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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

5.5 hours sleep in bed which was good, though no extra so that wasn't. I've also awoke feeling err well not happy, not depressed just not happy.


It's a bit chilly in here, the way the major system is standing at the moment it's putting hot air into the A/C intake and that is overcooling the room, when it's finished this section I'll move it a bit.


Ben the Border Collie came outside for his morning patrol, looked at the extreme soggyness and darkness, looked at me, wagged his tail and went back inside...



Coming onto the main road via the post office posting of the last Christmas cards, I was therefore a couple of minutes late. So stuck behind a long queue of cars behind the slowwomble, on reaching  the NDR eventually, someone in the long queue of cars behind me was very ******off, and hoofed it. I reckon he was doing 100+ by the time he passed me.


Today I should finish the major system, Meantime while is on its 40 minute runs between knob turns, I've some new 10G Ohm and 20G Ohm Resistors to measure for the new product test stations. Once they are both out of the way I have some more current shunts to do, that will take me well into Thursday .


After that there is nothing programmed as I can't leave anything half done over my break, which including weekends is 10 days, that is probably the most I've had off over this period  since 1976.


I'm guessing the goldfish was being accused of stealing Christmas presents from the front porch...


Right, time to sit very still while the first Measurement does it's final settling..


Time to... do nothing...

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Today saw a conversation with the fraud department of the police. Lots of details taken, but they will not help me recover the money that will be lost once the various card owners challenge the fraud payments via their bank. The second of the five payments was challenged today and I actually received a phone call from the card owner who found the business on the internet. Their total losses, to various transactions is around the £5000 mark. Whilst mine will be less, it is massive hole in funds at this early stage in the business life. Perhaps that is why I am feeling rather less festive than normal.



What I don't get, Andy, is why the banks don't pick up the tab; if their system authorised the payments, the retailer would accept that authorisation in good faith. Is there an organisation for small businesses that may help? If a lot of small retailers have suffered in this way surely there's a way forward. I hope that the police will be trying to track down the fraudster(s). Would trading standards have any advice? You could write to your MP but I think he/she may be too pre-occupied just now.



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Had a good day in various pubs in Reigate with an ex work collegue from 10 years ago but regularly meet up with him for a beer. However for a change he could walk from his house to the first pub.


Today hopefully meeting up with Andrew C for beers in London.


WIll be our last UK beers this year.


before heading out I do have a few locos to finish fitting LED's .

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What I don't get, Andy, is why the banks don't pick up the tab; if their system authorised the payments, the retailer would accept that authorisation in good faith. Is there an organisation for small businesses that may help? If a lot of small retailers have suffered in this way surely there's a way forward. I hope that the police will be trying to track down the fraudster(s). Would trading standards have any advice? You could write to your MP but I think he/she may be too pre-occupied just now.



I spoke to the bank straight away but they were unhelpful. The bank does not deal with the funds until it lands in the business account. When payment is made on the website it is handled by a company called Stripe payments. They process the money and then pay it into the account within a few days. It is this company that the cardholder’s bank have approached. They have issued the refund of money back to the bank during the investigation and have effectively taken this money from me by deducting the amount from future payments.

I have called the Stripe payment helpline, but the people who answer the call “are not qualified” to deal with it and have transferred the query to a member of their fraud team. They were due to call me back within 48 hours. Their contact took the form of an email asking for a convienient time to call. I emailed back with times for a Monday and Tuesday. I am still awaiting their call.

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Good morning all,

Pouring with rain here but it is forecast to brighten up later.

I too have been lurking for a couple of days as every time I was about to post something else cropped up.

A good time was had on Sunday at the family do and there were no fights! 

On Monday tools were wielded and a second layout board has been produced with no injuries ensuing. 

Yesterday was taken up with shopping and domestic stuff and after school we had the usual visit from Joe & Gemma.

Today I will hopefully fit legs to the boards. With a bit of luck. Maybe.

Andy, words fail me about the scum who are causing you a problem. Many years ago I was the victim of credit card fraud when a new card sent to me went missing in the post and the thieves racked up about £3K worth of purchases from various small businesses. Luckily for me it turned out OK but it was extremely worrying at the time. I hope you are able to get it sorted soon.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning everyone


It’s a little dull here at the moment, with no rain as yet, but there is 50% chance of rain later. Once breakfast has been consumed I’ll head off to the pool for my weekly swim, hopefully it won’t be too busy.


