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  • RMweb Premium

<Rant Mode ON>

So, a new housing development in the centre of a nearby town resulted in the highways department giving notice of a planned lane closure on a major trunk road. 

The lane closure was to allow vehicles accessing the site an easy run through. For 5 weeks. Starting yesterday.

Cometh the day and cometh the congestion. 


As a result of the lane closure all the normal commuter traffic started to back up - first for about a mile and then about 2 miles. Nice. 

When I passed it - having left 45 minutes earlier to avoid the traffic it was a delay of about half and hour on top of the normal delays. 


So, the question is this. As at 07:00 there were no construction vehicles or any sign of activity on the site whatsoever, why do they put in a 24 per day blockade? 


Also why, should the need to ease the problems for the construction company, come above the needs of thousands of other people trying to get to work to run their businesses. At some point will they realise that their lorries are also stuck in the traffic jam? Over the coming weeks as more people divert into the rat runs delaying the lorries also they may figure out that they would have been better off doing nothing? 


:shout:  :ireful:  :ireful:  :ireful:  :wild:  


<Rant Mode OFF> 

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  • RMweb Gold
Interesting info about how genetics and medication react. One of the medications I have was originally used in cancer treatment and then organ transplants. However it made some people very ill. When I first had it, the method was to try it for six weeks and see what happened. Now there is a genetic test to predict whether or not it is suitable. I too am grateful to,all,those people,who have made these research advances.


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  • RMweb Premium

Is that 2 + 5?


I already have the 2 - I need a new +7

I'm updating one of my HST sets with sliding door Mk3s.




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Today, shopping has been done on a grand scale, but at least it’s done! Tomorrow will see me once again heading of to the swimming pool where I shall expect to see lots of people desperately trying to lose the weight they put on over the festive period, clogging up the swimming lanes. However, by the end of the month it will probably be back to normal, because they’ve not lost any weight and given up, it seems that everyone wants a quick fix!


Goodnight all

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Good morning one and all, with warm thoughts to John and Sandy for today.


Many thanks to all who have contributed advice about hand luggage, local currency and other aspects of my forthcoming trip of a lifetime.  There are bound to be more stoopid questions between now and 8th February when the great adventure begins - drones permitting.  If it were my decision I would take them all out with a bazooka.


The m*d*ll*ng made some progress yesterday in the shed where the layout lives but I found that I could not concentrate after a while.  The reason for that, daft as it may appear, is that I was brooding about an incomplete conversation on Messenger and the train of thought went all over the place.  When I got home I found that, as usual, I need not have worried, for the reply that I craved had been sent earlier in the day.  Only the sender can tell me why it had taken since Saturday evening when the person concerned is active on Messenger several times a day but you and I know that there is no point in asking.  Something nice happened in the pub over dinner.  I was discussing mobile phones with PP because I am considering an upgrade and we will return to that particular can of worms soon enough.  The guy at the next table heard me say that most of the participants on the recent Swiss tour had the railway timetable loaded into their phones.  "Like this?" he said, brandishing his mobile.  It turns out that he lives in Luzern where I spent New Year.


Best wishes to all who are ailing and missing



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Morning All,


We have another damp and chilly morning in this part of the world, but there is only snow on the hills - so nothing down here.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


The usual apology for the lack of posts, life getting in the way of RMWeb again - however, all posts have been read and rated, and a lot of water has gone under the ERs bridge - commiserations to the ailing and congratulations to the celebrating as usual.


John - thanks again for posting your blog - interesting to see that Sandy's chemo is being changed already, and as you say, we must be grateful for the research which has gone into how cancer is diagnosed and treated - let's hope that the new regime is a little easier for Sandy to tolerate, and it is quite hopeful that she might yet not need the wig.


Chilly out this morning, and it appears to be around -2C at the moment.  Writing group this morning, so the car will need to be defrosted, and Lily will need a walk.  30747 is (of course) at work - again she's the one woman sick/holiday cover scheme at hew workplace.  At least she's getting a lift this morning, so I don't need to turn out early.  The sooner they get some more staff the better. 


Back tomorrow (?)

Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It was dark and quite chilly when I put the bin bag out this morning.

Aditi is off to a lecture about harps this morning. I don’t plan to do much while she is out.

Have a good day.


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple here,

Last evening with myself fed and watered, Ben the Border Collie and myself fell asleep on the sofa. We were not awoken until SWMBO came back early from the weaving group. The strong Northerly winds were blowing across the football pitch and cooling the Groups building. So they were getting too cold and packed up early.


This hour and a half plus that sleep I had overnight adds up to  7.5 hours which was good. I awoke several times during the night every time a squall hammered on the windows. Now the wind is to true north, it really hits the house.



The continuing winds are meaning they've raised the flood alert to a warning for the southern half the broads. A peak on the Sailing club web cams show the club is still high and dry. It also shows the men have arrived with barges to renew the club quay heading https://horning-sailing.club/webcams.php


Going home last night and still there this morning is another car on a NDR roundabout. This one has damage on it's left hand side which appears to suggest it was helped onto the roundabout by another vehicle.


The exiting of the head of HR in a huff  has caused another problem. She was the only one who knew how / had access too the company clocking on programme. They are unable to load this years leave allowances/ update the timetable to take account of bank holidays etc. The company are having to arrange a Programme supplier to come in and teach the deputy..


Meanwhile I have this weeks and last weeks major systems on their cross check runs, I'm just waiting at the moment for a 1 Gohm resistor to settle, once a couple more stray resistors are done, I have a whole load of current shunts to do..


