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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Hope you are all as well as you can be given your own circumstances.


I have just opened a nice bottle of wine to sip at whilst I prepared our evening meal - a beef goulash. Apparently it now has to go in the oven for a couple of hours. Opening the bottle now may well turn this into a long, although not unpleasant, evening - especially as there is a cheese board to follow. Ah well, we all have to suffer occasionally.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well boy's :crazy:  :crazy:  those of "The AWL" sect :this: your beloved leader has spoken bless her, who will be the first one to go weak at the knee's with some groveling apology  :unknw_mini:  :unknw_mini:

for being naughty and showing photo's of railways and discussing the finer points of modeling. :biggrin_mini2: 


Btw Debs :tender: it's nice to see you posting & I hope you are getting better. :good:  

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

I would mention that I built my own shed and I don't mean from a kit. It's vastly cheaper, however, I'm glad I did it some time ago, as my back would not permit it now.


I also would not recommend it to GDB with his record...


Sunday is sailing day so here goes...


Wind north westerly, later north north westerly, gusting 40mph, with an average of 27 average according to the club windspeed meter.


Due to the high winds a very reduced fleet just 3 of us and a dozen dinghies.


Course 3p, 1p, 2p, 4laps to keep us in sight of the rescue boats and club house.


Race 1,

A good start in first place, with one boat half between us and the wind. We set off just holding the lead, after about a hundred yards it pulled off and went back to the club as it's jib fell half down.


So we set off slowly increasing distance on the other boat. On rounding buoy 3, it was definitely not up spinnaker time, as the wind was too strong.

We still increased the gap down to buoy one, and back to two.


On the first tack of the second lap, just as we tacked we were hit by a huge gust and suffered a knock down. The mast didn't hit the water, but the tip was maybe 5ft off. We took a huge amount of water, we righted and sailed on no longer gaining distance. We held the lead for the rest of the lap but going from, 1 to 2 short tacking all that water was washing side to side, and the boat was near uncontrollable, we therefore retired to bail out.


Race 2,

We started badly in third place, thirty feet from the second place boat, 60 from the first. We rapidly caught and over took the second place boat. After rounding buoy 3, we slowly caught the leader, until we were right behind them at buoy 1. On rounding buoy 1, being behind we got their dirty air and couldn't get a good tack in. We dropped back, and we're back to a 60ft gap at the start of lap 2..


So off we went again, and the entire lap repeated itself so...


On to lap three, we were a bit closer at buoy 3,so on the run down to club corner we came alongside. But on rounding the corner we were clear ahead, they were able to turn inside us and and a puff of wind gave them an overlap. They then we're blocking our wind and overtook by buoy 1.


On to lap 4, we held position all the way round to buoy 1 again, they got a good wind off the buoy and went a long way up river.



I should explain at this point that on the left hand bank up river from the club there is a long line of trees and bushes. This when going between buoys 1 and 2 gives a serious wind shadow about half way along.


we got blown down toward the bank earlier and tacked across the river. I lost sight of them as they were then behind me, we reached the other bank and tacked up river, they were hidden by the foresail. We then got a good gust of wind and as I looked up we were sweeping past the other boat at some speed I was most surprised. We then went on to round buoy 2 and finish.


Talking to my sailing compatriot, what had happened was they reached the right hand bank and we're forced to tack in the wind shadow. They then realising they were heading for the total wind shadow under the trees on the bank tacked back to go up river. Two tacks in no wind mean no boat speed. We then swept over then blocking the wind further and they were left floundering in the middle of the river while we finished. In 400yards we had gone from 20yards behind to 100yards ahead.


After lunch we discovered no competition left in dinghies or yeoman so after lunch we put the boat away, had another Muggacoffee which washed down a piece of lemon cheesecake. Then going home the rain arrived nicely after all racing..

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Deb’s, nice to see you popping in.


Perhaps I’d better not post any photos of today’s activities.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, and especially to Debs.


Jamie, not the 50's in Peel with those radars on the fishing boats. Late 70's?  The N registered boat is a 'foreigner', no Manx reg numbers in evidence in a quick look.  Trackshack is half a mile from there.


The Mountain Railway shot is at Bungalow, where the lines cross the mountain road, looking down the valley to Laxey.  Edit: If you look closely, there is a second car on its way up, just to the left of the closer one!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening y’awl.


Good to see her Debship brandishing the awl of rebuke.

Best wishes again for John & Sandy. One day at a time.

