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2 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:


Oh, and by the way, Admins, who cares how many hours ago the post was made? It was clearly before this one!

Why do we need the "edited" bit anyway?

Now, I've only edited to include a question mark.


And it seems very much overkill to supply a 'reason for edit' on a social forum.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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I haven’t seen a red kite locally but there are reports about seeing them in other parts of the county. Where the tiny nieces live near Kettering there always seem to be a few circling.  

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Morning Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Well it was morning about an hour ago when I opened up RMweb. Welcome back Tassie Tex. Its easy (and relatively cheap) to get internet connections here in the UK and we tend to forget that its not the same everywhere. I just noticed this morning that Adblock was enabled on this site, I disable it on RMweb and other free sites. I found it a bit confusing when I went to disable it as they have replaced 'disabled' with 'paused'! Still finding fumbling my way around the new RMweb, be back later (if I don't get lost).

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18 minutes ago, laurenceb said:

Afternoon awl 

Welcome back Taz we missed you

Don't want to bother the boss at the moment, does anyone know what the heart at the top of some posts is in aid of?

Put your Mouse over it Lawrence, its a popular Post.

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3 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

It's just started raining, and the rain drops are bouncing up off the ice on the Koi pond!  It must be like living in a drum for them, but they're pretty sleepy when its cold so I don't suppose they're that bothered.


I WAS going to go for a walk.  Maybe not!


The rain arrived here about the same time, I think.  I did get some outside jobs done first, which including digging some carrots and parsnips out of a well frozen ground.  It was quite hard work, and there was a risk of destroying my own garden fork while doing it!

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3 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Why do we need the "edited" bit anyway?

Now, I've only edited to include a question mark.


And it seems very much overkill to supply a 'reason for edit' on a social forum.

A 'groan' button would be much more useful!


If I wanted to know who liked, agreed, etc. with my post, I'd hit the 'list' button; now the site shames all unnecessarily.

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1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

Put your Mouse over it Lawrence, its a popular Post.

So those that don't have a heart are not popular?


Makes sense to me!


Back from the Stafford show where the depleted OFMC enjoyed themselves.


Dave was duly hunted and it is so nice to put a face to a name. He now knows why I am a Happy Hippo (most of the time).


Some bits of an engineering nature were bought for SWS, but apart from that the credit card stayed warn and snug in my wallet.

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Some attempt to rain here in sunny Teignmouth but the roads are hardly wet.


Not sure if I have missed something regarding passwords.  Do I need to reset it?  I see others have.


Just sold some of those advertising clad milk bottles that my parents curiously saved years ago.  27 gone to a new home and a meal out in return.


Enjoyed the rugby yesterday & Friday despite there being some strangely varying 'halves'.


An Ancestry adviser tells me. "I am an Ancestry Directly Expert . We are advanced Ancestry users who are assisting with queries such as yours. We can not access your account but can offer you other assistance. I would expect of Ancestry had the records in question it would be in this record set https://search.ancestry.co.uk/search/db.aspx?dbid=1728 The notes do say that some records are excluded from the collection for privacy reasons but I would think records closer to the beginning of his career would be included"

  However that statement seems to generalise and does not clarify if the records I want are included.  I will contact NRM tomorrow.

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We've not had any lying snow so far this winter - a couple of showers of really wet sleet, but that's been all. For the last few days, snow was being forecast overnight on Saturday. Nothing falling, or already on the ground, this morning. I've just looked out the window again, and there are now huge flakes coming down. I can't see the houses two streets below. We'll have to see if it lies now.

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Gratings from the Northwet (although the rain is now slowing down and turning white).

Just as well I drove home last night after skiing in Utah and Colorado. Getting the hang of the new skis was a slight challenge but well worth the effort.


I tried to login a couple of times without success but all seems to be well again.


Very sorry to learn of the tribulations of ERs.


Edited by AndyID
Errant apostrascope
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Good Noon 

I watch a bit of Rugby yesterday seeing the white shirts knock the carp out of the Green shirts even little George Ford lumped one of them in passing it did bring a smile to my face.

 Well I missed the show today there's always next year, instead it cost me big bucks again for new sofa's of the reclining type at least the poor old back will be happy with that news lovely as they are the other one's 

and still in good nick and will last another 5-10 years are up for sale.

Attn Phil

              Mrs. Reg came out of her front door earlier and went A over T   :rofl:  :sarcastic:  she had trouble getting up it looks like Reg is in the doghouse judging by what she called him for not clearing the ice/snow from the front 

of their house.



