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Morning All,


My goodness - did it rain overnight!  It seems like we have had around a month of rain in one night.  Still, it must be said that we still need it.  It is also rather mild for the time of year.


Oh well, I had better get on.  Lots to do today!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good luck with the course does you well.


My other half may also need some best wishes of a completely different kind as signal fialures at Redhill has reduced the London bound Thameslink services this morning. Glad that I am dropping her off and not travelling to London.


More modelling for me today. red marker lights to be fitted ot an AMtrak loco if I can find the packet of red LEDs I purchased recently.




Her train did run but at last minute was redirected to the new platform 0  which is a fair walk from platform 2 as its via the subway then a walk along the new platform to where the trains actually stop. It was far easier when platform 1 was a through platform

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Morning all!

Chrisf. you will be fine..just go with the flow.

Like Q I didn't sleep well last night. Her indoors made a camomile tea for her and a peppermint tea for me at about half two. I managed to get some sleep after that..she dozed.

Mugatea now then I need to gird loins and heat for the middle of the Leeds Shopping Experience to get a suit.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Thoughts are with those that fail and/or are missing.

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Morning fellow ER’s.


I am just popping in whilst I while away the dark morning hours whilst awaiting a delivery. Sarah’s Avon order is due between 7 and 10am and, despite it being my day off, I am up whilst she continues to slumber. She was ill yesterday, a reaction to the flu jab I think, so I agreed to let her lie in. Hopefully it will be my turn tomorrow.


I would like to offer supportive thoughts and good wishes to ChrisF. I sincerely hope the counselling helps. I know only too well how the black dog can reappear at a moment’s notice. From my experience, you are a true gent and have a lot of good qualities. You have had a big year, especially in terms of “coming out”. Hang on in there sir.


Today’s plans are based around the deliveries. As well as the Avon, there is a Peco delivery due here too. Then it will be a case of checking the bank to check that the college has paid me. My November pay should have been done by the end of the month but I have had no email from them regarding payment. That leaves me with a sense of foreboding. I know that, with scheduled Direct Debits, if the college have not paid me the account will be a bright shade of red and I will be on the warpath. The college claim to pay within 7 working days and the bill went in on the 19th November so hopefully they have just forgot the email.


Have a good day.



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Yes quite a few times but no proposition in Vegas for me so far :no:


You must not have been frequenting the right casinos. Last time I was there I was hit three times just trying to get from the reception desk to my room. Mind you, though I say it myself, I do have a certain irresistible charm, or maybe it's just the Old Spice aftershave.

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Good morning everyone


Well it’s chuckinitdarn this morning, despite the app on my phone saying it’s not! I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t ask for a lift to her Zumba class this morning!


I gave up last night trying to upload anymore photos, but I’ve had better luck this morning, so here are a few more.


Back later











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Good morning all


The toothache hasn't returned following my non-root canal last Thursday; hope it stays that way.


Lunchtime I'll be visiting a house for sale; we tried to get an appointment for yesterday but the owners have gone on holiday until Christmas - who on earth does that? Saw another three but nothing that ticks all the boxes.



Her train did run but at last minute was redirected to the new platform 0  which is a fair walk from platform 2 as its via the subway then a walk along the new platform to where the trains actually stop. It was far easier when platform 1 was a through platform

Ian, are there still plans to add another platform or two at East Croydon? There was the Royal Mail platform opposite Platform 6/Cherry Orchard Road but have no idea if that's a go-er. The other side is Dingwall Road - would that work?


Good luck with the counselling today, Chris.


Have a good day




Edited to add: Great paintings, Brian, thanks for uploading them.

Edited by Purley Oaks
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Ian, are there still plans to add another platform or two at East Croydon? There was the Royal Mail platform opposite Platform 6/Cherry Orchard Road but have no idea if that's a go-er. The other side is Dingwall Road - would that work?


yes there are, I believe a new platform either side of the current island platforms which will make changing trains very painful as its bad enough as it is with the footbridge to the stars and that gets wedged without adding two more lots of steps to climb. There is space there for them but what NR dont get is whilst it makes it easier for their operations it often delays trains as passneger scramble to change platforms (as per this morning at Redhill including the train staff also getting on that train) or passengers miss the last minute replatformed trains and if they are anything like the new one at Redhill then they will soon become very overcrowded. The current island platforms at least give extra space for passeners to stand.

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Good morning all,

Lots of rain last night but dry at the moment. Some bright spells forecast but also more outbreaks of rain.

Today will see a reversal of last week's party preparations with glasses etc to be returned to the hire shop, furniture to be returned to its rightful place and umpteen balloons and banners to be taken down.

