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Peter, where did you learn about the tanner (6d) and the threpenny bit (3d) that was very similar to the modern £1 coin and probably bought about the same amount of sweets.




What frosts my horns is every time I go back to the UK (OK, I am exaggerating slightly) another coin has be outlawed. "Ho no sir. That's no longer legal tender."


Anyone interested in some rare 50p pieces? They make pretty good washers.

Edited by AndyID
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Good morning one and all


There was a piece on the One Show last night about the end of tolls on the Severn road bridges.  I welcome this because I object vehemently to having to pay to get into Wales.  Rather than do that, my route into the Principality hitherto has been via the A48 alongside the Severn estuary and through Chepstow.  It is scenic but oh so slow, even first thing in the morning when I tend to use it.  Let there be rejoicing!  I shall be trying it myself on 26th January on my way to the Cardiff Small Show.


Yesterday I was invited out to lunch at short notice.  Despite allowing plenty of time I was very nearly late thanks to traffic congestion which disrupted the already fragile bus service.  Nonetheless I made it and the world was duly put to rights over steak and kidney pudding and an ale called Santastic.  The pub was crowded, but any pub which is not crowded on Friday lunchtime is in serious trouble.


Today I shall remember the items I forgot to buy yesterday and go shopping.  


Warm and seasonal thoughts to all in distress or missing



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As I'm whizzing away the kids' inheritance by ticking off ski hills on my "bouquet list", I thought I might as well do it right and get some new slip sticks from Santa. Whether or not they will do the slightest thing to improve my technique remains to be seen, but at least I'll look pretty cool. I should probably replace the ski poles bought at a NJ garage sale for $10 twenty years ago too, just to complete the ensemble.


EDIT: Pay no attention to the stuff in the background.


Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Coldish start but no frost. A cloudy, windy day with some heavy rain is being offered by those that know about these things.

I won't be buying skis for a couple of reasons. Lack of snow around here for one and of course self preservation. I can see the ER headlines now:

"GDB demolishes telegraph pole, breaks leg and impales himself on a fence post whilst attempting to slalom down Sutton High Street."   :banghead:

However I may be cutting wood and  drilling and screwing at some stage if other things don't get in the way. Leaves space for hilarious comments about potential accidents.




There may also be some rugby to watch later. Watched a good match between Gloucester and Exeter last night.

Time to take tea up to Herself.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

What frosts my horns is every time I go back to the UK (OK, I am exaggerating slightly) another coin has be outlawed. "Ho no sir. That's no longer legal tender."


Anyone interested in some rare 50p pieces? They make pretty good washers.

Any old coinage and notes can be paid in at a bank, but you need an account to pay it into.

Which reminds me on Monday I have 3 old £10 notes to pay in that SWMBO found in a spare handbag...


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,


A good nights sleep of seven hours even if in 2bits. I would have had more, but Ben the Border Collie was insisting on going on patrol. A fairly chilly southerly but no frost, we are at the moment not forecast the freezing rain and snow expected up north.



I've woken with sniffles and a headache. Pills have been had, a bacon butty consumed , and a Muggacoffee is washing it down, slurp.


With it being this chilly I intend to retire to the mobile home for carriage number 2 building. This will be interrupted by washing machine replacement. The one in the house has died after many years, there is a spare in the mobile home.

The problems are...

Shifting the machine the 100+ yards from the mobile home to house.

The home for the machine is in a narrow conservatory, involving lifting the two machines over other white goods...


Time to... Go get another Muggacoffee.

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However I may be cutting wood and  drilling and screwing at some stage if other things don't get in the way.





Your head and fingers?

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Evening all. I hope today finds you well. Thank you for the kind comments regarding the fraud issue. As yet there has been no movement from the payment company. This afternoon saw the "gentleman" appear on my website and duly complete a further £500+ order which was completed, paid for and was cited for delivery to the other person involved. Naturally I have immediately contacted the payment company and the bank. I certainly will not be dispatching this order any time soon!