                             must dash doorbell  A. Rothchilds 



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Just back home from the Stafford show. I was standing talking to some folk when I noticed a bloke looking at me quizzically and mouthing 'Dave?' Lo and behold it was the Happy Hippo so we had a good chat and since we only live about 30 minutes drive apart will probably see each other again. Also had a long natter with Tony Wright, whom I haven't seen for a number of years, Gordon Gravett about Arun Quay and the techniques he uses, and several other friends and acquaintances. I had my 95 year-old Dad with me who is recovering from breaking his femur and having a hip replacement just before Christmas; it was his first real day out since and he really enjoyed himself despite being on crutches and finding it somewhat tiring getting about.

Lots of very nice layouts there but for me Arun Quay stood out. Thanks to all concerned with organising yet another great show and to those who gave their time transporting and displaying layouts, demonstrations etc.

All in all an enjoyable day that maintained the warm glow after yesterday's six nations.



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Afternoon Awl,  inner Temple hare, 

Yes it's a Sunday,  so it's time for a sailing report... 


Wind slightly less than forecast,  sun perfect no clouds,  which would be why between race 1and 2, I sat on my sun glasses.  Now you know why I buy the cheapest plastic Polaroids I can get.


For some reason we had a poor turnout today just 9 yeoman , and 3 dinghies. 

Races one,  buoys in their normal places,  course 4p, 3p, 4p, 2p twice. 

 As we approached the line we were arriving  too quickly,  so we eased sheets,  whereupon the wind dropped  and we were late on the line.. So we started last.


We quickly disposed of one boat of newbies , as we tacked up river.  Then we got into a  tacking battle with two other boats we ended up three abreast tack across  and back the river,  as is normal in this situation  the jam in the sandwich gets squished out.  So they dropped back,  leaving two of us the other boat was faster but not pointing as high into the wind.  Eventually we got clear just before buoy four. 

On rounding that,  up spinnaker,  and chase the next group of boats which had got away a bit. 


We had noted the tide was coming in so we took to the leeward bank out of the tide. We closed the gap significantly, the preceding boats closed the gap so we couldn't undertake them.  As we turned right to go above them one turned hard up wind to try to stop us passing but failed. However we were on the outside of a group of 3 rounding buoy three. 


Back to tacking up river,  we held station behind the others to buoy 4, rounding that,  up spinnaker , again head for the Lee bank,  the others all went that way this time but as we were at the back of the lead group,  we were blocking their wind.  So we caught up just before the bender b

Made a beeline for the right hand bank as the others took a tight curve round the bend then a slow crossing of the river. 

It paid off for us as the wind followed us round the bank we swept round and along the river edge.  Coming out into second,  we were gaining on the lead boat but on round buoy two they shortend course as we had already been sailing for an hour. 


Race 2, same course. 

slightly more wind,  unfortunately during the pre race manoeuvres we couldn't find a gap and ended up starting with just two boats behind us.  Tacking up river we fairly rapidly disposed of two more boats,  and then set off after the same lead group as before.  

We kept fairly close up to buoy 4, this time they all went to the leeward bank,  we followed  and again caught up,  overtaking one before buoy 3. We were outside of a group of 3 again rounding that Mark.  We then held position  all the way  up to Buoy 4. Up spinnakers again and chase the lead group.  We were slowly catching the whole time,  one boat we passed,  but joined a two other yeoman and a laser to round buoy 2 together.  As we were arriving from behind were were of course on the outside.  Rounding that buoy we finished 3rd but all boats overlapped. 


Lunch cheese rolls and soup. 


Race three,  more wind in fact just about perfect..  Course 4p, 2p, 3p, 2p.

We found a gap this time and started in 3rd. With the increased wind we performed up wind much better,  and after 400yards had got into first place.  This we held and in fact increased the gap the whole time.  Eventually finishing several hundred yards ahead, as the boats behind were  getting each others way in their efforts to get an advantage. 


Since then,  I'm Home a long soak in the bath has been had,  faggots mash and peas are on their way. 


A good evening to one and Awl.. 


PS one good function of the new system  is that if you hit the wrong button as I've just done,  it remembers what you've typed into the reply box. 







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2 hours ago, SouthernRegionSteam said:

Oh my. How many years ago was I last on RMweb/Early Risers properly?
I have checked in very occasionally, but most of my waffle lives on NGRM, as I've had the narrow gauge bug for a few years and such content gets more feedback on there. As I started to post there frequently it then became habitual to check NGRM and not RMweb. To that end, I've not kept up with friends on here like I should have; so please accept my apologies for that. I can see some of you are experiencing tough times (to put it mildly), for which you have my upmost sympathy, and I wish you all the best.


