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blowing a hoolie here...just watched a Boeing Allways Airbus 319 flying sideways into Leeds Bradford Airport...


I take it that Fraggle Rock will be cut off???



It isn’t as windy here as it is at Leeds, so the UK is not cut off from Fraggle Rock today. It is just a breeze at present, and the sea is calm by local standards!

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Good morning everyone


It’s quite mild here in the northwest, slightly overcast, but there are patches of blue too be seen amongst the clouds and there is very little wind.


A start has been made taking down all the Christmas decorations, I’ve started with the tree, as that takes up most of the time. I’m currently multitasking as I’ve got muggertea No2 in hand whilst I’m on here and packing decorations away!


Back later.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just received a package this morning from the L T museum shop. Three books from their sale, two on railway subjects and one on the B type 'Old Bill' bus, all for £10.24 including postage. I did miss out though, they had the Heljan Metropolitan Bo-Bo Sarah Siddons at £35, sold out within minutes. Now to read my new purchases, muggatee at the ready.

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We put our decorations in the week before Christmas and take them down at Twelfth Night.

It has been the same here in the past. In years when Aditi was back at work before 12th Night I would remove the decorations. This year we didn’t feel organised or festive enough to have a tree or twinkly lights. We will only need to remove the cards we received.

At our previous house we used to look out for the ritual ejection onto the back lawn of our neighbours tree on the morning of Boxing Day.


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Anyone else getting some Schitty banner advert that takes the whole screen for a dodgy “spin & win” site?

I don’t normally ad block RMweb but it looks like I’ll have to if this is the kind of crap that is going to appear.


Before anyone states the obvious, it’s not a pop up but actually within the RMweb page.

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No funny adverts here in Frogland Andrew apart from the annoying Hornby banner. Very little tree movement here and we don't see low flying planes unless the Armee de L'Air come out to play. There is a flying school not too far away at Cognac so we get them stooging around a bit, however they don't come too low as there are some wind turbines a couple of miles away.


Yesterday was a busy one. Shopping was done in the morning and a larger TV is now installed. Then it was a walk around the village to see various friends. Each visit took a while as the obligatory cup of tea or coffee had to be consumed. We'd only just got home when two more sets of friends/neighbours arrived to confirm that they would be coming on New Year's eve. There will now be 15 coming, the majority French.


I plan to do some clearing up in the garden today. There are a lot of tree remains to tidy up and leaves to rake. No doubt other orders will be posted in due course.


Regards to all.



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Morning All,


Tried to post yesterday, having missed a few days due to having a bug which made my take to my bed for a few hours every day since Thursday and to only check essentials on the web - it's one of the sort which means it's better to not stray too far from the proximity of a loo as well as a headache and a very shivery feeling, only to find that the site had been subject to a cyber-attack, and was very sensibly taken down promptly by Andy.  It's only been back a short time now though, and Andy has kept is informed on Twitter/Facebook, so thanks for that.


All posts since I last visited have been read and rated, and a few thoughts.


John - thanks for posting the links to your blog - please do keep doing that, as it is probably better than posting twice.

Rick - hope the cold abates, and does not turn into what I had, as it was pretty miserable at times.

Chris/John/Flavio - pleased the meet up happened and was enjoyed.

Ian - 160 breweries?  I think you might need to move to San DIego in order to cop them all - that's an awesome figure, and reflects a real sea change in USA brewing if it's being repeated in every city.

Everybody else - generic greetings to the ailing and the celebrating.


Now that I feel fit enough, will be doing a reconciliation of the credit card this morning after variuos trips to the sales, both to buy, and to return.


Regards to All


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Morning Peeps  :unsureclear: (in hushed tone)


It seems as if there is a general cyber attack on anything media wise of late even our poor little train set site they must be really intelligent, bring back Kenton he would sort them out.  :jester:

I'm off to do some more modelling.

                                                          Laters All   M Angelo

Edited by 81C
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Morning all.

Fog over the fields this morning. I can’t see Kent.

We had a nice day yesterday. The tiny nieces were very entertaining.

When we reached home we watched Shaun the Sheep, The Movie, which was very silly and enjoyable.

We have parcels to collect so may go to Leigh today and then walk somewhere.


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Morning all


Not too windy here this morning. Flights coming in to land at Edinburgh from the east over the Forth as usual.


Hogmanay preparations get underway this evening with the torchlit procession from town, down the Royal Mile and culminating in Holyrood Park where the torch bearers will be coralled into an outline of Scotland. Much better than a few years ago where you reached some destination and said then what? Nothing happened. At least it now has a purpose, which is that it costs actual money to be a part of it. Ahem.


Grand-daughter over this afternoon to watch The Crucible - it's for her Higher Drama and prelims are in early January. Then we're meeting an old friend in town for a beer.


Almost finished Gabe's tax return, praise be! Just a few final checks then submission early next month.


Good to have RMWeb back again.



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Turns out my rant about the dodgy banner advert was spot on and the ad was the prelude to the malware attack. The redirect advert embedded was pretty poor by most hacker standards and led to a non functioning ransom ware site. 

Being a simple soul, I was not quite as bright!


Logging into RMWeb I was presented with the ransom demand and immediately thought it was my computer, so logged off and went and did a system restore.


It kept me out of trouble and I had to try amuse the grandchildren, both of whom are a bit  slightly  rather  intensely grouchy as they have had chicken pox and colds.


Christmas has been a tad trying.......I only managed to open my Rickard's Records for a quick look yesterday afternoon.


The living hell will continue well after they go home on the 2nd, as we have to go down to Reading and help them move into another house, whilst the rebuild of their house gets onto it's final stages.


I don't think I'll be going to The Stationmaster and asking for asylum, I'll just be grateful to escape from this one.


And if I hear the Gummy Bears song one more time....................................

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I just called in to catch up with a few of the non contentious threads which I follow, and lo and behold, I visit here to find that Debs has paid us a visit - made my day, that has.

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Just been out to get milk from Horrorsons it seems to be the favourite day for the scrap metal fairy to do their shopping and teaching their

young one's how to nick stuff blatantly the staff must be blind or don't want to get involved, what is equally funny is the sponsored police

van that sits outside the store some days with Horrorsons plaster over it is always empty and never a Mr. Plod in sight. 


Phil no sign of Reg this week he must work for an agency as he has not been around and Mrs. Reg must be working as well neither

car has been there so it looked like the two :crazy:  :crazy: sons have been living on pizza they were in Horrorsons clearing the shelves of them a full

half size trolley well loaded.


I see the High Priestess of the AWL has shown up again I hope the dear girl's health has improved no doubt many of you will start to act funny and

succumb to ritualistic ways of this AWL thing so beware you are being watched boys and the wee wee will be extracted. :jester:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                bye bye for now N..O.Awlear



I finally got back to edit this post after 6 attempts tizz not working very well I do wish they could get it sorted 

Edited by 81C
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My Insignias have electronic parking brakes. My Vectra had a manual ditto. It took due getting used to the lack of visual check to see the state of the brake. I'm getting used to looking for the red light on the speedo now.

My Morris Minor's handbrake only works on even days, for the odd days, you can hear me shouting "Chocks away!" :nono:

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