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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s been a windy night here too, OUTSIDE! The sun is shining and after having breakfast in bed I’ve only just got downstairs. Second muggertea as almost finished, then it’s washing the insides of front room bay window before fitting new blinds. It’s a job that’s been on the to do list for a while, but Sheila now wants them doing before Christmas. So my thoughts are, if I do these today, then I can spend most of tomorrow in the workshop.


Back later

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spoke to next doors builder yesterday, the renovations required are far more than the new owners envisaged. One of the jobs is to link up the guttering on the front porches. This has caused the pointing to be washed out on brickwork beneath the gap, this is about 90% on their wall but affects some of my wall (about 6-9 inches). Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.

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Honda Civic are enormous when you want to move something. One job ticked off ( and a longer term "her indoors wants..." also ticked off).


Mugacofffeee to keep me going ..cold seems to have decided to appear in full..time to get well for the forthcoming festive celebration. (pah! Humbug!)



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

I don’t have any O gauge stuff but I have some 1/48 items that run on 16.5mm track.

The stupid is strong within me today. I was trying to visualise a hall stand with seats as in Baz’s post.


Ian’s comment about waiting to get currency today or after Tuesday reminded me that I always get it wring, though I suppose I am not changing enough to matter realistically. Last time I bought Euro I was buying for three separate trips. I was informed that I would need photo ID (that I didn’t have on me) for the amount I wanted as it was exactly the amount where money laundering rules were required. So I asked for one penny less than that to be converted. No problem.


It would seem we are going for a walk. Just locally, as Hyde Hall Gardens have an event on that we aren’t interested in, We may go there tomorrow.


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Afternoon all.

I don’t have any O gauge stuff but I have some 1/48 items that run on 16.5mm track.

The stupid is strong within me today. I was trying to visualise a hall stand with seats as in Baz’s post.


Ian’s comment about waiting to get currency today or after Tuesday reminded me that I always get it wring, though I suppose I am not changing enough to matter realistically. Last time I bought Euro I was buying for three separate trips. I was informed that I would need photo ID (that I didn’t have on me) for the amount I wanted as it was exactly the amount where money laundering rules were required. So I asked for one penny less than that to be converted. No problem.


It would seem we are going for a walk. Just locally, as Hyde Hall Gardens have an event on that we aren’t interested in, We may go there tomorrow.



I work on the basis that I want €150.  How much are you charging me in Sterling?

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Like Baz, the rest of my O Gauge is up in the loft, deep in spiders.  There's no much other than those wagons and a few yards of track IIRC.  Must get some points and think Inglenooky thoughts,  No not nooky thoughts... :nono: INGLEnook-y.  Not much room for anything else, maybe kind of Wantage Tramway wot got nationalised inspired. Or some kind of exchange siding. :senile:

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Well the day rolls on.  Tesco was navigated with minimal collisions and it looks like some more bargain toilet rolls might be appearing but no price marking on them today so I'll look again tomorrow if I pop in to see if our prescriptions are back from the surgery although available storage space is shrinking.  As ever there was the usual assortment of dumbcluckwombles who don't look where either they or their trolley is heading and one or two examples of the Oft Spotted Aisle Blockerwomble who parks they trolley v broadside across an aisle while using the rest of said aisle to stare up and down the shelves with a vacant expression.  But we survived and I found some decent Chestnut mushrooms so we duly had some sauteed mushrooms for lunch on return home (just about the summit of my culinary abilities).


The overnight wind & rain has not removed any of the coverings off my new brick and concrete work so further satisfaction was gained in that respect.  Next step will be to knock up a couple of barrowloads of concrete for the core of the top step.  Time now for a wander round RMweb I think.

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It's all Bob's fault.  And Jamie. And now Richard is joining in.....ah well, if you can't beat them....




As a husband I'm used to getting the blame as most things are my fault, or so I'm told on a regular basis.  However I'm very happy to get the blame for being at least partially responsible for people seeing the light.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.

I don’t have any O gauge stuff but I have some 1/48 items that run on 16.5mm track.

The stupid is strong within me today. I was trying to visualise a hall stand with seats as in Baz’s post.


Ian’s comment about waiting to get currency today or after Tuesday reminded me that I always get it wring, though I suppose I am not changing enough to matter realistically. Last time I bought Euro I was buying for three separate trips. I was informed that I would need photo ID (that I didn’t have on me) for the amount I wanted as it was exactly the amount where money laundering rules were required. So I asked for one penny less than that to be converted. No problem.


It would seem we are going for a walk. Just locally, as Hyde Hall Gardens have an event on that we aren’t interested in, We may go there tomorrow.



The currency thing certainly effects us.  When we bought the house back in Nov 2015 I actually got it right and not only did the money for the house go through at a good rate, the broker that I used suggested a 2 year deal at a certain amount per month at a fixed rate to pay the bills in France.   For the next two years I was getting 1.34 to the pound.  Unfortunately I'm not getting anywhere near that now so rely on doing one off transfers whenever the pound goes up a bit.   


