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Yes Bob, I thoroughly approve! 


Is it a 'full fat' sound version?  I was surprised how good it is, I have talked previously about how I listen to engines with an engineers ear for all the little sounds going on, and this really makes the sounds a 6 cylinder Sulzer does in real life.  Quite remarkable in fact. They run beautifully, quite as good if not better than any of my Yank diesels, even a high end brass job with Canon motor and drive.


No sales pitch, we don't sell them!



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The house next door though it has a 'To let' notice out front is still in the possession of the builders, I suspect it needs a bit more work than the new buyers expected. Not a lot else to report, muggatee to be drunk, back later.

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Another endoscopy today, this time with ultrasound. Then waiting for the next CT scan and then they'll have all the information they need. 


Sandy's not looking forward to this one - they're going to have to giver her a happy pill. But she just wants them get on with it.

Thinking of you on this one, hope all went well today

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Good evening everyone


You can tell it’s getting near C*******s as this morning’s Sainsbury’s Grand Prix was quite busy. However, I noticed that they have their 25% off when you buy 6 bottles of wine offer on again. So I took full advantage of their generosity and restocked the wine cellar. If it’s still on next week, I may well do the same again!


Our bags are now packed and tomorrow we’ll head of to Harrogate for a couple of days, Mike is very kindly house sitting for us, so we’ve stocked up on food we know he’ll like.


I’d not been home long when the rain started and it’s been raining ever since. The bins were put out when there was a slight break in the weather, it finally stopped just after 6:00 this evening. Thankfully it’s all quiet now, but for how long?


Thoughts with John and Sandy.


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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Afternoon Awl,

The answer is

Is the big orange shed will mix to RAL numbers... If it's in their system and RAL 6003 isn't.

They did advise that the Dulux depot will mix to any RAL number, however having seen the prices in the house of orange I dread to think of the prices in Dulux.


So I went round looking at the paints that they did have, one was called tank green, only I've never seen Tank a painted that colour. Eventually I alighted on one called crocodile green which is a little blue, but is a water based paint I can mix with acrylics I have. So I'll mix in some yellow to reduce the blue, then add white or black to adjust the shade.


Meantime who brought the Cockwombles out, lots of them, a long and painful trip home...


The one thing that isn't painful is the noise in the landrover I knew the old spare wheel bracket was worn and crashed when I drove over a bump. What I didn't know was it was the cause of much continuous rattling and noise. The landrover is very very much quieter.


Dulux used to be very reasonably priced so it might not be as bad as you expect/.  However Jewson also mix the Dulux range - if you can find a branch which does it as I don't think all do - and they are both sensibly priced and going by our local branch absolutely top notch at matching.

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As it's a bit wet here at the moment (Pineapple Express) I was in no rush to get up this morning, not that I'm ever in a rush to get up. I was drinking my coffee and surfing the interwebything on my Kindle when there was a wail from the bathroom "Andrew, there's something wrong with the water and I just put shampoo in my hair."


And lo, it came to pass that the water supply had indeed conked out, again.


Fearing the worst I got dressed PDQ and drove down to the pump house. Fortunately it was just the pressure switch that had failed to close its contacts. I nudged the contacts and all was well again, but the big question is, for how long? The pressure switch was replace less than six months ago. Maybe some sediment got into it or something, but finding out means shutting the whole system down. If it does it again it will probably be in the middle of a blizzard.

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Morning All,


We have quite a chilly morning today - but nothing particularly unseasonal.  Looking at my gas usage though, it appears that the colder weather did start a little bit earlier this year than last, but not by very much.  How the winter pans out, of course, remains to be seen.


It's great to see Mick back posting again.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Ey up!

Mugatea drunk already.


Too dark to see what the weather is doing here at the moment. Nasty weather in Sydney overnight. Hope everyone is safe.


Brian enjoy Harrogate. Yorkshire rascals at Bettys... naughty but Nice!


Hope John and Sandy can have a restful day.

No news from Debs.


Thoughts to all who ail and/or are missing


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

Only 3.5 hours sleep in bed but for a change I didn't doze on the sofa but had a full 3 hours sleep, which was some help.


When I got home yesterday, I found SWMBO's forgetful friend was visiting again. Yes she got lost on the way again, though this time there was some excuse due to the road works and diversion..

  I had quick visit to the mobile home down the garden to see SWMBO and collect Ben the Border Collie while it was still dry. However when the visitor left it was bucketing down, as it is now, it's hammering on this place's tin roof.


SWMBO has borrowed from her friend the Weaving clubs rag rug weaving frame, I can use this as a template to finish the bigger frame on Saturday, which will only take about an hour. So what can I do after  that?


Well the inside of the first layout carriage can be painted white, and if the new handles arrive I can cut holes to fit. Then I can start building the panels for the other two carriages.

Also If I remember to bring them home, I'll start adding colours to the basic green paint I've bought, to make it more Olive, doing this a week earlier than I'll use it,will allow the colours to soak in better after mixing. (and before final remixing.)

 To that end I've been wandering around the net to see how modern painters mix up an Olive green from basic colours, Most seem to say use yellow, blue, red and black in various quantities.


 You could see how Stroudly got to his "improved Engine Green" as Highland Railways Olive Green was basically yellow with more lamp black mixed in. Modern Blacks to add to yellow are too pure and don't "green " the yellow enough.