I have been meaning to share my progress on my latest project here, but I couldn't muster up the strength neither to retroactively post everything up to-date, nor post every subsequent update in 3 places (once on my personal blog (mainly to host the photos), once on NGRM, and then again on here); twice is bad enough! Then again, before yesterday, it was last May since I last did any model-making.


As for what's happened in the last few years; well, not a lot to be honest! I did however complete a 3 and 3/4 hour soundtrack for a game; I pushed myself far too hard, and the end result was a complete creative burnout/block for 6 months, but the less said about that the better! It's fair to say this past 6 months has been a particular struggle, not just because of the burnout, but also because I lost both grandparents. I had been going up to their farm every Friday for almost a year to clean their house and do their shopping; so I had grown closer to them than ever before which made it particularly difficult to part ways. Sparing you all the details, after an unnecessarily long drawn-out process they are both finally laid to rest, which means the family and I can sleep a bit easier.


As such, I've tried to ease myself back into things I haven't felt able to do for a while; model-making being one of them, and posting here on RMweb another! It feels great to be back at it.


Edit: Given the recent weather I just had to go outside and take some photos; unfortunately (or fortunately given the interesting photo opportunities!) a blizzard decided to roll in at that exact time!



Good to have you back, Jam, despite troubled times! Before we met, I'd lost both parents so sympathise with you.


Hope the m----ling continues and that you can still competently wire a layout!

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Thanks everyone, it's great to see familiar names and faces after all this time!


4 minutes ago, JohnDMJ said:

Good to have you back, Jam, despite troubled times! Before we met, I'd lost both parents so sympathise with you.


Hope the m----ling continues and that you can still competently wire a layout!


Thanks John! I'm sad to hear you lost your parents, I hope that the time since then has been long enough for the grief to mostly dissipate. I sure have great memories of my grandparents to cling on to; and even in my grandads' last days he was cracking jokes. And all this despite having dementia and not being able to eat or drink. He could barely even speak but still managed to let the humour come out! An incredible man. I wrote both of them a piece of music, as well as a couple extra pieces which were all heard during the funerals; it was the best way I could see for me to pay tribute to them, and it certainly helped me deal with things.


As for modelli... oh right, I forgot that ER is mostly devoid of it :D But yes, joking aside, the tips and techniques you taught me have all been put into good use I can assure you! Both Old AGWI Rd. and Sandy Shores have been wired up with your practical advice in mind. It might not be quite as neat as your work on Calshot, but it does work very well; and that I put down to your fantastic advice almost exclusively!

And I have to say, the wiring on Old AGWI Rd, whilst incomplete, is bl**dy complicated. As it currently stands you might cry a little at the spaghetti junction inside the control box, but you've taught me to be very methodical which has helped immensely. I'm excited to get back to that project once Sandy Shores is complete.

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Today we went over the bridge to Canvey Island to take some stuff to the recycling centre. As well as our stuff we took a couple of dead computers for our neighbours. 

I also did some packing. We are off to Paris for a few days later  next week. Aditi got a special offer email from Eurostar and it seemed silly not to go. Being packed days early is not usual for us but we are only taking luggage that is the equivalent of airline carry on. I have no idea what we will do when we get there, but I am sure Aditi will think of something. We go from Ebbsfleet which is, assuming the Dartford Crossing is ok is almost local.


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Evening awl,


48 hours off site and 5 pages to catch up.  I managed the conference and the Bruckner (with hiccups) but have spent today in bed with the flu and the GOG Gazette.  I've cancelled tomorrow's shift.  I'm still drained, so it's back to bed.



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9 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Why do we need the "edited" bit anyway?
And it seems very much overkill to supply a 'reason for edit' on a social forum.


So that you know that the content differs from what you received in the notification email, or previously read here. It might only be a corrected typo, but on the other hand it could be a whole fresh paragraph of new or updated information. Or an important item of fact could have been corrected.




Well this particular topic might be Facebook by other means, but most of RMweb is a valuable resource of accumulated knowledge. It's important that it is accurate, up-to-date and reliable. That requires the ability to edit, update and amend posts -- and the reason I get so angry when topics are locked, or some self-appointed moderator person suggests that they should be. What is written on RMweb will be indexed and available on Google for 100 years.



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