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No stress.  I don't work Fridays! :sungum:  My No1 most bestest helper Jane seems to have it all today, judging by a faceache comment. She's young(ger), she can take it..... :sarcastichand:   Apparently she has had a lot of SFQ's - you can work that one out for yourselves. ;)

I have spoken to you and Jane at your place of work. If Rick’s Deliveroo experience is at one end of the customer service spectrum you are both the other end. You both create such a good impression.


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"Don't worry about it my love, I have a cunning plan." Possibly. :scratchhead: :whistle:

It’s obvious a paisting table Edited by BSW01
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A strange structure has appeared in our conservatory.



Questions are being asked like:  "What's that? Why is it there? How long is it going to stay there?"   :dontknow:

Followed by: "It can't stay there over Christmas, I want my house back, Why couldn't you get a hobby that didn't involve filling the house with crap stuff?" Where are you going to put it?   :threaten:





"Don't worry about it my love, I have a cunning plan."  Possibly.   :scratchhead: :whistle:


Power tools, GDB and NO blood.

I must be hallucinating.


Although it is a wipe-clean floor...................

Edited by newbryford
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A strange structure has appeared in our conservatory.



Questions are being asked like:  "What's that? Why is it there? How long is it going to stay there?"   :dontknow:

Followed by: "It can't stay there over Christmas, I want my house back, Why couldn't you get a hobby that didn't involve filling the house with crap stuff?" Where are you going to put it?   :threaten:





"Don't worry about it my love, I have a cunning plan."  Possibly.   :scratchhead: :whistle:


Ah yes. I know what that is. You're going to be doing some wallpapering during the festive season.



EDIT: BSW beat me to it.

Edited by AndyID
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Most of the Christmas shopping done now, if I've forgotten anything its too bad.


It’s obvious a paisting table

Bob can't injure himself putting up wallpaper, or can he?


Ah yes. I know what that is. You're going to be doing some wallpapering during the festive season.



EDIT: BSW beat me to it.

He is now. :jester:

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It’s obvious a paisting table

Ah yes. I know what that is. You're going to be doing some wallpapering during the festive season.

All I could think of was the unintended consequences - having to visit the shops that sell wallpaper, the horrors of being asked which one you like best (worse than the "this or that" at the optician) and then the nightmare of installing the stuff such that the patterns match and there are no bubbles or peeling.

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All I could think of was the unintended consequences - having to visit the shops that sell wallpaper, the horrors of being asked which one you like best (worse than the "this or that" at the optician) and then the nightmare of installing the stuff such that the patterns match and there are no bubbles or peeling.

Another plus point for my dear wife is that she doesn’t like wallpaper, well at least doesn’t like wallpaper in our home.
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Are you on a diet?? :sungum:


Me!  On a diet?


The chip is actually for a CLBay29.


Did some work in the charity, allocating the bank statements: I keep back the fun jobs until Christmas.  Then bumped into my MP as I was clearing up.  Got a Christmas card and a hug.  She is in her 40s, very attractive and definitely not a Corbynite - and, yes, I know her husband as well.


Keep well all, Bill

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Another plus point for my dear wife is that she doesn’t like wallpaper, well at least doesn’t like wallpaper in our home.


Stripped my then (2013) new house of all wall paper and artex. Looks much better smooth and painted!


(The previous owners had used tiling and wall paper to cover up some extremely dodgy wiring (up to 30A cable joined with a 25A or less terminal block ""insulated"" in a freezer bag!) Expensive, but stripped the walls back to plaster, had the whole house rewired and added some network and TV cabling in the process!)

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The shopping arrangement this morning worked well and apparently most of the punters in Waitrose were behaving in a civilised manner.  The traffic however was somewhat different and it was distinctly busy with a good sprinkling of 'I don't have a clue where I'm going so I'll stop in front of everybody else while I think about it' types in the car park outside Waitrose.

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Evening Awl,

Arrived home to find the road under more mud, even with the rain the extra piles sourcing oh de cowshed were definitely smellable.


The rain has meant that I couldn't load the layout carriage today so hopefully when I try next week there may be two to load. I will have all day to load them as well.



This evening my work at the MRC went well, after pat testing 3 second hand controllers for selling. I first removed some masking tape and sanded some rocks to shape. Just a little extra filling was required. Last weeks left over pollyfilla PVA water mix was still soft enough to use!!!


After that much grey and green paint was splashed about. Followed by copying real life reinstating parallel bits of metal I shouldn't have removed.


Talking of oh de cowshed, rèile na Gàidhealtachd, was one of the last in the UK with significant transport of cattle. So a cattle dock is required, I'm off to research the style and placing...

