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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Cold is still in charge.

Off to meet some family today. Youngest Herbert is driving but I may abstain from having more than a pint.


Makes me think that all ERs need to have someone with a password so as we can find out if all is not well. As it happens Mrs Mick B posted 7something on Facebook so some people knew of Micks heart attack.


Big problem is people who live on their own (like Travelintrev and Duncan).


As for her Debship just watch out for the awl!


Try and have as good a day as possible. Thoughts are with all that ail and/or are missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny but cool France.    Not a good day for news yesterday on many fronts.  Good wishes heading towards Mal and hope for a speedy recovery to Mick.   Not a lot of time this morning as I'm off to pay our Habitation tax so I'll send a generic regards to all.



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Greetings from the boring borough. 


Thoughts with John & Sandy. Why does the universe tend to sh*t on good people. 


Little of note here. Tree up, awaiting the plethora of baubles to be added. Most of the rest of the decorations are in place. House still needs a lot of work. Managed to over stretch my lower back on Sunday. 2 nights of no sleep and a lot of pain. Work is still a fustercluck of cockwombles. I think our client hired parliamentary rejects to run their IT department. 


On that note, I'll just say cheery bye. 




Cheery Bye. 

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Actually I have to do annual PATs on every bit of equipment I calibrate, however I've never had one fail Since I've been here. So there is a case for putting out the interval to say 5 years but senior management won't here of it. Saying that I've just leant across to this weeks major system , and I'll have to do that before it's handed back.


I also do the PAT's for the MRC and the Sailing club, which reminds me , last night I was asked to take the gear in on Friday to do a couple of bits and pieces...


But first.. 200, 8 digit  resistance measurements.


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

Another terrible nights lack of sleep, with only 3.5 hours in bed and may be an hour on the sofa...


On the overnight weather  which I saw several times, he said there will snow in the North Friday- Saturday.... He didn't mention the big white blob sitting over East Anglia... What we do have is heavy frost this morning, with the car having the worst of it. But I'm in the Landrover today, which was frostier on the outside when I arrived here, than when I left home!!


Having been following Bay of E's sales prices for Locomotives for several days, I've decided they are stupid,  I need to keep an eye out for 0-6-0 N gauge Chassis at hopefully for  more  sensible prices, or I'll buy new at less than £10 more than the bay of Es secondhand price..



This is the week of visitors here, today the people who control the standards of all calibration in the UK, arrive for their 3 day visit. My boss will be very busy with them I doubt I will see him till next week now (I've got Friday off).


160 resistance measurements done so far,  I've just go a minute or so till the next set of 20 settles enough to start measuring..


Time too..... measure some more.

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11 days now and still no cure for the Water works. :no: 


We have had the initial Dyno Man that submitted a Report to Direct Line.


We have had a man from D/L who did a Video and full repot.


We have had a phone Call from D/L to say they have studied the Video and it will be dealt with shortly but it will also be new Lounge Carpets as well, as the damage has spread and de laminated the carpet in there, where it has taken so long.


We had a phone call yesterday to say that a man would arrive today between 8am and 12 noon to check the Marley Tiles that were under the carpet for Asbestos content, I wonder if he will arrive in full Hazard gear? :no:  :no:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Having just seen The Q’s frost warning I have looked out to see if if I will need to allow time for the car to defrost. I have to go soon for another fasting blood test. Last weeks,was a bit high and the GP wants a repeat. This afternoon I have a practice nurse appointment to review my health. If you have more than one chronic condition you get a single review instead of being called in for each individual problem. Seems efficient.

I don’t think I need to allow,time for the car to defrost and it only takes a,couple of minutes anyway. The car does let,you start it remotely t,warm up,but I don’t think I am likely to make use of that.

Back soon.


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  • RMweb Premium

11 days now and still no cure for the Water works. :no:


We have had the initial Dyno Man that submitted a Report to Direct Line.


We have had a man from D/L who did a Video and full repot.


We have had a phone Call from D/L to say they have studied the Video and it will be dealt with shortly but it will also be new Lounge Carpets as well, as the damage has spread and de laminated the carpet in there, where it has taken so long.


