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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Windy outside at the moment but the rain has stopped. Usual bin wagons dawn chorus, I was a bit worried as the wind was blowing my black bag a few metres along the street, its so light nowadays as most goes into the recycling but the bin men caught it in time. Tony, if it had been 'in season' you could have popped into Quainton Road, I spend hours in the second hand book shop when I'm there.

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Greetings from the boring borough. Bit windy here. So much so as I just spotted a house go past with a young girl and small dog clinging on for dear life. <overly political reference to the house landing on the resident of #10 has been redacted> 


Interview went ok yesterday. Not convinced by the job but who knows what will come of it. I almost didn't make it. Just before I left the house there was a one under on our line. Quick diversion via Woolwich and the DLR became plan B. Amazing how people on Twitter reacted. Those replying to the initial SE railway tweet were more concerned about the driver than anything else. The trip home was marred by yet another signal failure at Lewisham. Twitter was much less understanding towards NR and SE from that fustercluck. Problems at Lewisham are beyond a joke now and there is at least 1 "signal failure" per week. May be more reliable to hire retired police officers and give them flags to guide the trains through. 


Getting really windy now. Time to batten down the hatches and grab another coffee. Enjoy the day. 
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Morning all


A wet and windy night and a wet and windy morning.



Evening all,


Well 'The Crimes of Grindelwald' was not exactly the most rivetting or entertaining film we have seen which is based on the imaginings of Ms JK Rowling.  Somewhat disjointed at the start although a story gradually emerged, with some effort notwithstanding so impressive acting talent which was well up to scratch, in so far as the script allowed their talent to show itself.  As it is reputedly the first of a series of five films it might have provided a grounding but hopefully if more follow they will be considerably better with much tauter story lines and scripts.  


Maybe we would have found the film they will be showing on Christmas Eve a better one to watch - Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life', just one of a season of older films the local cinema is showing in the run up to C*******s.  They don't make 'em like that any more and it might be interesting to see it on a cinema screen instead of its usual outing on tv?



It is the second installment. Most of the characters were introduced in "Fantastic Beasts" and of them only Newt Scamander was really referenced in the original canon. At least the second installment sees many more references to the original works and characters though there are some remarkable new variations, particularly on family trees.

Neither film has been brilliant.

It is enjoyable to watch an old movie the way it was intended to be presented. Some years ago I very much enjoyed watching "Casablanca" in a cinema having previously only ever seen it on television. There was some adjustment to the square image format on the big screen but of course you quickly get over that. (I don't like it when broadcasters stretch square formats or 'pan and scan' the big widescreen formats to fit on television. Letterbox or side bars are fine by me. Show me what the director envisaged.) 

We thought that the first instalment, Fantastic Beasts, was quite a good introduction for the series of Harry Potter prequels. Grindelwald, however, has little to recommend it - it's for children, remember - and the story is confusing alongside the endless family trees. It's all covered over with lashings of cgi. The cgi is quality, production values are good, but nothing hides a poor story or script; unfortunately there seems to have been no quality control over either. JK Rowling should be ashamed; hopefully next time she'll pay more attention to both, starting with a good story.


Yes, saw It's a Wonderful Life at our independent cinema a couple of years ago. It's worthwhile to see on the big screen. A lovely film.


We're just off to view another house in the rain, and this afternoon it's root canal time!


Have a good day



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A wet and windy night and a wet and windy morning.





We thought that the first instalment, Fantastic Beasts, was quite a good introduction for the series of Harry Potter prequels. Grindelwald, however, has little to recommend it - it's for children, remember - and the story is confusing alongside the endless family trees. It's all covered over with lashings of cgi. The cgi is quality, production values are good, but nothing hides a poor story or script; unfortunately there seems to have been no quality control over either. JK Rowling should be ashamed; hopefully next time she'll pay more attention to both, starting with a good story.


Yes, saw It's a Wonderful Life at our independent cinema a couple of years ago. It's worthwhile to see on the big screen. A lovely film.






We enjoyed Fantastic Beasts - we thought it was a good story and had a nice smattering of humour as well.  Agree absolutely with your comments about Grindelwald and we were very much have the impression it was a story (it f you can call it that) which emerged as a film script rather than as a properly fleshed-out story.  That seems to be confirmed by the fact that 'the book' is actually a book of the film script rather than a book of the story - on sale in Waterstones in Reading a fortnight back it was reduced by 50% and clearly was not selling very well.

