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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here and so is the sky. A bit warmer today and a cloudy day with outbreaks of rain is on the menu.

Phone calls made to contractors yesterday resulting in a visit from our local friendly sparks and appointments made for a roofer tomorrow and 2 window firms on Wednesday. 

Today there will be some (more) shopping for supplies and much domestic work as kids and grandkids are all visiting tomorrow.

This will be followed by lots of rugby as there are 6 games being televised this afternoon.

As far as POETS day went I never got one, in fact most days I was late away doing umpteen hours of (unpaid) overtime. Do I miss it? Not one iota! Judging by the traffic around here  it starts just after lunchtime on Friday.

Hark - I hear footsteps so expect the call of "are you going to sit there all day?" any moment now. *

Have a good one,




* Actually it is now "Time to crack on"

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Started with proper POETS day at Vickers when it was realised that the MoD and the Army went home at lunchtime on Friday.

Same at a big shipyard..customer went home...flexitime meant so did we...


Hope you are all well...


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All 

Drizzling down here this AM, the grumpy SWMBO from yesterday is being nice this morning Daughter No2 +SiL pitched up late

afternoon and we went for a meal in the local restaurant so Her feels as if she has been spoilt easy pleased.

Poets Day around here starts Thursday evening apart from Reg and his missus he's off today after getting home at something past 7:30 pm he

was not back when we retuned from our meal, no doubt he will be clearing the wet leaves up very soon and power washing his car as it is

prepissitating yes he is potty, his missus is at work the slapped @rse will appear just after 4:30pm  she is a lackie in a care home pity the poor

inmates having that big lump throwing you around.


I think I will grab a bit of Snooker as I did yesterday Ronnie is playing Ding the poor little sod quakes when he gets a tie against Ronnie who  

could play in carpet slippers from a mobile arm chair today he is that laid back.

                                                                                                                            Must go I might be back later  R.T.T.Sendar  :biggrin_mini2:

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Late up this morning, we must have needed the rest. Today is the day when I change the filter in the water jug, so whilst that process is going on, I’ll have muggertea No2. Once done, I’m off to the workshop.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


In the past hour we had an 80% chance of heavy rain according to the seaweed wranglers of Exeter - good job they left themselves some wriggle room as we had none at all.  No big plans for today and i doubt I'll be allowed out by herself although my cold and cough does appear to be in a slightly improved mode this morning and I only woke a couple of times for a cough during the night but i might make Tesco tomorrow for the 'papers.  The Good Doctor is currently wielding the upstairs cleaner of vacuum so at least her good side seems to be serviceable (I did the downstairs yesterday so won't be called for a repeat perfomance today).


Have a good day one and all.

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Started with proper POETS day at Vickers when it was realised that the MoD and the Army went home at lunchtime on Friday.

Same at a big shipyard..customer went home...flexitime meant so did we...


Hope you are all well...


In the 70's when I was with Hawker Sidderley  at Brough working on Buccaneers, (thus the advat) the factory always closed down at noon on Fridays. The it was a race to catch the Doncaster- Hull train as apposed to the Brough cattle train. One Friday morning we had visit from an old friend who had left us to work elsewhere.  He just walked onto the train in Hull and then into the factory at Brough! Our charge-hand noticed him and presented with a job he had  not finished when he left us. "Whilst you are here, you can finish this!" was his comment.

Edited by Judge Dread
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,


Planer belt replaced,

Jib club, planing done,

Found there was chip in planer blade leaving raised strips on jib club.

Rotary sander employed,

Two holes drilled in club

Metal work hammered into shape for club, some still to be done.


Blade removed to be turned round, not chipped, split, new blades ordered.



Ben walked on beach, bulldozer has cleared access road, much easier to get on beach.


Kilt and kit collected from its storage place... Works Christmas party tonight!!!


I Think that the cold that SWMBO had, is definitely setting in on me..


Bathroom heater on, I'm going for a soak shortly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back again I wasted 2 hrs of my life this afternoon I was watching frame 5 of the snooker then in a flash the end of frame 8 Her was 

also snoring the other end of the settee I won't spoil it telling you the score but it was worth while to sit and watch itwe even had coffee

and toast when we were both awake, tonights other semi final match should be a good one too Trump v Robinson.

Only a small amount of modelling done today 2 tiny girder bridges constructed and some polystyrene cut.


As it's approaching dinner time I'd better go and lay the table.

                                                                                                                 W.A.Iterr  :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Premium



My absence might have been noticed over recent days.  


The wretched winter germ has almost left me though I still suffer coughing fits.  It has however left me washed up and very tired.  On Monday I stood up from the sofa to get some water as I had a particularly bad tickly coughing fit.  I reached the doorway and then only remember coming to on the hallway floor some ten feet farther on and having fallen heavily against a wooden cabinet on my way down.  I shall never be able to account for the missing distance nor around 10 seconds of my life.  And such things just don't happen to me.  SWMBO was on hand, thankfully, to check if all was well.  All wasn't entirely well as I had struck my cheekbone on the woodwork.  We decided that a momentary lack of oxygen caused by the coughing fit was responsible though I was watched closely for the rest of the evening.