I'd never heard of Hyde Hall Gardens till yesterday when I heard a bit of Gardeners Question Time on Long Wave and it was from Hyde Hall.



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I work on the basis that I want €150.  How much are you charging me in Sterling?

After trips to the other end of Austria, Ireland and then the Canaries and Madeira I think only have small change left now.

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Just back from our walk.

We had a late breakfast (croissants) so a late lunch is fine. Aditi looked at what we had and has prepared a Lancashire Hotpot. It smells good. As she was brought up in Yorkshire I am sure the aroma of such a dish wafted over the Pennines occasionally.

Not a lot happening otherwise.


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As a husband I'm used to getting the blame as most things are my fault, or so I'm told on a regular basis.  However I'm very happy to get the blame for being at least partially responsible for people seeing the light.





Got that T shirt!  34 years licenced in the wrongfulness of being a male.  Hey ho.

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  • RMweb Gold

Got that T shirt!  34 years licenced in the wrongfulness of being a male.  Hey ho.

As a husband I'm used to getting the blame as most things are my fault, or so I'm told on a regular basis.  However I'm very happy to get the blame for being at least partially responsible for people seeing the light.



I don’t get blamed for much. I did prune the wrong clematis some years ago.
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,


Well, the rain cleared leaving scattered clouds which scattered further during the day.


It was a strong wind which was not as strong as forecast, it was however gusty.


I laid the buoys out with buoy 1 farther down than normal at the New Inn.



Course for the keel boats 4p, 1p 2p, course for the dinghies 3p,1p,2p


Race 1

We started well with an overlap on the boat that was first across the line. It however got away and for some reason, they were much faster than us in a straight line. By the end for the first straight they were 50 yards away. After the right bend we were having to short tack across the river. Directly into the wind up to buoy 40 we didn't loose more distance on this section.


Round buoy 4 up spinnaker and off we went, the lead boat elected to go round the outside of the bend for more wind, we cut the corner to be more out of the tide and make a shorter course. We were right and halved the distance behind them.


On rounding club corner we went left for more wind and to get more out of the tide against us.

Ahead were the dinghies, with their shorter course they were just in our way, 6 toppers, immediately, several lasers and one or two others. It was a nightmare picking our way through them, and we lost more ground on the leaders.


We held our distance up to buoy 4. Again on the way back they took the outside route we cut the corner, again we halved the distance rounding the bend. This time we passed the dinghies on the long straight in a wider section of river. Much easier, and we gained slightly on the lead boat. During the next section from buoy 1 via buoy 2 to buoy 4 we slowly gained some more.

Yet again they hadn't learned and on rounding the bend with spinnaker up we were right behind them. As we made our way down to the finishing line on a shortened course we slowly caught up so we went over the line with a small overlap but not enough, so we were second.



Race 2, same course.


We got a flyer at the start, or to more precise everyone else made a real cockup of the start.

We got well ahead and stayed that way for 2.5 laps then as we went from 3 to 4 something happened.

We slowed all our tacks seemed to take 120degrees not 90, even after rounding buoy 4 and putting the spinnaker the non spinnaker boat behind us was catching us up. This continued for the rest of the course till they passed us just before buoy 1 after buoy one we suddenly could sail better and got an overlap several times but didn't quite make it we went over finishing line overlapped.. I can only assume we caught a plastic or bunch of reeds over the keel which dislodged when rounding buoy 1.



After that lunch, two cheese rolls with added left overs from last night's Children's Christmas party.



Race 3, well for us it didn't happen, all the other yeomans packed up and went home. Some dinghies have raced this afternoon...


I've had a long soak in the bath, dinner, and if my throbbing knee allows, an Eyelid inspection is Due...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Many thanks for all the various public and private messages after Friday’s incident. You never forget these things but I can put it behind me and move on. Tomorrow will be another day and who knows what it might bring.


Yesterday we did eventually manage to have our bus rides through London’s West End Christmas lights but not without some hiccups.


After lunch SWMBO snoozed on the sofa then when I reminded her about going out she replied “I don’t know about that” and retired to snore from the bedroom. With a sense of frustrated resignation I duly set out alone only to be “pinged” (Messenger users will understand) by the Good Lady as I arrived at Waterloo asking where I was. She had not seen the note I left her. Upshot was a terse “I can’t beleive you went without me” replied to with “You said you didn’t know about coming and went to bed. Was I supposed to wait?” I duly waited at Waterloo and and hour later she arrived and we continued in tandem.


A quick bus ride over Waterloo Bridge was followed by a first-hand experience of the chaotic bus changes TfL forced through last week. Several major routes have been either withdrawn entirely or rerouted out of all usefulness. There is no longer a direct bus from Aldwych to Regent Street for example. Literally hundreds of hopeful passengers were crowded at stops awaiting the recently-withdrawn 23 which was still advertised. TfL used to be right on the ball and update stops and information panels the day or two before a change was made.


