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  • RMweb Gold

It doesn’t really matter who is first and sometimes before mass communication and the www people were independently developing the same thing. The UK may have only launched one satellite on a British launcher but the UK builds a lot of satellites. This is a solid commercial business. ARM based in Cambridge but worldwide now have an impressive profile in the electronic sector.

And of course according to ministers we can export a lot of jam....


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Sainsbury’s was very quite this morning, despite going WITHOUT the shopping list, I managed to get everything that was on it, except for some new face flannels, so they are now on the list for next week. Once I’d put the shopping away I made myself a muggertea and proceeded to make a dozen red velvet cakes. These were left to cool as we had dinner, they were iced after dinner, ready for Ava, Evie and Max to eat after tea. After tea we all sat down and watched yesterday’s episode of Dr Who.


Goodnight all

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Babbage was there a long time before any electrical "computers"  - and his ideas do work..the IET proved that his first machine worked and his son demonstrated that the programmable machine would have worked ..but just like a lot of things made in Britain a lack of money stopped things being completed...


Without Colossus we were having great difficulty at Bletchley Park decoding some of the German encrypted messages (the USA knew about Colossus as they had a few really good people at Bletchley Park.).. but it all goes to show the USA were not the first in the party..


Stop knocking the UK we can be very proud of our achievements.mainly managed without having vast sums of money thrown at it...Ever heard of Project Mustard.. try reading about the UK Space Shuttle...




Who's knocking the UK?

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Morning All,


We have a rather cold morning in this part of the world.  The temperature is down around freezing, but looks fairly clear.


There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers all. Not really firing on all cylinders yet, so apols for just saying hi for the moment!


Cold outside, too, though at least I don’t need to venture there just yet.


Happy new year to everyone, especially if I shouldn’t have wished you so by other means just yet. :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

5.5 hours sleep plus another couple half asleep on the sofa, being kept awake by Ben the Border Collie woofing in his sleep..


On the way home last night, heavy braking to avoid a muntjac taking a stroll across the road, this morning the well and trully splattered remains of another deer on a fast section  of road.. not the same deer.


Chilly with clear skies on the Morning patrol with Ben, but much less wind, so less biting, I get in the car and the radio womble says cloudy this morning...


A senior HR person has left, roumer has it she was going to stay for a hand over to her replacement,, until she found the replacement will be getting £18,000 more.... To which my reply is what *****is she on as a base rate? The majority in this factory do not earn national average pay.


Meanwhile the orginal first contender to be my deputy boss has been selected as the new man. The paper work is however, going the rounds to get the required signatures, before sending the offer. With no head of HR here, it has to go to the next one up, who's not resident in this country...


Some kind person has left a list of overdue for cal items on my desk... It can stay there until I've cleared the must do's, which I reckon will be in about a fortnight..


 While typing this I have taken about 20 measurements on the late arrving customers unit.


Fourty minutes has passed so...


Time to ... go down the other end of the labs to turn the knobs for it's next section.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s a bit cool this morning, 0C according to the app on my phone. Sheila is getting ready for her first Zumba class of this year, so once she’s gone I’ll spend the morning pottering about in the cellar, as I’m expecting a parcel from Ebay and I won’t hear the door bell if I’m in the workshop. Once the postie has been, I’ll go to the workshop and continue to work on the G16. Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll be at the stage where I can apply the first coat of paint, so I think I’ll give the L1 a coat at the same time.


Back later

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Greetings from the borough of boring. 


The yellow and blue van from that Swedish company has been and gone already this morning. All new bookcases for the dining room to assemble. At least it will finally stop SWMBO from complaining about her book embargo. She'll have 3 times the current shelf space. Although I fear that will fill very quickly in the coming months. I'm really happy I have a complete set of hex bits in my drill case. Makes the assembly job so much faster. The upside is the old pair of small units are now in the shed and will be re purposed for stock and tool storage. 


For those of you struggling with your smart phones. 



That is all. Enjoy the day. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A cool and very cloudy start here but there may be some brighter spells later.

Talk of blue & yellow sheds reminded me of the London TV news last night   One of the main items was film of the smouldering remains of a storage warehouse with the two remaining chimneys of the old Croydon power station (which have blue and yellow bands atop) in the background.  Unfortunately a lot of people seem to gave lost everything in that bonfire.

Today we are almost back to normal for a Thursday. I say almost because the bins won't be collected until Saturday but on the "plus" side we get to go to Sainsbury's!  Good-oh.  :no:

After that I have to do some book balancing but AFAIK the signs are that finances are much healthier than is usual at this time of year. (IE the modelling fund is in the black)

Have a good one,

Ivor Goneshopping.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not frosty here but quite chilly.

