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A‘noon, folks. Bit on the chilly side outside, but the forecast for Lanzarote predicts 20ish range temps. Roll on Friday!


Andrew, that‘s dreadful news indeed. I guess that’s bound to leave you wondering what demons may have been haunting her...

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Seems to have got very dark very quickly but no sign yet of anything falling from the sky but it can't be long now. The builders are still in next door, the sounds made by their drills indicates that they have discovered some of the walls are of box tiles, harder than brick and not very easy to drill through.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Andrew - must be horrible for the family. I remember many years ago that the very day I decided to drive rather than take the train from Upper Warlingham someone jumped in front of a DEMU. One of my old school friends was there at the time.


The problem when people move out of a high value home is that they can get ripped off as people who develop these retirement homes know they have plenty of cash when they set up and Mum has th builder round to the family home when she was asking for quotes for the smaller new place. Builder actually commented that she would have plenty of cash. Unfortunately I didn’t have any say in the matter as I was stil working then so couldn’t be involved in the last minute discussions.


Now sitting in a pleasant local but it’s much quieter than usual. The weather probably doesn’t help but at least it’s a rather nice pint of Firebird Brewery old. Will be meeting other half in our local a Harveys pub but she may well be late due to earlier signalling problems and now a bridge strike enroute home. Seems to be signalling problems every day at the moment.

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Andrew's sad news reminded me of last Saturday evening. I was driving to the local has station. It had started snowing about an hour earlier and when I got to where our county road meets the main highway there were at least three state police cars and an ambulance blocking the intersection. It was dark and with all the emergency lights I couldn't see much.


Turns out a car had lost control at the intersection and rolled several times. The driver was ejected and killed.


The sad thing is there are a lot of fatal accidents here because people refuse to use seat belts. I can hardly go the length of the mail boxes without fastening mine.

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Andrew, as others have said, it's awful news to hear.


It brought to mind a school friend of mine called Steve - he lived in Woldingham as a kid - anyway he was found to have fallen in front of a train at Haywards Heath a decade or so ago. On the outside he had a happy family life with wife and kids, but you never really know what's going on underneath. Always a shock; you feel for the train drivers who go through this.


Rick, am glad that your home situation is less tense and hope it continues to improve; personally I think it's natural for your sister to be interested in your other half's health as part of the family, but understand your partner may have felt it to be too intrusive.


Ian, that Harvey's Christmas Brew sounds gorgeous, never had it though, and unlikely to find it anywhere near here.


Today was wet and quite cold - +3C so nothing by IanA standards, but chilly enough for us here in the wind and rain.


Have a good night all



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Evening, with supportive rays sent towards those having a tough time currently.  Not a great day for news on here.


My return to work was a bit shaky but none too soon as we have been dropped into a load of work for live steam models we didn't expect until after the 'C' period.  This is a bit difficult as only I do that work, but I'm also needed at the 'front line' at this time of year. 

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Well, I guess I’ll be calling it a night in a while. But before I do, a sip of whisky has to be had!


Andrew‘s posting also reminded me of how a man, having lived alone one floor up from us, had been found dead in his flat a few years ago. Apparently, he had had no close relatives, so he had been dead for a while before someone had noticed something to have been amiss. I do remember how the police had entered his flat to investigate, and how they interviewed the family living next door to him, who I understood were as shocked as anyone else and hadn’t noticed anything unusual either.


The man had been a very private person as well, so not encountering him frequently hadn’t seemed unusual to anyone, and only after his death did it transpire that he had, in fact, been quite ill for several years. Which I mean to say, it does make one think whether there might have been something, anything in fact, one should have picked up and taken action...

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... Which I mean to say, it does make one think whether there might have been something, anything in fact, one should have picked up and taken action...

Sometimes you can’t pick up and take action. After Matthew died I recalled our last Skype call over and over and over. Trying to think had I missed something he said, something I should have noticed but each time I concluded there was nothing to see. He did say he had had a headache earlier in the week but it had gone and he hadn’t even needed paracetamol. His main concern was to go shopping and then spend a couple of days polishing some teaching materials to take to Belgium. I kept thinking should we have nagged him to have his epilepsy condition reviewed but we have been repeatedly told it wasn’t necessary and what probably happened was unpredictable.


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It's now almost 24 hours post-root canal procedure. The "Endontist" (a DMD) seemed pleased with his work and was very thorough in his explanations. The newest piece of tech he employed, besides the fancy microscope pointed at my mouth was some kind of electronic, axial-something or other that measured root canal length. (The non-business end of the probe set was hung in the corner of my mouth and I presume the business end was up the tooth. The apparatus beeped until it was done measuring.) The root canals were in the order of 20 to 25mm and if I measure about an inch north of the tooth, that's were my face is puffy and quite sore to the touch today.