Best wishes



Can't you just bank the new £500 and hang on to it until the previous ones are sorted out. Obviously inform all the parties what you have done and that it will be returned when things are sorted then there can be no allegation of dishonesty on your part.



Edited by jamie92208
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Good morning from the Charente.   I do worry for the residents of Sutton now that GDB has assembled a self harm starter kit.   Here a good day out was had yesterday with a trip round various shops in Cognac then on the way back our friends showed us a family run distillery.  It would have been very rude not to sample the liquid harvest that was being sold.   December and January are distilling season for the new crop so of course we had to inspect the still.   Whilst in the still room the proprietor had to go back to the office to serve some more customers.  We were left watching the new Eau de Vie coming out of the still.  Unfortunately it was only 1st distillation with 50% ABV so we were warned that it's not good enough to drink.   When she came back she let us sample the contents of a barrel that had been through the still for it's 2nd pass, that was 70% ABV and despite being brand new was rather pleasant.    Then it was back to the office to sample more products.   The 40 year old was extremely smooth and Beth purchased a bottle in memory of her late father who enjoyed his Cognac.  Fortunately I wasn't driving.  


Then after tea a planning session started.   We were due to have a village meal at the Town Hall with an outside caterer.  Unfortunately, for various reasons, which involve village politics, this isn't going ahead.  Two couples from the UK have come over specially for the meal so Beth and the two other wives have got together and tonight we will be having our own meal for between 12 and 14 people.  Split evenly between French and Brits.   The planning had been done via email and we had done the food shopping in Cognac.  Last night the three ladies got together to plan the meal and logistics.   I actually managed not to make any comments about the 3 witches, but John, Paul and I had a great evening whilst the ladies planned.   It should be a good evening tonight.


Apart from that there is not a lot on the agenda apart from me having to go and buy the bread.   This is a terrible task as the young lady who runs the bakery with her husband, is very easy on the eye.   


Anyway I wish you all well.



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Ey up!


I use old threepenny bits for counting when umpiring. If a captain needs a coin for the toss lending them one of these means I get it back.


Chilly start to the day here with a little snow and strong winds later.

Do I care? Not at the moment as no forays outdoors are required unless I opt to go down to the Club later.


Very poorly marra has an appointment with an oncologist on Tuesday evening so we will call in to see him. I am becoming to believe that doctors would make hopeless engineers...


Still can't get rid of my cold and it has put me off drinking...this needs to be fettled without further delay.


GDB, I hope the woodwork goes well.


Positive thoughts to all who ail!

Any news from our missing ERs?


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Ey up!


I use old threepenny bits for counting when umpiring. If a captain needs a coin for the toss lending them one of these means I get it back.

I use a 1962 (year of my birth) half-crown (a fine coin in anyone's book - especially to a small kid) to toss-up for football - usually gets a comment as most guys playing have never seen one  .....................................................

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Last weekend a large crack appeared in a sewer cover alongside my drive. Probably caused by repeated driving over it. Evidence is the tyre mark. The cover crosses the boundary to next door (They are good neighbours).It's on the edge of the drive that they regularly don't go near anyway.




I report it online to United Utilities Monday evening using their broken drain webpage.


A call from them on Tuesday morning asking for a few more details as to it's exact location. All good.

In the meantime, I've borrowed a traffic cone from wife's work to mark it.


I return from work Wednesday night to find a proper bright yellow emergency cover in place. All good.


A call this morning from UU to tell me that it's scheduled for replacement.

They will let me know when the work will be done. All good.


Hopefully I won't have the same debacle as Simon G did with UU.


I hope so too for your sake! At least your problem is clearly visible, whereas they just couldn’t find my problem.


Visited my recently bereaved friend yesterday and the poor guy is still in shock. It seems that his wife didn’t want him to be concerned about her, so she never told him what pain she was in until it got so unbearable he had her taken to hospital where they found that she was riddled with cancer and she passed away just 2 weeks later.


Very wild and windy here today with rain and possibly snow forecast for later. The woodburner will be fired up this afternoon, and hopefully the paint curing will be about complete so that it won’t smell the room out!