We had a phone call yesterday to say that a man would arrive today between 8am and 12 noon to check the Marley Tiles that were under the carpet for Asbestos content, I wonder if he will arrive in full Hazard gear? :no:  :no:

Even if the floor tiles have asbestos in them, the asbestos is enclosed in the floor tiles, it's just a face mask required, put them in a plastic bag and put in normal waste. I've spoken to SWMBO's brother, who is a licenced asbestos stripper, in the past about these, when we were re- doing the mobile home floor

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The sun shineth, not sure how long this oddity will last but at present it is although it is still a bit misty down in the valley.  Herself will be visiting the Doctor later and then moving on to Waitrose so it will be a collect job, far easier than trying to park but still having to drive through part of the car park and therefore wholly at the mercy of the parking cockwombles and other motorised incompetents.


Off to see the latest elsewhere on RMweb, enjoy the rest of your day and good to hear that Mick is back with us after his 'episode'.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well that was partly a waste of time going into town. breakfast good and crates purchased but trains all up creek with three in a row cancelled due to staff being in wrong place and no sign of the freight train so gave up and now back home in the warmth to do more modelling and tidying up in the loft if it isn't too cold up there later

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  • RMweb Gold

I have returned. The car wasn’t frosty but I suspect it may have been earlier. I haven’t had many opportunities to test the heating and demisting system in the Ewok but it seems as efficient as my Freelanders were.

The blood collection was efficient and painless. The phlebotomist was very jolly in comparison to most of her clients who looked glum.

Parcels are expected. Aditi has ordered a large selection of sewing threads. Aditi isn’t happy with near enough the colour she requires. Although I can pass any colour vision test, I think Aditi can see more shade variation than I can. I had a lot of vouchers that needed using with an online beer purveyor and that parcel is arriving though it could be late as we are 170 of 200 deliveries. I have to go out 5is afternoon but Aditi will be in, just in case this isn’t the regular, very good , Yodel man. I wouldn’t want bottled beer chucked over the fence.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see you back Mick and I hope that you stay well and Mel hope your problem gets sorted pronto. I need to venture down to town today to get a haircut and whilst I'm there have a look in some of the 'pop-up' shops. Won't be buying much if anything at all just having a look to see if there's anything useful then get it a lot cheaper after the festivities when they're clearing stock. Muggatee awaits, be back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Looked out just now to see a few metres of old co-axial cable laying on the patio. At first I was wondering where it came from then I realised it was from my old TV aerial. A quick check using binoculars revealed that the aerial is still firmly attached to the chimney. It has been redundant for about 15 years since I went over to a land line. Does anyone use an aerial now? theres still plenty attached to buildings but I suspect most like mine are redundant.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just back from the ENT clinic Doctor Lughole :angel:  says its safe for you to drive all the naughty stuff in your parts have gone there's no swelling 

apart from a bit of fluid sloshing around, she said I should purchase a wedged shaped pillow to assist in correct posture while I sleep,

what was good I had my hearing tested and the headphones I used were superior as I couldn't hear SWMBO talking must get some of

those as well.

Things are looking up with Hattons they managed to get my item to the post office in 48hrs marginally better than usual  96hrs finger

crossed it should be here to play with Thursday I bet the name plates I ordered from Ayr will be here tomorrow.


Yesterday I play Edward Lutyens and started to carve up bits of polystyrene for the Indian Hill Rly :senile:

here is the results.  



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  • RMweb Premium

Our aerial is used most of the time, it's only for stuff on catch up that the land line is used and that's not often as we use a PVR.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


It’s been a busy old morning here at BSW towers. I had a bit of a lie-in this morning so that meant a late breakfast, after which I went and completed the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix. I also picked up a 50th birthday card for one of Sheila’s friends, as Sheila stayed in awaiting a parcel. Once I’d returned, I made myself a quick muggertea and then went and topped up the car as the warning light came on the other day, but as I’ve not used the car since then, it slipped my mind.


Mick. I hope your recovery is swift, but do take it easy.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Lunchtime one and all


A cold morning was ameliorated (good word, that) to a large degree by the need to do much moving around, speaking to people and generally being The Face in the Hi-viz. Something went phut early on with the result that the signals at Working were not woking.


This left the entire morning peak service trapped on the country side of the problem since all lines except the Down Slow were closed. This also affected our suburban side because some trains sleep at Guildford or Blazingsmoke and were unable to run and some drivers were also stuck in the jam.


