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  • RMweb Premium

A question - how will you use this? It's powered, where the prototype (obviously) is unpowered. The prototype tags along at the end of the train, with the power being supplied by units up front.


Can you set the model up to match the speed of the head-end loco(s) well enough that you're not going to have problems in the middle of the train? Or are you going to take the motor out of the cabbage i.e.follow prototype? Or will you take the motor out of a loco to be run at the front of a train powered by the cabbage?


I don't have a clue about how to power it but if you are interested here's a picture of one for hints for weathering.




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A question - how will you use this? It's powered, where the prototype (obviously) is unpowered. The prototype tags along at the end of the train, with the power being supplied by units up front.

Can you set the model up to match the speed of the head-end loco(s) well enough that you're not going to have problems in the middle of the train? Or are you going to take the motor out of the cabbage i.e.follow prototype? Or will you take the motor out of a loco to be run at the front of a train powered by the cabbage?

He could always plate over the rollup door and repaint it in the old color scheme :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


We have t’internet at the moment!


We had a good trip here this morning, it taking us just over 1hr 35mins. Despite not being able to access our room at the B&B until mid afternoon we were able to park outside (complimentary parking permit) and wander about the town until we could. So we found somewhere to eat dinner and then did a little shopping. We finally got into the room just before 4 and once we’d unpacked we made ourselves a hot drink.


Tomorrow we will attend the Country Living Christmas Fair, where hopefully I’ll be able to pick up Sheila’s Christmas present, as I have done for the last couple of years.


Time for bed now, as I’m bucking follocksed, goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


We have t’internet at the moment!


We had a good trip here this morning, it taking us just over 1hr 35mins. Despite not being able to access our room at the B&B until mid afternoon we were able to park outside (complimentary parking permit) and wander about the town until we could. So we found somewhere to eat dinner and then did a little shopping. We finally got into the room just before 4 and once we’d unpacked we made ourselves a hot drink.


Tomorrow we will attend the Country Living Christmas Fair, where hopefully I’ll be able to pick up Sheila’s Christmas present, as I have done for the last couple of years.


Time for bed now, as I’m bucking follocksed, goodnight all


Hope that you enjoy Harrowgate as it is sometimes pronounced.   I had an old aunt there and saw some of the only East Coast Pacifics I ever saw pulling the Queen of Scots in the cutting that crosses the stray just outside where she had her flat.   However an old Sgt that I worked with described it as the town with the greatest divide he'd ever seen between the haves and the have not's though he went on to say that many of the so called haves could be described as "All fur coat and no Kn1ckers".



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


A wet day it has been and no mistake.  Not particularly heavy but persisterent and wet is wet.  Things have been somewhat milder on the temperature scale however.


Another night of Dormus interruptus which fortunately did not require me to answer the alarm at 5am as I am on leave.  Some of the interruptions were my fault; nature called and the wise man answers in a timely manner.  One of the interruptions was feline; I currently sport some interesting parallel scratch-marks on a very tender part of the anatomy.  And there was some traffic upstairs where I suspect a small gathering of friends was in progress based upon faintly audible music, slightly more audible voices, various, and quite an amount of traffic across the floor.  Not the hippo stampede we have endured in the past but enough to disturb an already fitful sleep.  And then there was the 4.30am baby-making practice .........  Do we think it might be too disrespectful to call upstairs one day with a can of WD40 and ask to spray the bed-springs? ;)


Today SWMBO was in work while I was not.  I took myself off to visit parts of the outer west of the Capital where we once had family connections.  Yiewsley, Cowley, Uxbridge and Hayes were all on the agenda and the changes noted in those places I once knew very well.  The former Grand-parental home, always painted in cream and caramel, is now pained white but the bare pebbledash sports an awful coat of sky-blue!  Who on Earth paints pebbledash walls sky blue???  


We reconvened tonight in the local Thai restaurant for dinner which was adequate though not quite as good as it once was.  Still owned by the same person the staff have entirely changed since an immigration raid last Spring.  It hasn't been quite as good since.


Tomorrow I am promised "second breakfast" out somewhere on the condition that I accompany SWMBO on a C******s shopping trip.  For one day only staff get a hefty discount at the Kew Gardens shop.  So it'll be gin and fancy socks all round then.  On Friday there are tentative plans to visit Bath and on Saturday I am busy with friends while she has threatened to write the paper she was commissioned to submit to some journal or another.  


