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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wet and windy this morning (outside of the house). The wind has removed the last bit of the long redundant TV antenna, a junction box with a length of cable, being plastic no damage done. Enjoy your holiday of a lifetime Chris and don't forget we will require a full report upon your return. Commiserations to all ailing ER's especially to Mal, Debs and Sandy/John. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning All


I've read and responded to Mal's post on the Jock67B cancer ward thread.  All posts on here read and rated, and as since my last posting, a lot of water has passed under the ER bridge - However, John and Sandy, pleased to see that there appears to be slow but steady progress, and also thanks for the update on Debs.  Rick - hope that you continue to progress.  When do you get the result of your X ray?  And of course generic greetings to all other aiing and celebrating.


It appears that LASAR will be closed until repairs to the ceiling are undertaken, so no Mondays there for the foreseeable future.  Bad night's sleep was had here, due to no particular reason, but we were both awake for an hour from two to three AM.


30747 is at work, as she is still doing a lot of cover for sick and absent colleagues.


Back later/tomorrow


Regards to All


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No longer dark here in Paris, and the mist has gone though it is rather cloudy. 

We had a substantial breakfast, Aditi had a chat with the head waiter. I think it was about British politics. 

We will check out at midday and after a cup of coffee somewhere head to the Gare du Nord for our train. It isn’t far from the hotel to the M4 Metro station. 


ChrisF. Enjoy your trip.


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Morning All

I see you all have the wet and windy issue this morning must be the seasonal veg. :biggrin_mini2:

Up late and slow to get moving must be down to spending hours over a hot stove yesterday, I don't know how it happened Her  :tender:conned me into cooking diner again last night still it was enjoyable pork was marinated in Cointreau this time I couldn't fine any rice wine of sherry it was a nice orangey tang Her cleared her plate again so that was another success = modelling tokens.

Today is another attack with polystyrene on the Indian Hill Rly once that is done I will do photo's, it taken time as the heat cutter will not fit between certain aspects of the layout. 


 Better shift my butt.:superman: A. Wright-Lemon



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Wet and Windy has really arrived here in the last hour,,,

As the Norwich - Great Yarmouth line is being modernised at the moment with automatic barriers and electric signalling. I suggest we will get an outbreak of complaints about horn sounding sometime in the next year... Along with cars trying to beat the no doubt half barriers..


The ones at Brunall should be interesting as it leads to the boat yards. Where we have a thing "renown" as the "Brundall Navy"... They are generally Huge for the Broads motor boats who's tickover speed is higher than the speed limit. The boating equivalent  of the BMW or Audi Squad. Seeing a half barrier instead of a full gates, I predict there will be impact very soon, as they are believed to understand Boating and probably road regualtions do not apply to them..


Due to being extremely close to falling asleep, I had to resort to full fat Coffee at tea break, now shaking slightly but still feeling knackered..


The one good thing about the late Chris evans Show as Moira Stewart on the News.. I'm glad to report She has decamped to Classic FM from next week I believe..


Considering where to put the spare wheel for the trailer, I've just realised when fully loaded with layout there wont be room inside...



Time for the next set of measurements...

Edited by TheQ
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Evening all. 

Back home. The journey wasn’t too bad although the rain on the Essex side of the estuary was rather heavy. 

The house should warm up soon. Our next planned holiday is late August, but I suspect Aditi may be doing her usual perusal of special offers.



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Disaster narrowly averted this morning - I hadn't noticed my phone wasn't charged, and woke up this morning to find it on 4% battery. 


Police visit went well enough yesterday - they will be posting us the relevant form to complete. 


Wet and very windy here (not vegetable related ;) ), but good news in that two Cambrian LBSC open kits have arrived today, so I may crack on with one this evening.


We also hope to make a start on the great bedroom switcheroo this weekend - Charlie now moving into the smaller room so that the girls can share the bigger one. We had a real success last Saturday, picking up a cabin bed with an integrated desk gratis, so once Leah's stuff has been removed, it can be built. The other result of the switch is that there will be space in our room once more as the cot will be gone - so a pair of brackets on the wall will be installed for the new layout to live on. 


Enjoy what's left of your Friday


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4 hours ago, Simon G said:

The rain has cleared up, but the wind is stronger than ever.  Despite that, we just went out for a walk to the beach, and came back with glasses and face very salty.  You can see why we we salty from the attached photo!


13 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Good evening folks.


As you can see by Simon's photo - the UK is cut off again!  It was a bit splashy-splashy in Fenella beach at lunchtime, this is my usual sarnie spot.  Our barometer is off the bottom of the scale at 970mB currently, and it's howling out there. 

Thanks to you both for sharing. These would be great additions to the weather pics topic.

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For what it's worth you have my sympathy. We had to have our 14 year old lab/collie Sam put down in May and it still hurts. Fortunately the lady vet who came out to see him was kindness and compassion itself but at the time that was small comfort. I don't think that anyone who hasn't been a dog owner can understand how bereft you feel and although I know that nothing will really make you feel any better at the moment, a piece of advice I was given is, I think, worthwhile - try to think about the lovely fun times you had together when you find yourself grieving. Difficult I know but it may help. 

You're in my thoughts.




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Good Evening.


Well, it could have been!


Local 'Spoons has ten handpumps; 7 were dry with D00mBah, Greene King IPA and Purity's Saddle Back the only beers on offer; have tried all but didn't fancy any of them. Laddo comes bounding up (behind the bar) and jovially announces that there's nothing on these [other] pumps. Seems surprised when I reply that there's only one thing to do and don my coat, etc. and walk out!


At least the bar over the road had a decent pint (or two) of Ringwood's Old Thumper (albeit some 45p dearer) to pass the time before getting the next train home!


Plan B: nip into Tescos Express opposite my local station and grab a bottle or two and some cans. Nett result: now drinking at an average of £1.20 per pint instead of £2.15. Downside is I don't have my favourite spirit here to end the evening. Hey Ho!



AndyID: Sorry to hear your news; RIP Mr Torridon indeed. Came in as I was having a moan :(

Edited by JohnDMJ
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' Evening all from red dragon land.

Wet and windy like elsewhere around here with media reports of trees down and flooding.

We suffered from a power line which came down this morning giving us a power cut.  Thankfully,  I had just cooked breakfast and the electric was back on before lunch so no need to get the gas stove out. 

Progress in the kitchen-dining room with 3 of the 4 walls now painted, youngest doing a fair bit of it to help out.


Thoughts with AndyID, the ailing, troubled and missing.

Edited by southern42
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