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'ello. Bin day but being absent the Mrs will have to take care of those items!


Nothing happening here at "the client", of note.

Interestingly another client, whom I've not been required to communicate with for maybe 6-8 months, has popped their heads above the wall and asked if I'm available for some consulting/training - on EXACTLY the same subject we seem to talk about every 6-8 months.

Never gets beyond a review of the "possibilities" as they then go off and seem to simply forget about it all. Just humoring the project manager by saying "sure, any time next week..." AGAIN!!  :O  :jester:

Not really fussed either way as it's simply a couple of hours phone conference from the warmth of my office :)


Weather here continues to be cold, YA RIGHT, +3 (horrors ONE degree cooler than yesterday) and sunny on the drive in. Threatens to be +8 for a high. Back home a coating of snow yesterday afternoon.


"Right you lot, back to work...", at least for those earning a crust, for the rest, enjoy your day of leisure :locomotive:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Well I've just synced the phone to the car, the car was easy as I have done it several time because I keep breaking the phones 

in one minute flat the car connected with phone I pressed connect on both, simples it's a lot easier with these new devices before

I would have turned the air blue effing & blinding for at least 30 minutes.

Her is off out to hair her mug done god knows what they do I've never seen any improvement then she is off to O2 to get her new

phone she fancies something I can't even pronounce I wont get involved if she don't like it I won't get the blame or will I.

Btw my one is a Motorola a good old fashion name from the past.


Must get on.  A.G.Bell

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My Dingly Dell has gone to Hell.


That is to say the USB interface on my Dell PC was acting up and causing all the aggravation with my 3D printer. I now have two spare microcontroller boards for the printer, but not to worry, I have a plan for them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Rain has rained.

Wind has winded.

Therefore golf was not golfed.

Railway modelling was not modelled.


Instead - much tidying up and sorting out stuff to sell on a well known auction site to fund future railway purchases.......


Now waiting for the oven to warm up to bake a potato and butter pie - just the job on a carp day like this.


Catch up later.




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Grindelwald, however, has little to recommend it - it's for children, remember 

I'm not sure that it is specifically intended for children. The people who grew up reading Harry Potter contemporaneously are now well into their twenties, if not their thirties. If there is a 'target' audience for these films it is them.  "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was first published 21 years ago.


The "YA" (or "young adult") fiction demographic in literature can have a broad appeal. I wouldn't say that is only for children..

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.  What a wild and wet night.  And morning.  We waited for things to settle down before venturing out.  Lunch and some seasonal shopping was dealt with at Kew Gardens before returning for afternoon tea chez-nous Upon the Hill.


It is time to deal with the bins in order to provide sustenance for the fox population have them emptied first thing in the morning.  There will also be a lasagne to accompany tonight's glass of red laughing water.


Other than that there is little to report.  I'll pop in later to see how we are. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The rain returned with a vengence earlier this evening. Its stopped for now but predicted to be even heavier tomorrow, not that I'm worried, I'm going nowhere until later. Microwave has just pinged so its dinner time, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

We are back home.

I am not sure why but we noticed some signs about severe delays on the A41 this evening and the satnav was very keen on us diverting. Lots of red on the screen until we did. I am sure the diversion through housing developments and over a “weak bridge” would have been interesting without the rain and deep puddles! The M25 was busy but moving.

The rain held off while we were at Waddesdon Manor. The restaurant was only open for pre booked tables. My cousin arrived early and suggested as the queue for other places to eat would be huge (lots of coaches arrived) we should divert and find a pub for lunch. We all did and it was just outside the Manor grounds. After lunch we went to look round the house and gardens. We did get to the gift shop and Aditi bought birthday presents for family members. Also food for us was purchased.


Edited by Tony_S
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Evening all


My root canal didn't happen; the dentist replaced the cracked filling with something called Biodentine instead. Once he'd drilled the old filling out he thought the case for a root canal was borderline and filled the tooth with Biodentine, which is supposed to have anti-bacterial properties, so should kill off any infection there may be in the canal. He said I'd know in a few days because the pain would return. If all is ok, he can use the Biodentine as a base layer for a new filling, so need only drill out a small amount. That will be at the end of January, unless the pain returns, in which case it will be root canal next week.


