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Good evening folks


I’ve had a bit of a frustrating day in the workshop today, nothing I seemed to do went right, so I gave up and decided to tidy the workbench instead.


However, Sheila’s diabetic review this morning went very well, so well in fact she is now no longer classified as being a diabetic anymore, she’s not even pre-diabetic. The surgery will continue to monitor her for the condition, but she now only needs to have one blood test/checkup a year instead of the usual two. She was diagnosed as borderline type 2 diabetic in 2002, she was told that if things didn’t improve she would have to start taking medication to control the diabetes. She then had a chat with the surgeries diabetic nurse and she scared the hell out of her when she was told about what could happen if things didn’t change. So she changed her diet the same day and has carefully watched her sugar and fat intake ever. In the intervening 15 years, she has dropped 4 dress sizes bigger and shed 3 1/2. Considering this has all been done through diet alone is, I think a fantastic achievement and I’m absolutely delighted and proud of her.


So far 2019 is being very kind to us both, long may it continue.


Goodnight all

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After having serious problems walking on ice a couple of years ago I purchased a couple of different traction appliances to affix to the bottom of my boots. I can't recommend either of them, because we haven't had any freezing rain or impacted snow in the last two years and I've not had a chance to try them out. I am still hoping they will be useful.


Unless your Sainsbury's has a topology that is different to supermarkets that I am familiar with, surely an Eulerian path is possible? (That of course presumes knowing which aisles one has to visit, wherein the trouble lies.)

I'll be interested in any reports you have on those items, and which you invested in. The Mrs, being an avid walker (speedy too!!) heard about a similar thing form friends and is interested in pursuing something...

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I'll be interested in any reports you have on those items, and which you invested in. The Mrs, being an avid walker (speedy too!!) heard about a similar thing form friends and is interested in pursuing something...

Ian, one of them was a Yaktrax product - but I haven't tested it. I'll try to look up the other one when I get a chance.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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I'll be interested in any reports you have on those items, and which you invested in. The Mrs, being an avid walker (speedy too!!) heard about a similar thing form friends and is interested in pursuing something...


I bought something like that in Costco couple of years ago. I'll need to find them before I can tell you brand. I didn't like them much. Before that I had springy things that I did like but they didn't last very long.


No paw patrol today here. Freezing rain and the highways were a mess. MrsID set off to go to her art association meeting but she turned back.

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We went to a matinee showing at the local multiplex today. A grand total of 8 people in the theatre.


I'd played soccer in the morning, and had done a lot of running. After about an hour of sitting still, both my hamstrings cramped at the same time. I watched the remainder of the movie walking up and down at the back of the theatre.


Interesting movie, though - Vice.

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Morning All,


It is a fairly cold morning today.  However, we seem to have avoided snow (for the moment).


Coffee has been consumed, and I guess it is time to make a start on a few things.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all


A more relaxed start to the morning than yesterday! Cold out and looks like a thick frost on car. Was supposed to get down to -4 last night, although I'm not sure if it actually did get that far.


Muggacoffee on the go, the girls to get up and dressed next. Roll on 4.30!

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

Another poor nights sleep, I couldn't get away to sleep for ages, as brain was racing on totally irrelevant things.I did however get 5 hours solid, but with no dozing after, it was too late.


On leaving for  they were gritting the industrial estate, I've never seen them do that before. Once home I went down to the mobile home to check the anti frost heater, Just as well I did as SWMBO had left all the internal doors open and that little heater has no chance of keeping the whole building from freezing , just the kitchen and bathroom.


I also went in the allyway and put the power tool batteries on their chargers, as the temperture drops the voltage will drop, the chargers will then try to charge the batteries and keep them warm. Batteries don't like freezing. 

What I forgot to do was pick up the brackets I built last weekend, I'll have to remember when I get home as I need them at the MRC tonight.


I've just ordered some waterproof cloth, to make covers for the exhibition layout, I was thinking of tartan, but it was way too expensive. So a green has been chosen, 10 Metres will provide enough for the covers and to hide the open area between the trollies.


It was definately start the car before Ben the Border Collies patrol, very crunchy grass too, the windows had only half defrosted by the time we were back.

It was noticable the frost was very patchy on the way in, some areas heavily frosted some with nothing. Someone who left their car at work overnight has now got a frosted car with additional tiny snowy lumps.


I'm supposed to start calibrating again one of the new systems for the soon to be released product, however someone has put them on programmes last night and they are still running.


The cross check run on this weeks system is nearly finished, so I've already prepared the spreadsheet for the results this morning, it's sat behind this page waiting.


