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  • RMweb Premium

Although the accident may be his fault , you can hardlly say he made contact with the other car , as pulling out of a junction, with a car that heavy he would have hardly been moving. Almost certainly the kia was going along the road at some speed when it hit him.


Since the report is of him coming out of an estate road, which, in the main picture used in the reports, is on the left of the shot with all the cars parked on it. it would seem the Landrover is still facing in the direction it came out of the junction pushed sideways and along the road, but toppled towards the car that hit him. That car being straight on in the bushes..


The map linked should show the junction in the middle of the picture, him coming off the minor road, probably to cross the A149 road onto the B1439 to head back to Sandringham.


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  • RMweb Gold


One for Jamie to remind him of home - Cultural Development of Wakefield . . !






There is one for the Thames Estuary on the Kent side.

The Kent Thames Estuary - £4.3 million: To help develop a globally-significant creative production corridor.

Is that the new name for Operation Stack?

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POETS... yeeessss


Taking the later flight home yesterday reminded me WHY I prefer not to <sigh>. Just makes it such a long day. :O


Light day planned then POE ;)


-13 first thing, back to proper COLD weather. Should reach a balmy -11 (though it's not changed from -13 in the last 3 hours) with some light snow later this afternoon.


Enjoy the start of the weekend, where possible.

Edited by Ian Abel
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I bought something like that in Costco couple of years ago. I'll need to find them before I can tell you brand. I didn't like them much. Before that I had springy things that I did like but they didn't last very long.


No paw patrol today here. Freezing rain and the highways were a mess. MrsID set off to go to her art association meeting but she turned back.

They are Snow Trax. The ones I have tend to fall off my boots. I should probably have returned them to Costco but it's a bit late for that now.

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POETS... yeeessss

What does that mean?


I mean of course the concept, not the literal acronym.


I see people do this, but somehow I rarely ever feels like it applies to me. The last time I left the office early was on the Thursday before the New Year's long weekend, having taken time off for the Friday falling on the next day. Despite having sat in the office on Boxing Day and then most of Thursday when absolutely nothg happened, my 'phone rang with a three alarm emergency the minute I walked through the door at home.


It doesn't help having a weekly report that is due on Fridays. (Sometimes these don't get shipped until Sunday night.)

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Not much to report here - a busy and in large part successful week.


One thing I did want to say is a huge well done to Brian's Sheila. An amazing achievement and perseverance. 

And if I'm not mistaken I believe this is the second good bit of health-related news this week in their household. 

I'm delighted for you both. 


Cheers. Andy

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POETS... yeeessss


Enjoy the start of the weekend, where possible.


In my case, POTS day; the hours are the same all week! No 'E' anywhere in sight!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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What does that mean?


I see people do this, but somehow I rarely ever feels like it applies to me. The last time I left the office early was on the Thursday before the New Year's long weekend, having taken time off for the Friday falling on the next day. Despite having sat in the office on Boxing Day and then most of Thursday when absolutely nothg happened, my 'phone rang with a three alarm emergency the minute I walked through the door at home.


It doesn't help having a weekly report that is due on Fridays. (Sometimes these don't get shipped until Sunday night.)


We have POTS day; note there is no E!


2016 - 2017 transition, I was barred from taking my usual leave to spend time in Switzerland, so I offered the shop manager the deal that I would cover any member of shop staff who had family to give them time off over the period. This worked.


I even offered to attend the office on 25 Dec and 1 Jan to take any phone calls; this offer was refused so I had to suffer both days at home alone.

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  • RMweb Gold

What does that mean?


I mean of course the concept, not the literal acronym.


I see people do this, but somehow I rarely ever feels like it applies to me. The last time I left the office early was on the Thursday before the New Year's long weekend, having taken time off for the Friday falling on the next day. Despite having sat in the office on Boxing Day and then most of Thursday when absolutely nothg happened, my 'phone rang with a three alarm emergency the minute I walked through the door at home.


It doesn't help having a weekly report that is due on Fridays. (Sometimes these don't get shipped until Sunday night.)


The concept seems to definitely apply in Reading.  We avoid going to the trainspotting branch of Waitrose on a Friday and if we are forced into doing so by lack of whatever we need to be clear by about 13.30-14.00 or we get caught in the additional POETS traffic.  It used to start around 16.00-16.30 but it has gradually got earlier and earlier so nowadays it's going well by about 14.30 - 15.00; many people seem to be basically working no more than a half day..

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


My shopping trip to the Trafford Centre went very well, in fact I was only out of the house for just over an hour and that included my trip to the butchers, which was very busy! Once I’d got home, the shopping was all stored away and I then finished making the cake which I’d started last night. This nicely brought about dinner time, whilst clearing away after dinner I noticed we had quite a few birds in the garden, there was one I didn’t recognise so I had to look that one up, below is a list of what I saw today.





Collared dove



Long tailed tit





And for the first time a Brambling.


We could also see crows in the school field behind the garden.


