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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well once I’d done a small domestic repair, I promptly decamped to the workshop and continued working on the L class loco. On Thursday I completed the valve gear and then made a start on the bogies. As these had no detail on them I’ve added some by utilising the etch overlays from some Comet SR bogies, but as these are too big, surgery was required. Today I completed the second bogie and also made a couple of brackets, attached these to the chassis and fitted the bogies.


The evening was rounded off with a nice bottle red.


Goodnight all.

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Good evening all and a warm, if belated, welcome to Dave. I hope you find this page as interesting and supportive as myself and so many others have found. I am intrigued by the Matlock Bath reference especially as I spend many days there often running my own model railway.

I send my thoughts and good wishes to all those who need themwith particular thoughts in the direction of Mal, John and Sandy.


Yesterday I made a reference to the re-emergence of my own dark canine, but fortunately today has been a better day and four legged beast is skulking just inside his kennel. There has a been thoroughly enjoyable day in the shop to report with lots of friendly people to chat to. I must be doing the occasional thing right because more people are coming back and today I received two different five star reviews. I have also received invites to stand two local model exhibitions and people are starting to place some pre-orders. Those are a real lift to the spirits.

Last night I enjoyed a good catch up with some old colleagues from my old school at the house of our old head teacher (no, not that one!) Good food and good company.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold


...but tomorrow has been booked by SWMBO after church for curtain rail mounting and other domestic matters followed by the preparation of the traditional roast beef of old England.


The last time I put up a curtain rail it involved about 5 different types of screw retention devices and best of all a Land Rover spare wheel and tyre. Fortunately we only have one bay window. I think I would have been tempted to pay for,fitting if we had more!

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  • RMweb Premium

The last time I put up a curtain rail it involved about 5 different types of screw retention devices and best of all a Land Rover spare wheel and tyre. 


That seems like the sort of activity that GDB would do that results in blood letting................................

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  • RMweb Gold

That seems like the sort of activity that GDB would do that results in blood letting................................

I usually need a small match pot of paint to cover up the bloodstains surrounding my DIY.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning to most, evening to some of our overseas ERs.


Off to day 2 of the show but first a mugatea.


On a serious note why is it that we treat animals with terminal illnesses with far more respect than humans?


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Raining steadily at the moment and has been for quite a while. Forecast claims that it will brighten up later and there may even be some sunny spells.



The last time I put up a curtain rail it involved about 5 different types of screw retention devices and best of all a Land Rover spare wheel and tyre. Fortunately we only have one bay window. I think I would have been tempted to pay for,fitting if we had more!


That seems like the sort of activity that GDB would do that results in blood letting................................


I usually need a small match pot of paint to cover up the bloodstains surrounding my DIY.



We have 3 bay windows and if you have been following my drivel lately you will know that they are going to be replaced. This means that the curtain rails which I put up successfully without injury quite some time ago will also have to be dealt with. It seems that my real problem will be that I don't have a Range Rover or any other kind of spare wheel. I do normally keep some spare paint though so all is not lost!  :imsohappy:

No plans made for today apart from breakfast which, as I am currently trying to lose weight, will not be what I normally have on a Sunday so a couple of poached eggs on toast will have to suffice.


Have a  good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, inner Temple hare,

A two piece sleep of a good length, what do you expect after a Burns night dinner.


Its gusting 44 out there, according to the nearest weather station, hope of sailing is not high.


A soggy Ben the border collie is drying in his bed.


My sailing waterproofs are warming by the fire, the cupboard they live in the back door is particularly cold.


Time to put them on....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather windy corner of the world.   Yesterday several small bits of brass got assembled into something that I dare not mention.  A good evening out was then had at a restaurant that is new to us about 10 miles away.  We will certainly be going again.   Breakfast has been consumed and we will be off to the market shortly then lunch at some French friends I the village.  That will probably take up the afternoon, then it will be collapse o the sofa and TV time.


Regards to all, especially the rather long list of those suffering.  I hope that those attending the show at Southampton enjoy it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning. Bit of a late start today as the insomnia monster visited last night and I'd not long been asleep when SWMBO decided at the crack of sparrowf*rt to manufacture tea and coffee respectively (I can't stand tea - it tastes how I imagine dishwater in which old socks have been washed would taste. Not that I've ever tasted........ but you get the general idea). Anyway, I then dozed off again and have only just surfaced to face a cloudy and breezy morning. With luck I'll survive the curtain rail episode without a GDB to A&E; will let you know.


Hope all attending shows, venturing on the high seas etc. have good days and those suffering have some respite. Andyram and others having visits from the Black Dog have my heartfelt sympathy - been there and got the tee shirt and it ain't pleasant but mine eventually went away and I was able to get on with life. Fortunately I had excellent support both domestically and professionally and I hope that in some small way belonging to a community like this could help.





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Morning all


Tesco Grand Prix later (ugh...), but few other plans for today as far as I'm aware. A much improved atmosphere this morning too, after an at times difficult but very much needed conversation yesterday around finances and the division of bills. Feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders somewhat. It's good to talk.


