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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I too enjoyed Watership Down, I had no problem with the accents but I've no idea who the actors doing the voices were as the credits at the end was visible for only a fraction of a second. A very interesting program followed on BBC2, Chris and Michaela under the Christmas sky. Very interesting on many levels.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It’s been another day of rains, but thankfully not heavy. Most of what was left of the day was spent in the workshop and work has continued on the G16. Toady I’ve made a pair of dummy valve gear support brackets and I’ve fitted the cab handrails and with the addition of some re-enforcing pins, I’ve added cab steps too. After dinner I made and fitted the shunters step and handrail to the back of the bunker. I packed up for the day and came back inside. I doubt very much I’ll be getting back to the workshop this side of Christmas.


Below is a photo I took of the pipework I made yesterday.



Once I’d finished my mid-afternoon muggertea, I finished making the cheesecake I started this morning. After it had set, I decorated it with a salted caramel topping, so it is now ready for tomorrow.


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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Christmas cake iced - after much whisking and beating of ingredients. 

Not a piece of art but it will do. Not one of my perfectionist jobs. 

Not to worry, it will get decorated tomorrow.


Enough icing left in the bowl to scrape out and put a dollop on some of the cup cakes, we devoured these ones with a mugatea.  No complaints!




Thus, dinner was late, as was the clearing up...


I did manage to see the end of the scary wabbits.  CGI or no, I wish my scenic grass was that good...! 



' Night all and nos da.

Sleep tight 'til morning light.




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  • RMweb Premium

Sheesh, just what is it with motorists? Two of them managed to scuttle their cars on grade separated PW in two different incidents, one of which necessitated a fairly circuitous diversion.


Now a sip of rum, followed by catching Zs. Night, troops. :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Yesterday evening was intense as my family was here. They live about 2 hours away on the far side of Toronto.  Sarted with a meal in a chain reataurant noted for chicken. Chef had burnt his hand the day before and they were out of chicken. Soemthing was eventually served. Then off to the light dislay in the park and the merry-go-round ride. Finally back here (The 5-year-old ccouldn't be extricated from the playground). and eventally out of here about midnight ... no ER for me.

We went to see some Russian ballet company doing Nutcracker on the screen. Dayle really enjoyed it. 


Dom: is there any reason that right of way can't be protected with a 2-foot trench at the start? Provide concrete blocks for maintenance vehicles. We have a streetcar tunnel in Toronto that cars can get fully down before their undercarriage gets ripped off.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Hopefully we can have a drier day today as I need to go for a walk.


Still got to wrap her indoors present ( a sewing machine) but will do this today.


Watched a bit of soccer last night..crazy game.


GDB ..watched a bit of the Bath v Wasps game. Referees have gone soft, skill levels in some places poor and tactical awareness...well wasps didn't have any. I will watch another game over the hols but currently trying to watch the WBBL and the BBL. Apparently Trent Bridge is Tiny..hohum!


Hope you can all have a festive Christmas Eve..I need a mugatea first!


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

5.5 hours asleep in bed followed by another couple on the sofa, part two was aided by paracetamol...


Ben the Border Collie has patrolled, every thing is soggy wet, however the sky's have almost cleared and it's chilly...


I see London is cut off, by rail that is.. Although I think most of them are already here in their holiday homes. The number of Cockwombles around in their posh cars who don't have a clue about driving on country roads is unbelievable...


Complaints about speaking rabbits accents, is like complaining about the Robert the Bruce's Scots accent in the recent film... He spoke Norman French...


Ben has enjoyed his small bit of a bacon and mushroom toastie


Time to go make a second Muggacoffee ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from Lindum.   Everyone is up and about, including the 3 that have four legs, namely Tilly, Patch and Reggie.   The turkey has been thawed and preparations for cooking are in hand.   Also thee are rumours of thick pancakes with bacon and egg in an hour or so.   Not a lt is on the agenda for today though we might walk up the road to the pub later.   This evening Beth Katie and I are going to Midnight Mass at the Cathedral which should be good.


