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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I refuse to do on-line banking as I have serious doubts about security on the internet. If I have to use an account on the internet I have a separate account into which I deposit sufficient funds as and when neccessary, it currently stands at 42p. I generally use Paypal or if that is not available a credit card, not my debit card. Some interesting figures this morning, ten years ago in the UK 64% of purchases were made by cash, this figure has now dropped to 34%. When I go to exhibitions and swap meets in particular most traders only accept cash.

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I must admit I never use my bank card outside of the bank, I've twice had people try to divert a former Halifax credit card I had to different addresses. Personally I think that was an inside to the Halifax job though there is no proof. ( the detail were supposedly changed online but I don't have online banking)


I've never had any problem with any other card.


Another thing that's slowly disappearing is cheques they were supposed to disappear in 2015, but they still haven't produced a suitable replacement.


I'm being to get annoy with this spell checker every time I try to type Just an ( a ) it substitutes and word like amazing Amazing

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Good evening everyone


Well the predicted rain never materialised, in fact it the sun came out and we ended up having quite a nice day, although t did rain, quite heavily around 8:30 this evening.


The swimming pool was very quite this morning, the most that were in it at any one time was 9. But &or most of the time it was around 4-5, so I was able to concentrate on front crawl and I got quite a few lengths in. However, I had to stop just short of 100, as I kept getting cramp in my thighs.


After dinner I made a start on the curry that was to be tonight’s tea, which Ava chose, she also chose white chocolate and vanilla cheesecake, which I made yesterday. It all went down well, in fact there was no curry left at all and the only reason there is some cheesecake left, is because I made it a bit bigger than usual so that there would be some left for Friday, when James and Amelia come round for tea.


Goodnight all

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. John, glad to hear that the first day of chemo went well, hope the next 125 days go just as well. Talking to a fellow club member this evening I discovered that he attended the same secondary school as me but 16 years later, by then of course it had completely changed, merged with another school but still using the same premises which had become the 'Sixth form college' part of the school. Those premises have now gone and are now a housing estate.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Either it is a very early ER visit or a very late visit.


Trip darn sarf went well. BMW vehicle spotted on northbound a14 in flames on Tuesday on our way down. For such a wealthy area why has Essex so few decent roads??

Nice visit to her indoors aunts new house..visited Maldon today then lunch in a nice pub followed by trip to see very poorly marra. He was a bit happier today as his new oncologist had gone through everything with him on Tuesday..mostly good old bits of bad. But no further treatment until end January as he admitted the full whack of chemo had gone too far.


A bottle of Gammay and a trip to the pub meant we sorted the world out!

Her indoors did a great job of driving home .


John and Sandy..I hope that the treatment helps Sandy a lot.


To others who ail..don't ever give up! Carpe diem! Enjoy your life to the full!

Goodnight all!


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All being well first daughter and family from NJ, and second daughter and family from CA will be arriving next week. Originally second daughter was only going to bring her two boys and leave her hubby to fend for himself in CA but suddenly the plan changed and he decided to tag along too.


We inquired as to the change. Second daughter replied that it was a case of FOMO. Apparently an acronym for "Fear Of Missing Out".


This should not be confused with MOFO. That's something entirely different.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I refuse to do on-line banking as I have serious doubts about security on the internet. If I have to use an account on the internet I have a separate account into which I deposit sufficient funds as and when neccessary, it currently stands at 42p. I generally use Paypal or if that is not available a credit card, not my debit card. Some interesting figures this morning, ten years ago in the UK 64% of purchases were made by cash, this figure has now dropped to 34%. When I go to exhibitions and swap meets in particular most traders only accept cash.


I've been using on-line banking since the get-go and I love it. If you are using a wired connection to the Internet in your home it's incredibly secure. Most of the problems are created by people picking obvious usernames and really feeble passwords. In fact, banking from the security of your home is a lot safer than actually going into a bank and one helluva lot safer than going anywhere near an ATM.

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The latest fad in our area is stealing a truck and using it and a chain to rip an ATM out of its moorings. ATM usually found in burnt-out remains of the truck. Job sometimes involves using truck to smash into the store.


I'm trying to get wiring done on Perth (Upper) station before sister's family arrive on weekend. I finished the track and have all the blocks wired through the point machines -- now need to finish control panel.

Will celebrate birthday by having annual medical inspection.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I have slept through this hour for so long I had forgotten how it feels the lowest ebb in the tide of life... I went for an angina management plan meeting yesterday and I am much better informed about my heart attack now. Once the excess of beta blockers wears off I will indeed seize the day. Weather report it is dark outside. .Keep on keeping on.

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For the last time in the present series, good morning one and all.  This afternoon I head for London as a jumping-off point for my Christmas and New Year holiday in Switzerland.  Tomorrow I follow in the footsteps of intrepid pioneers and attempt to reach Interlaken in a day. 


The year which is about to end has seen more than its fair share of turmoil in my life in general and my head in particular.  I could not have coped anywhere near as well without the support and friendship that has been shown to me here in this truly amazing community of Early Risers.  This is especially true of my coming out in August which was a particularly interesting time!  The irony of being credited with courage at a time when my self-confidence is at rock bottom is not lost on me.  As you know, it was a fellow member of ERs who nudged me towards counselling and I am glad he did.  Sarah the counsellor is already helping me fix things that need fixing and there are plenty of those!  With her help I look forward to regenerating my confidence in 2019.


However I may feel when times are bad I am only too well aware that others have their own issues.  At a time of year when it is appropriate to remember others I for one will be raising a glass on Christmas Eve to Tony, Aditi and Matthew.  You do not have to come to Interlaken to join me!


