bigger hammer

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  • RMweb Gold

. One mega tw@t on the starter motor was all that was needed and I was left red faced...


Guess I need the following:


1. New starter motor

2. Bigger hammer

We had a Ford Cortina that did the same but fortunately just rocking it freed the starter motor. When we had the Scenic, Robbie running round for a few moments after he got in used to make the car wobble quite noticeably (he doesn't move about once the engine starts). He can't make the Land Rover move much though! I would expect many modern cars would probably talk back if you hit them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Robert take the starter out put in a vice run it up on a battery and try and stop it with a piece of 2x4 softwood if it stalls rather than chew the wood to pieces get a replacement. If you can't stall it easily look for burrs on the flywheel teeth or the bendix if it is a solenoid type a strip and clean might get you years more use.


The trip to Carlisle went fine the MPG going up all the time! DD1 has looked at a better house for September and we all went to Shanghai Shanghai for an all you can eat chinese buffet which we enjoyed even more for the number of times I managed to circumnavigate Carlisle before finding a parking spot close to the resturant :lol: I went round so many times I even saw a sign for C&M models.

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  • RMweb Gold

DD1 has looked at a better house for September ...


I was rather concerned about how Matthew was going to cope with finding somewhere to live next year but he just rang up early one Sunday morning to tell us that he and some friends were paying a deposit for a house from September. We managed to find it on Google Street View!










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Guest Max Stafford

Just had a rather 'interesting' trip up the Sou'west to Dumfries on the last one.

Not quite the 'Rorkes Drift' scenario, but it could have been since there were only three of 'us' and 300 of 'them'.

Still, back in one piece with only a few interventions sufficing to keep the lid on things.


Damn glad to get home though! ;)


Nice coaches and wagons this year from Bachmann though I'll be 'rolling my own' locos for the next couple of years still; but hey, can't have it all on a plate can you? :)



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Morning All,


It is somewhat cloudy here today - but it doesn't look as if today is going to be too bad weather wise.


Thanks for the useful advice Mick - I'll try that. I could do without having to buy a new starter motor at the moment, because the Zafira needs a set of shock absorbers which means another hefty bill.


Have a good day everyone...

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I'll be 'rolling my own' locos for the next couple of years still; but hey, can't have it all on a plate can you? :)





Is Bachmann based in Croydon? Or Surbiton? Canterbury maybe?


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Premium

They're doing me, Dave! 60860 is coming out RTR! Bachmann new products Hope it's a newly-tooled DCC ready V2!


I wonder if that may be a basis for claiming royalties! :lol:


Morning all – as Robert said, it's overcast over here, but now appears to be lightening up.


Something big (not related to modelling) may be coming in till the end of the month – stay tuned :) .



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Breakfast consumed, bread-machine re-loaded. It isn't that warm outside but hopefully it will be sunnier by the time I accompany Robbie for a walk round some nearby fields.


Mike, did you get a red houseplant?

Dave , was that a normal Saturday night/Sunday morning on the railway or was there a special event?



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  • RMweb Gold

We ended up not getting a plant yesterday, Tony. We did see an Easter cactus with the correct coloured flowers, but didn't get anything yesterday.



We have something called a Christmas cactus. However it flowers whenever I water it (about twice a year!).

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We have something called a Christmas cactus. However it flowers whenever I water it (about twice a year1!).

I've got one of those too, mine seems to flower about twice a year too. Normally Christmas and Easter. My Christmas cactus is a light pink, but the Easter one in B&Q yesterday was a deep maroon.


My cactus came from a 2-leaf cutting a few years ago and is now about 18 inches across. Most plants die in my care, but I do have a nearly 10 year old peace lily and umbrella plant and a 7 year old cycas which is currently in chopped down mode. I cut off all 4 fronds at New Year, and the first new frond is just starting to emerge now.


The umbrella plant is now taller than I am, and as I couldn't get a moss pole from any shops (they seem to have gone out of fashion) it's now supported by a 6-foot length of copper plumbing pipe that was left around my flat when my bathroom was installed a couple of years ago!

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Guest Max Stafford

Tony, that kind of thing's getting to be pretty much the norm again on a Saturday night these days. Usual combo of booze and testosterone - if it's not the Dumfries service, it's the Whitehaven. :D

To be fair, the last Tilbury off Southend Central was like that fifteen years ago!


Pete, Bachmann are based in Barwell, Leicestershire and this is reflected in the style of many of their Scenecraft buildings, including a whole new range of GC-inspired designs.


One more shift this evening boys then I'm off until Thursday. Dying to get out for a decent run again! MOT and service for the Punto on Tuesday and I'm getting measured for dome upper tooth scaffolding...!



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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, that kind of thing's getting to be pretty much the norm again on a Saturday night these days. Usual combo of booze and testosterone - if it's not the Dumfries service, it's the Whitehaven. :D

To be fair, the last Tilbury off Southend Central was like that fifteen years ago!




Tilbury, interesting place. I haven't been to Tilbury for years. The pupils at the school I taught (late 1970s)at in Corringham used to have some dispute with one of the Tilbury schools and this used to make trips out where both schools attended "interesting".

Before I had a car we used to get the train from Benfleet to Tilbury Riverside (now no more) and then use the ferry to Gravesend when we visited friends in Kent. The ferry still runs but there is a bus to Tilbury Station.

The Tilbury passenger terminal is where Aditi arrived in the UK but that was in the age of long haul passenger ships. Cruise liners still use it though.





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  • RMweb Gold

Each to their own but why do we have to pay for it? :rolleyes:




"If prisoners have funds available, they can purchase gender-appropriate clothing from the Argos Additions clothing catalogue."

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Finally had a jolly good catch up on here all round.


Beautiful sunny day here now, so decided to tidy up the log storage part of the garage, as when the two baskets and the bag of coal are finished, that's it for the stove. It's telling us the season'e ending by being hard to light, and blowing back - sure signs that the chimney needs sweeping and the air passages need a good hoovering out.


Was also going to wash the car today, but an enterprising young lad turned up with a complete car valeting kit in a trailer on his bike, and offered to do inside and out for a tenner - so I've left him to it, and an sitting here instead. He seems to have his act together as well, as when I showed him where the electicity was, he said he didn't need it, as he had a generator with him. He'll go far that lad. The local Polish hand wash charges thirty quid for a full valet, and even if the lad doesn't do as good a job, he's certainly worth what he's asking just to remove the hassle today!


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold



Was also going to wash the car today, ...


I thought about it (my car is muddy, my wife's car is grimy) but they will only get dirty again! I'll wait for a nice warm day, there must be one soon. It was quite chilly yesterday when I fitted the new fog lamp to the Clio. The nicest day here recently was the one when I had to go up to London.



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