Good wishes to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It isn’t raining.

Not too sure what we are doing today. Aditi thinks we will need to get a couple of food items to take to Enfield for Boxing Day. .These are items available from the shops in easy walking distance.

Now it appears we are experiencing a sunny spell.



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Up at 5 to get to get the train to new st at 6 then work a light loco Landor st to Leicester only to find out when I got to brum it hadn’t left avonmouth yet!


Anyway it has left now (180 mins late) and after an hour and a half dozing in and out of sleep on a seat in the blue lounge in new st I’m about to head to Landor st to go and meet it for a now shortened run to nuneaton where I can get relief and catch a train straight back up the wcml to avoid Birmingham on the return


That’s me then til Friday and an Iport job

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start and very dull here but there should be some  sunny spells later.

Yesterday went fairly well. Sainsbury's visited to pick up meat and "one or two" other bits.That turned out to be a trolley full.   :banghead:  I only had to ram about 3 cross aisle blocking wombles.  Most people were in good humour.

Got home about 11.00 and dismantled the O gauge boards.They were then stored under the OO layout and just fitted......eventually.   :whistle:

Rugby watched in the afternoon and yes Baz, not a very good good game.. There used to be an unwritten rule that the only person who spoke to the ref to query decisions was the captain of each side. Sadly these days it sometimes looks like a bloody football match with too many people mouthing off and arguing with the officials.

First task today is to deliver some provisions and presents to Nicki's house.

After that we will return here and I will be on house cleaning duty whilst The Boss will be baking sausage rolls and mince pies and slow cooking a gammon joint to go with Boxing Day lunch.

Toast and more tea up next.

Have a good one and A Very Merry Christmas to you all.


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


For the first time in a few days, it’s not raining, the sun is shining, but there is a bit of a mist on the playing field of the school that’s backs onto our house. I’ve just noticed that there is a little frost on the workshop roof too!


Not a lot being done here, other than a little bit of tidying up, as we are expecting visitors in a couple of hours. Personally I think we’d be better leaving that until AFTER they’ve gone home, but I’m not in charge of the domestic cleaning.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

5.5 hours asleep in bed followed by another couple on the sofa, part two was aided by paracetamol...


Ben the Border Collie has patrolled, every thing is soggy wet, however the sky's have almost cleared and it's chilly...


I see London is cut off, by rail that is.. Although I think most of them are already here in their holiday homes. The number of Cockwombles around in their posh cars who don't have a clue about driving on country roads is unbelievable...


Complaints about speaking rabbits accents, is like complaining about the Robert the Bruce's Scots accent in the recent film... He spoke Norman French...


Ben has enjoyed his small bit of a bacon and mushroom toastie


Time to go make a second Muggacoffee …


You mean doing 10 mph at the slightest curve and max 5mph on the average bend.  If it goes steeply uphill/downhill, well...

[Stop it Suvvern! You're getting naughty in your olde age, hohoho!


It is Christmas!...Well, not just yet.  Hoovering and a bit more tidy up then I can paint my Viaduct.  Yeah!...Ray has already volunteered Youngest and himself to help.  Also going into town this afternoon - Saturday, I realised I had not seen the Lights, this year, not lit, anyway.  I hope to get a couple of bits I forgot about on Saturday as well.


Hope you get through the day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All

Done a bit of wealth distribution this morning it was fun( Bah Humbug) working through this new bank account both daughters prefer cash I suppose SWMBO doesn't

have to use any brainpower to think of what to buy for 4 people at Christmas I don't and won't get involved as I am told I always get it wrong, "Her" has now taken the

bathroom over for the next hour or so it will be rest spite today for the next hour as she has already gone into panic mode god help me.


Her said she has not bought me anything so get some think you want for yourself that has been the third time she said that I've already I had 2 brand new loco's a few weeks

ago so a third won't go a miss.