This evening’s curry went down well with everyone and not a bit was left, not even the rice, which I tend to make too much of. The evening was then rounded of with a nice bottle of red.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening awl,

I hope I never I never have to deal with anything like JC and Sandy I'm neither a good "nurse" nor patient.. I wish them the best for their future


I notice the bill board for the local weekly paper said "Stalham old railway line to be turned into foot path.. Well the majority of the old railway line is now the A149, with another bit that is already a foot path. So where they are talking about I have no idea.

Heard of the A149 recently? Well it's the same road as the Duke crashed on, but we are 67miles on that road from sandringham.


This evening I have used a couple of miles of the A149, on the way to the MRC even further from sandringham. Well attended tonight even though we have a couple off with that cough and cold that's going round.

My planned work was completed successfully .


I received today a tube with some Scottish region colour, vinyl totem stickers I'd ordered, the top line says, "Scottish highlands and Islands, N gauge "

The middle line says "TIREE"

The bottom line says" in memory of Mr Derek Clarke and Mr Harry Nudd" the two consecutive previous owners of the layout..

The sticker look good and will go on the lighting pelmet when built.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.

We went to a matinee showing at the local multiplex today. A grand total of 8 people in the theatre.

I'd played soccer in the morning, and had done a lot of running. After about an hour of sitting still, both my hamstrings cramped at the same time. I watched the remainder of the movie walking up and down at the back of the theatre.

Interesting movie, though - Vice.

Ray booked tickets for an evening showing of the film Stan and Ollie in Galeri, Caernarfon with 30 in the cinema.  (There were far less at last year's afternoon visit to the multiplex at Llandudno Junction.)

Tonight's film was better than expected so an enjoyable evening.


' Night all and nos da.

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Good morning one and all


It’s a flying visit today as I’m off to Whittlesey for the Straw Bear festival, featuring some fine dance sides.  Yesterday I bought my flight bag, though not at Debenhams.  It should be plenty big enough for my medication.  Postie brought my new credit card and the SIM for the phone.  The arrangements for keeping my old number worked smoothly but accustoming myself to how the phone works was less simple.  Fortunately a kind friend has offered to talk me through it next week.  I hope that the day we have set aside will be sufficient.


Continuing warm thoughts to John and Sandy and to all others in distress or missing



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  • RMweb Premium

The concept seems to definitely apply in Reading.  We avoid going to the trainspotting branch of Waitrose on a Friday and if we are forced into doing so by lack of whatever we need to be clear by about 13.30-14.00 or we get caught in the additional POETS traffic.  It used to start around 16.00-16.30 but it has gradually got earlier and earlier so nowadays it's going well by about 14.30 - 15.00; many people seem to be basically working no more than a half day..

My anecdotal evidence about POETS was Friday afternoon traffic jams on the M62. Other weekdays the westbound carriageway used to get solid near us at Junction 27 at about 4pm. On Fridays it was 3pm.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning from our quiet little corner of France. Not a lot is happening at the moment though it looks rather cloudy and dull outside. Cupboard doors will be re fitted soon. Beth is still in bed after a rather disturbed night with bad joint pain. I suspect that not a lot will be on the agenda today.



Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, inner Temple hare,


Poets I don't get one, but a couple of years ago the new build side of the factory switched to working an extra 1/2 hour Monday to Thursday, and 2 hours off Friday afternoon.


Very late to bed last night that resulted in a solid 5 hour sleep, and about another hour on the sofa. The hour would have been longer but I was woken by a 3 lorry artic convoy, 6feet from the front of the house. They went down to the farm to turn, then one came back, and I was treated to the thunder of sugar beet dropping into an empty tin box. This will continue all day until the beet is gone..


This woke Ben the Border Collie as well, and surprisingly he wanted out even with the loud noise.

It's very crunchy grass out there, It was mildly crunchy when when I got home from the MRC last night. It's unusually chilly in here, SWMBO ashed up the stove last night, but with the lack of wind outside, too much and it's almost out.


More thunder another lorry starts filling..


The fire has been wound up I'm awaiting heat, so in the mean time the debate is.. Bacon butty or porridge .


Cough.. Ah sore throat, porridge sadly without Amber liquid I have to drive later.



Time to head for the kitchen...

Edited by TheQ
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Morning all. Hope everyone is well? if not, speedy recoveries or sympathies as appropriate.


Surprisingly awake at a time some might call morning, I'll be off to bed soon however as insomnia has been rearing its head recently a bit.


Having spent the Christmas/New Year period at my partner's house, being back home alone at my cold flat is a bit lonesome, especially as there is no dog named Poppy wanting to lick my ear holes at 7am each morning ... strange how you get used to the company of a dog when you've never had that previously, couldn't imagine not having a dog now really! Still I'll see her Monday when my partner comes over to help the tidy up of my flat (we managed to clear a corner of the living room so there is room for the airbrush and spray booth (christmas gift) to be set up now, just need a longer exhaust hose for the booth now to reach the window, some more tidying of the bedroom and I should be able to be set up in that corner for both model making and jewellery work without having to try to find room on my often overcrowded desk!



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