We survived a challenging morning, I came home and made a muggertee and a bacon, brie and cranberry sandwich for lunch. This afternoon’s game is being Postman Pat. Mr. Amazon tried to deliver to three of our neighbours but finding none of them home tried my door. I now have a selection of packages awaiting collection which if nothing else gives an opportunity to personally wish people a Merry Christmas. I like the personal touch. It works.


As last night’s attempt at sleeping was interrupted several times by the inebriated incantations of Neighbours (Upstairs) who had over-indulged in the Falling-down Waters at an end-of-term “do” I shall now try to catch up some of the missing forty winks before they call for their parcels!


Best wishes all.

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11 days now and still no cure for the Water works. :no:


We have had the initial Dyno Man that submitted a Report to Direct Line.


We have had a man from D/L who did a Video and full repot.


We have had a phone Call from D/L to say they have studied the Video and it will be dealt with shortly but it will also be new Lounge Carpets as well, as the damage has spread and de laminated the carpet in there, where it has taken so long.


We had a phone call yesterday to say that a man would arrive today between 8am and 12 noon to check the Marley Tiles that were under the carpet for Asbestos content, I wonder if he will arrive in full Hazard gear? :no:  :no:

So the man arrived and checked the Hall.


On leaving he said;


I may have to come back to check the Lounge. :O


I said; cant you do it NOW, the carpet is up in the corner exposing the tiles?


He said, I will need to ring my Boss!!!!! :no:


He Did, put his meter on the Tile and said, :scared:  :scared:  Thanks, we will be in touch. :no:  :no:

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  • RMweb Premium

To Matha I duly went and wrote  a cheque for my Tax d'Habitation.   I then managed to put it onto monthly payments for next year.   I also tried to get the other local tax, known as the Fonciere on the same basis.   I was told that that was impossible as it was still paid by a Madame Evans.   I then had quite a long conversation saying that I had already paid this years tax and showed him the previous stub in my chequebook.   It's obvious that, even though I spent some time arguing about this a couple of months ago, that the records have not been updated. Such is life. I'm not sure that the civil servant concerned was used to people being polite but assertive and refusing to be sent yet again to another office 20 miles away.   It looks as if I will have to wait to October next year to see if the bill arrives addressed to me and not the previous owner.


The funny part is that lower down the bill I am listed as the proprietor but listed as living with a Miss Fanstone (Madame Evans' maiden name).   Beth was quite amused by this and wonders if I have a mistress in the shed.   I replied, yes, a certain large layout.   


Anyway various tasks now have to be done.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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Yesterday saw us (the Mrs has the final word on "looks" otherwise I may look more like :jester: than I should!) off shopping in the evening to find a suitable winter coat to replace the one that is currently AWOL.

After trekking through several stores in one of the local large shopping malls - AND being admonished by the Mrs for saying, out loud "why are there a zillion articles of clothing for women in EVERY STORE, but mens clothing seems to be limited to two blqqdy items in the back corner of each store none of which are either decent looking OR sized for anything but  one of the seven dwarfs?!?!?!" :O

Apparently, I should keep such comments to myself instead of expressing them to the shop staff. In one store we couldn't even FIND the Men's department it was so hidden!! :(


Anyway, finalyl did find a suitable garment, so now equipped for the winter, at last.


Nothing else to report, from yesterday.

Today sees me taking Bob for a visit to where the Mrs tutors as that's where he was found, and they like to see him a few times a year, especially near Christmas <mrrrowww>

Later this evening I get to pick up Jemma as she left her car in my care so we had some flexibility while she was on her current trip.


-11 this morning with fatchy pog - commute supposed to be a little slow, funny it seemed just fine getting to my office from the kitchen after I got my cuppa :)


Carry on...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl, I got home safely, which is a surprise, the first roundabout had a diesel spill, someone wearing a flat cap was driving round Tesco car park the wrong way, for a long way a transit lorry, towing a trailer carrying a tar boiler, had the trailer bouncing off the ground, neither trailer or lorry had a number plate, the trailer had no lights..


With better news Jools Holland is looking at me.... From the front of a magazine about parallel bits of metal. Next to it is a box containing lichen of various colours, and nearby a box containing the final bits required for the layout carriages..


It's chilly out there, I've made up the fire, dinners in the dog (the label on the uwave says "the dog").

When I hear a ping, a glass of whisky will be poured and i'm set for the evening.....

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