Back later.

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Morening all,


John (CB) - all the best for Sandy's treatment today and following on.


The subject of credit cards not being honoured when accepted in good faith is a little puzzling as several major card suppliers (definitely Visa and Lloyd's Bank to my knowledge) operate protection schemes which definitely protect the card holder and the implication is that they also protect the trader.  Presumably in Andy's case the cards will have been skimmed as I can't imagine anybody failing to report the theft of a card.  Alas all part, I suspect, of the major banks doing very little to minimise fraud.


Today it is muscle pummelling at the chiropractor and possibly then meeting herself somewhere in town as she is 'having her hair done' so I might get a meal of some sort out of any money she's got leftover.  Nothing else to report beyond the fact that exactly as forecast the rain has stopped.  The river was looking pretty high yesterday afternoon and assuming those upstream had as much rain as we did I reckon it will be rising even more by the weekend possibly topping the banks in a few places and we have more rain to come overnight on Thursday/Friday - so early floods this season?


Have a good day one and all. 

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Morning all after yesterdays venture out in the rain at Kew Gardens I've dried out, we had a nice lunch in a small restaurant in Richmond on Thames

a wander round the shops and was then buses up to Kew it was then the heavens opened we were well covered but have up tried to take photo's

and video's holding an umbrella which was being blown round by the wind I still got wet the show was excellent and would recommend your try and visit

I do believe it's a sell out the only down side apart for the constant rain the only other problem was the disgusting catering this would have one of those

times I would happily  eaten in one of those s### holes called spoons.


Today I will be faithfully following in GDB's footsteps but we are going to Horrorsons for the Christmas food and Wine big shop.

"Her" has beckoned must go.

                                                                                                                                                                    enjoy your day Foo D' Porter

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The subject of credit cards not being honoured when accepted in good faith is a little puzzling as several major card suppliers (definitely Visa and Lloyd's Bank to my knowledge) operate protection schemes which definitely protect the card holder and the implication is that they also protect the trader.  Presumably in Andy's case the cards will have been skimmed as I can't imagine anybody failing to report the theft of a card.  Alas all part, I suspect, of the major banks doing very little to minimise fraud.


The banks are legally obliged to reimburse the cardholder in such circumstances. In exchange they are allowed to charge such high interest on credit cards. One thing you can be certain of is that the banks do not lose out.

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It is sunny now after a wet and cloudy start to the day.

We have a few cards to post locally.

The bin bags went. Aditi had a chat with the bin men. She said they are very pleasant.


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I'm sorry to hear about andyram's credit card/fraud problems. I am continually being bombarded by "do online this, "go online that" No thank you.


I am not as much of a Luddite as ChrisF (which is a compliment in this context, Chris) and have been - in the past - an early adopter of technology, but nowadays I don't trust the bu99ers one bit.. Apart from the odd online purchase (Amazon, SBB, Gear4Music), my credit card remains strictly unused. And although my company has a corporate bank account with online-only services (the ones I use are free :O ) I resolutely stick to cash whenever and wherever possible (in fact my company paid its' recent insurance bill in cash [i took the money out the corporate account, toddled over to the Post Office with the payment slip and handed over the moolah]). I also refuse to use the customer "loyalty" cards that get issued everywhere it seems nowadays. As one of the bad boys of Silicon Valley is supposed to have said  "if something is free, then YOU are the product"). If anyone wants to know the details of my shopping habits, they are going to have to ask for it the old fashioned way...Furthermore, I find it totally absurd (and annoying) to wait in line whilst some cockwomble fumbles with his/her payment card (of whatever type) for a SFr5.25 purchase! C'mon people, get a grip!


Christmas time is always a bad time to start any sort of treatment, so I wish all the very best for John and Sandy with thir chemo treatments. Hopefully, they'll have a Christmas present of an effective treatment with minimal adverse events.


I'll be meeting up with ChrisF and JohnDMJ of this parish in Visp just after Christmas. We decided on Visp as Brig (the usual watering hole) has been pretty much exhausted as a venue. Mind you, the wisdom of this decision remains to be seen as one of my Swiss acquaintances said "Visp is for those people who can't stand the high pressure pace of life in Brig" (I think he was being sardonic).


Have a good one




Food for thought: If you owe the bank $100,000 YOU are in trouble, if you owe the bank $100,000,000 - the BANK is in trouble.