On Tuesday I felt OK but rather subdued and slept after my shift at work.  I have continued this pattern of afternoon sleeps through the week which has resulted in me feeling slightly better though not quite right.


A couple of other events brought things into focus.  It is almost the anniversary of mum's passing and of me being suddenly mantled with the Head of Family role.  While her passing wasn't at all unexpected I have struggled to come to terms with being the older generation.  There has always been someone there, a parent or aunt, and now there is no-one.  As we also never managed to have children there is also no younger generation coming along behind who might in their turn care for us at a time of need.  True my sister has three sons but none is likely as things are to be capable let alone willing to step up should we both be incapacitated.  SWMBO hasn't been well either so this has been a particularly difficult time with no nearby support.


The whims and ways of the younger generations also mean that, at least for now, Neighbours (Upstairs) are out of the frame.  Both are on teaching placements one of which is in Dorset.  Ms. Dorset is also in possession of a shiny new young man and has let it be known that she is fully occupied with him and her placement and has no time for our friendship.  


It makes me wonder what either of us might do should we need someone for as simple a task as a shopping trip or cleaning the house if we became incapable of doing it.  


I have spoken with my sister about how things are.  She plans to visit in a couple of weeks by which time we might also have the estate through or at least be contemplating how to manage the imminent funds.  I also have a long-time friend of similar age to me who seems to be going through some of the same stuff.  She described it as the awakening of a 60-year old body to the realisation that one is not 25 any more yet feels the need for things a 25 year old typically does. And wonders what the heck happened.  We have supported each other through all sorts over the years and I'm sure we can find common ground with this.  I have offered a couple of days when I could meet her and await her reply.


Social media is a strange and cruel beast.  It seems to have gone very quiet out there as well.  Where once I could rely on a good conversation with a number of friends none now seems to answer.  It would be nice to know but there is no way of knowing whether I have been quietly blocked, ignored or whatever.  21st Century problems.


I have a week of annual leave ahead.  That has been assigned by the roster clerk but has fallen well.  I think I need a break with a head full of stuff churning around and making sleep at night unpredictable.  I'll be lurking in the background here too I think, rather than playing a full part.  


As ever best wishes to all, including our sick and injured.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad day at the swap meet, though I only purchased a few diecasts, none of which are to my favoured 00 scale. One was a 1/43 VW splittie camper van from a French partwork, a very nice model at a bargain price. I have several models from the same part-work and they're quite good. The other purchases were a trio of diecast 1/64 American cars from the 50's-60's, excellent models from a company called M-2. I have several models from that company and I'm planning an 'American Diner' diorama to display them. C & C's to all ER's that require them, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

However, Sheila’s diabetic review this morning went very well, so well in fact she is now no longer classified as being a diabetic anymore, she’s not even pre-diabetic. The surgery will continue to monitor her for the condition, but she now only needs to have one blood test/checkup a year instead of the usual two. She was diagnosed as borderline type 2 diabetic in 2002, she was told that if things didn’t improve she would have to start taking medication to control the diabetes. She then had a chat with the surgeries diabetic nurse and she scared the hell out of her when she was told about what could happen if things didn’t change. So she changed her diet the same day and has carefully watched her sugar and fat intake ever. In the intervening 15 years, she has dropped 4 dress sizes bigger and shed 3 1/2. Considering this has all been done through diet alone is, I think a fantastic achievement and I’m absolutely delighted and proud of her.


That is excellent news and a great encouragement to others.


Last August I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (so all my own fault) without any pre-warning or pre diabetes. I have changed my lifestyle and diet and so far my blood pressure, which was very high, has returned to within normal limits, I am much more active than I was and I have lost three stone and so far, eight inches off my waist. I still have a long way to go and I don't know if my blood sugar levels have improved as I will not find out that out until next August.


All well and good, but I'm not half feeling the cold, something which, no doubt due to internal insulation, I never felt in the past.

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Cor, late check in. Errands to run as I was "instructed" to plan dinner - my original "let's get an Indian take-out" was vetoed as NOT planning dinner?!?!?! :O  :jester:


Abortive attempt to buy new printer - ordered online for store pickup, 3 available, arrive at store and they can't find "them" suggest I order it online. :(

Order from same store/online orders when I got home, result.


-13 all day so far here but sunny -13 also the stated high. -19 expected overnight.


Enjoy Saturday, what's left of it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

I took Aditi down to the station and decided to collect out prescriptions afterwards,from our usually very efficient pharmacy. Queued for an hour, got mine, can’t find Aditi’s though it had been processed. Just two pharmacists, no assistants , boxes everywhere. New computer system apparently. Come back Tuesday.

I then went to collect some items ordered online at Waitrose and did some other shopping.

This evening I collected Aditi from the railway station after her day out. She had really enjoyed the ballet performance (Manon).

