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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Start of the 6 Nations - excellent antidote to winter. Just been watching the Wales/France game. By half time I was writing Wales off as a spent force but now???? What a comeback! Hope that England/Ireland gives me the same cheery feeling tomorrow but somehow.......

During the web down time I finished a more than two week project to clean and tidy my workshop potential layout room as well as getting rid of much of the stuff I have amassed over the years but realistically will never get around to using. Some of it I've sold on a well-known auction site, some I've given away and some I've just burned. I've also repainted the floor and considering it's just 60 sq m I now pity Jamie with his hangar.

Sunday I'll be at Stafford so with luck I'll see some of you there. I'll be the tall, bald bloke wearing the slightly disreputable looking dark blue Barbour (type) jacket.

Sorry to hear that GDB has done a GDB. Mind you, I've a theory that only a certain amount of bad luck is in circulation at any one time so since GDB soaks up so much of it there's less to bother the rest of us and hence we should all be grateful. Thank you Bob.

Me, a p*sstaker? Surely not?

Goodnight awl.





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Ray if you're casting an eye does that mean you have an eye problem... 


Evening awl,  I'm not sure if it is late or early,  if I Had gone to bed as normal it's early,  as I haven't it's late.. 

Just back from the MRC where we had hail hammering on the roof , it was just as well I had covered the 1/6 of the layout which was sitting outside loaded on to the trailer..  I've been in the highlands planting Heather, next week when the PVA has set it will need a haircut.. 

Of garage doors after parking the layout section in the mobile home, I'll be jacking up the centre of the garage roof about 4 inches  then may be  the remaining door  will shut... After that maybe start making the new human sized door to go into the other side.. 


Good night,  time to drink my choccy.. 

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4 hours ago, Ray Von said:

Cheers Tony, I also have no idea what my reputation score is!  My other question  for regular posters is - what, if anything, is the general theme of "Early Risers"?  

I didn’t know there was such s thing either; but I found it pretty easily in my account profile. Apparently I have a neutral reputation. That’s probably a triumph!

anyway that’s enough from me.

sweet dreams!

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Weather-related (I think) problems this evening; we have a young friend staying for the weekend who travels from Poole. His train was delayed 20mins at Bournemouth due to a late crew, so he texted Mrs mole to let us know and using RTT I worked out his projected arrival time at Southampton Airport, about 18.55. Martyn set off by bus to meet him. Mrs mole went out to play at a ceilidh, leaving her mobile behind. Some time later I thought 'they shuld be back by now'. More time elapsed. Eventually, about 19.55, our guest arrived at the door, without Martyn, having got the bus from Central; his train was diverted due to a tree on the up line north of Winchester. Martyn didn't have his mobile with him so I had to take a bus and go to fetch him; by then he'd been waiting patiently for nearly two hours. Fortunately the waiting room was open so he wasn't cold. Despite the PA announcements he hadn't realised his wait was in vain.

Since then further trees have fallen and both lines are blocked.

Goodnight all,




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This is an ongoing housing development in New Westminster, British Columbia.


The first British troops in the area, in the nineteenth century, were Royal Engineers, building roads and military establishments. At the end of their enlistment, troops were offered a passage home, or land in B.C. Those who were based in New Westminster and chose to take land were given it in this area, which became known as 'Sapperton'.



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Good morning. More snow for us overnight but its already started melting. would be nice to have snow on the ground to photo the steam special through Dorking this afternoon.


Last night I decided to check my Hornby T9's. The oldest one has Mazak rot in the motor brackets - my first loco that I have had this happen to so this morning I decided to check my other T9. Luckily no rot in the motor brackets so one repalcement set orderd just now. However that 2nd T9 has a sound decoder but the sound coming out were more of a shorting type so quickly off the track, decoder unplugged and tested, loco tested on DC and all fine. Loco now reassembled and running nicely so not sure what caused that initial shorting noise.


Next loco on the test track will be another Bulleid light pacific but its beer o'clock today:drink_mini:

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Good morning all,

A bit cold and frosty here. We've had some snow but not a lot. Not sure yet whether I'm venturing to Alton today and will make a decision a bit later. I see from the Alton club website that the vintage bus is cancelled and some layouts and traders as well but "The show will go on."

Really enjoyed the rugby last night. I though Wales had blown it in the first half but boy did they come back. Well done to them and they will be a hard obstacle for the rest to overcome.....so will the men in green!  England will need to dig extremely deep today.