Edited by iL Dottore
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Ah I suppose when I start quoteing sailing terminology on a Sunday I confuse many on here...



Brings back memories for me but hey!  There is so much more to this muddling business that confuses me even if I do seem a right nerd to others... We just laugh at ourselves when we spot something and identify it out loud in unison!  You know the thing, when a loco appears on a TV programme, for instance....Ah! That's No.xxxx Name NN on the Whatsit Line....It appeared in....out of ticket...so&so is restoring her...and....blah blah blah… (then we're really talking technicalities...I will not bore you with these....)



Well, ' afternoon all from the land of the Great Little Trains.

Ray has gone to West Shore, youngest is out shopping with a friend, which leaves me free to clear up so that I can get things sorted to make the Christmas cake tomorrow.

All the Christmas cards, apart from a few neighbours, are done. (Phew!)

Time to grab a quick mugadecaf and Carry On up the Khyber in the Kitchen.


Take care...keep smiling...



Edited by southern42
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  The channel crossing was delayed, we think by them trying to fit an oversized load into the wrong part of the boat then having to back the artic out of the ship and down the long curving ramp at Ouisterham.  The crossing was bumpy and QE looked good as we passed it.  


Regards to all.



At least it didn't end up with tipped lorries like the Larne to Cairnryan ferry

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Happy Lunchtime All.


High drama occurred Upon the Hill of Strawberries early this morning. I was about to leave for the House of Fun when I smelled acrid smoke. Opening the window to a dark and wet morning the air was thick and a cacophony of sirens could be heard approaching. Five minutes later I energed into a weird world of thick smoke and flashing blue lights.


I counted six fire engines and four police vehicles two of which were blocking off the road but not the railway. As trains were running normally I continued my journey and had to await the return before investigating further.


It seems a part of the golf club over the road has been either badly damaged or destroyed. It now lies beyond the police tape with very little visible from the road


In other news we have been invited to join with Neighbours (Upstairs) for dinner and drinks at ‘spoons Twickenham branch tonight. This should help ease the 19th December memories.


On this night in 1981 eight souls were lost from the Penlee lifeboat whilst attempting to rescue eight others from the stricken coaster Union Star. I knew two of the lifebiat crew. I would have been at school with two others but I have never recalled them being in my class. They could have been a year younger so in my sister’s class though she also does not recall their names as former classmates.


Out of respect, and standing with the folk of Mousehole - the next village to ours and where they all lived, we turn out our Christmas light this night and leave a single candle alight. In recent years this has been a battery-powered one. We havr no wish to cause a second shout to the local fire brigade.


When people say “Worse things happen at sea” I can reply that I have been rather close to that particular fact.


Best wishes to all. We are nearly all over the week’s hump now and it is apparently all downhill to Christmas from here.

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On this night in 1981 eight souls were lost from the Penlee lifeboat whilst attempting to rescue eight others from the stricken coaster Union Star. I knew two of the lifebiat crew. I would have been at school with two others but I have never recalled them being in my class. They could have been a year younger so in my sister’s class though she also does not recall their names as former classmates.


Out of respect, and standing with the folk of Mousehole - the next village to ours and where they all lived, we turn out our Christmas light this night and leave a single candle alight. In recent years this has been a battery-powered one. We havr no wish to cause a second shout to the local fire brigade.


When people say “Worse things happen at sea” I can reply that I have been rather close to that particular fact.


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Greetings all and special thoughts to Sandy and John; may the day be bearable and the results positive. Also sorry to hear the fraud news from Andyram.Hopefully that will get sorted in a way that allows you to recoup the money, especially as I doubt you'll be able to recover from the fraudster.


Just the afternoon to go and then I am outtahere for the year.


I have sustained in-laws over Christmas. Mrs Lurker will be happy, as will her Mum and Sister!


I may not post again this side of 2019 so best wishes for Christmas and New Year and safe travelling to those who dare it!

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HUMP day... ta da!


No forward movement on "helping with SQL..." as the person in question, whilst appearing not once, or twice, but THREE times at my desk on separate issue (see below!), never even mentioned the task I am expected to help with/take over. In talking with one of the folks I report to here, turns out the boss of said IT-oik is on vacation NOW until the end of the year.

Person in question has a regular habit of avoiding anything that seems like work, so we're betting on him not even bringing the subject up until about the time I leave tomorrow, if THEN! Probably will email me Friday with some lame excuse and "can I look at this...".


