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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

 A terrible nights sleep but not caused by me but SWMBO who's been coughing all night, So I'm knackered, I have a headache and in a couple of hours I have to do my part of the assessments, which I'd been putting off.


But first, I have to load a new printer driver into the lab computer, this has a wonderfull win 10 system, however if I try printing using it having loaded it up using windows 10 " install printer", you lose the right hand inch of printing. The official advice to get this printer loaded, use the RUN line to install it, yes it's back to DOS time.... I have been given a written handout on how to do, it we shall see..


 Well one set of road works has cleared this morning But I saw the highway traffic management lorries this morning ready to put the cones out on the NDR again, and what are they doing that is to cause four days so far of  traffic chaos???   planting vegatation in the middle of the roundabout...


I discovered a book called "Dathan na Gaidhealtachd" or Highland "parallel bit's of metal" liveries, So i've ordered a copy from Abebooks for a couple of pounds. So I'll hold off mixing paint until it arrives. I also discovered Abebooks is owned by, Amazon... that figures...


On the way Home yesterday I stopped at the vampire house, to book my 6 monthly feeding session for them, this is the annual one with much prodding weighing etc followed by the results a week later, and an eyetest after C********s. I just hope they don't put me on that liquid only diet thats all over the news this morning..


Time to.. head for the lab via the water cooler so I can take some little oink pills.. (I tried to type pink but it seems to fit better as oink)

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The nearest pillar box is emptied at 9 am for reasons best known to Royal Mail

The reason for this is that in most areas now, the collection is done by the same postman as the deliveries, and as these start nowadays at 9.00 am, that is the stated last collection time.  There is usually at least one box in an area which has a later collection, but it may be some distance away.  In our case, our delivery often doesn't happen until after 3.00 pm, and if we have anything urgent which needs to be replied to, then we are snookered, as our local box is on a different duty from our delivery, and is normally emptied by 11.00 am.  Luckily our Post Office will accept mail until 4,40 pm, and is almost as close as the post box anyway.


Morning all


Sorry I haven't posted for a day or two, and a lot of water appears to have passed under the ER bridge, so I can only offer generic greetings.


A bad night's sleep, one where nature called in the middle of the night, then even later, the dog needed a wee, and I had to rush downstairs to let her out otherwise we would have had a puddle on the kitchen floor.  Then after each interruption, it seemed to take for ever to get back to sleep. 


Got to take 30747 to work, then a visit to Sister Drac for a blood test - my cholesterol has for some reason shot up.  It is a fasted test, and it doesn't take place until noon, so I can't have my insulin until later.


Back later

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

My tablet has updated its android system. Lots of changes to buttons and controls. Why?



Because they can!

Ah, Q the wonders of DOS. Or how to really make your computer work! Cut out the weendos and get to the proper operating system..



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  • RMweb Gold

I feel left out, no updates ot any of my Android devices for some time!


I do have an issue with my newest touch screen Win 10 pc - it crashes when the power supply is plugged in but some days it doesnt. So now I am leaving it on charge overnight when its asleep and pulling the power supply out and using it on battery when in use during the day.


Recycling bins emptied and now a bit of modelling (fitting nano LEDs into an Amtrak loco) before heading to Wetherspoons for breakfast, photo RHTT and freight then into the smoke for a few beers etc before meeting my other half at KX for the train to Leeds tonight. In the morning we are off to Stalybridge then Sheffield via manchester assuming that we can get on TPE trains as Northern are on strike.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A dry start here and a mainly bright and breezy day is forecast.

The house was full last night with offspring and grandchildren and a noisy but enjoyable time was had by all. The halls of GDB Towers are now fully decked but no boughs of holly have been harmed in the process.

Today's first task is to collect glasses and crockery for tomorrow's party from the local hire shop. After that I'm told a final major push on the domestic cleaning front will be necessary. I will, for once, do as I'm requested told without question. Possibly. :whistle:

As IT guru son Steve was here I managed to get him to sort my laptop out because it's been running rather slowly.  I've bought an external hard drive as well so now everything is fully backed up again. My previous back up was the desktop pc but that died a while ago. Laptop now running much better after Steve's attention and cleaning up. There were lots of mutterings about "what on earth do you need this for" and "you definitely don't need that!" He did suggest that I ought to think about replacing the laptop because (by his standards anyway) it's still slow and outdated. I've  had it barely 5 years but according to him that is positively ancient! I'll have to think about that, it will affect the modelling token fund. :scratchhead:

Tea needs to be taken up to The Boss so I may return later.

Have a good one, 


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

The joys of DOS worked, printer worked, Certificates printed and unit dispatched (to an internal company section).


Now suffering from brain fade, as I have to fill in a section called "Key takeaways" by "The Q" (alternative names may be on screen) , but  "sorry but I don't work in a chip shop" isn't a permitted reply.


