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Morning All,


We had a little snow over the weekend (Sunday), but it is all gone now and the temperature has risen slightly.


According to the forecast, the chances of a white Christmas are 0% this year!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all.  I’m sorry I’m late on parade but my broadband appears not to like being used at this time of the morning and shows its displeasure by flashing its lights in every colour but blue.  I tire of pressing restart buttons.  I’ve also just sent a PM to a fellow RMwebber with whom I seem to have common cause and can only hope that it gives him a little comfort.


Yesterday morning left much to be desired.  I had to buy a new wristwatch because the one I keep set to GMT+1 seems to have sustained a terminal failure.  Goodbye Nectar points, it was nice knowing you.  Then there were new batteries for the remote that operates my DVD player if I press the buttons hard enough and a cyan ink cartridge for my thirsty printer.  Later, counselling was a bit harrowing as we discussed a certain problematic relationship.  There is more to be said and I dare say there will be more tears then.  Fortunately the counsellor was not too horrified at my objectives for 2019, which I wrote following a conversation with e-friend Harry a couple of weeks ago and would like to share with you now.  [One day he may show me his …]


1.         Resolve difficulties with confidence and depression through counselling

2.         March in individuals group at Pride In London

3.         Remember/re-learn how to dance

4.         Learn and perform “Be The Man”

5.         Learn to be at ease in a nightclub!

6.         Continue working with Bill Bishop to put together short break in Prague

7.         Identify and possibly join local LGBT support group


Clearly some of these will be easier to achieve than others!


Talking of Harry, I managed to get through to him on Messenger last evening and we have wished each other the compliments of the season.  This is not always as easy as it should be since it is sometimes very difficult to tell whether or not he is on watch.  Those capable of adding 2 + 2 may well have twigged that the problematic relationship mentioned above is with him.


Tonight I shall find whether chicken and mushroom pie can be disguised as festive food.  Warm and seasonal thoughts to all in distress or missing



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Morning all,


Nice to see Chrisf has his goals set out; not sure I'd ever be able to achieve #5 though. 


Another damp and blustery day here and most folk are counting down to Friday when the office will shut. 


With weather as it is the motivation to get out to the garage and do any modelling work is minimal.

So, for holiday entertainment I've booked a fishing trip - not as counter intuitive as it may sound. Cognac from a hip flask will help ward off the damp!


Hoping to catch a big old trout.

Which takes me back to Chrisf's #5 quite neatly, methinks.   :no:


Have a nice day everyone. 

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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit blowy here and it’s warmed up quite a bit, 8C today instead of yesterday’s 2C. Once again it’s alm time to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix. I’ve got my shopping list so, if everything is in stock all should be well and I won’t need to go again until after Christmas.


Hopefully I’ll be able to get a bit more done in the workshop once I’ve returned and put all the shopping away.


Back later

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Perhaps I should enlarge on the reasoning for objective #5.  Up to now the only night club in which I can recall setting foot is the rather down-at-heel Carinas in Sidmouth, and that only because no better venue was available for some of the FolkWeek concerts.  Rather more likely to be [dis]graced by my presence are those select establishments in Bristol which play host to the after-parties at Bristol Pride in July.  The odds are stacked against me.  It is doubtful whether I could pass for someone half my age, which must be the upper limit of the clientele, though subdued lighting can work wonders.  The telling factor is the availability or otherwise of real ale in an establishment where most drinks, screenwash or otherwise, are consumed from the bottle.  Teats are optional.  I may consult Harry, who I know has form in one club in particular.  To his fury I have a photo of him and three friends taken in said dive.  What I do not have is a photo of him dressed as an elf on a charity night there in November 2010.  Believe me, I've looked.   On Facebook he posted "This elf won't be drinking again in a hurry!".  Yeah, right.


I suspect that I shall be giving some of the other objectives priority ...



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Greetings all from the boring borough. T-27h working hours until I finish for the year. Tonight we shall be fighting the hoards of feral shoppers in the West End. 


Strictly speaking, I thought it was a Festivus Pole - very minimalist seasonal decoration for those less inclined to endure the hassles of a tree.

SWMBO hath decreed a fully branched Festivus bush instead of the usual stick. I have of course added a circle of track around said bush. A long hidden cache of 7mm wagons has been unearthed for the locos to play with. I've also found 4 unbuilt Slaters and Parkside kits to keep me busy over the Festivus period. 


Not much else to say. Enjoy the day. 

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That could depend on the night clubs in Prague ...



But there are bars with trains.

