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  • RMweb Premium

The wet arrived at couple of hours ago, it's hammering on the windows.

Just been looking at the washer manual on line, it appears once it's finished it's programme you have tell it to spin....

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Had a pint or three with an old mate, a retired Brighton driver, who I last worked with 30 years ago. He was down this way with a retired colleague from Aldershot for a reunion. The Aldershot driver had 10 years on Eurostar before retiring, very interesting to hear of his time there and his 2 years training. 70% of the rail crew we talked of had passed away in the last 30 years. That's a sad fact of getting older. But it was great meeting up.

Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all yet again from Estuary-Land. Watched 'Death on the Tyne', no belly laughs but quite funny so I'm glad I watched it.



Reg normally washes his car and her truck MPV she's a big old lump of a thing and doesn't fit in his Fiesta while it's raining, again with the electric vacuum cleaner going and the

electric cable drum getting washed down with his power wash it's a hoot to watch it takes him half hour to set up power washers each motor for at least half hour the same again

with the vac' then tries to leather them down in the p!ssing rain 4 hours later he's still at it and that's just one car. :sarcastichand:


Best one yet in the high winds last week he was working towards the wind with the leaf blower effing and blinding at the wind he's a real nut job. :sarcastichand:


Last week again putting the Christmas lights he was out at first light till about 9pm trying to fix them up they kept blowing. :sarcastichand:


BTW so are the 2 sons are potty as well they don't talk to each other and you don't see much of her she dashes from the truck and into the house

hoping no-one will see the wobbly bit. :sarcastichand:


His whole attire is funny he must be early 50's and wears teenage clothing stretched over his 25st body and he wears lycra when cycling. :sarcastichand:


There more but I can't type the tears are streaming down my face with laughter.  :jester:

A chap I worked with was about 20 stone, he commuted by bike and wore the full lycra get-up, not a very pretty sight.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yer, it was 2c at 2 pm, crawled up to 4 now!  Ian A would have shorts on.



You were lucky.

Played golf today and I reckon 1C tops with about -5 windchill.

My fingers hurt afterwards as they warmed up.


And I've got to it again tomorrow today.


Having said that - I passed my postie at 9.30am - he was wearing shorts.


Catch up later.





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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning one and all


There was a piece on the One Show last night about the end of tolls on the Severn road bridges.  I welcome this because I object vehemently to having to pay to get into Wales. 


I think that the tolls in New York are to get out of the City.

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AndyID, I would have loved to try skiing, the opportunity never arose at a time when I was able, and now I am far from able. Wrecked one hip, other arthritic and one foot that is mush have put paid to that forever now.  Still love to watch the downhill though, all the thrills of motorcycling, but with no bike or brakes to speak of! Those guys and gals are supreme athletes.  Enjoy it while you can, and deflect my jealousy!  Having said that I have a Canadian born friend who has two false hips and a false knee, is ten years older (and a damn sight fitter) than me and he manages OK being a very competent skier


That's rotten Neil, but despite that it might not be too late. Feet are pretty much immobilized in ski boots and there isn't a lot of hip action either. It's all about gradual weight transfer from one ski to the other. Possibly not so different from riding a motor bike. Failing that there are even recumbent skis that don't require any leg/foot action at all.


I'm really not athletic and I only started skiing in earnest in my forties, but it is an incredibly exhilarating sport and it gave me an immense sense of achievement when I was able to go down the bunny slopes without falling, and it helped me keep my chien noir in its kennel (sorry Shona). For anyone who has ever experienced a "flying dream", skiing is the next best thing. You sort of think "I'm going over there" and you do without any apparent effort.




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  • RMweb Gold

Andyram - As Baz says keep perservering and lets hope it gets resolved plus is a 'one off' with these scumbags. If the bank and payment people dont resolve then maybe a move to others.



Yesterday was a horrible wet windy and cold one  but a good day drinking good beers with John DMJ in Petersfield. Some very nice pubs there but still plenty to do so I am sure we will be back there in better weather. This was all after haircut and a visit to a potential commission to build a layout for someone - I now need to draw up a few plans for them so they can see what will fit their outbuilding then price up the boards and track as a first stage then we shall find out if they realise how much it will be whilst trying ot manage their expectations.