Finally on Saturday I have the boat bits search and to laminate up some pine strip to make a Jib Club.


ChrisF is lucky he's not in Norfolk as our Mental health trust has failed inspection again, for the third time. A lot of this is due to a shortage of nurses and therefore bed places, which is putting a strain on outpatient services as well. This is the same problem as the QE2 hospital Kings Lynn, has failed for, the Shortage of Nurses is closing wards. The problem with a national wage scale means  you have no way of attracting staff if you live in what is seen as an undesirable area.. Kings Lynn, like Norfolk is seen as a remote backwater.


This is not surprising as this Morning the A11 is closed due to yet another crash.. This time a jack knifed lorry. My Sailing compatriot will have problems as he's a white van man with his depot just south of the Crash, but his delivery area extends to the outskirts of Norwich.


During this typing I've stopped to take about 20 measurements, another 20 or so before the pre adjustment figures are finished, on this temperature unit. meantime in the background the major system has been taking ACV measurements every 30 seconds or so, it has another two hour to finish that run.


Time too... take another measurement.

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Good morning one and all


I see that mental health has hit the headlines again and at the ever-present risk of rustication I will don the waxen wings of Icarus and fly too close to the sun that is politics.  It is good that the subject has a high profile, at least for the time being, but the reasons for it are oh so wrong.  One day someone On High will realise that the police are for policing and not for deputising for other professionals.  I hope I live long enough to see it.




And also a significant proportion of 999 calls to the ambulance services are for mental health issues.



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,


ChrisF is lucky he's not in Norfolk as our Mental health trust has failed inspection again, for the third time. A lot of this is due to a shortage of nurses and therefore bed places, which is putting a strain on outpatient services as well. This is the same problem as the QE2 hospital Kings Lynn, has failed for, the Shortage of Nurses is closing wards. The problem with a national wage scale means  you have no way of attracting staff if you live in what is seen as an undesirable area.. Kings Lynn, like Norfolk is seen as a remote backwater.




And Maria Theresa's present Brexit proposal would put foreign nurses below the immigration threshold so the situation would only get worse.  Then if the case service cannot accept the patients, they cannot be released from the (remaining) ward, which means a bed isn't available to take patients from A&E, which means patients are cared for by ambulance staff in corridors, which means no ambulances out on the road.  Keeps me busy.



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And also a significant proportion of 999 calls to the ambulance services are for mental health issues.




I saw the various reports about this yesterday.   The original report on the Beeb website was excellent and heaped praise on the Police for their care and compassion in very trying circumstances.   I was less happy about the version on the broadcast news which concentrated on one of the rare occasions where things had tragically gone wrong.  I had a lot of dealings with calls of this nature and things certainly got a lot harder as the large mental hospitals closed in the 70's.  There has always been and always will be, IMHO, a need for places of safety or "Asylums" in the true sense of the word, where those suffering from such terrible afflictions can be given the care that they need away from the pressures of everyday living. 



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I saw the various reports about this yesterday.   The original report on the Beeb website was excellent and heaped praise on the Police for their care and compassion in very trying circumstances.   I was less happy about the version on the broadcast news which concentrated on one of the rare occasions where things had tragically gone wrong.  I had a lot of dealings with calls of this nature and things certainly got a lot harder as the large mental hospitals closed in the 70's.  There has always been and always will be, IMHO, a need for places of safety or "Asylums" in the true sense of the word, where those suffering from such terrible afflictions can be given the care that they need away from the pressures of everyday living. 




Yes, the copper can be caught between a duty of care for the individual and a duty of safety to the general public.


One thing about the police force that worries me, is a tendency to dive in mob handed.  The ambulance service response is controlled.  If I'm told to stand down from a shout, then I do; if I didn't then I would be disciplined up to my services being dispensed with. Drummed into me.  Hasn't stopped me attending some interesting shouts - but I don't carry protection gear so if a weapon appears I'm back in my car pronto.



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Morning all


A wet and windy night here.


I'm just about to take Gabe to work then do a Sainsbury's shop... and just noticed Brian's post

You can tell it’s getting near C*******s as this morning’s Sainsbury’s Grand Prix was quite busy. However, I noticed that they have their 25% off when you buy 6 bottles of wine offer on again. So I took full advantage of their generosity and restocked the wine cellar. If it’s still on next week, I may well do the same again!

except in Scotland where they aren't allowed to offer deals on booze. They can offer individual bottles at sale prices so long as it's above the price per unit of alcohol (so a 12% bottle of wine must cost at least £6). Unable to purchase any alcohol before 10am. Enjoy Harrogate, Brian.


I saw the various reports about this yesterday.   The original report on the Beeb website was excellent and heaped praise on the Police for their care and compassion in very trying circumstances.   I was less happy about the version on the broadcast news which concentrated on one of the rare occasions where things had tragically gone wrong.  I had a lot of dealings with calls of this nature and things certainly got a lot harder as the large mental hospitals closed in the 70's.  There has always been and always will be, IMHO, a need for places of safety or "Asylums" in the true sense of the word, where those suffering from such terrible afflictions can be given the care that they need away from the pressures of everyday living. 



Wasn't it Virginia Bottomley who introduced 'Care in the Community' in the '80s? The phrase rings hollow now with current, mainly unaddressed, problems. Our daughter is one sufferer, waiting months for an appointment.


Hope your days are blessed



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