We are off to Mersea Island tomorrow. The tide should have gone down enough for us to be there for lunch. There are YouTube videos of people in cars stranded on “The Strood” as the causeway is called. I don’t intend to be one.


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  • RMweb Premium

That is excellent news and a great encouragement to others.

Last August I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (so all my own fault) without any pre-warning or pre diabetes. I have changed my lifestyle and diet and so far my blood pressure, which was very high, has returned to within normal limits, I am much more active than I was and I have lost three stone and so far, eight inches off my waist. I still have a long way to go and I don't know if my blood sugar levels have improved as I will not find out that out until next August.

All well and good, but I'm not half feeling the cold, something which, no doubt due to internal insulation, I never felt in the past.

My type 2 has come down through the family..bot do I feel the cold too! Keep well wrapped up BoD.


Goodnight all!


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, been a bright clear sunny but cold day here. Decided to visit the City of Canterbury MRC annual show held on the outskirts of Canterbury. Have a choice of two buses, No. 16 Stagecoach Gold which uses the A260/A2 or the No.17 which uses the Elham Valley and decided on the No.17 which I have not used for ages. Was interesting sitting on top deck and seeing clear indications of where the Elham Valley Railway ran, something you can't do sitting in a car.


Decided to pop into Canterbury first and get some lunch at the Golden Arches. Managed to work out the touch screen ordering machine and do a contact-free payment and request table delivery service. Everything went well until I went for my latte and somehow knocked it across the table loosing the contents to the floor. Bit of a mess but the first action of one of the staff was to get me a replacement latte.


The show was quite crowded when I got there and there seemed to be more young families than of late - due to the TV programme? Spent a long time in front of Tonbridge West Yard which was making its last public appearance before retiring from the exhibition circuit - its been going for just on 30 years. Collected some sound-fitted locos from Coastal DCC (fitting too fiddly to do myself!) and some bits from Kent Garden Railways before heading back home on the No.17.


It's interesting reading postings regarding what's going to happen as we get older and end up having to look after themselves. In a way I'm already prepared for that having always lived on my own apart from the few years when I returned home to the UK to live with Mum. We had five good years together until Mum got Alzheimers and that was goodbye to five years but something that I do not regret doing. I never thought I would have to wash my own Mum's backside but somehow I did.


Planning for the future really started in 1982 when I purchased the house (perk of working for a bank) I'm now living in. I chose a chalet bungalow on flat ground, with the station a 10 minutes walk, regular buses less than 10 minutes away going to town and GP surgery close at hand. Walking to town only takes 20 minutes. I would liked to have somewhere rural which is fine when you are young and fit but not when you get older.


So, if I have to give up the car, I can still get to town by foot to do the necessary shopping etc. When I had an extension put on the house it included a large front porch that can accommodate an electric scooter so I can park up and enter my house by the front door. Also had a new downstairs bathroom with two basins (needed following the experience of having to wash my Mum with only one basin available) and space for a sit-down wet room/shower area.


Only thing that concerns me know is what happens if I fall or have an accident at night time when I've locked the place up. My brother has duplicate keys but he lives up in Lincoln. Have not reached the stage of having pendant around my neck but am thinking of having a security key box on the outside wall so that the emergency services can gain access. Have to find out how this system works as am really keen on leaving duplicate keys with the neighbours.


See its nearly midnight. Time to hit the sack. Pleasant dreams.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


I have a more successful day in the workshop today. Work has restarted on the old Langley L class loco, which I started some time ago. I completed most of the body and the chassis modifications back then, but life got in the way and the project was shelved. So I thought I’d make a start on the valve gear, however, this is a first for me as I’ve never built any sort of valve gear before. So far I’ve built up one of the cross heads as well the corresponding slide bars. The cross heads were quite fiddly, as they’re made up of 3 separate parts, plus the piston rod. I managed to finally get it working very nicely, but it did need quite a bit of work with a file and emery paper. I’ve made a start on the second cross head but gave up part way as it was getting late, I’ll continue with that tomorrow.


BoD Sheila really feels the cold now, more than ever before!


Goodnight all

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Good morning one and all


It was a good day at Whittlesey Straw Bear yesterday although the temperature dropped steadily after I left Bedford.  Several chums were there in one capacity or another, in some cases playing unfamiliar instruments.  I was impressed by Harlequin Morris, whose name comes from each member wearing shirts of a different colour and who injected long overdue high energy into Cotswold morris.  The North West style was well represented but one of Mortimers fell over, leaving Customs and Exiles to come through as best drilled side.  Gentle reader, I get the feeling that all this means absolutely nothing to you!  Very meaningful, on the other hand, was the concert by Greg Russell.  He has taken up “So Strong” by Labi Siffre, which has lost none of its relevance of over 35 years.  I do wish he would record it.


None of this excitement today, folks.   I have work to do which include cooking a steak for lunch and further preparation for my trip of a lifetime.  It will be amazing how quickly three weeks passes.


Continuing warm thoughts to John and Sandy and to all others in distress or missing



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