The anaesthetic was suitably effective, and while the procedure was technically painless, I will admit to it being mentally uncomfortable. In the aftermath, the parts that hurt yesterday, no longer hurt. Different parts are now visibly swollen and hurt when touched or when the anti-inflammatory meds wear off. Hopefully the swelling will go down tomorrow and my face won't have a slightly lopsided look that reminds me of a stroke symptom.


Weather continues to be clear and cold* overnight with brilliant wintry sunshine and blue skies during the day. It is very unlike our normal grey drizzle at this time of year. While it is enjoyable, the reservoirs are empty and that is not a good thing.


* Not by arctic tundra or Minnesota standards.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Sorry guys, been remiss of late.


Chris, well done!


Andrew, what awful news.


Off to do a loop round the City, visiting the Diocesan office, 4D and QVS, before the European Railway Group meeting in Croydon.




The best laid plans of mice and men ..... at the Diocesan office, I was reminded there was a trustee meeting tonight; I'd clean forgotten!  So went to 4D and QVS, back to Borough High Street, and now to apologise to the ERG.


Best wishes to all.



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 I kept thinking should we have nagged him to have his epilepsy condition reviewed but we have been repeatedly told it wasn’t necessary and what probably happened was unpredictable.



Absolutely nothing anyone could have done.



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just tried a piece of panettone, quite nice but I still prefer stollen cake. The club AGM finished about 9 o'clock, a bit earlier than I expected so some time was spent afterwards 'chewing the cud'. Christmas lights are appearing in many of the streets hereabouts, some in places where it appears someone has risked life and limb to install them.

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A bit too early to be moving to Macarthy and Stones new development in Stalham, It's just had planning approved and construction start isn't due till next October.

I love thier words " Escape to one of England’s most uniquely beautiful landscapes, where the delights of coastal villages and the tranquillity of the Norfolk Broads are both within easy reach."


AKA trapped between the A149 and the turn in for  Tesco, almost on top of the fire station.


They're very good at picking sites like that - their Wokingham development is between the railway (near the level crossing) and the inner ring road where traffic regularly queues due to the red lights at the level crossing.  The development here is right next to the main road with an old timber yard at the back of their site which probably pays host to rats, and Tesco is just round the corner.  Mind you anybody looking at their financial terms and impositions plus what has been on R4 and in the finance pages about some of their past practices would steer clear without even looking at what's on offer.

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Good evening all. Andrew.C what truly dreadful news. One can only wonder what her family are now going through, and what demons she was facing prior to the event. 


My good wishes to all. 


Since I last posted Sarah and I had an enjoyable meal out with the local church group yesterday. The members of the coffee morning were so supportive during my main period of illness that it was so nice to see them again. There were so many kind comments too. The meal was lovely, so too was the company.

 Today saw me back in the shop for the first time this week. Matlock Bath was very quiet, but there have been plenty of online orders to deal with. This was followed by an evening at Burton Toy Fair. A long day - but a rewarding one.


 The marking continues to occupy a lot of time. Unfortunately there is a potential problem ahead. The college want me to go full time. This would mean I would continue doing the same job, but would also have further responsbilities for the content of the course. All of this for less take home pay than I am currently earning. Somehow they are surprised that I do not want to do this. I am quite happy with my self employed status at present and I do not want any further responsibilities because I do want to devote time to the business too. 


Best wishes 



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Good evening everyone


Well the rain has never stopped all day, thankfully, the only time I’ve had to go out today, was earlier this morning to retrieve the bins after they’d been emptied, but that was only when there had been a slight break in the weather. However, by a break, what I really mean is, it was raining less heavily! I still got wet, just not as wet as I might have got.


Brownie points were also earned this morning, as not only did I clean out the black gunk from the washing machine, I also gave the dishwasher a bit of a clean too!


Also this morning the postie arrived bearing some packages for me. One was the missing etch sheet from a chassis kit I purchased at the NEC. Another was the latest edition of BRM and the last was a book I’d purchased from Ebay, namely “The 4mm Coach part 1” by Stephen Williams. I’ve had “part 2” for many years and I’ve had my eye open for part 1 ever since. So, having seen some of the silly prices it can go for and the fact that it is in very good condition, getting it for less than £10.00 plus £3.00 p&p, I think I got a real bargain. So the afternoon has been spent with my nose in both the new BRM and also the book.


