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Morning all


Wet and windy here. Deep joy for those of us whose employment is outdoors.


Not a good night for sleeping either. Foxes were roaming and calling. And Messenger was busy. At 1am I had three people all wanting to chat and only one of those was in Australia!


Just about to finish the first muggertee and leave the warmth of home for the Great Outdoors. I’ll see you later.

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Morning all!

Chuckinitdarn here. Off to moreasons, then some ringing around to sort out a venue for a "road show" in the New Year (cricket scorers course).


Hopefully my marra will call me today. He was off to get some different pain killers yesterday so we agreed to talk mor today. Will get down to see him next week all being well.


Have as good a day as you can.



PS any news of those who ail or are missing??

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Morning All


It's chuckinitdarn here as well - and has been all night, as I can testify because Lily had us up three times in the night - she is on steroids for her ear, and we also gave her a flea and tick treatment yesterday, and it has reacted with the steroid, and she had the runs, so it was out in the rain.


All posts read and rated, and Andy, hope that your black dog is in its kennel again soon.  Andrew - how awful was your experience.  And to everybody else, generic greetings are on offer.


Fodder run undertaken yesterday, and about to depart for 30747's work (again).


Back later/tomorrow

Regards to All


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Morning all from down here.  A bit grey and damp looking though the dawn chorus of the general waste (Tout Venant) species of bin wagon has already been heard.  I have just been informed that a fake fir tree has to be put up at some point soon.   Apart from that task, bah humbug, I'm off to do some shopping this afternoon at the trainspotting branch of a certain store chain so that will fill me afternoon as it would be rude not to linger trackside once I've got there.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

 Good morning all,

Raining steadily here. There may be some brighter periods together with a few showers this afternoon.

Tea has been taken up to Her Bossness who so far has not made known Her wishes/desires/plans/orders for today. Can't see her keeping quiet for long.  :no:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Ferries cancelled due to gale force winds, UK cut off from civilisation.  Fairly mild though.


OF bike clubs looks like a car job then, while the roads are currently drying, riding motorcycles in the wind when it is so strong is no fun.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s keeps raining on and off here, currently it’s stopped raining! This morning we are off to the Trafford Centre to hopefully get the last few C*******s presents that are required. I’ll take the opportunity of going into WHS and having a look at what magazines are in then we’ll get the last few items that we cannot get locally.


Both Sheila and I are on O2 but as neither of us use the internet when out and about, we didn’t experience any problems.


Back later.

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It's happened again.

8.45 it dropped through the letter box today.

Yes ANOTHER Christmas card with a ROUND ROBIN letter. The second RR of the year.

From someone I worked with for a couple of years but of whom I know nothing and of family I know less.

Except of course I now know 3 A4 pages of this years various holidays, celebrations, grandkids being welcomed into the World and general chit chat. 3 A4 pages! I ask you.


I seriously need one of those notices you put by the door.

No Hawkers. No Circulars. No Round Robins.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And 12 doves a feeding just outside the front door - fortunately they are all clearing up bird food they have previously knocked out of the feeders onto the ground.  They must be darned hungry as it's windy and absolutely tipping down out there.  Strange site of the morning thus far was a bald headed chap out in the pouring rain with nothing on his head walking his dog - god way to get a pate wash I presume.  I suspect the furthest we shall venture will be Tesco for the 'paper and possibly one of the seasonal editions of the 'Radio Times' (they weren't in yesterday) and no doubt some more packs of 16 toilet rolls which would appear to have been remaindered because they wouldn't sell at the new price, if there are any left.


Have a good day one and all and may your weather brighten.

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It's happened again.

8.45 it dropped through the letter box today.

Yes ANOTHER Christmas card with a ROUND ROBIN letter. The second RR of the year.

From someone I worked with for a couple of years but of whom I know nothing and of family I know less.

Except of course I now know 3 A4 pages of this years various holidays, celebrations, grandkids being welcomed into the World and general chit chat. 3 A4 pages! I ask you.


I seriously need one of those notices you put by the door.

No Hawkers. No Circulars. No Round Robins.


It's a good job I didn't send you mine then.  It runs to three and a half pages but, as some will know, I had some explaining to do.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is raining and quite blustery outside.

I don’t think we will be going for a walk at Hyde Hall gardens today.

We don’t usually send a round robin letter. If we did this year it wouldn’t exactly bring joy to anyone else’s Christmas. Aditi asked what would I like for Christmas lunch and the only thing that came to mind was egg and chips.

We survived the great O2 outage (we both have O2 phones) without getting stressed. I must be a bad person as I was quite amused by some of the rants on Twitter. Perhaps some of the ranters will be more sympathetic to people in certain parts of the country that only dream of getting a 4g connection.


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shopping completed, breakfast consumed (eggs benedict for a change), parcel parcelled and posted flea bay updated.


Next up ..lunch and some repairs to items used on Chapel en le frith....the layout.