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Good morning all,


However I may be cutting wood and  drilling and screwing at some stage if other things don't get in the way. Leaves space for hilarious comments about potential accidents.




There may also be some rugby to watch later.


Not enough space
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Good morning all,

Coldish start but no frost. A cloudy, windy day with some heavy rain is being offered by those that know about these things.

I won't be buying skis for a couple of reasons. Lack of snow around here for one and of course self preservation. I can see the ER headlines now:

"GDB demolishes telegraph pole, breaks leg and impales himself on a fence post whilst attempting to slalom down Sutton High Street."   :banghead:

However I may be cutting wood and  drilling and screwing at some stage if other things don't get in the way. Leaves space for hilarious comments about potential accidents.




There may also be some rugby to watch later. Watched a good match between Gloucester and Exeter last night.

Time to take tea up to Herself.

Have a good one,



Hope you have the chain-mail suit ready!

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Can't you just bank the new £500 and hang on to it until the previous ones are sorted out. Obviously inform all the parties what you have done and that it will be returned when things are sorted then there can be no allegation of dishonesty on your part.





Thanks Jamie.

I looked into making a refund last night and ended up wrestling with "Stripe" payment companies' dashboard for the first time. It was then that I made a key discovery. As I searched through the transaction history it shows that, each time this gent and his accomplice make a purchase they try multiple cards before completing payment. Many get declined so it is clear that they are using stolen or cloned cards and the complaint will have originated, not from them, but the real owner of the card. I have therefore not made any refunds at present and I am holding the money, but not dispatching the goods whilst I take advice. 

 The bank has been unhelpful so my next stop will be another conversation with "Stripe".


Best wishes 



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Thanks Jamie.

I looked into making a refund last night and ended up wrestling with "Stripe" payment companies' dashboard for the first time. It was then that I made a key discovery. As I searched through the transaction history it shows that, each time this gent and his accomplice make a purchase they try multiple cards before completing payment. Many get declined so it is clear that they are using stolen or cloned cards and the complaint will have originated, not from them, but the real owner of the card. I have therefore not made any refunds at present and I am holding the money, but not dispatching the goods whilst I take advice. 

 The bank has been unhelpful so my next stop will be another conversation with "Stripe".


Best wishes 



Police and fraud?

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Morning.  UK cut off once more.


Really howling out there now and persisting down, 'we' have decided to have a day in.  Probably means housework, so I may go out after all.....


Andyram - we find Worldpay to be a good card transaction company (corporate fingers crossed) never had an issue.


AndyID, I would have loved to try skiing, the opportunity never arose at a time when I was able, and now I am far from able. Wrecked one hip, other arthritic and one foot that is mush have put paid to that forever now.  Still love to watch the downhill though, all the thrills of motorcycling, but with no bike or brakes to speak of! Those guys and gals are supreme athletes.  Enjoy it while you can, and deflect my jealousy!  Having said that I have a Canadian born friend who has two false hips and a false knee, is ten years older (and a damn sight fitter) than me and he manages OK being a very competent skier

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Morning all,

I was sorry to read of AndyRam's troubles.


A variant on this which I got was a person living abroad contacting my company to try and persuade me that they weren't able to use the online payment gateway.

These people can be very persuasive and will go to endless efforts to try and get you to dispatch - in this case the item was worth about £25.

Ok, if the payment gateway doesn't work perhaps you could send a cheque....?

Ah, no, sorry, I can't do that my mother's cat ate the cheque book and I need the goods urgently. Could you send them to me and I'll send a cheque?

How about paying by money transger?

I walked into the next town and the Western Union was shut due to national holidays/plague/lunchbreak/....could you send me the goods and I'll definitely get the money to you?

This went on for days till they finally gave up. Whilst we all want to do the best for our customers to build reputation you have to be hard nosed too.


In fact a year later I got a call from someone claiming to be the secretary to a well-known politician. 

Your website shop doesn't work. Can you just send him the goods and I'll write a cheque.

My online shop DOES work, and no I won't send good out without payment first.

