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  • RMweb Premium

G’d Aft-a-noon-awl


Belated good wishes to Brian and ongoing good wishes to all our poorly / those supporting their unwell families.


Back to work with a shiver at 05.00 this morning. No snow but the brass monkeys have left town. At least things moved well through the House of Fun though some of our number were evidently still under some sort of weather. At no point was I covering fewer than two positions and at one time I was covering four.


The only real drama was the large red people-mover which arrived with air and sand spewing from its beneath. The driver decided there was a fault with the sander cock which would be safe to leavr until Wombletown was reached and a depot fitter could attend. We were left with a large volume of sand on and beside the rails. It transpired that our control point staff were unaware of what a “sander” was, had no idea how to respond to a call of “defective sander cock”, no concept of the risks posed by an electric train being unable to return current through the running rails and little idea that a layer of sand on the rail-heads could have resulted in a track circuit failure causing everything to stop


Ah well. At least in dry weather it was a self-cleaning spill. And I finally got to broadcast a good Cornish surname over the two-way radio. There’s a fair few Sandercocks west of the Tamar! There are quite a lot of Sincocks too and SWMBO is from the Cornish Trebilcock family.


Now the house must be cleaned in preparation for visitors later. No cleaning yesterday - SWMBO was brought up believing that to clean on the 1st January would wash away all ones’ luck for the new year.


Seasonal undecoration takes place on Saturday. I usually await Twelfth Night but we are busy and I may not have the require time this year.


Best wishes to all from a chilly Hill where the Strawberries are still lurking somewhere beneath the soil!

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Worst experience was a "pine" flavoured boiled sweet. I have never tasted a urinal refreshing disc but I think this sweet must be a very close match.

Possibly after a multitude of well-oiled patrons have used it as a target!

Edited by shortliner
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Morning all...


Error of omission yesterday, I forgot to mention the weather, probably because it was -17 and my brain was frozen! :O


Enjoyed a quiet day yesterday, only activity was to go to the new Mary Poppins movie, quiet enjoyable and an acceptable excursion.


Today I'm off to the quack, finally had enough of this sinus issue/infection/carp and hoping they can determine how to resolve it, home remedies all having failed.

Last night was the worst so far with little sleep awful sinus pressure over the eyes and generally miserable :(


Today is "warming trend" with -13 first thing and expected to reach a balmy -7 for the high. Partly sunny and no snow in the forecast.


Enjoy the day best you can...

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G'day all,


Many happy returns of yesterday Brian - looks like you won't have time to be at the small show then :jester:  


Sorry to disappoint.......I'll be there, front of house and helping out with Baz Jones outstanding Crossley Bros. scrapyard.


Brian R

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  • RMweb Gold


Sorry to disappoint.......I'll be there, front of house and helping out with Baz Jones outstanding Crossley Bros. scrapyard.


Brian R


I look forward to a chat.


Decorations removed and returned to storage, but at my insistence the cards will be left up as a least a token to 12th Night.  Celebratory outing this evening, hope the red cabbage is on.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

But the first programmable computer was invented in Germany. There's a pretty good history of early computers at https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm

And concerning the earlier remark about Dr Larry Roberts. Of course earlier systems had communicated but I think he deserves credit for developing standards and protocols that allowed dissimilar systems to communicate. Too many people look at computers and software separately. It is the interaction as a system that can complicate things somewhat. I think those who identify and develop protocols are worthy of recognition too.

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  • RMweb Gold

And concerning the earlier remark about Dr Larry Roberts. Of course earlier systems had communicated but I think he deserves credit for developing standards and protocols that allowed dissimilar systems to communicate. Too many people look at computers and software separately. It is the interaction as a system that can complicate things somewhat. I think those who identify and develop protocols are worthy of recognition too.


I'd sooner communicate with Prof ' Alice Roberts. :P  :maninlove:  :wub:  :blush:  :smoke:

Edited by 81C
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Our decorations mostly came down on Tuesday, with the exception of the outside lights (just some flashy ones around the window), but I noticed on the way to drop Sal off at work tonight that we seem to be in the minority now, so they too will have to come down tomorrow.


No orks for me following today's trip to Eastbourne - out of stock - though Charlie got some more paint. The lightbulb will wait until tomorrow, as by the time we dragged him out of Games Workshop and had some lunch, I'd forgotten which type of fitting was required. Have to pop back into town tomorrow anyway so will get one then.


Nowhere near as cold as Ian here in Sussex by the sea, but apparently it will get down to freezing or below tonight, so will be a cold start when I get the girls up and dressed to pick Sal up at 7.30 tomorrow morning. Charlie, I suspect, will still be in bed - he doesn't go back until Monday - a quirk of the calendar which has caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth from Leah!

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  • RMweb Premium

You only have 5 days 01 hour 37 minutes and 26 seconds to go.


You only have 5 days 01 hour 37 minutes and 25 seconds to go.


You only have 5 days 01 hour 37 minutes and 24 seconds to go.


You only have ..........


Cor, you can't 'alf type fast.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Chilly sur le rock, 4c.  And that is the end of the news.


Still nicely busy at work, also have killer man-flu going around the staff so hope having had the flu jab I'm exempt. 


Shame about Ivan, I'm missing being attacked! I wonder if our leader will forgive and forget in the fullness of time?

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all and happy new year from red dragon land.

Spent a PC-free Christmas at home with a Boxing Day mince pie special ride on the Llangollen Rly, and a few days with offspring with another sort of ride at the Haigh Hall Woodland Park



Many happy returns for yesterday, Brian.


On Eurostar homeward bound after a good Christmas and NY. Suitcases loaded with beer, wine, chocolate, saucisson and various other food items. Also packed are some antiques of my outlaws, a saucisson slicer and a few other "essential" purchases like plates, magazines and sweets.
Worst experience was a "pine" flavoured boiled sweet. I have never tasted a urinal refreshing disc but I think this sweet must be a very close match.


That reminds me of some well-known brand toothpaste I bought after re-branding when the dozens of their different varieties looked nothing like the previous lot - so which one was the one I wanted? Well, it certainly was NOT the one I picked up.  It smelt like bathroom cleaner and ended up in the bin within moments of opening it!  Fortunately, the next two packs I picked up were ok(ish) as far as toothpaste goes...


Time to dish up some Christmas pud before sitting down to watch a DVD received at Christmas (Murder on the OE).


Back later...

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  • RMweb Premium

But the first programmable computer was invented in Germany. There's a pretty good history of early computers at https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm

Babbage was there a long time before any electrical "computers"  - and his ideas do work..the IET proved that his first machine worked and his son demonstrated that the programmable machine would have worked ..but just like a lot of things made in Britain a lack of money stopped things being completed...


Without Colossus we were having great difficulty at Bletchley Park decoding some of the German encrypted messages (the USA knew about Colossus as they had a few really good people at Bletchley Park.).. but it all goes to show the USA were not the first in the party..


Stop knocking the UK we can be very proud of our achievements.mainly managed without having vast sums of money thrown at it...Ever heard of Project Mustard.. try reading about the UK Space Shuttle...



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. No visit to the club tonight, I've developed a stinking cold. Despite that I don't feel to bad but I don't want to pass it on. Talking of missing ER's, I seem to recall someone from Canada (Windsor, Ontario IIRC) who modeled British outline who has now disappeared altogether.

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