And what a load of Bxxxxxxx is also not permitted

Edited by TheQ
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Good morning everyone


It’s time to head for home. Most of the packing was done last night, leaving just toiletries to pack this morning. So once breakfast has been consumed and we’ve settled the bill, we’re off.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a brightening Charente.   Yesterday we hung various pictures and the rooms are now looking better. An afternoon doing sweet FA then a visit to the eye doctor which seemed to go well.   Beth's left retina is not torn but there are still a few residual signs from the bleed that she had in her right eye in June.  However the good news is that the retinal problems are apparently normal age related ones.  However the only slightly worrying thing is that he wasn't happy about her flying until the final traces of the June bleed have disappeared.   This could cause problems as we have long haul flights booked for next April and May. All being well there should be no problem by the time of the next appointment in February.   We're just glad that the system over here worked so well.   


After that it was back home for about 8pm and a quick but not very good pizza meal.  I then had to get the claims paperwork for the refund of charges filled in and walked down to the post box at 2200 as out post goes at 09.00.  


Various tasks this morning then an expedition to buy a new chain for the chain saw and some replacement glass for two pictures that got damaged in transit.  


Regards to all.



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Shopping completed at morreasons. 9p off per litre fuel token obtained.


Sunny but flippinchilly here. Ian..make sure you and your good lady fetch suitably warm clothing.


Now waiting for someone coming to collect some weathered items.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The sun is shining and there should be some about for the rest of the day - odd really as it's the town's 'C*******s Fayre' this evening and it often rains for that, but tomorrow makes up for it all with monsoon rainfall forecast by the seaweed lovers of Exeter.  I'm glad I haven't got Billdows 10 as I dumped my DOD manual several years back to make space on a bookshelf,  BR (WR part thereof) used to run a rather nice residential DOS training course almost a week long for anyone who managed to get themselves nominated, far more fun than working.


Today we have yet another visit to Mrs Stationmaster's audio system fitter, I wonder if Livingstone (honest, that really is his first name) will succeed in filtering out all the extraneous noise it picks up?  At least she missed out on a lot of noise from the double-headed Freightliner passing the train spotting branch of Waitrose yesterday as it was coasting.


Have a good day folks

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greetings all from LBG.


The accounts are due to be signed on Monday and the auditors seem to have woken up to the fact with a flurry of last minute questions. When they have had information for two months already it seems a little late to suddenly ask questions.


C'est la vie!

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Morning, guilty of "different time zone" here too :jester:


Today will see me POE for the dreaded flight back home.

This time of year, especially at the JFK end chances are always pretty high that someone will fart in proximity to the airport and everything will go on an automatic delay for a couple of hours! :O

Here's hoping I escape without a problem.


Nothing to report other than that, overall quite boring when "on location", drive in, work, drive to get some food, drive to hotel, repeat! :(


May well have something to report tomorrow, as back home we're expecting up to 3 inches (or more if the winds change and at present they're not "sure") of snow with moderate storm conditions.

Good Saturday to stay in :)


+1 and cloudy driving in, expecting +6 here, bodes well for no JFK problems!! -2 at home and expected to be ZERO and partly cloudy when I get there late afternoon.


Tally ho...

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Remember that trip into the loft - well I can't see where the water comes in, but I found these.  I blame GDB.


Oh-0h - O!






Debs (NHN version) made these about 25 years ago - the Slaters kit bought from Bill Hudson himself.


Let's see if the Awl flies in.....

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, guilty of "different time zone" here too :jester:


Today will see me POE for the dreaded flight back home.

This time of year, especially at the JFK end chances are always pretty high that someone will fart in proximity to the airport and everything will go on an automatic delay for a couple of hours! :O

Here's hoping I escape without a problem.


Nothing to report other than that, overall quite boring when "on location", drive in, work, drive to get some food, drive to hotel, repeat! :(


May well have something to report tomorrow, as back home we're expecting up to 3 inches (or more if the winds change and at present they're not "sure") of snow with moderate storm conditions.

Good Saturday to stay in :)


+1 and cloudy driving in, expecting +6 here, bodes well for no JFK problems!! -2 at home and expected to be ZERO and partly cloudy when I get there late afternoon.


Tally ho...

We don't need snow to sc3w up our transport. Signal failure at Selhurst meant our train made an additional stop there to pick up and set down passengers so just missed my Overground train connection to Wandsworth Road to phot a couple of freights. I nearly got to the train when it left early according to the platform clock. Did get one at Denmark Hill though. Then headed to Shoreditch and a walk to the new Mikkeller brewery bar where I did have a fair few squeakers of very strong brews. 16.5%imperial Stout to start with. Slowly working my way towards JX.
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  • RMweb Gold

Are you in a different time zone??


No as you asked  :secret:  I'm in a Parallel Universe today I'm trying to avoid SWMBO we had a barney yesterday today she is walking about hissing, :girldevil:

I did mention HER is buying a new phone yesterday in her usual "acting the goat mode" she had to buy something different to mine then asked me in a childish manner

could I fix it, as a true luddite it took me all day to sort mine out it would have been easy for me if it was the same model as you can't transfer windows 10 into an

Android by Bluetooth that easy you need to be a "O2 Guru" to do it I done mine manually, HER phone is still sat on the coffee table since yesterday where I left it. :whistle:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Unda D Tumb  :umbrage:

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