Time 2 go wander down the lab and see if the cross check has finished.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

Another poor nights sleep, I couldn't get away to sleep for ages, as brain was racing on totally irrelevant things.I did however get 5 hours solid, but with no dozing after, it was too late.


On leaving for  they were gritting the industrial estate, I've never seen them do that before. Once home I went down to the mobile home to check the anti frost heater, Just as well I did as SWMBO had left all the internal doors open and that little heater has no chance of keeping the whole building from freezing , just the kitchen and bathroom.


I also went in the allyway and put the power tool batteries on their chargers, as the temperture drops the voltage will drop, the chargers will then try to charge the batteries and keep them warm. Batteries don't like freezing. 

What I forgot to do was pick up the brackets I built last weekend, I'll have to remember when I get home as I need them at the MRC tonight.


I've just ordered some waterproof cloth, to make covers for the exhibition layout, I was thinking of tartan, but it was way too expensive. So a green has been chosen, 10 Metres will provide enough for the covers and to hide the open area between the trollies.


It was definately start the car before Ben the Border Collies patrol, very crunchy grass too, the windows had only half defrosted by the time we were back.

It was noticable the frost was very patchy on the way in, some areas heavily frosted some with nothing. Someone who left their car at work overnight has now got a frosted car with additional tiny snowy lumps.


I'm supposed to start calibrating again one of the new systems for the soon to be released product, however someone has put them on programmes last night and they are still running.


The cross check run on this weeks system is nearly finished, so I've already prepared the spreadsheet for the results this morning, it's sat behind this page waiting.


Time 2 go wander down the lab and see if the cross check has finished.


At least you didn't get clonked by The Duke. Will his missus be taking the keys away?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A slightly colder start to the day here at 0oC. There's some frost on the cars and according to the forecasters it should stay dry for most of the day but a chance of rain or sleet later.

A very pleasant window salesman came yesterday and The Boss liked him so much she wants us to use his firm. They were recommended by friends. We shall see.  A very detailed quote arrived at 7.00pm and is bang on my guesstimate. 

More phone calls and appointments to be made with other contractors today.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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At least you didn't get clonked by The Duke. Will his missus be taking the keys away?

Strangely it's reported on the local radio that the local council has a planned meeting today, to discuss putting a lower limit on that section of road..


I do know that section of road as some route planners take me that way if I'm heading north, it's much more scenic that way., However it's actually quicker to go south first and around Norwich.


The two basic alternatives  are:

Tthe Duke didn't see the car coming so it was his fault for pulling out, in which case I pretty sure HMtQ will take the keys away  (off the estate).


Or the little car was speeding, So the Duke had no chance of avoiding it, the TV reported that the Dukes Freelander weight is 2.5Tons, which would suggest it's armoured, which wouldn't be a surprise. In which case in order to turn it over, the little Kia must have been at the limit or higher. I suppose we'll find out if the Duke hands his licence in, I know some people haven't been charged if they do that..


I'm sure that if it's the Dukes Fault, the Queens insurance will be very generous in sorting out for the couple in the car, who although taken to hospital were released fairly soon after.


Meanwhile there was nearly an accident in front of me this morning, at the exit to a roundabout, a transit mini lorry and a car. Both legally in their lanes (3 on this roundabout) making for the same exit which has a merge length of 1 car. The car braked heavily to avoid an accident, I was in the third lane, luckily a little way back, as I was going for that exit too..

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I was wondering of the DofE would get done for due care & attention - somehow I doubt it!


It was very cold overnight here but improved to 4c by breakfast as it clouded over.  Wind is getting up a bit as dawn arrives, suspect it will have those razor blades in it again so it will be the car to the old farts bike club I think!

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Dropped my other half at station but no Thameslink worms heading North due to a power supply outage at Three Bridges in the two platforms our services from Horsham use.


So she was on a 4 car Southern service to VIC. Shes going ot be quite late into work. I now have two delay repays to complete for her for this week.


Glad I am not commuting.


Today more muddling which includes servicing my old L & B locos. Then draw up track plan for future L & B layout.

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For the first point - didn't;pt know it was icy until I was frictionlessly moving sideways on it.


For the second - Topology is restricted to "Where've they hidden that?"

Don't bother plotting one of those routes, because as soon as you learn where things are they will move some of them. AS discussed on here some time ago it's all part of "marketing strategy".



Good morning from a slightly warmer Charente. Yesterday I had ice on the windscreen at 09.30. Then much of the morning was spent assisting with kitchen cupboard doors and the afternoon was spent with a soldering iron and other tools being used in the shed.