Edited by TheQ
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Good evening everyone


The roads to the Trafford Centre were very busy this morning, it reminded me of my former commute to work. Turned out to be an over turned lorry on the M60. Anyway, I chose to use some of the smaller side roads and bypassed most of the standing traffic, getting there at 10:00, just as it opened, so not much longer than usual. With the shopping completed, I was on my way to the butchers for 10:40 and back home at around 11:00. That’s it now, what we haven’t in got now, will have to wait until after Christmas, because I’m not going out again! Unfortunately, the butchers are so busy preparing the Christmas orders, that they’ve not had time to do any cooked meats, or pasties, so I had to settle for a freshly baked and still warm pork pie for dinner, its such a hard life!


James and Amelia arrived just after 4:30 this evening and she liked her bracelet when presented it to her. Chis and Phipps for tea tonight, which always goes down well, as the the remains of the cheesecake.


Goodnight all

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' Evening all from red dragon land.

Clouds right down this morning, mountains behind lost in the stuff.

Still, I did not have to go out.


Marzipaning the cake accomplished this afternoon, getting icing sugar and jam all over me...er...rather, everything!

Presents wrapped.  Just the local cards to write...



Thank you Tony, that is MOST appreciated - especially after all the flack we take at this time of year by the people who don't understand we can't control the post!  Maybe we should get a drone.....oh then again, maybe not…..


Jane sounds a lot younger on the phone than she actually is, but I think I must also by some of the comments I get.  When I explain I'm semi-retired I sometimes get odd comments.  Jane won't mind me saying she's 40, with a mental attitude of 16.  Completely bonkers, and I could not possibly have a better assistant, she is a rare treasure.  She's a great mum to her young son too, he often comes by last thing to walk her home - she lives around the corner.


We have a great attitude at work, it is very light hearted and fun, we have all suffered at one time or another with poor work atmospheres, so work very hard to make sure Trackshack isn't like that.  For sure its not PC..... :no:


So a thank you again Tony, and to anyone else that has supported us this year, from John, Neil, Steve, Jane, Ken, Paul, Harry, Simon and Pete.


Locos are "she" then!  :locomotive:



Another plus point for my dear wife is that she doesn’t like wallpaper, well at least doesn’t like wallpaper in our home.


When we moved into our house, the wallpaper (anaglypta! eeyuk! even on the upstairs hardboard ceilings) was holding the plaster on the wall.  The whole has since had several makeovers and an extension built on the site of the leaky and drafty lean-to.  Still a couple of corners to sort out but we are getting there - before it starts all over again, no doubt.




John, hope Sandy recovers enough to come home soon.

Take care yourself, too.



The shopping arrangement this morning worked well and apparently most of the punters in Waitrose were behaving in a civilised manner.  The traffic however was somewhat different and it was distinctly busy with a good sprinkling of 'I don't have a clue where I'm going so I'll stop in front of everybody else while I think about it' types in the car park outside Waitrose.


Youngest reported back that her trip from town to Tess Coe required a long detour round the back streets to escape the slow moving traffic on the outbound road (East-West), coming in from the other end (West-East) to meet a short slow moving queue of traffic to the store.  And on the way home (East-West) passed that slow moving traffic which had grown to over a mile long!  


Take care.

' Night all and nos da.

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Polly you just beat me to it. Thank you.


Just happened to have John's website up from yesterday - I found his measurements page after I read about Sandy.  Fascinating.  I grew up with acres, bushels, drams and the like, but still found ye olde measurements I have never heard of!


Ingredients for my Nan's ginger wine recipe includes:

3 drams ginger

3 drams burnt ginger

3 drams tincture of capsicum

6oz tartaric acid


When I went to the pharmacist for them a few years ago, she wanted the measurements in metric...

I never did make it - just a distant memory - boy was it hot! And that was diluted.  Mmmmmmmmm…

And yes, it was heated in the small oven above the open fireplace back in 1956, the last Christmas before Nan and Grandad moved to a new bungalow.

Edited by southern42
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It seems like traffic is bad everywhere today.


I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon culminating in a 'flu' shot. On the way back to the office I did some Christmas shopping. Home is on the way to the office and I thought I'd do a package check and drop off my purchases. (It turned out there was indeed a package on the door mat - from the UK in the shape of a model locomotive box.)


The freeway looked bad so I took the side roads. It took 40 minutes to cover four miles. I may have made things worse trying to get around a gridlock by taking the long way round at one point. I still need to finish an assignment before I can take off. No POETS for me.

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