This afternoon, Ava, Evie and Max came round for tea. Max chose pizza so there was very little for me to do. Yesterday I made a white chocolate and black currant cheesecake for dessert, which went down well. I made a slightly larger one and there is enough left for Friday evening, when James and Amelia come for tea.


Once I’d dropped them at home we had a quick tidy up and then I poured myself a much needed bottle of Doombar.


Goodnight all.

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Taverners lunch was excellent. Geoff Miller did a very funny spot recounting some of his time as a professional cricketer. Lots of nice people to talk to. No alcohol was consumed.


railway club was very busy again tonight. Lots of interest shown by people who had watched the model railway challenge on Channel.


Had a message from my mate with the big C. He has said I need to see him before Christmas... plans agreed with her indoors so this will be done (and this is despite him being a Newcastle supporter!!)


Sleep well all!


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We went into the big city today -- SWMBO having lunch with two old work friends. The last GO train in leaves before I get out of bed in the morning but we actually managed the second last one. Both trips in fairly dark so we didn't see much scenery. As well, much of the track in the city is in a ditch.

GO transit is unwilling to provide platform information much before departure time but the regulars know. Our train was on platform 24 of what used to be an 11 or 12 track station.

I got a subway and a streetcar ride and a couple of bookstore visits. I found a couple of magazines and read Chris's captions. 

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At the dawning of another day, greetings


The trudge with a spring in my step duly occurred and I returned home with lots of crisp banknotes.  As they are all new there is just a fighting chance that they will still be valid in Euro-land and Switzerland respectively.  Thanks to JohnDMJ I learn that what the French have done is to withdraw the direct train from Paris Gare de Lyon to Basel and replace it with one from Paris Gare de l’Est to Strasbourg, changing there for Basel.  The last time I did that our onward train was turned back at St Louis, one stop short of Basel, because of late running.  Any bets on lightning striking twice in the same place?  Let us see what other surprises may be found in the paperwork when it comes.


Tonight I’m off to The Stables for what promises to be a fine concert by Chris Wood, one of the finest and most uncompromising singers and instrumentalists around.  I have only one of his CDs and that a compilation.  That may change.  You know what I’m like.


Barry O, you’re very kind.  The feeling of being an in-demand writer at my age is an odd one!  I’m still not quite sure how I ended up on the editorial board for the HMRS Journal.  Perhaps it was my destiny.


In proffering warm thoughts to all in distress or missing I have AndrewC, his late neighbour and her family very much in mind.  Some things defy all understanding.



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Mooring Awl, Inner temple here,

5.5 hours sleep in bed, then woken by SWMBO coughing, no additional dozing was acheived.


I did have a good hours sleep when I got home, I arrived with a headache so took some pills and promptly fell asleep on the sofa for an hour, I awoke still with a headache but most of the usual aches and pains had disappeared.

The headache cleared later..


 Ben the Border Colllie didn't go on Patrol this morning, he didn't even come to the back door with me, as when I got home on Tuesday he just looked at me then went and hid in his cage.. He appears to be a bit depressed at the moment, our black dog has black dog..



More thoughts on the carriage, how to hold the layout while I am trying to screw the piano hinge between the layout and the carriage.. The Big Orange shed is obviously about to change it's paint colour ranges again so I got 2.5litre of yellow for £10, that should get the green to the shade I want.. I also notice the have taken out a huge section of useful stuff, to turn it more into a showroom for bathrooms. I do hope this doesn't spread.

I notice that Wickes are in trouble with a huge downturn in profits, the press roumer is that Travis Perkins their owner is looking to offload the company.


I've lost a few brownie points, yesterday several packages arrived for the boat, namely stainless steel brackets and eye bolts for the Jib club, this on top of a big bag of handles for the carriages... I haven't let on there are two more packages and a book on the way for the layout..


I've got about an hours work left on this weeks major system, then 3 multiresistor boxes to calibrate and then the very accurate temperture meter that came in has come back from repair after I had reported that I couldn't find a fault with it. I haven't seen whether repair have found anything or just changed anything on spec. Either way it's just a full post work calibration required tomorrow probably.


Time too...go get  started..


Oh todays cockwomble... a jogger running down the middle of the road even though there a good paths either side..

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very mild here and a cloudy day with some patchy rain or drizzle is forecast.

The main food replenishment trip is scheduled for 09.15 hrs. No booze needed today as the cellar is full.

After that I have much paperwork and some letters to write. 

Have a good one,


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