Today more cupboard door jobs this morning. My main task is to clean prime and then paint the hinges, which are external and very visible, then to fit the new handles. Other tasks are above my pay grade. Hopefully I will be able to spend even more time in the shed this afternoon.


Chris, good luck with the new phone and good to see Andyram back posting.


Regards to all.




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Greetings from the frosty confines of Ice Station Zebra boring borough. 


John, catching up on your blog. Really looking forward to a happy conclusion. As for your vanishing pastries. I think your patisserie fairy must be related to the ice cream fairy that lives in our freezer. Nanny State has improved greatly from when BD first launched it. Back then it was like hop brewed tea. 


Brian, congratulations to Shelia. That is quite an accomplishment. As you said a good start to the year. 


AndyRam, nice to see you back and posting. Keep that damn dog locked away. 


In the news today, MiL and BiL are headed this way in May for 5 weeks. The temptation is to barricade myself in the shed. BiL has a list of places and things he wants to do and see. Trouble is fitting them all in and the cost. (Berlin, Praha, Paris, Amsterdam, Inverness for a concert, Manchester, York) I've come up with a partial solution with a 7 day 6 night trip. Boring Borough > Brussels > Köln > Berlin > Praha on trains then fly back on QueasyJet. Getting to Köln is the easy part with Eurostar and Thalys (as I have points on both) Can anyone suggest the best way of booking the trains from  Köln to Berlin and Praha? Cheap tickets, DB or through another? Would a rail pass be best? 


Meanwhile the siren's call of the coffee makers (yes, plural) have become too seductive. No pods in this household. Fresh ground only. I must not resist any longer. 


Enjoy the day. TFIF

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Good morning everyone


It’s been cold overnight, -1C here when I got up but currently 1C so I’ll have to defrost the car before setting off to the Trafford Centre, but a large bottle of hot water (not boiling water) will soon sort that out, it has the added advantage of clearing away the insides of the windows too! On my way back from the TC I’ll call at the butchers for our weekly meat rations and hopefully I’ll pick up a pastie for dinner.


This evening we have James and Amelia coming for tea, some of the curry sauce will be used along with some homemade pilau rice, sag aloo and the naan breads which I’ll pick up whilst I’m out.


Back later.

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Greetings from the frosty confines of Ice Station Zebra boring borough. 


John, catching up on your blog. Really looking forward to a happy conclusion. As for your vanishing pastries. I think your patisserie fairy must be related to the ice cream fairy that lives in our freezer. Nanny State has improved greatly from when BD first launched it. Back then it was like hop brewed tea. 


Brian, congratulations to Shelia. That is quite an accomplishment. As you said a good start to the year. 


AndyRam, nice to see you back and posting. Keep that damn dog locked away. 


In the news today, MiL and BiL are headed this way in May for 5 weeks. The temptation is to barricade myself in the shed. BiL has a list of places and things he wants to do and see. Trouble is fitting them all in and the cost. (Berlin, Praha, Paris, Amsterdam, Inverness for a concert, Manchester, York) I've come up with a partial solution with a 7 day 6 night trip. Boring Borough > Brussels > Köln > Berlin > Praha on trains then fly back on QueasyJet. Getting to Köln is the easy part with Eurostar and Thalys (as I have points on both) Can anyone suggest the best way of booking the trains from  Köln to Berlin and Praha? Cheap tickets, DB or through another? Would a rail pass be best? 


Meanwhile the siren's call of the coffee makers (yes, plural) have become too seductive. No pods in this household. Fresh ground only. I must not resist any longer. 


Enjoy the day. TFIF




Any trips into /out of  Germany I use DB website. However in and out of Czech Republic I use www.cd.cz select English option then book through them - much cheaper than booking same train on DB and is how we book such tickets. How about flying out on Squeezyjet then train back as that will mean no restrictions on bottles.

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Morning All


And greetings from a not quite so chilly village as I had expected this morning.  Just as well, as 30747's lift to work is still off sick, so I had to take her in again,  However, even though I put a cover on the car, it was not needed, as the temperature was zero, and there had been no frost overnight.  This is the third occasion recently when I've been led to believe that it would be freezing and hasn't been - not that I'm complaining.


All posts have been read and rated, and generic greetings are on offer to the ailing, suffering, and celebrating.


Got to take the car to tyre depot this morning, as one of my tyres keeps going down,


Back later/tomorrow

Regards to All


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Morning All

Heavy frost on the car last night don't know when it went it was still there at 5:30am


Nothing planned today so more modelling will be done and a peak at pastures new.


must get on SWMBO has fired warning shots.