So far this morning I have managed to turn our remaining Tesco vouchers into a senior railcard for Aditi. She has a few outings to London soon so it seemed like a good idea.

We may go shopping today.


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A completely different science to male logic and it is impossible for either branch to understand the other.




That is because women are from Venus and Men are from Mars - and there is an enormous amount of space between them!

A prime example cam up this morning  - Her - Put your jeans over the bigger rack" so I did, and was wrong - to Her "bigger" means" wider", and not "taller!"  - this despite my explaining that I am bigger that her - ie Taller!

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I'd sooner communicate with Prof ' Alice Roberts. :P  :maninlove:  :wub:  :blush:  :smoke:

Our family always used to laugh at the intro to one of her earlier programmes - Dr Alice Roberts, PhD in Anthropology AND Medical Doctor. Imagine it was to prove her credentials, but eveytime we see her on tv now some smart*rse always adds "and medical doctor".


Did she need to prove her qualifications for the telly role?


Anyone know what David Attenborough's university qualifications are? Me neither.


About to venture out, looks chilly.



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  • RMweb Gold

Our family always used to laugh at the intro to one of her earlier programmes - Dr Alice Roberts, PhD in Anthropology AND Medical Doctor. Imagine it was to prove her credentials, but eveytime we see her on tv now some smart*rse always adds "and medical doctor".


Did she need to prove her qualifications for the telly role?


Anyone know what David Attenborough's university qualifications are? Me neither.


About to venture out, looks chilly.



I do know what David Attenborough studied at university. I not am sure why or where that information entered into my memory. Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

That is because women are from Venus and Men are from Mars - and there is an enormous amount of space between them!

A prime example cam up this morning  - Her - Put your jeans over the bigger rack" so I did, and was wrong - to Her "bigger" means" wider", and not "taller!"  - this despite my explaining that I am bigger that her - ie Taller!

I read a similar book called "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps" It was quite illuminating. One thing that I remember was a section about pain thresholds and that after research men have a much higher pain threshold. Apparently due to running past thorn bushes when out hunting in the days before clothes. I have however been a coward and never mentioned this to my other half when she says "If men had to give birth there wouldn't be any more babies."



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a currently bright and sunny albeit slightly colder south east spot closer to France than most of the UK.


Back from my first shop of the year at my local Sainsburys. Upon arrival was greeted by a large sign announcing that prices of some items have been locked down for 8 weeks but upon entering the shop didn't come across any locked-down items but did find the following:


- bananas increased from from 78p to 83p per kilo

- Taste the Different chicken marsala meal increased from £3.50 to £4.00

- 4pints of milk increased from £1.10 to £1.15

- can of squidgy cream increased from £1.50 to £1.55

- half a cucumber increased from 35p to 40p

- Taste the Difference Shortbread increased from £1.50 to £1.60

- deli filler increased from £1.25 to £1.50

- Ginger Jam increased from 75p to £1

- cherry tomatoes increased from 80p to 85p

- sweet leaf salad increased from 75p to 80p


Welcome to 2019!! Have a good day,




oops, forgot we are now in 2019, not 2018 as previously stated.....

Edited by tetsudofan
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Morning from a currently bright and sunny albeit slightly colder south east spot closer to France than most of the UK.


Back from my first shop of the year at my local Sainsburys. Upon arrival was greeted by a large sign announcing that prices of some items have been locked down for 8 weeks but upon entering the shop didn't come across any locked-down items but did find the following:


- bananas increased from from 78p to 83p per kilo

- Taste the Different chicken marsala meal increased from £3.50 to £4.00

- 4pints of milk increased from £1.10 to £1.15

- can of squidgy cream increased from £1.50 to £1.55

- half a cucumber increased from 35p to 40p

- Taste the Difference Shortbread increased from £1.50 to £1.60

- deli filler increased from £1.25 to £1.50

- Ginger Jam increased from 75p to £1

- cherry tomatoes increased from 80p to 85p

- sweet leaf salad increased from 75p to 80p


Welcome to 2018!! Have a good day,



Sainsburys are clearly trying to outdo the railway companies after their inflation busting price hikes this week!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Some evidence this morning of rain last night but I must have slept through it. I saw the storage warehouse blaze mentioned by Bob on the news as well, plenty of scope for dodgy insurance claims there. After the 1989 gale I had some minor damage to the roof of my then home, I luckily got it repaired within a day or two. The builder informed me that the insurance companies were letting claims under £1,000 through without query. Probably something similar in this case.

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