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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

The way to the hotel for the Christmas dinner Was enlivened by a house in the road. Err well half a house... Err well half a mobile home. It was on the wrong side of the road and they were trying to chain it to a landrover. I suspect they had failed towing equipment. It was right by a 3 way roundabout on the busiest exit..


The dinner went well, on leaving a waitress ran out trying to stop us, assuming I think we weren't paying, meanwhile our boss was entering the room she had come out of, through the door the other side to pay with the collected money.


Driving back there was a huge spill of diesel and I had to drive through it. This meant the following Mile and a half of twisty road with three small roundabouts was interesting. Every time turned the wheel I could feel it slip.


As I approached home the Heavens opened and the steering got interesting again.


I'm now in my pit, having had a large meal and last nights lack of sleep, it's time to survey the eyelids.

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  • RMweb Gold

John - Sorry to hear your news and lets hope the hopsital performs at their best for her.


ian A - with all that baking it must have felt tropical inside!


More furniture assembled at Mums which got me a few lunch before heading home then to the recycling centre ot get rid of really old tech, foam packaging etc. Then it was to Homebase for a leaf burner which is now set up ready for use hopefully this week. A bit more spraying of USA locos and now ready ot adjourn to our favourite Harveys pub via Halfords that just happens to be opposite. Getting $$s on hold as the exchange rate has dropped again today



My other halfs train cancelled and the next one connecting at a ECR is now 8 late so definitely a delay repay for her despite its hardly worth claiming but we do the paper voucher as it costs them considerably more in time and effort to issue and it feels good when spending them on other operators services and ticket counters.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

I am so sorry to hear your news, John.  Speechless really.  My best wishes to you both, and to Mal.  Sheesh....


Brian, thanks for the photos and explanation - great machinery.  My step- F-I-L was an electrician and the rolling mill in Jarrow, awesome places.


I don't have any photos of those LPG compressors or motors, I didn't have an intrinsically safe camera as these are dangerous spaces. I did find these photos of the main engine of a ship I sailed on, talking of big machinery.  Sulzer (yep, same people) 9 cylinder RND90 engine, 90cm bore, 155cm stroke, 25,000 shaft horsepower. Piston ported (loop scavenged) turbocharged 2 stroke.  Nosy b8ggers.  This was a 70's ship, engines this size now make about 70,000 hp!



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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning, folks. John, may I post my thoughts and best wishes for Sandy and you first of all. Certainly not the kind of news anyone needs, and especially not so close to Christmas. As always, if there’s anything you’d like to get off your chest, do let us know.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


By the time I’d finished baking the cake and making the soup, it was time for dinner. After which is wasn’t really worth going down to the workshop, so I stayed in and read some books, purely for research, honestly.


Mal. I hope you are soon on the mend.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

The Good Doctor is home, alas her hold-checked bag isn't but a somewhat terse email from LGW informed her while on the train home that the bag was being handed over to a courier which would imply that it actually reached LGW and then 'went astray' and is no longer astray.  Seems she quite enjoyed Riga and we''l no doubt hear more tomorrow.  


I've also found a way of getting an appointment with the Doctor which seem s to get you in much quicker - the surgery call and say 'the Doctor wants to see you', so only a one week wait instead of 5 weeks.  I presume it's a result of last week's tests but this time  'someone' has acted on the same note the Doctor added after the last tests (that he wished to see me) so obviously their admin is improving, as Mrs Stationmaster has an appointment with him tomorrow I'll ask her to get confirmation that it's about what I think it's about.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I am so sorry to hear your news John best wishes for Sandy and yourself.


Visit for blood letting today and visit to see the GP tomorrow a follow up to previous blood tests. My theory that if I had a 35% chance of having a heart attack I had a 65% chance of not having a heart attack was wrong and I had one on the 31st of July. I have to say the NHS did a good job but the scars are still visible and though I still have some way to go to return to full fitness I am hoping for the best.

Edited by skipepsi
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At the dawning of a new day, greetings


I was out for most of yesterday but bad news comes wherever you are and does not improve with keeping.  There is little I can say to John and Sandy that has not already been said but I can pile good wishes on top of those already proffered and this I do.  Nobody deserves cancer.  I say this not only as one who is receiving treatment but also as one who has lost a cousin and a father to it already.  Mal, I hope the ailment that you have does not get any worse for it sounds bad enough already.


It may not be entirely appropriate to lighten the mood but I came across something so stupid in Tesco yesterday that I just had to share it.  Ahead of me in the one checkout queue open at 8 am was a woman who spent £77 on assorted fodder.  She paid and took it away, leaving two bunches of flowers and a pair of trousers on the belt.  For reasons best known to herself the checkout assistant thought that they were mine!  It took three supervisors to sort out the confusion.  Maybe, just maybe, the other customer will twig that she left £29 of swag behind and come back for it.  I’m sure she will receive a warm welcome from one checkout assistant and three supervisors.


Today I will be with Poorly Pal trying to do some m*d*ll*ng.  This evening he and I will remember our friend Roger Elkin, who would have been the speaker at the RCTS had he not passed away a few months ago.  Here’s to absent friends and to all who are ailing or missing.



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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly 4°C this morning.  Still, I guess that is to be expected for the time of year.  It has also been raining overnight - although it is dry at the moment.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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