                                                                          I'll be back Arnie                                                                          

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The DofE's accident was all over the news last night, even pushed B**x*t into second place. As a normal Range Rover weighs in at about two tons I wonder if that extra half ton of armour contributed to the vehicle rolling over. Interestingly I have the same model of car (different badges) as the other vehicle involved and I'm not surprised that the occupants were not badly hurt as they are very strongly built.


For the first point - didn't;pt know it was icy until I was frictionlessly moving sideways on it.

For the second - Topology is restricted to "Where've they hidden that?"

When I moved to Burnham-on- Crouch the first winter there (1984) we were snowed in for a week. I needed some wellingtons but the only places in town likely to stock anything suitable were the boat chandlers. They only had sailing boots, about twice the price of normal wellingtons so I had to purchased a pair. I was pleased that I did as wearing them I could easily walk accross almost any icy surface, the soles so designed for use on a heaving ice covered deck so in the end it was a good buy. In fact I still have them but they haven't been needed for a few years now. As Jamie said, as soon as you find a route around the supermarkets to the things that you want they re-arrange everything and you need to find a new route.

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Strangely it's reported on the local radio that the local council has a planned meeting today, to discuss putting a lower limit on that section of road..


I do know that section of road as some route planners take me that way if I'm heading north, it's much more scenic that way., However it's actually quicker to go south first and around Norwich.


The two basic alternatives  are:

Tthe Duke didn't see the car coming so it was his fault for pulling out, in which case I pretty sure HMtQ will take the keys away  (off the estate).


Or the little car was speeding, So the Duke had no chance of avoiding it, the TV reported that the Dukes Freelander weight is 2.5Tons, which would suggest it's armoured, which wouldn't be a surprise. In which case in order to turn it over, the little Kia must have been at the limit or higher. I suppose we'll find out if the Duke hands his licence in, I know some people haven't been charged if they do that..


I'm sure that if it's the Dukes Fault, the Queens insurance will be very generous in sorting out for the couple in the car, who although taken to hospital were released fairly soon after.


Meanwhile there was nearly an accident in front of me this morning, at the exit to a roundabout, a transit mini lorry and a car. Both legally in their lanes (3 on this roundabout) making for the same exit which has a merge length of 1 car. The car braked heavily to avoid an accident, I was in the third lane, luckily a little way back, as I was going for that exit too..

Is it possible he rolled it himself, exciting the driveway slightly fast and maybe attempting a turn?

We were behind a car near Totnes once in a country lane with no other car or obstacle and the car ended up on its side. We pushed it back onto its wheels and off it went.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Andrew worth a look around - my lad has picked up some real bargains on the OBB site in the past, particularly for trips in/through Germany, but the DB site is one of the best for use.

We have a slight frost this morning which means the frozen snow on the lawn has been re-frozen, this will no doubt continue until overnight temperatures rise and/or the sun gets to more of the lawn.  As the Good Doctor s basically confined to barracks the gamers will be coming here this afternoon - altogether there will be four of them so we can hope that the board games they will be playing won't encourage too much laughter or cussing;  all very modern of course this board game business although from what I've seen of a couple of them they don't seem to be necessarily brilliantly clever.


Tea is on the near horizon judging by noises from the kitchen.


Have a good day one and all 

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Is it possible he rolled it himself, exciting the driveway slightly fast and maybe attempting a turn?

We were behind a car near Totnes once in a country lane with no other car or obstacle and the car ended up on its side. We pushed it back onto its wheels and off it went.

I'm not expert accident investigator but I wondered if he had pulled out, seen the approaching car and then turned too quickly to try and avoid the oncoming car. Whether in the circumstances it will ever come out in the wash I doubt. I also wondered about the effect on stability of extra added weight. On a slightly related topic , when my son was in the guards and did duty at Windsor. Apparently they all tried to get on beats out of the way when HM was known to be driving around the estate.



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Is it possible he rolled it himself, exciting the driveway slightly fast and maybe attempting a turn?

We were behind a car near Totnes once in a country lane with no other car or obstacle and the car ended up on its side. We pushed it back onto its wheels and off it went.

But he made contact with the other car. Its very easy for even a heavy car to be turned over if it is moving, it only requires a light tap in the wrong place to 'unbalance' a car. Many years ago my car was struck in such a way and ended up on its roof, that car tipped the scales at just over 1700 kilogrammes, the initial collision left a dent no bigger than my hand. The only injury was a cut finger on the broken glass.

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