After that I may get to inspect my new little wheeled things more closely.

On checking my bank account I see that I have received my annual £10 bonus from the government. 

Mal has just reminded me that I need to make an appointment for a check up  and to see if a crown is required after my root canal treatment a few months ago. I haven't been having any problems so hopefully all is OK.

Have a good one,


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Morning All


Sorry about my absence over the last few days, and as ever, a lot of ER water has passed under the bridge.


 The weekend just sort of evaporated into Christmas Fayres, table top flea markets, and that sort of thing - plus a nasty session of paperwork, checking bank and credit card, hence my a absence.


Today is LASAR day so probably some PAT testing, sorting books and DVDs, and ragging.


Bacon bagel calls now, so back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes Chris, hope it all goes well for you. Went to bed a bit late last night having spent some time on Facebook talking to a long lost cousin who I found on a local history group, my Grandmother and her Grandfather were siblings. She also informed me that two of my mothers first cousins are still alive, they must be in their 90's now. Hopefully I will be able contact them and fill in a few details of my family history. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Morning all.

Sunny here.

Aditi has been tidying up, so I suspect there will be a trip to the tip/recycling centre. The guest bedroom is also tidy now and ready for the French Circle speaker staying here later this week. He isn’t French, he is from Wolverhampton.

Have a good day,


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Good morning all,


On checking my bank account I see that I have received my annual £10 bonus from the government. 


Have a good one,



Yo Robert  :you:

I got the tenner today I've never noticed it before as Her done the  accounts up till last month when we switched banks,  £10 bonus = 10 railway tokens.


Our old friends Pratwest managed to loose a standing order on the change over and failed to send us a terminal statement I have never come across such an inept lot since the RAC

removed the family breakdown cover without telling us they didn't advise me of an increase and I complained I think it must be norm' for poor standards of service you get today

from service industry companies these days Oh well things to do, places to go. 

                                                                                                                               Stavros   :read:

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G'day all,


Hope it goes well for Chrisf.


So today the Good Doctor accompanied the management to town and assisted as she left Waitrose - I simply drove down to collect them, and it was bucketing down making some interesting floodles on our ill non-maintained roads.  Now food prep for tomorrow is underway so I can't even get a cuppa as the kettle corner of the kitchen is fully occupied but at least there will be plenty of titbits for Kev the kite as both the lamb for tomorrow's. curry and the chicken for today's curry or pie are undergoing dismantling.


My pal in the north has sold his rail safety business and today I got a little note of appreciation for my help and encouragement in getting it off the ground, plus an enclosed piece of paper as a more tangible thanks to add to my bank account - nice to be thought of in that way.  But on the debit side Trinity House are clearly saving up for Christmas as we haven't got a card (yet?)  but in the same post a request arrived for the deposits for our two voyages next year along with the encouraging note that later this month we'll be getting the invoice for April's trip.


The dining room has of course been mentioned but I need tea to add to my resolve so it can wait,  although I hear the kettle boiling (reason unknown, hope springs eternal.


Have a good day everybody

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Oooerr.  Was just thinking I was feeling OKish now, then I stood up...well dizzy and disorientated.  Joints less achey now though.  Odd bug, like having flu but no 'cold' type symptoms, just the aches, feeling absolutely crepe and this dizzyness. Bad timing too, our busiest time, my name will be mud at work.

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Morning all.


Apparently quite a busy weekend since it's already passed me by! :O

Managed to get home OK Friday, no tragic issues at JFK for once.


Saturday we got the expected snow, about 3-4 inches, problem was it started mid-afternoon, JUST when we were going to head out shopping, so curtailed it some since it got quite blizzard-like visibility.

Discovered that "somehow" ("parties" responsible for storing winter garments and then recovering them at the appropriate time have no answer!!) my winter coat has done a running, leaving me with no appropriate outerwear for the season - that's ONE of the items we were going to shop for! :jester:

Sunday attended an "anorak" event of the flying nature. The new Intercontinental hotel at the MSP airport, right there in the middle of things, advertised and held an "AV geek" open house for the top floor bar/restaurant - has great views of the airport, so Jemma and I headed out there, meeting her boyfriend who was inbound from work, and it was "nerd city" for a couple of hours. Well attended, but NOT overly crowded and they've threatened promised to hold another one next month!

View from the bar area...





All this while the Mrs was out with friends :)


In the evening we attended a local concert put on by  a mens choir, very nice.

That was the weekend.


Weather currently -4 and cloudy expected to reach a dizzying -2 but no more snow for now.


Hope the week starts well for all...

Edited by Ian Abel
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