Don't you know who he is. 

Yes I do. That's why I want to see the money first.  :mosking:

Press this button, then that button then type in his card details. 

OH ALL RIGHT THEN. Oh, I see it's working NOW.  :girldevil:

Madam, it was always working, you just didn't try to use it.  :angel:

He needs the products tomorrow without fail.

Well, I suggest you let me get on and do my pick, pack and dispatch then as the postman is collecting in 8 minutes time. Good day. :) 

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Good morning everyone


Late up this morning, but it was after 1:15 when we got to bed last night. Breakfast has been consumed and also a 2nd muggertea. The weather is very grey, a bit cool (2C) with a bit of a breeze, but thankfully no frost or snow. I put the heater on in the workshop the other day as it was a bit chilly, but after about 45 minutes I ended up turning it down as I was getting a bit warm. I’ll probably do the same today.


Back later.

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Belated (very) birthday greeting to Amber. you have to wonder if people like this are totaly stupid or think you are


Evening all. I hope today finds you well. Thank you for the kind comments regarding the fraud issue. As yet there has been no movement from the payment company. This afternoon saw the "gentleman" appear on my website and duly complete a further £500+ order which was completed, paid for and was cited for delivery to the other person involved. Naturally I have immediately contacted the payment company and the bank. I certainly will not be dispatching this order any time soon!


Best wishes



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Talking of old money, I had a friend who's daughter was born on decimal day, and to think she will be 49 shortly, and before you ask her name is Jackie not Decima. While on the subject I still have 6 old pennies and two halfpennies all of which have been dug up in the garden. (No money tree though.) :cry: Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All just 

Idiot neighbour Reg is out in a downpour clearing the leaves with an "ELECTIC BLOWER WITH A EXTENSION CALBLE REEL (uncovered) "  I'm waiting for him to go bang,

he's blown the electrics twice in the past few days with the Christmas lights the bozo had the transformers outside.  :jester:

I will be phoning the daughter later today who moved house Thursday to get an appointment time for a viewing I just hope SiL don't start rambling on when I get there not that 

I'm that bothered to hear about what he's going to do with it he will be turning into a building site by now knowing him I pity my daughter "SWMBO" wont have him in our house

to do any work again ever.

I suppose it's back to the hard landscaping on the layout.

                                                                                             enjoy your day B.U. Lldozer

Edited by 81C
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We sometimes wonder when goods 'don't turn up' and have to send a second lot - some people are honest enough to return a second delivery when it eventually arrives - some don't.  You have to factor this in to your margins.  99.9% of customers are totally honest people, but there's always the odd chancer, you can't do anything about it, just absorb it into the 'average'.  We have a threshold over which point it is worth making claims for lost goods, but you have to offset the cost of the extra admin time against the actual value.  Grates sometimes, but that's life!

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Afternoon all,


An earlyish start saw us parked in the town at 09.00 - early to get a space and avoid the rain which is now bashing down, or sideways when the wind grabs it first.  Object of the mission was to get a Christmas present for Mrs Stationmaster plus checking up with her hairdresser about cold cap for her close friend who is now going to need chemo before surgery, his advice was helful and positive on teh subject.


Then 'because the jeweller won't be open yet' according to herself we diverted for a breakfast - yes, a cooked one with reasonable components although it included baked beans.  Then to the jeweller who unfortunately (oh dear, what a pity :jester: ) didn't have what she was looking for and said 'you don't see those around much now'.   Enroute back towards the car park we visited a second jeweller who not only had what she was looking for but had three of them so we definitely saw several of those around nowadays and after a bit of matching with the ear rings she had taken with her the jeweller's display stock of three became two, and very generously herself said that I could use towards the cost some money meant for her which had somehow been credited to my account, what's more the jeweller knocked 50 quid of the price as well, seems he must have liked us (fortunately).  So she isn't getting any more for Christmas beyond what's already on order and a card - that is it, my Christmas shopping is done.


Enjoy the rest of the day folks - if the weather (and in the case of GDB the power tools) allows.

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