More tea needed so I will return shortly.

Have a good one,



Edited by grandadbob
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Mugatea being drunk in preparation for our trip to Wakefield. 

A tad brass monkeying here but nowhere near as cold as at Ian A's location.

Flights delayed from Leeds Bradford..perhaps they need a big cover to stop the planes freezing up overnight?

Positive thoughts to Mal, John and Sandy and the long suffering Debs.



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Mooring Awl,  Again,  Inner Temple Hare, 

Further sleep was obtained  the total quite good for me. 

Ben the Border Collie is stuffing himself with his normally dry food that has the liquid from the bacon I've just microwaved for my butty. 

We've been on patrol and he barked a lot.  He didn't like the landrover and trailer being parked down the garden near the mobile home. 

It's cold damp and very windy out there, I'll need to be well wrapped up when I venture out there.. 

But first.. 

Time for a, Muggacoffee and finish the bacon butty... 

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Bonjour de La Charente.   No white stuff here but the ground is a bit soggy.  I am still struggling to find the equivalent of "My Content" page and have no idea what my reputation is.   When I was village bobby back in Gildersome, I used to take it as a great complement when certain families knew me as "Thar bar steward".   Some time was spent in the shed yesterday afternoon and some small brass and steel parts ere attached to a previously assembled lump of such things.   

This morning we are off on a shopping trip to various places as some friends are coming round for a meal tonight.  This afternoon is the AGM of the "4 generations Club" which is a sort of village social committee.  It's dominated by the mayor and her family and it will be interesting to see how the accounts are presented.   Last year the mayor's anorexic daughter handed over the treasurership but refused to hand over the money or the chequebook or produce a set of accounts, The new treasurer then resigned.   We may not understand a lot of what's said but want to go to see what happens.

Thoughts, very much with Mal and Gabe, John and Sandy and of course Debs.

Regards to all.



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Morning all, nice to be back here after the enforced break.  I also watched the France v Wales game last night, and it was a classic tale of two halves.  The French will be gutted to have lost a game that they should have won.

Yesterday I had a visit to the Prince of Wales pub in Foxfield, previously mentioned on this thread and famous for its own beers and home made pasties.  There were a total of 11 of us, former work colleagues from between 10 and 40 years ago.  A very pleasant time was had by all.

Today will be rugby dominated with the two games to watch.  Ireland v England will be an intense match, especially if the right England turn up in Dublin.

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Greetings from the boring borough. Tiny little dusting of snow. Just enough to cause the media to whip up a frenzy and people to start panicking. Getting used to the changes on the site. I already miss the 'my content'. It made finding stuff I was recently posting on easy to keep up with. Having to navigate through the activity button is far less efficient. A small price to pay for the other improvements. 

Today will mostly be puttering in the shed. 

Welcome Ray. This place is more or less a post graduate practicum for studies in complete bollards. 

Enjoy the day. To those complaining about the cold....... The Canadian definition of cold follows. 

It's not cold until your p*ss freezes before it hits the snow. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a frosty but thankfully snow free north Shropshire. Just having a muggercoffee prior to setting off to the Saturday indoor market and then seeing how the lead/varnish porridge is setting in the saddle tank and boiler of the little industrial job I'm making. Later on there will be some quality sofa time watching 6 nations rugby and a steak dinner. This retirement business can be really trying at times. Tomorrow is Stafford show day followed by dinner with friends, so all-in-all a dreadfully busy weekend looms.

Keep smiling and I hope everyone else has a good weekend.


PS, welcome aboard Ray, I'm now no longer the junior member of this thread.

Edited by Dave Hunt
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58 minutes ago, Simon G said:

Morning all, nice to be back here after the enforced break.  I also watched the France v Wales game last night, and it was a classic tale of two halves.  The French will be gutted to have lost a game that they should have won.

Yesterday I had a visit to the Prince of Wales pub in Foxfield, previously mentioned on this thread and famous for its own beers and home made pasties.  There were a total of 11 of us, former work colleagues from between 10 and 40 years ago.  A very pleasant time was had by all.

Today will be rugby dominated with the two games to watch.  Ireland v England will be an intense match, especially if the right England turn up in Dublin.

Ah the lovely POW, a superb pub and beers we visit each October. I gather that they are retiring and a new landlord has bern chosen so let's hope it remains as good as ever.

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