Long conversation tonight with Sister, currently being keeper of the family black dog though it isn't being as debilitating as it might.  And long conversation with ex-Neighbour (Upstairs) who having failed her second year of university departed in July and is now working in Portsmouth.  Word is that she will be visiting over the weekend and I shall be required to attend a House of Falling-Down Waters. I might enjoy that too as it's been far too long since the last such.  


Almost time for bed here.  Best wishes to all and particular thoughts to those unwell or suffering for any reason.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

Work was worked.

Slowly catching up after the past two weeks of NEC/Warley preparations.


If the wet, wild and windy gets less wet, less wild and less windier tomorrow, there may be some golf played, but I don't hold out much hope looking at the forecast.

I may have to do some mudelling instead.


Time to put the bins out.


Have a good quinta-feira folks.




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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Well 'The Crimes of Grindelwald' was not exactly the most rivetting or entertaining film we have seen which is based on the imaginings of Ms JK Rowling.  Somewhat disjointed at the start although a story gradually emerged, with some effort notwithstanding so impressive acting talent which was well up to scratch, in so far as the script allowed their talent to show itself.  As it is reputedly the first of a series of five films it might have provided a grounding but hopefully if more follow they will be considerably better with much tauter story lines and scripts.  


Maybe we would have found the film they will be showing on Christmas Eve a better one to watch - Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life', just one of a season of older films the local cinema is showing in the run up to C*******s.  They don't make 'em like that any more and it might be interesting to see it on a cinema screen instead of its usual outing on tv?

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'The Crimes of Grindelwald' ...  As it is reputedly the first of a series of five films it might have provided a grounding but hopefully if more follow they will be considerably better with much tauter story lines and scripts.

It is the second installment. Most of the characters were introduced in "Fantastic Beasts" and of them only Newt Scamander was really referenced in the original canon. At least the second installment sees many more references to the original works and characters though there are some remarkable new variations, particularly on family trees.


Neither film has been brilliant.


Maybe we would have found the film they will be showing on Christmas Eve a better one to watch - Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life', just one of a season of older films the local cinema is showing in the run up to C*******s.  They don't make 'em like that any more and it might be interesting to see it on a cinema screen instead of its usual outing on tv?

It is enjoyable to watch an old movie the way it was intended to be presented. Some years ago I very much enjoyed watching "Casablanca" in a cinema having previously only ever seen it on television. There was some adjustment to the square image format on the big screen but of course you quickly get over that. (I don't like it when broadcasters stretch square formats or 'pan and scan' the big widescreen formats to fit on television. Letterbox or side bars are fine by me. Show me what the director envisaged.) 

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold

A question - how will you use this? It's powered, where the prototype (obviously) is unpowered. The prototype tags along at the end of the train, with the power being supplied by units up front.


Can you set the model up to match the speed of the head-end loco(s) well enough that you're not going to have problems in the middle of the train? Or are you going to take the motor out of the cabbage i.e.follow prototype? Or will you take the motor out of a loco to be run at the front of a train powered by the cabbage?


Yes a good question. At present I intend to speed match it to my Veterans livery P42 but the instructions, typical of Rapido do say you can take the motor out but why would you! I do need to repaint some of my older Amfleet coaches to a new paint scheme to run with it though.

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning All,


It is around 4°C this morning, and a little blustery.


We were stuck for two hours in a traffic jam on the way home last night.  There was an accident on the bit of road through the forest, and the police closed it (it's too narrow and dangerous to do much else).  It was a nasty accident too - almost head on.


Today will be a day of updating documentation, and preparing for a test next week.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Bonjour to all.   It's still dark outside but no diggers to wake us up this morning , however both of us up and about.   


I had a good afternoon yesterday with a bit of shopping and then 2 hours trackside where the TGV line to Bordeaux crosses the classic main line.   A few TGV's but not a lot on the classic line but good chat with a mate.   This morning is probably going to be picture hanging time but priorities may change.   This afternoon we are off to St Jean of the Danglies as Beth has her 2nd appointment with the eye specialist to see about her retina.   I suspect there may be some nerves around.   