"Separate issue"... yesterday I was suddenly unable to access any of the reports I've built/created on the dashboards set up (again by me!!) so had to enlist the help - hardly any HELP really - of the same IT-oik, hence his appearance at my desk three times.

Original "thought" was it's a problem with my laptop. "NO" said I, nothings changed.

Oik disappears. 2 hours later, oik reappears asking me to try another PC, head to cubicle adjacent spare/unused desk, same problem, I suggest it may be my security since the IT-security numbnuts have managed to break that dozens of times in the past three years, oik disappears.

A FURTHER two hours later, get a call - can I try it on a PC that someone ELSE can successfully access the reports on because maybe the "other PC" also has some PC-related problems. DUH! Unlikely says I, but dutifully disturb one of the staff, log on to THAT PC - same problem - NO SURPRISE!

Report findings back to oik, response is "maybe it's a security issue" :jester:  I felt like uttering that immortal phrase "no SH!T Sherlock"!!!

No word since and the issue remains this morning - I fully expect to have the IT-hopeless appear en masse later and attempt once again to suggest it's not their problem :O

Gotta love IT support they're "the best" <kof> <puke> <gag> :triniti:  :butcher:  You really can't make this up, I'm convinced the producers of "The IT Crowd" must've at one time been at the mercy of an IT department.


Brisk -3 driving in, dire warnings of the approaching apocalypse from the TV weatherman - though he did mention it'll be a high of 5 today and up to 10 tomorrow :)


Over the hump we go...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Duly chiropracted then went to meet Mrs Stationmaster at her hairdresser - was given a cuppa and a biscuit then Mrs Stationmaster volunteered me to have my hair 'done' too, so a very nice lady duly shampooed and cut it (and Mrs Stationmaster paid, seems mine cost the same as hers so that's my Christmas present sorted :O  :O ). Then to the local market where 'German' sausage hotdogs were on offer so that was my turn to treat herself, and very nice they were too.


Once the current mugatea has been consumed we'll be on our way to Tesco and will no doubt find that those who were Pavementblockingwombles down in the town will have obtained engineering assistance and become Aisleblockingtrolleywombles.  Don't you just love Christmas?

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Greetings all and special thoughts to Sandy and John; may the day be bearable and the results positive. Also sorry to hear the fraud news from Andyram.Hopefully that will get sorted in a way that allows you to recoup the money, especially as I doubt you'll be able to recover from the fraudster.


Just the afternoon to go and then I am outtahere for the year.


I have sustained in-laws over Christmas. Mrs Lurker will be happy, as will her Mum and Sister!


I may not post again this side of 2019 so best wishes for Christmas and New Year and safe travelling to those who dare it!


So, before anyone else takes leave of absence...


A very Merry Xmas

And a happy New Year

Let's hope it's a good one

Without any fear

John Lennon




Best wishes to everyone

Polly & Ray


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And produced by the great guitarist, Chris Newman, probably one of the greatest guitarists that nobody's ever heard of.


Morning All


Sorry I've been absent, I've been lurking for a few days, but as ever, I offer generic greetings to all who are ailing or celebrating, and I have rated everybody's posts.  Special mentions to John and Sandy, hope the chemo has the desired result.  And, of course to Andy, who is suffering through no fault of his own, and hopefully the banks, police, and card company will manage to get some financial solution which means that your business is not going to lose out.  Also Chrisf - good luck with the counselling, and also your aims for next year. 


Now then, what's happening with 45156 - not a lot really,  though I do seem to be going into Lancaster quite often for odds and ends which I keep forgetting.  The new thing is that I now need to learn to look after goldfish, as 30747 bought some for the nursery, and they are not thriving there, as the children are putting things in the tank, the latest was glitter, and previously spaghetti.  So for their own good, they have been removed permanently, and will reside here.


Back tomorrow. (hopefully)

Regards to All



No doubt it will be flocked and ballasted instead   :jester:

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What I don't get, Andy, is why the banks don't pick up the tab; if their system authorised the payments, the retailer would accept that authorisation in good faith. Is there an organisation for small businesses that may help? If a lot of small retailers have suffered in this way surely there's a way forward. I hope that the police will be trying to track down the fraudster(s). Would trading standards have any advice? You could write to your MP but I think he/she may be too pre-occupied just now.



In the US the merchant owns most of the liability for "card not present" transactions. I suspect the situation in the UK is similar.



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