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A common Guitar Playing terminology..

Ah I suppose when I start quoteing sailing terminology on a Sunday I confuse many on here...

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Aditi decided to do both tasks today. After a while in the garden I heard a plaintive cry “the arch had just collapsed”. This is a metal arch over a path and has honeysuckle, roses , and clematis growing on it. Mid prune it just went. I have lashed it back together but it has rusted so it is now due to be replaced, but after Christmas. As I was by then outside, Aditi suggested that we cleaned the cars. So “we” did.

I think Pannetone version one is underway. Aditi wanted to make the dough in the bread maker and use a special tin she had bought last year that bake it. However the instructions for the dough seemed incomplete. So she is making the bake in the bread maker version.

I did look online for a later manual but the later ones are the same but in more languages. If it doesn’t turn out to look like pannetone I am sure Aditi’s “it will be fine with custard “ remark following baking problems will apply.


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Building work is still going on next door and I understand that it will still be going on into next year. Rather surprising as the couple who bought it did so with the intention of letting it out. The house around the corner which has had the large scots pine removed is looking very forlorn as the rather large back garden has also been cleared, the new owner is seeking planning permission for up to six dwellings on the site! and thats keeping the original house. One result of the clearance was a couple of scrawney foxes running around in broad daylight looking confused, apparently they had made their den in the said back garden which was badly overgrown. The foxes have now disappeared, they were in poor condition so its unlikely they will survive the winter.

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If it doesn’t turn out to look like pannetone I am sure Aditi’s “it will be fine with custard “ remark following baking problems will apply.

I'm led to believe that a good secondary use for Pannetone is French toast, though I've not tried it myself.

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Afternoon all


Started to get dark at 2.30 this afternoon because of the general rain and overall greyness.


All the best for tomorrow and the road ahead

John, as Rick says, am thinking of you both for tomorrow. It's just so sh1t that you both have to go through with it; it's emotionally tough for partners, too.



Chops I've heard of lamb chops, pork chops but never this expression... err what do you mean?


A common Guitar Playing terminology..

Thanks, Andrew (glad your leak has been staunched btw) - musical chops means that you play to a professional standard without making mistakes. It's even used by drummers!


Hope your evenings go as well as they can



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  • RMweb Premium

As I was the one at the back of the school recorder group, Moving my fingers but not blowing, the only chops I'll have are pork..

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Lurk, lurk.


Many issues here at the moment, not all bad, and I won't bore you with them, but I am not getting into RMweb as oft as I used to. Not a bad thing in some ways.


I think I've managed to keep abreast of most things but if I have missed anything important then take it that you have appropriate thoughts, good wishes or congratulations.


John, you and your good lady will be in my thoughts tomorrow and in the future.

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Thoughts are with Sandy and John this evening, and Chris.  I need a list too I think, to find my missing modelling mojo.  I also wish I had iD's dedication to losing weight, I need to, I'd like to, but I also lack the required motivation.


Slightly less stress today - but only just.  It'll be over in three days, I just need to not lose it with someone or something before then. 


Rant warning.  Why, oh why do people leave it so late to order presents, then act surprised when the post takes more time than usual to arrive?  We get a year's warning of Christmas.....but its all our fault.  Not the post, not the late ordering...but us. Personally. We do it as a sort of vendetta against customers it would appear. #sigh#  /Rant warning.

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An online news article referenced this paper ("High prevalence and adverse health effects of loneliness in community-dwelling adults across the lifespan: role of wisdom as a protective factor") today.
The survey finds:

Loneliness severity and age had a complex relationship, with increased loneliness in the late-20s, mid-50s, and late-80s.

Food for thought, I thought.


I hope today finds you all well.


Hopefully I am done with the root canal saga. Today my regular dentist installed a permanent filling in the hole through the crown that was drilled by the endontist who did the root canal. Apparently it involves a titanium post and a UV light-cured resin. I find it unsettling when a dentist begins to drill without any anaesthetic, but the procedure was painless as advertised, though it does feel a bit put out right now.