Hope everyone's day goes as well as hoped.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here today.

After breakfast we will set off to Enfield. I think MiL may want me to explain a few more features on the phone we bought for her. Making voice calls with WhatsApp seems to be top priority. She has enjoyed getting photos from the family but her brother in California thinks she will enjoy hearing via WhatsApp from him too.

We had a nice meal at the neighbours last night and MiL will no doubt produce a nice lunch today so we are not doing much cooking this weekend.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Work is being worked.

There is a plan for a minor POE to watch ice hockey. It's been a few weeks since Junior and myself have both been free to do so.


Catch up later.




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As it happens my dear little sister was ATC at Wittering. They had Victor's and bombs which really made a loud bang. One day bless her, on setting off the all squadron scramble alert she forgot to mention that it was an exercise....you can imagine what happened next.....


And with the Goodnight all!



AH, The Victor - the tanker version (aka the Flying Brick) would take the entire runway to get airborne, and barely clear the fence at the far end - it was said that it was why the road traffic lights were fitted at the southern end to stop lorries crossing when a scramble was taking place!
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


'Papers duly purchased so perusal and sudoku await for later, minimal idiot quotient in Tesco but alas the same could not be said of the local road network where today's theme seems to be to ignore solid or broken white lines at road junctions.


Now here's an interesting aside ion the upcoming changes at the time of Brexit.  I seem to recall it was also said we would be leaving the EEA so I wasn't entirely surprised when the lad announced on Friday evening that his employer has in mind getting a Work Permit for Switzerland for him as he spends about one week in every 10 or thereabouts working at the company's HQ in Geneva.  I wonder how many other internationally operating companies whose staff work in more than one country have thought about that one?


Anyway back to the real world and it seems to have rained overnight with the large fluddle in Tesco's approach road offering further confusion to the less brave drivers while just along the main road the local  quilting supplier would seem to be having one of its open Sundays with. cars trying to park or enter their fairly full side turning while a very large coach is blocking one side of the main road having presumably discharged its load of quilting enthusiasts.  Nowhere near as bad as regatta time but still not handy for those trying to get to/from Tesco or to escape the town.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining, but there appears to be a strong breeze from the way the trees are moving about. As per usual for a Sunday we’ve had a lie-in and breakfast in bed. Currently sat in the kitchen with muggertea No2 and I’ll shortly be heading off to the workshop for the day (with the exception of meal breaks).


Andyram. Glad to here the business is starting to pick up.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. This mornings sun seems to be in hiding but its still a bit gusty out there. I mentioned that I'd replaced the old incandescant bulb yesterday and I'm pretty sure that they can be re-cycled but I will check first. Because of the cost of LED bulbs I made a habit of 'buying some in' whenever there was a special offer such as BOGOF, I now have enough to replace all of the bulbs in the house twice over. Thats it for now, muggatee awaits, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


'Papers duly purchased so perusal and sudoku await for later, minimal idiot quotient in Tesco but alas the same could not be said of the local road network where today's theme seems to be to ignore solid or broken white lines at road junctions.


Now here's an interesting aside ion the upcoming changes at the time of Brexit. I seem to recall it was also said we would be leaving the EEA so I wasn't entirely surprised when the lad announced on Friday evening that his employer has in mind getting a Work Permit for Switzerland for him as he spends about one week in every 10 or thereabouts working at the company's HQ in Geneva. I wonder how many other internationally operating companies whose staff work in more than one country have thought about that one?


I shall have to ask my nephew Paul. He is a doing a Cambridge PhD but is based at the Max Planck Institute in Tübingen. However he is spending about 5 months in Zurich later this year on a paid internship at Google. Other nephew’s (lives in Brighton) girlfriend is Romanian but has Italian citizenship. I suppose this week she had been looking for a modern Android phone to register. Edited by Tony_S
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Now here's an interesting aside ion the upcoming changes at the time of Brexit.  I seem to recall it was also said we would be leaving the EEA so I wasn't entirely surprised when the lad announced on Friday evening that his employer has in mind getting a Work Permit for Switzerland for him as he spends about one week in every 10 or thereabouts working at the company's HQ in Geneva.  I wonder how many other internationally operating companies whose staff work in more than one country have thought about that one?



 Why, Switzerland is not in the EEA/EU either. Does Switzerland have hard borders, if not, why all the fuss about the Irish border. My son works for KPMG Germany, is based in the UK but travels all over Europe and has been told that the company will sort out his visas should there be a hard brexit.

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 Why, Switzerland is not in the EEA/EU either. Does Switzerland have hard borders, if not, why all the fuss about the Irish border. My son works for KPMG Germany, is based in the UK but travels all over Europe and has been told that the company will sort out his visas should there be a hard brexit.


I guess that's down to who signed up to the Schengen agreement and who did not. Switzerland did; UK add Eire did not. Eire remains part of the EU post brexit.


Now, if we both signed up to Schengen ...

Edited by JohnDMJ
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