Ian, as soon as you stop working for any reason life fills every available minute of your time,



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Greetings all. The mourning next door continues. I paid my respects today while dropping off a misdirected letter. I now have the full story. Beyond sad and what sounds like a failure of the health services. What is worse is the funeral has been put off until next Thursday to allow her parents to obtain a visa. Bloody useless Home Office. That means another 6 days of mourning. 


If anyone asks I've accidentally used the blunt knife to cut onions. 


Christmas breakfast will be us and the offspring. Dinner will be a massive turkey (ordered in expectation) for just the two of us as the offspring's lady has decided that she wants to cook for him and the rest of the housemates. Only the second time in 27 that it will just be 2 for dinner. Our "I don't have to cook" dinner is next Saturday on the Golden Arrow @ Bluebell. Looking forward to that as it was excellent last year. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is raining and quite blustery outside.

I don’t think we will be going for a walk at Hyde Hall gardens today.

We don’t usually send a round robin letter. If we did this year it wouldn’t exactly bring joy to anyone else’s Christmas. Aditi asked what would I like for Christmas lunch and the only thing that came to mind was egg and chips.

We survived the great O2 outage (we both have O2 phones) without getting stressed. I must be a bad person as I was quite amused by some of the rants on Twitter. Perhaps some of the ranters will be more sympathetic to people in certain parts of the country that only dream of getting a 4g connection.


MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! egg and chips, better half thinks E & C is odd but when she goes over to her mums for the weekend, that's what I have........love it.



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We once did a C&^%$£"s dinner on the NYMR Pullman train with my parental units when they were getting on a bit as a treat for them, it was quite superb.  The girls serving got a very large tip, they made a real fuss of the old folk. 


The outward journey was with Taw Valley (oddly I now work with its then quarter owner!) which was difficult and slippery up the 1 in 49, and of course they are quiet engines, but the return behind a WD 2-10-0 (think it was Dame Vera Duckworth Lynn but they had 2 at the time) made up for it by what I think C J Allen described as 'peppering away' very loudly at the front end - this pleased my old man muchly, adding to the enjoyment of the journey.  Highly recommended.  One of the best memories I have of my parents in later life.  There's Andrew's bloody onion....


Wx still poor here, wind is now up to worrying levels, and rain due soon.  Mrs H Out on a leaving do tonight so hope the venue isn't on the prom as it will be wet upwards and downwards!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Christmas breakfast will be us and the offspring. Dinner will be a massive turkey



Our xmas meal is likely to be a burger in the Amtrak cafe car. Hopefuly washed down with a local craft brew depending on whats available.


Just drawn up a track plan . Its missing a couple of tracks that he wanted on his diagram so will see how he likes it. If he approves I may be even busier.


Now for some of my own modelling.

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POETS, works for me! :)


Missed yesterday reporting somehow - busy it seems, and late today as I had a two hour conference call with another client first thing.

Yesterday, nothing much, good choir rehearsal the first of only three before we do Christmas Eve and Christmas Day performances. Mostly "same old stuff" but a couple of new pieces, and one a little challenging - good thing we managed the "happy hour" pizza and two beers ahead of time to fortify ourselves :jester:


Bit nippy here this morning at -12, some light blowing snow, but supposed to "WARM" to around -6 for the high later - yippee! :O


Variably casual weekend planned, dinner with friends tomorrow, and a family (minus Jemma who's on another trip) Christmas cookie baking event Sunday afternoon. Other than that some time free for hobbies - he said POINTLESSLY as he knows that time will magically disappear :scared:


Hope everyone is getting ready to POE, if possible, and enjoy the weekend ahead.


NB - I know I said the dreaded "C" word three times, but we all know what C*******s means anyway :jester:  :rtfm:  :sarcastichand:

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NB - I know I said the dreaded "C" word three times, but we all know what C*******s means anyway 

Given that the blessed event is but two weeks hence, it's pointless to disguise it at this point.


Our stretch of clear and sunny, but cold, weather has ended in patchy overcast and filtered sunlight. Some showers might occur tomorrow with freezing rain in the usual trouble spots. Normalcy will return next week with a series of rainy days.


The root canal saga continues. I was tempted to share the particulars in detail, but don't want to upset anyone's tea. Yesterday's return to the endontist involved a small incision and drainage. I am now on a course of antibiotics and while there is still some swelling I am not in any particular pain. More troublesome is the nasal congestion I seem to have developed and what I have determined to be an irritating muscle pull in my upper arm.


All small annoyances really. It's time to soldier on and get through to the weekend.


Some may find the sore arm entertaining. The only cause I can think of was stretching at an odd angle to repeatedly hit the snooze button one morning early in the week. Anyone not contemplating their tea might find amusing this piece of endontsts' wisdom imparted to me yesterday: "never let the sun go down on un-drained pus", which it seems, despite evident efforts to the contrary, he did.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,

Our works mobile phones have just been upgraded.

Part of the acceptance process for the new phone was to hand in the old one. 

That was easy - it was still in the box it came in a year and a bit ago. 


And on a positive note, the GP's surgery phoned earlier with good news. A weight off, for sure. 

So, on that note - to the pub to celebrate life, health and general good fortune. :drink_mini:   

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