One thing that struck me was the use of many colored lights through the procedure. At one point the endontist used a green light to illuminate his work. While curing the filling today my dentist turned off his normal bright lamp and used an amber light in his headband presumably that helps him point the UV beam. (I assure you that no hallucinogenic drugs were used at anytime in the process.)

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Good evening al; from Lincoln.   A good journey was had yesterday in sunshine most of the way.   As we crossed the Loire in Tours I saw the redundant water tower at St Pierre des Corps and thought of Hornblowers journey down the river as we crossed it.   The channel crossing was delayed, we think by them trying to fit an oversized load into the wrong part of the boat then having to back the artic out of the ship and down the long curving ramp at Ouisterham.  The crossing was bumpy and QE looked good as we passed it.   After a good run north we are now at No 1 sons with young Ryan (6 yr old) and three dogs for company along with Martin and Katie, Ryan's mum.   A good meal has been had, wine has been drink and we are off to Leeds in the morning.  Just had time for a skim read on here.


Regards to all.



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Good evening everyone


Whilst I was out shopping, it started to rain, it 4ained for most of the day, only stopping about 1 1/2 - 2 hours ago. However, the rain wasn’t heavy, so it didn’t stop me venturing down to the workshop. A little more progress has been made on the G16. Work has mainly concentrated on the cab interior and false floor. This has now been completed and it has been given an initial coat of paint. There’s still a bit more to do, but that will have to wait for a few days.


John. Fingers crossed that Sandy’s chemo goes as well as these things can do.


Goodnight all

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Evening fellow ER’s. My thoughts and good wishes are for John and Sandy tonight, and will be again tomorrow. I hope the treatment goes well.

Thoughts are with ChrisF too as he continues his own battle. I hope the final preparations for the trip goes well and the trip is enjoyable.

Supportive wishes and thoughts for Andy.P too. I hope things get sorted.


I was very interested by IL D’s 2018 and 2019 list. I am sure the list of others will make interesting reading. On a personal note a 2018 list may be heavily weighted on the negative side of things.


Today saw a conversation with the fraud department of the police. Lots of details taken, but they will not help me recover the money that will be lost once the various card owners challenge the fraud payments via their bank. The second of the five payments was challenged today and I actually received a phone call from the card owner who found the business on the internet. Their total losses, to various transactions is around the £5000 mark. Whilst mine will be less, it is massive hole in funds at this early stage in the business life. Perhaps that is why I am feeling rather less festive than normal.


Best wishes



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Good morning one and all


I wandered into a minefield yesterday.  Although I don’t actually want a smartphone because my £20 pay as you go Nokia does all I ask of it and has just had its credit topped up, the idea won’t go away.  I must therefore take soundings against the day when the present implement gives up the ghost and I have to do something.  Whatever I might get is bound to be more expensive than I would wish.  A casual enquiry of Harry on Monday was no help.  He uses an iPhone, which is pricey: boy is it pricey!  Mind you, this is the guy who used to get his groceries from Marks and Spencer when he was a student.  That aside, I have no desire to be in constant touch with the outside world and can envisage me turning off the phone when not in use.  Heretic!  I shall do nothing about this until I return from holiday, if at all, but do feel free to contribute thoughts!  Of much less significance is my purchase of a new woolly hat for my holiday.  I got a 40% discount from Debenhams, so it was £6 instead of £10.


As we have been talking about night clubs, prompted by my 2019 objectives, I am reminded of the song which the late great Fred Wedlock took into the charts.  “The Oldest Swinger In Town” was written by Ed Pickford, embellished by Fred and championed by Noel Edmonds.  Stap me, that must have been 30 years ago and I feel every one of my 70 years when I think of it.  Some of the lines resonate, such as: “When you walk into a disco and they offer you a seat”.  Oh, happy days.


Warm and seasonal thoughts to all in distress or missing, and to John and Sandy whose chemo starts today.  Andyram, please forgive me for not having commented on the nonsense that you have been suffering but my thoughts are with you.  Thanks in turn to you for your kind words.



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