When I open the web browser it loads the departure board for Redhill.  Despite GWR services running between Redhill and Gatwick, Southern / Thameslink have replaced all their trains with buses. At one time they used ot run a shuttle between those places if the line North of Redhill was shut but not any more, just a fleet of buses that take ages. Luckily we wont be using the trains or buses today.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good morning one and all


I just found 80p in the pocket of the cords that I laundered yesterday.  Such untold riches have been augmented by a third remittance from Ernie which I must pay into the bank tomorrow.  The joy is tempered by the pile of garments that must be ironed today.  A few more seasonal cards also arrived yesterday, containing kind thoughts and good wishes.  Who could ask for more?  Today's lunch will major on sirloin steak followed by strawberry gateau and will probably not be served at what most folk regard as lunchtime.


In the week ahead, I have my second counselling session tomorrow lunchtime and a sumptuous feast [really?] on Tuesday evening in which chicken and mushroom pie figures.  Then on Thursday It's off to London ahead of my departure by Eurostar the next morning.   As others have demonstrated, it is perfectly feasible to reach Interlaken in a day and this year I will have three companions in this act of rebellion.  The travel company offers a departure at the crack of noon and a dawdle via Brussels, Cologne and the Rhine Valley.  Unto each his own.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and missing



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


No snow yesterday and it feels warmer this morning.

Meeting about cricket scorer training this morning then off down the MRS this afternoon doing some photos and videos as herself has a Christmas get together for the early music group at home. (I like medieval music but today will be more nattering than playing.)


Small win on the lotto last night. Enough to buy a euromillions ticket for Tuesday and pay for some beers. Woopppppiiiiddddoooo!


Have a great day wherever you are on Plamet Earth!


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Greetings all from the boring borough. Weather improving. All the pre-Chrimbo stuff is done. Today will be very quiet and restful methinks. 
Last night was our Christmas dinner aboard the Golden Arrow @ the Bluebell. The Landrover needed water wings on parts of the A22 & A275. Cold, wet, windy, and a lot of water on the road. 
The evening consists of canapes and mulled wine in the Bessemer Arms prior to boarding. Starters on the trip up to East Grinstead. Mains on the way back. Upon arrival back at Sheffield Park there were carollers and a chance to stretch before the second trip. By this time the temp had risen to 8c, wind had gone, and we had clear skies. Second trip was afters followed by cheese and coffee. Not cheap but well worth the evening out with proper Pullman silver service.  



Looking forward to seeing Reg on the Darwin Awards in the near future. 

AndyRam, is there nothing in your card processor's Ts&Cs that covers card fraud. Surely if you shipped in good faith it is the card processor that will be on the hook. 


That's about it. enjoy the day. 


Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sightly milder this morning and the sun is attempting to make an appearance. Should stay dry and fine for most of the day.

We're off to my youngest sister in law's later today for a family do. I like her and her kids but as stated yesterday there may be a couple of other relatives there that I do not like. I've decided not to drive and have booked a cab for our little tribe so I can partake of some seasonal spirit.

First Second task today is a visit to Wickes to get some screws. First task of course will be to demolish a nice breakfast.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Andy Ram..don't give up but don't send the parcel just yet. Let the buyer know that the bank is investigating other payments to you...



Goodnight all!



Andy: The philosophy is simple; don't despatch the goods until the payment has cleared.


Chrisf: see you + companions next Friday in Interlaken; I'll be there tomorrow!

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  • RMweb Gold

Peter, where did you learn about the tanner (6d) and the threpenny bit (3d) that was very similar to the modern £1 coin and probably bought about the same amount of sweets.






These were not on the poster but in those days parents showed you what they were.  John 81 also reminded me that  silver sixpences were often put into Christmas puddings.

Going on from there the radio programmes in 1970 in introducing the new decimal coinage did not do 'comparisons' just 'so many of this make 1 of these etc.' - normal adding ...


Edit = spelling only

Edited by PeterBB
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Andyram I see in status updates that somebody has acquired a mint in box 57 315 in Arriva livery from Cash Converters, you didn't by any chance sell one to your 'big buying customer'?''And a chillyish day out there which left the Good Doctor scraping off ice from her car at about 06.40 as she tried to depart for work.  By the time I set out for Tesco no such inconveniences to departure should exist but no doubt the shop will be attracting trolleywombles and aisleblockingwombles like they're going out of fashion - alas they will no doubt be the fashion for the coming week presumably reaching a crescendo (nadir?) next weekend.


Tomorrow I am off for yet another OFs' Christmas meal - this time in Exeter so it might be a Class 80X from Reading onwards, and back, and no doubt provided it actually works the main problem will be finding a vacant seat; this will probably be the last 'Christmas meal'  until Christmas Day, er probably.


Enjoy your day everybody and don't get too cold.  We are forecast steadily rising temperatures for the coming week - up to 10C by Saturday! 

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