Anyway thing to do places to go I better shift my butt.



                                                                                      Wishing you all a HAPPY CHISTMAS AND PROSPERIOUS NEW YEAR


                                                                                                                                                                                                              G. Rumpy



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  • RMweb Premium

Ho hum. Back to hospital

Sorry to hear that John - hope all is well.


Morning All


Just heard some words to please me on the radio - the final farewell of Chris Evans.  I will not miss his day to day antics - though I do appreciate that he has raised a lot of money for Children In Need.


30747 went into  was taken by me to town to have a quck meet up with friends - something she does every Christmas Eve, though she used to use the bus - since I retired, that has changed.  I pick her up again in a couple of hours.


Back tomorrow, hopefully.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up! Part 2.

Sorry to hear that John. Hope they can help Sandy to be more comfortable.


Herself and Dr Eldest Herbert visited moreasons. Apparently it was quite calm. Bread and milk bought. Bacon sandwich made for breakfast..very nice.


Stewart, you may not like Chris Evan's but I dread to think the mess Zoe Ball will make of the programme. Not sure that Radio 2 has got a plot..losing Simon Mayo and Moira Stewart as well as Evan's looks llike a race to be seen as more popular with some of our younger listeners.

ABC Classic FM here I come!


Parcel for her indoors wrapped. Now to do some more modelfinishing after a mugadecaf



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John, sorry to hear that.


Bob, come off it, you and I were hookers, and did we not "assist" the referee in carrying out his duties. "That was almost a forward pass back there", meant it was about five yards forward; and my interpretation of the point of breakdown resulted in a couple of yards to my team.


On the personal front, my knee is giving me gyp and I had to cancel today's duty.


Best wishes all, especially to Sandy,



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Sorry to hear that John - hope all is well.


Morning All


Just heard some words to please me on the radio - the final farewell of Chris Evans.  I will not miss his day to day antics - though I do appreciate that he has raised a lot of money for Children In Need.


30747 went into  was taken by me to town to have a quck meet up with friends - something she does every Christmas Eve, though she used to use the bus - since I retired, that has changed.  I pick her up again in a couple of hours.


Back tomorrow, hopefully.

Regards to All


Trouble is, he's being replaced by Zoe - IT'S ALL ABOUT ME AND ME GOB - Ball. . . .and you can guarantee more eighties/nineties sh!te. . . 


The only times I listen to 2 now are Sunday afternoon with JW, and the folk show on a Wednesday night.



Mary Crumble everybody.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sorry to hear that John and I hope it will be a quick turnround this time for Sandy and back home PDQ.


We visited the neighbours yesterday evening, usually a Christmas Eve event but they're off to relatives so it was brought forward a day this year.  Their extension work is now almost finished - about 3 months late - so duly admired and we had a demo of the 55 inch tv which is built into one wall; incredible choice of bad movies on Netflix.  Also the evening to relax my alcohol consumption rules so I had three classes of fizzy stuff (not lemonade or prossecco, some folk are well paid in IT land).


Today a further visit to Tesco to search out some growing chives (turned that was the only stuff that hadn't been re-stocked) and some watercress - the salad and veg had been fully restocked but perhaps a bit late for yesterday's locust invasion.  Plenty of salmon still on hand at 50% off, definitely overstocked on that but they have sold 75% of the carp (i.e. 3 sold out of 4 ;) ) so some of the local Polish folk are obviously sticking to tradition (Polish 'Christmas Dinner' is traditionally carp on Christmas Eve, they're welcome to it).


Toyshop in Alton turns out to be closed today so laddo has popped off on other missions and we will probably visit on Thursday as various new toys are awaiting collection.


Enjoy the rest of the day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Very sunny here, just received yellow fog warning for the next 24 hours.

I think I have volunteered to prepare some sprouts.

Our road is very quiet, I think everyone else has gone out to do last minute shopping.


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