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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

Work stArted on carriage 2, until SWMBo turned up,



2nd washing machine extracted from under kitchen work area in mobile home.


Down to house,

SWMBo had cleared worktop,except for the uwave, which I lifted off.

Then I removed the worktop,

Pulled out washer, reached over disconnected water waste and power..

Then.. How to vertically lift the washer


Answer... Rock one way, SWMBO inserts bricks under, rock the other SWMBO inserts bricks under.

And repeat to desired height .

Push washer past dryer, moving bricks every 9inches.

Once past dryer, lower machine in reverse of raising procedure.

Turn machine 90degrees

Slide sack trolley under

Reverse through door across kitchen through other door .

Lower to ground Remove sack trolley turn washer 90degrees, insert sack trolley

Reverse out back door heave over door step. Drag across garden to dumping point.


Go to mobile home.


Use sack trolley to drag washer to bedroom, place sheet of plywood on bed. Tilt washer onto ply. Slide washer over bed turning washer 180 degrees. lower washer to ground, use sack trolley to drag washer out over doorstep and across decking, remove trolley.

Lower washer 2 feet off decking, insert trolley drag washer 100yards+ to house.


Reverse all the above procedures to get washer into place.

Find out water supply hose doesn't fit, the fitting is inset on the new washer. Get hacksaw to cut wings off plastic nut (around water pipe) , screw onto fitting, need to use long nose pliers .


Refit worktop and uwave.


Test washer empty, but with washing powder in to clean machine which has been stood for some years.



Return to mobile home, carry on with carriage. Basic shell completed, some internal battening fitted.


Now lying on the sofa with a Muggacoffee, eyelid inspection very much expected...


PS blowing a freezing hooley outside as yet no snow or rain...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

no snow here but other than sun the weather here has been interesting...Loft windows covered in ice and big hailstones/rain have been bouncing down (and wind blown sideways) all afternoon. BUT it seems to be slowly getting slightly warmer.


May still get to the pub for a much needed pint!



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  • RMweb Gold

It is really wet here.

I haven’t been out today. Aditi walked to the post office and after lunch drove to Leigh to collect a parcel.

Tomorrow we plan to visit MiL in Enfield. I shall check before setting off that the A10 hasn’t been closed for a Christmas market. MiL hasn’t been well so we will take lunch over. It won’t be complicated, she would like pizza.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a hooley outside at the moment and the hail is rattling on the windows, nice and snug here indoors anyway. A bit of entertainment at Tess Coe's this afternoon, a bit of trolley rage resulted in voices being raised until security had a word in their shell likes.


Morning All just 

Idiot neighbour Reg is out in a downpour clearing the leaves with an "ELECTIC BLOWER WITH A EXTENSION CALBLE REEL (uncovered) "  I'm waiting for him to go bang,

he's blown the electrics twice in the past few days with the Christmas lights the bozo had the transformers outside.  :jester:

                                                                                             enjoy your day B.U. Lldozer

Keep us posted about neighbour Reg, it sounds more entertaining than much of what is on TV over the hols. Speaking of which I will be watching 'Death on the Tyne' tonight at 9 (Xmas Gold channel), hope it lives up to the hype.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land.
Chuckinitdarn and blowinahoolie all day.
Not to worry, I was otherwise engaged in writing out the non-overseas C*******s cards.

Good morning all,
Coldish start but no frost. A cloudy, windy day with some heavy rain is being offered by those that know about these things.
I won't be buying skis for a couple of reasons. Lack of snow around here for one and of course self preservation. I can see the ER headlines now:
"GDB demolishes telegraph pole, breaks leg and impales himself on a fence post whilst attempting to slalom down Sutton High Street."   :banghead:
However I may be cutting wood and  drilling and screwing at some stage if other things don't get in the way. Leaves space for hilarious comments about potential accidents.
There may also be some rugby to watch later. Watched a good match between Gloucester and Exeter last night.
Time to take tea up to Herself.
Have a good one,

I went skiing with the family just the once, at Plas-y-Brenin, and watched.  At the time, I was working in calligraphy and graphic design and needed to protect my hands!

Wise decision  as it only took a trip up a shallow step into a shop in town to break my arm with 6 months off work in a later job ...nuff said. :mosking:


Clearly I was stupid enough to send the goods!


Just trusting.   It is sad that we have to be otherwise.


Time to get dinner, catch up more later.

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

It's been wet, windy and cold all day and still is.


You lot have no faith at all, at all, at all!


Hand tools and power tools deployed and no mishaps occurred. I now have the first board almost ready, just got to sort out the legs. Not enough time to do more as firstly I've almost run out of screws, can't believe that I missed that, secondly two rugby matches needed watching. A third has been recorded and I think there's more tomorrow.

Won't have time to do any more tomorrow as we're going out for a Christmas family do (The Boss's side) . I wasn't going to go because there are a couple of people going who I really don't like but I have now promised to go and (try to) be good * as it's nearly Christmas. 


*Unless they really p!ss me off.

Edited by grandadbob
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Well, obviously, gas mark tree.


And duration depends on the herbs you put with it - thyme.


And before you think they couldn't get any worse, they have. :)



And of course gas mark tree is 325 fir-enheit


And will, no doubt.


For myself, I will de-fir from fir-ther comments!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a hooley outside at the moment and the hail is rattling on the windows, nice and snug here indoors anyway. A bit of entertainment at Tess Coe's this afternoon, a bit of trolley rage resulted in voices being raised until security had a word in their shell likes.


Keep us posted about neighbour Reg, it sounds more entertaining than much of what is on TV over the hols. Speaking of which I will be watching 'Death on the Tyne' tonight at 9 (Xmas Gold channel), hope it lives up to the hype.


Reg normally washes his car and her truck MPV she's a big old lump of a thing and doesn't fit in his Fiesta while it's raining, again with the electric vacuum cleaner going and the

electric cable drum getting washed down with his power wash it's a hoot to watch it takes him half hour to set up power washers each motor for at least half hour the same again

with the vac' then tries to leather them down in the p!ssing rain 4 hours later he's still at it and that's just one car. :sarcastichand:


Best one yet in the high winds last week he was working towards the wind with the leaf blower effing and blinding at the wind he's a real nut job. :sarcastichand: 


Last week again putting the Christmas lights he was out at first light till about 9pm trying to fix them up they kept blowing. :sarcastichand:


BTW so are the 2 sons are potty as well they don't talk to each other and you don't see much of her she dashes from the truck and into the house

hoping no-one will see the wobbly bit. :sarcastichand:


His whole attire is funny he must be early 50's and wears teenage clothing stretched over his 25st body and he wears lycra when cycling. :sarcastichand: 


There more but I can't type the tears are streaming down my face with laughter.  :jester:

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Thanks Jamie.

I looked into making a refund last night and ended up wrestling with "Stripe" payment companies' dashboard for the first time. It was then that I made a key discovery. As I searched through the transaction history it shows that, each time this gent and his accomplice make a purchase they try multiple cards before completing payment. Many get declined so it is clear that they are using stolen or cloned cards and the complaint will have originated, not from them, but the real owner of the card. I have therefore not made any refunds at present and I am holding the money, but not dispatching the goods whilst I take advice. 

 The bank has been unhelpful so my next stop will be another conversation with "Stripe".


Best wishes 



Andy have you looked on popular auction sites for your stolen stock?
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Andy have you looked on popular auction sites for your stolen stock?

As it’s all newly released stuff, it would be difficult to find. Incidentally there has been another order placed today and neither the payment company or bank are being very helpful. I am beginning to wonder whether I should just give up.

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