Weekend of clearing, cleaning, and recycling. Back to work in the morning just for my muscles to recover. Finally removed all the remaining building materials from the shed. That means only 1 thing........... modelling. For the first time in 10 months,I have space and my workbench.




Addendum: several beer genies have been freed from their bottle prisons.

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Gold

BoD Probably a warning about putting wine in the oven.

I've never quite got this cooking in wine or ale lark. I mean, the first thing that is going to happen is that the alcohol will evaporate. What a waste.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've never quite got this cooking in wine or ale lark. I mean, the first thing that is going to happen is that the alcohol will evaporate. What a waste.

It does create different flavours. Aditi found a recipe for a steak and ale pie. Making it with the suggested Black Sheep ale was ok but it was much better with Guinness.

I wouldn’t recommend driving after some of the trifles Aditi used to make.


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  • RMweb Premium

It does create different flavours. Aditi found a recipe for a steak and ale pie. Making it with the suggested Black Sheep ale was ok but it was much better with Guinness.

I wouldn’t recommend driving after some of the trifles Aditi used to make.


I was brought up in a strictly teetotal Methodist family, I don't know what went wrong. However after I had left home and some years later bought my first house my mother and an aunt came for lunch. My signature bachelor dish was a stew and I found that using the yeasty dregs from the bottom of a batch of home brew made a lovely stock for a good stew. My Mum and Aunt both complemented me on the taste of the stew and asked what was in it. I managed to answer the question somewhat obliquely and my poor mother never found out but I still use beer as the main source of stock in stews.



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  • RMweb Gold

Once inadvertently took a mouthful of what turned out to be a beef pie cooked with alcohol rather than a normal beef pie ... an experience I never want again.

I had venison that had been marinaded in coffee in Canada once. At one point deer were looking at us through the window.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Great to see debs back and threatening the various miscreants in our midst (which probably includes me for mentioning St Evenage).  A quiet evening has been had finishing off the chicken from a couple of days back as 'chicken thing'.  These Waitrose pre-cooked chickens are a pretty good bargain - it will have produced 9 adult meals plus the bones and odd bits of skin etc have also resulted in at least 8 very happy Kites carrying out ground collection missions in the back garden - the Red Arrows have nothing on some of their manœuvres.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


When I went to the workshop this morning, it had stopped raining and after about 10 minutes the sun came out. However, it didn’t last as by the time I’d gone in for dinner it was raining again and did so for the rest of the day.


However, I’ve had another productive day in the workshop, I think I’ve put the last of the detail parts on the G16 now. So I’ll give it a good clean sometime during the week and then hopefully I’ll be able to give it a coat of primer so see what if anything needs to be done before the top coats go on.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. John mentioning in his blog that one of his aunts would have been 99 today reminded me that my mum would have been 99 on new years eve. Talking of sell by dates I found some broccoli in the fridge with yesterdays date on it so it was duly added to the Sunday dinner, I'm expecting a windy night tonight. :stinker: 

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Good morning one and all


I had a good day at the Stevenage show yesterday save for having mislaid one of my purchases from the bring and buy!  If anyone comes across a Masokits fret of coaching stock brake gear details I’d love to know where I dropped it.  Elsewhere you may have read that Mike Morley’s aunt considers me to be a gentleman of the old school.  How fortunate, then, that I was not wearing some of my more lurid regalia.  What would she have thought of The Tie?!  I would like to thank Barry O for giving up so much of his time to talk me through a few things in connection with my forthcoming trip down under.


This morning I need to go to the bank.  Ernie has sent me another remittance for £25 which I must pay in and I need to make arrangements to draw cash in four different countries at minimum expense.  After all that I should be ready for my counselling session.


John CB’s chronicle of Sandy’s chemo continues to be compelling reading. Warm thoughts to them and to all in distress or missing 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from down here. It's 8 degrees with a forecast high of 9 today. We went to our Galette De Roi, yesterday. An interesting time. The two cakes each contained a small porcelain figure. Whoever discovers the figure then has to wear a cardboard crown. I had to explain that wearing a crown in France causes me a little stab of fear as I want to keep my head attached to my shoulders. Tea was served without milk (Ugh). The relatively balmy weather even allowed me to spend a little productive time in the shed but as the Awful Awl has made an appearance I will go no further.



Debs, it's great to have you back and good luck with the latest round of treatment. John and Sandy my thoughts are with you.


As the darkness lifts today's plan is starting to emerge. Beth is going to continue painting cupboard doors and I'm heading out to move some timber.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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