All being well, I will be back on 4th January.  Have yourselves a merry little Christmas and hope for a splendid 2019!  Best wishes too to my cousin 88C who is on his way to Hong Kong for Christmas [wow!], to Barry’s poorly marra and to all in distress or missing.



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Morning All,


It is dark this morning, very dark - and rainy!


I am back in the office today, having had yesterday off for a health check.  Everything seems to be in order as far as the Doc can tell so far, but I haven't got the blood test results yet - so fingers crossed.


As far as drones are concerned - wretched things.  It is such a shame that the actions of a few spoil it for the many.  It doesn't take the intellect of a rocket scientist to work out that flying them in Control Zones is not a good idea.  There was an Airprox back in the Summer at Stansted - a landing 737 missed a drone by a very small margin at 10000 feet!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

A very quick good morning after a quick skim read.   Good day had visiting folk in the Leeds are and meal with no 2 son and his wife then back to Lincoln, This morning, off to London to meet various friends and deliver classic French plates to Horsetan for his CX.  Hopefully more time to read and rate comments tomorrow.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

ChrisF- enjoy your trip to CH.


We  prefer flying out of Gatwick as its very close by but this upcoming trip looks like it will be good not to do so but just hoping it doesnt have a knock on effect at Heathrow.


The number of ATM's around here has dropped but luckily our town still has all the main banks unlike Reigate which has lost a few. I was reading about a small pub chain in London who no longer accept cash in their pubs due to overnight break ins. I wonder what they do if they lose internet / telephone connection for their card machines.


Yesterday afternoon we  had our last drinks in London for this year, with Andrew C and our other halves. A very good night under the arches in Bermondsey in The Bottleshop, Cloudwater Tap and London Calling Sweden - ten years ago you wouldnt want to walk around there in the daylight let alone at night.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Damp outside here this morning.

Enjoy your trip Chris.

I slept well not her indoors woke up and asked for a mugatea. After her valiant effort driving home last night this was not a problem.


Off to see some of our neighbours tonight for talking, drinking and nibbling of food.


Enjoy your day in whichever way you can!


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and deliver classic French plates to Horsetan for his CX.

Tell him he's missed on here, when you meet him.


Morning All


Dark, wet and windy here.  30747 called into work (again) - she does seem to be the one woman sick and holiday cover.  Luckily she's not covering the colleague who gives her a lift to work - that was last week!  07.15 away for Lancaster every day, then back again at 14.00 - these short runs don't half drink up the petrol.


Anyhows, on to what's been happening in ER land -


John (CB), I read your blog on Sandy's chemo, and have bookmarked it so that I can follow it as it seems a bit more comprehensive than you could manage here.  I do hope it all works out as exepcted and hoped.


Chrisf - enjoy your trip to Switzerland, and your meeting up with Il Dottore.


Andy - again hopes for a solution to your ongoing issue over the fraud that you experienced.


Everybody else, generic greetings to the celebrating and ailing.


Fodder run which I was hoping to do has been postponed as 30747 finishes at noon instead of 2 - oh frabjoy, I was hoping to get to Aldi and Morereasons today before the pre Christmas rush starts.  I really don't get the massive stocking up, as the supermarkets don't stay closed for a week - if they could, they'd open on Christmas day as well. 


Back tomorrow at some point - hopefully.


Regards to All


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Drone sightings at Gatport Airwick cause chaos.

Surely armed police are justified in some live target practice?

Problem is, what goes up must come down, the effect of a falling drone or more importantly a falling live round on an aircraft full of fuel waiting to take off would be disastrous. Much damage was done to the cities in the UK during WW2 when what was sent up came back down without what it was aimed at.


The ATM ripping out of buildings was a serious problem last year in Norfolk and Suffolk, using either a stolen landrover or JCB. However that gang was nicked, but I don't suppose it will be long before another gang is formed and gets started.


The crime rate (for theft and burglery) in Norfolk this year was halved when a single family of travellers was nicked, they were of course giving all the legitimate travellers a bad name..


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here...Just...


I first awoke 02:30 went to the sofa , and after a while of not sleeping, had a rather good sleep, to much in fact, I awoke when I should have been going out of the door. Ben the Border Collie slept in as well, not waking till I was shovelling coal into the stove.


Total sleep 8  hours, so why do I feel so Knackered?


After a much panicked charging around including putting my trousers on inside out in the dark, I eventually arrived here with 1 minute to spare (with trousers on the right way round).

I only made it because all the traffic lights cooperated and let me through without stopping me. This was combined with a noticable drop in traffic this morning, I believe the local schools start their holidays today..


In the days when I was a Tes and co maintenance man I'd be in on Christmas eve (a requirement) at 06:00 to find entire families wandering around with coats over pyjamas filling multiple trollies. According to staff there  were  people going in and out doing the same all night.


Well, the second set of measurements of 10G ohm and 20G Ohm resistors is well under way, they will need at least 3 if not more before thay can be use. So at the moment it's 1 measurement each per day, then that will be moved out to once a week, then eventually once they have settled and we can reliably predict the value on any day, once every 3 months.



I'm still Measuring ACV... Why? Because, I think, there was a loop in the signal cable taking the measured voltage to the DMM, this was enough to deliver the wrong voltage readings to the DMM at high frequencies. 5 hours work lost, I have 80 minutes to go on the rerun, and then 20 minutes of another test, before putting this system on cross checks (I hope). Then it will be on to some current shunts.


Luckily there is a distinct lull in orders for the instrument tested on this system, I think roumers of it's replacement, which has a lot more capabilities, have escaped to the outside world. The latest, is that release to the wild is imminent for the base model. 


Actually there are several new products /  models to be relased for various electronic tasts  but I have no contact with the others ..


Time too type...10.000366G Ohms, approximately..

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