We were only heading up the Strand initially before eating in Pizza Express opposite Queen Eleanor’s Charing Cross. But to then reach Oxford Circus required determination. There is no bus from the stop outside that station any more. The 6, 15 and 23 all used to run up Regent Street but the 6 now turns left into Piccadilly, the 15 terminates and the 23 is withdrawn. We had to walk to the far side of an extremely crowded Trafalgar Square to find a 12 which comes up Whitehall and therefore does not offer a same-stop connection covering withdrawn facilities.


The lights themselves we thought spectacular. The traffic was horrendous as it so often is. It took all but 30 minutes to travel the few hundred yards from the Crimean War memorial up to Piccadilly Circus. Walking - even at the very slow rate SWMBO can manage - would have taken perhaps 10.


We abandoned any hope of getting further at Oxford Circus having seen the lights above Oxford Street. SWMBO was on the verge of a panic attack due to the sheer number of people. We took the Victoria Line south to Vauxhall and the SWR train home from there. After two cups of tea and a quiet hour SWMBO felt relaxed enough to head off to bed while I finished my glass of Rum and Shrub.


I probably should not have topped up that glass. I really didn’t sleep well and felt much the worse for wear this morning. That has eased with a quiet day, a lighter than usual Sunday breakfast and a clear agenda.


All that remains is to sacrifice the leggerlamb which awaits my attention, iron the uniform and ensure I am ready for the morning and week ahead


Best wishes to one and all.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Gold

Yo All late on parade today as Christmas decorations have been removed from the loft and arranged around the house I even made the lunch so "Her" could

get on many railway tokens have been amassed today I thought I would treat myself to a replacement King from the dreaded shop up north with strict instructions 

not to use Yodel so we don't have their tramp driver knocking on the door next week, Her is getting on with the Beef Hotpot hopefully with dumpling though

I haven't asked for them she might go into diet mode it's best to shut up and keep quiet as "She" is happy at he moment, I see other members are blaming

my show buddy GDB for spending money on "O" gauge stuff don't think he gets enough grief having to go to Sainsbury's every day, Oi Bob stick your chin out   :punish: 

might as well jump on the band wagon so to speak.  :sarcastic:


Chrisf you reminded me of one of the hangouts I use to frequent The Ace Café, seen many a band there in years past and attended a good many Blue Oval car nights

as well over the years.


I better get downstairs and lay the table up then I can plant my butt on the settee after dinner has finished and cleared away it's best I keep in "Her" good books till the red box 

turns up in the post next week.

                                                H.O.Usemaid. :biggrin_mini2:

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I haven't removed the model ship from its case yet and I'm becoming less sure that I should. On closer examination the hull appears to be constructed of card or plasticard, whatever it is its very thin, about 20 thou (about half a millimeter). It is also quite old if the case is anything to go by. The detail is quite remarkable, the ship has three holds, the aft hold is modelled with the hatches in place. The centre hold is modelled loaded with steel drums awaiting the hatches to be closed and the forward hold the hatches are being put into place. There are lots of other little details that make it an interesting model.

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I really shouldn't use aquatic analogies, because I'm now without hot water or central heating. Quick post, because this is a room without any heat! And my plumber has broken his hand! Off to have a flannel bath and hair wash using saucepans.


Half way through Christmas cards, but in a room with heat!



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  • RMweb Gold

I really shouldn't use aquatic analogies, because I'm now without hot water or central heating. Quick post, because this is a room without any heat! And my plumber has broken his hand! Off to have a flannel bath and hair wash using saucepans.Half way through Christmas cards, but in a room with heat!Bill

I hope it gets sorted soon. I don’t like being cold. When we had the central heating boiler and tanks replaced the plumber fitted an immersion heater as Aditi doesn’t like not having hot water.


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Our Christmas tree has now been removed from the loft for the first time in many years due to often being away  but as I am at home then I suppose I will get the benefit plus it has allowed me to gain access to an old desk unit. That unit is going to Mums. In turn this has given me more space in the loft to start sorting out all the boxes up there. Numeorus old cardboard boxes for printers and PC's that no longer exist have been taken to the recycling bins in town, so a good day in all.

Somewhere on a list of things we need to do is clear the loft. I have been putting it off for a few years I did clear access to the header tanks when we had the boiler replaced. The insulation probably needs topping up to modern standards. It is whatever was approved in 1990.

I won’t be bothering with the Christmas tree this year. Complete lack of enthusiasm. We would have if the original plan for the nieces to visit (with their parents) this Christmas hadn’t changed. Raj and Emma have one day off work this Christmas and at least that is Christmas Day. We will see them all in the New Year , probably in Enfield.

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