Well I've just synced the phone to the car, the car was easy as I have done it several time because I keep breaking the phones 


An ex-work colleague of mine had to replace his Apple phone because his old one would not lock the doors remotely on his new Merc. That means locking the door and switching off the lights over thousands of miles. I shook my head that he'd want to lock his car in Munich from his home in Edinburgh. Must have some good uses, though.

I'm not sure that it is specifically intended for children. The people who grew up reading Harry Potter contemporaneously are now well into their twenties, if not their thirties. If there is a 'target' audience for these films it is them.  "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was first published 21 years ago.


The "YA" (or "young adult") fiction demographic in literature can have a broad appeal. I wouldn't say that is only for children..

Yes, you're right. We only continued seeing the films because our kids loved them; now we go and they're not interested! The next film will be a real test for Rowling.


Hope your nights are calmer than the last one



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John DMJ was consulted on a professional basis - professional on his part, 'less so' on mine but he steered me to the path of righteousness, or at least the right website....ho hum.  Nuts and bolts engineers shouldn't be allowed computers.


Pleased you enjoyed the tour of the new website; glad we got there in the end! It's a step change from its predecessor!

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  • RMweb Gold

The remote phone facilities for my car won’t work on older (last year perhaps) iPhones. However I have an Android phone and the apps for that are fine. The apps can be useful. My neighbours car broke down and was supposed to be taken to the Land Rover dealer in Southend. She rang Land Rover to ask why her car was in Romford, unlocked with the window open. They did investigate. The apps for mine include sending messages from the car. I got one informing me a tyre had become flat overnight.

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My root canal didn't happen; the dentist replaced the cracked filling with something called Biodentine instead. Once he'd drilled the old filling out he thought the case for a root canal was borderline and filled the tooth with Biodentine, which is supposed to have anti-bacterial properties, so should kill off any infection there may be in the canal. He said I'd know in a few days because the pain would return. If all is ok, he can use the Biodentine as a base layer for a new filling, so need only drill out a small amount. That will be at the end of January, unless the pain returns, in which case it will be root canal next week.

Mal, I hope the pain does not return. There is something truly awful with dental pain. I'll be optimistic and hope this treatment is sufficient.

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  • RMweb Premium

I started the day calling the Tax man. They sent me a query that I couldn't figure out (registered savings plans). Our MP's office suggested that calling at 9:00 when they open was best and i was straight on -- for half an hour. There was a discrepancy in paper work when we bought an annuity last year. Called our investment manager who found that one end (his company) hadn't submitted the form. Will have to send everything on.

Tax department had given a 45 day deadline from Nov 8 (mailing date) -- letter came on 27th (rotating postal strikes). I hope my phone call counts as a response.

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Good morning one and all


All but a few seasonal greetings cards are now on their way.  The nearest pillar box is emptied at 9 am for reasons best known to Royal Mail and it was almost fun creeping through the pre-dawn yesterday with a shopping bag full of envelopes.  I spent much of the rest of the day in the shed where the layout lives trying to do some m*d*ll*ng but not entirely succeeding, pausing only to cook a prawn stir fry with hoisin sauce for Poorly Pal and myself.   Today I need to do a fodder run, principally for ingredients for a packed lunch, but there is bound to be something I forgot last time.  There always is.  Irritations yesterday were the E.on call centre worker who cut me off instead of transferring me to a colleague and the total absence of tomato ketchup in the Standing Order in Stevenage, a ’Spoons house.  As far as fish and chips is [are?] concerned brown sauce is a poor substitute.


Tomorrow I make my annual trip to Manchester for the show.  With heavily discounted advance tickets on Virgin Trains you would think this a simple matter but when, as happened one year, both trains on which I had reserved seats are cancelled it becomes less straightforward but does allow my sense of adventure to stir.  An invigorating purposeful stride to Bedford bus station to catch the X5 bus gets me to Milton Keynes Central for the day’s odyssey but I need to be up even more betimes to fix breakfast so I’ll be back here on Sunday.


Warm thoughts to all in distress or missing.  Mal, I think that root canal work counts as distress.



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