I don’t think I have ever been in a nightclub. I assume a Chinese restaurant with live music on a Friday night doesn’t count.


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Morning all,

Extremely wild and windy here, and forecast to stay that way all day. It seems that we have a gale at least every week recently, and I am wondering what happened to the nice dry sunny crisp winter days we used to get.


Festive tree erected and decorated yesterday afternoon, so of course one lot of lights decided not to work later on. I will have to check out all the bulbs to see where the fault is. My main task just now to to replace part of the chipboard floor in our spare bedroom as the existing floor was sagging underfoot. The sagging area has been cut out, and a replacement bit of chipboard found ready to fit.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but windy today, the wet stuff is predicted to hold off until late this afternoon. AndyR, it looks as if the fraudsters are unaware that you're on to them, either they are chancers or as thick as two short planks. I would tell them that some of the items that they ordered are not in stock/sold out and will not be available until the new year. ChrisF, I last went to a night club/disco about 30 years ago, at 40 I was by no means the oldest there but my companions were half my age or less. I have a photo somewhere taken at the time of me with a young lady on each arm. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Chewsday moaning...

Additional work/amusement at the client yesterday - visited by the pseudo-sys admin for the ERP system ("pseudo" is my prefix, given when he was hired, many moons ago, he oversold himself, was recommended AGAINST by those here at the time, nonetheless was hired, and is about 40% effective even though he assured/assures everyone he is well versed on the system!!), ANYWAY, he and his boss (IT-hopeful/cousin apparently of a board member!!!) asked if I could work on a SQL project for an external requirement, as he has the specifications but apparently not now got the time to complete the mission. One thing he's good at is bullsh!t!!!

Turns out, he doesn't know/understand what the !@$&!@%$ is required and how to do it, so managed to convince his boss he needed me to take it over due to his time constraints... :jester:

He's expected at my desk around 9AM - he did ask if I'd be in by then, my reply of "I get here around 7:30" almost gave him a cardiac arrest, he's NEVER managed to be in before 9 - and will hand over the specs and other information he has then apparently!


Other than that - notable in the general shopping department, at least over here, is that many/most medium/large shops now have an online presence AND will provide specific on-hand quantity information for what you're looking for.

The BAD side (for THEM!) of that is 90% of the time they are apparently out of what "I" am looking for, so I order from Amazon and guarantee to get what I need - please don't be too judgmental, this is a BIG country, and whilst you'd hope/expect you could actually "shop" for stuff, it's only got about a 65% at best success rate, so I choose whatever works that will provide the result.


-1 here and -8 realfeel, morning TV weatherman had a field day with those numbers! :O I swear he was ready to include "arctic" and "permafrost" in his script!! :) Expecting +3 for a high.


Enjoy the day as best you can.

Edited by Ian Abel
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18 DAYS, And Direct Line have been out today to sort out the Leak from the back of the Shower into the cavity, and down to the floor.


Cant be done we are told, and so it's not covered.!!!!!


Thanks Direct Line.

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Greetings all, no rain here in LBG but some is expected later. Younger Lurker reached the grand old age of 10 yesterday. He thought that actually being 9 had been quite good and that he didn't want to be 10!


I'm counting down the working hours until I finish for Christmas. I reckon about 15 hours to spend in the office now...


Not a lot more to add right now. Enjoy your day!

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Good morning!



iL Dottore, congratulations keeping the 40kg off, it ain't easy! Your guitar playing chops will return, dinnae worry!




Chops I've heard of lamb chops, pork chops but never this expression... err what do you mean?

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Aft’noon all from the Hill of Strawberries


Grey, damp but warmer day today though we are threatened with dire things later. Rain, wind, floods, transport delays, plagues of frogs, locusts and pestilence among the first-born.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile the squiggles have been chased out of the bins three times and the latter are now sprayed with cat-wee neutralising liquid (which itself has a strong odour) in the hopes of discouraging those furry tree-rats.


Started the morning with a dose of anxiety about forthcoming events - the hire car, the Christmas week roster, the stretching of funds ..... That took some time to blow away though has largely done so for now. It was helped by placing a call to the hire car depot to check whether they do in fact accept debit cards as their emails all state in large red letters “Debit cards and cash not accepted”. The person I spoke with assured me that they do take debit cards. Here’s hoping. 13 o’clock on Christmas Eve, when one by choice has no credit facility, is not the time to be told they don’t.


In other news I see the wish-listing has started ;) I’ll have to have a think what I might want from 2019.


Best wishes all.

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