Time to... take the second measurement...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but a bit cooler this morning. There may be some sunny periods.

Kids here yesterday after school and were on form so there was lots of noise and laughter .

First task today will be a taxi job to collect SiL Steve from car dealer when he takes Abbie's car in for investigation and repair. First though he's got to get it started so may have to wait for the RAC.

After that I need to do some (a lot of)  financial calculations.

I may even play with some trains later.

Have a good one,


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Morning all.   Chilly outside but still warm inside thanks to the log burner.   Ironing awaits then some work in the garden.   Leaves to collect and compost then some timber to tidy up after the tree felling before Christmas.  


Regards to all.



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Good morning one and all


 Earlier, I discovered that two freshly ironed socks belonging to different pairs have gone missing.  Any further searching is likely to be futile but I know, and you know, that they are in the house somewhere and are bound to turn up.  Yeah, right.


Morning Chris


You can save yourself some time by not ironing socks. Not only that but you'll also be helping to save the planet one step at a time ho-ho



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Good morning all


A very pleasant dawn here, quiet and pink. Now it's almost light, can just about make out the blue in the sky.


Thinking about Sandy's 8hr infusion today. Phew! That's a long time.


A busy day today doing my mum's shopping.

Mind you, one of the most recent to open does overlook a local Heritage Line; you might get lucky and get an apartment overlooking the line!!

My mum lives in a McCarthy and Stone block which backs onto the Edinburgh South Suburban Circle, sadly hers is not one of the flats which looks directly onto the line. I have some thoughts about McC&S; one of their ways of making money is by taking a slice of sale proceeds whenever flats are sold, I believe.


Nothing of note from yesterday, even the "red threads" seemed rather more subdued than I expected.


Carry on...

Thought the 59' Bulleids may have been of interest? I never thought I'd ever see those in r-t-r. Hi Debs, btw!


Have a good day everyone



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s a bit chilly here in the northwest, the workshop roof is covered with frost, so I think it’s hat and gloves when I walk to the swimming pool this morning. Breakfast has been consumed and I’ll be setting off very soon. My first task this morning was to change the light bulb in the bathroom as it popped last night when I was getting ready for bed. So once I’d finished breakfast I got a spare and fitted that, that’s when I found out that it must have tripped the circuit breaker when the light popped!


Thoughts with John and Sandy.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is shining here this morning but its still mighty chilly but evidently there had been a shower overnight. Club night tonight and subs are due so I have to withdraw sufficient funds today. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


The sunshine is gradually clearing away the frost, which I think came down fairly late anyway - I'll check that with the early birds of the household later in the day.   A better m night last night although still inr terrupted by considerable hacking and coughing but not as bad as the previous night.


Chris - a tip about Aus - try to find out which banks in Aus are associated with bank you use here.  I found this out by accident when working in Sydney as i originally drew cash d from whichever machine was convenient when I needed money but I noticed that commission rates varied and it turned out that the bank which had some sort of involvement with Barclays wasn't charging anything like as much commission as various other banks.  they also happened to have a branch on the ground floor of the office building where i was based.


I now have my joining instructions for St Evenage on Saturday where I shall be seeing Baz of this particular corner of RMweb plus various luminaries from other corners;  fingers are crossed that the cold & coughing bug will by then have quietened down.  The train service appears to be total carp which is not encouraging.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning


Woke up again at 2am but did go back to sleep and for once in a long time didnt wake till 7.27am which put me in heavier traffic driving to Mums. I managed ot get there in time to swap cars around on her drive before the builders arrived ot renoew the non glass section of the conservatory ceiling. I also asked them to replace the blown plaster from two small areas of wall which had been affected by a leak form copings above that I appear ot have fixed. they are also fitting new lights into the ceiling.


Back home I have been levelling the area for the new base where the old shed will eventually reside. Ground now needs ot settle for a while before checking the levels then doing the actual base.


My other half still working from home but looks like she will be up for our first few pints of real ale this year this evening.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Chris


You can save yourself some time by not ironing socks. Not only that but you'll also be helping to save the planet one step at a time ho-ho



If socks were fitted with Bluetooth they'd be much easier to pair.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

Up at 6am to see the frost then I had my usual dose of pain killers with coffee and a quick look on the tele-tex or whatever it's called these days

it was back off to bed and woke groggy at 11am, Her had gone out leaving a note saying gone for coffee with friends, I dealt with the mail and

oh dear the credit card bill will be hidden till she is in a good mood there's £zillions in toy train purchases on it. 


Today's sock issue is I don't like wearing them certainly not round the house and when I'm out I only wear those small trainer socks unless it's

extremely cold or if wearing Steelys or Wellium boots then it's something a bit thicker or thermals if I wear thick woolen or those horrible nylon one's 

I get a green haze coming out of the footwear.


I believe "Her" shopping trip will not be ending till Friday afternoon as she needs new small appliances for the kitchen, I received my orders for

the rest of the week last night we are actually going to several local high streets better get the Hiking boots out ready for the off tomorrow.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          enjoy your day what's left of it. S.L.Umberland

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If socks were fitted with Bluetooth they'd be much easier to pair.

My brother-in-law has a lower tech solution; he pairs them back up before they go in the wash.

Greetings all from a greyer and colder LBG; the shard enhanced wind is biting today.


Best wishes to Sandy and John.


I still haven't done my tax return...

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