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Chuckinitdarn and windy in the North West Leeds Highlands this morning.


Chris today is print address labels, write cards and stick on labels and stamps day. I may need several mugsadecaf to keep me going!


GDB.. enjoy the lead up to your birthday ..sounds like it will be a great party.


Jamie, yes he was correct regarding Harrogate. Obviously using the term "aal ferr coat and nee nickers' he must have either been fron Nortumbria or had visited..Hate to say it but it's still true about arrowgate.


Can we have a special positive thought directed towards Debs please? Hopefully when they get around to doing her operation all will go well.


John, positive thoughts to you and Sandy at this trying time.


Now then, black dogs to be chained up! Have as good a day as you can


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Mooring Awl, Inner temple here,

6.5 hours sleep in bed very good, not so good is waking to pain from my left elbow, an old sailing injury from 20 years ago, I think I must have slept on it at a wrong angle.


It was drizzling on patrol with Ben the Border Collie, however it was surprisingly light considering the cloud cover. Quite wet and windy on the way in with an unusually large amount of traffic, the traffic was extremely heavy after work yesterday, most odd.


We had the visit from the other candidate for the deputy bosses job, visit yesterday afternoon. Very young, ie School + University now looking for a job with an honours degree . Yes he probably do the job, however, would the boss have enough time to train him? I suspect the other candidate is way ahead, having done the job before in a lab with a lower standard of accuracy.


Todays while waiting for things to settle task.. Doing an equipment required / price list for the Jib Club(boom).


I'm just waiting for this weeks major system to finish it's overnight run. While measuring the temperature measurement system. Ah... major system finished.


Time too... process the results.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We are off out for the day. We are going to meet my cousin somewhere between Solihull and Benfleet.This time it will be at Waddesdon Manor. Hopefully the weather won’t be too bad or we will be in the National Trust gift shop all day.

I don’t know what we are doing about cards this year .


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


So far there is no rain, but according to the app on my phone there’s a 65% chance this morning. After breakfast we’re off to the show, I’ll stay there until dinner. After dinner I head off to Starbeck Models and see what Brian has to offer, I don’t usually come away empty handed.


Back later

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Morning all,

Now in our third consecutive day of ceaseless wind and rain. I have ventured out today, but only for an appointment with a nurse practitioner and also to post a parcel to another ER. It was not nice out!


Today, we are supposed to be getting our new woodburner fitted. I don’t expect it to happen as it involves installing a new chimney liner, which entails going up a ladder, which isn’t too smart in the current wind.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sitting having breckie this morning idiot female neighbour knocked our wheelie bin over and drove off I wouldn't mind but it was on the end

of my drive lucky it was full of sealed bags, her bin has been pushed down here drive and kicked over with loose rubbish and poopy nappies

blowing around everywhere blocking her front gate I doubt if her wimp of a husband will say anything. :aggressive_mini: :threaten:  

Daughter No1 paid us a visit yesterday I printed her contracts for buying her new house out as the sellers would not spend postage sending some

hard copies to her only emailed one's what tight @rses people can be. 

As for Bargain Hunt that Catherine Southon  :P  does it for me she always appears to eye up all the male contestants on the show, Christina is lovely but

is heavy on the hind quarters.


Must get on a railway to build. :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


It's faux Friday so we shall be braving the country route to the train spotting branch of Waitrose thence via Reading's ridiculous bridgeworks to our local branch of Tesco.  It's still a bit blowy but there is currently no rain (we had enough overnight thank you).


I'll be interested to hear what Tony and Aditi think of the Waddesdon Manor restaurant (assuming they get that far)  we thought it was quite good on our last visit albeit not a patch on how it was some years ago but definitely better than the low it had sunk to in between which had put us right off having a trip out for lunch there.  And just to keep Bob (of the 81C variety) happy Catherine Southon is a very pleasant lady to talk to as we met her on one occasion during Bargain Hunt filming.


A bit more dining room 'tidying' was achieved yesterday but unlike the GDB household I still have plenty of time as our C*******s trees do not make their appearance until the weekend before 25 December, and this year that means 22/23 December( they will however still be in place for my birthday)!


Have a good day one and all.

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