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Early Risers.


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Bit foggy here too.


Another endoscopy today, this time with ultrasound. Then waiting for the next CT scan and then they'll have all the information they need. 


Sandy's not looking forward to this one - they're going to have to giver her a happy pill. But she just wants them get on with it.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

6.5 hours sleep in bed, but no dozing on the sofa, as the brain went into overdrive about RAL6003  paint.


That's Military Olive green to you and me. I've been looking around to get olive green wood paint, unfortunately if you look at most, they look like biege with a hint of green, or are cellulose vehicle paint, not what I'm wanting at all, So later today I'll try the Big orange shed and see if they can mix RAL colours.


Also yesterday I was looking at the fittings I'll need for my boat...it's frightening the amount of stuff you need and they definately add up. Probably to more than the landrover just cost me.. However scattered around in  Boat, Garage and boat shed are many bits and pieces acquired over the years. I think it's time to go searching and collect them all together to see  what can be used.


A real oddity is the Boom my sailing compatriot gave me, it came with a boat he had many years ago, and was such an oddity he replaced it with a new one. So this sat in his parents garden, till he got told to get rid of it.. I'll point out he's now 53 so he's got extremely tolerent parents!!


The oddity is that it is an old type boom, very simple designed for a transom traveller that is a rope across the stern of the boat on which a block runs, to which the main sheet is attached which then runs up to the boom along it then down in the middle of the boat of the helmsman to pull.



However most Modern Kestrels have the boom mainsheets connections all  in the middle, that is, the mainsheet goes between three single blocks on the boom (to spread the loading) and a triple mounted to a console in the middle of the boat. 

A similar type of boom rigging but with a double purchase.



So this oddity boom has had a heavy duty X profile track


riveted to the bottom of the boom,

 and on top of that a C shaped track riveted on top of that. post-15969-0-13429100-1543308803.jpg

yes it's a rivet counters nightmare and most odd.


I suspect it was to allow the use of centre blocks, then the mountings running on the track failed and a new track was placed on top for a different system. I have neither sets of mountings for these tracks. So I'll probably remove the outer C section track But leave the inner one as all those holes will have weakened the boom and the inner track will reinforce it. I also have no use for the inner track as I'm returning to an end of boom system. Should I need any fittings there I'l just drill through the X track sideways and fit shackles to take anything .


I can assure you I often bore people on Sailing  / Norfolk threads elsewhere with Model railways.


So to allow you to stop snoring..


Time too... take the next measurement.

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Morning all,


Welcome back Mick.  Happy retirement Brianr - hope it is as good as the first one and preferably better.


And now to yesterday - an interesting(ish) journey to Pompeymouth as Notwork Rail were still suffering from a continuation of Sunday's failure of points to point correctly at Hilsea meaning one London bound train at Guildford was 80 minutes late while our seaside bound one was a mere 14 or so minutes late due to late arrival of the inward working at Waterloo.  But various of us still arrived in good time for the meal although those coming with GWR from the Bristol direction had been tipped out of their train at Southampton as it was not allowed to go any further due to continuing failure of said points to point correctly and a bit of service pruning going on.  So luncheon was delayed however eventually all the stragglers made it by the intended hour of 12.30 but we than had to wait for the kitchen to catch up, which didn't take long.


An excellent meal with a sizeable main course was delivered and excellent value for £15, so excellent in fact that I didn't have space for the complimentary mince pie and even after the drinks bill was paid there was plenty left out of our £20 contributions to cover a decent tip for the very good service we received.   So good indeed that this venue might displace The Imperial in Exeter as our principal Christmas meal venue next year.


The points would seem to have been pointing properly in time for our various return workings as - for those who needed it - GWR had resumed being allowed through to the Pompey waterfront and the 'slow' Waterloo via Eastleigh and Basingstoke also left punctually however things were slightly adrift on the Bournemouth line resulting in a delay to the XC train forward from Winchester having to follow an out of course Weymouth fast which in turn was behind the semi-fast it should have preceded.  This caused the XC train to lose its path into Reading leaving me with only 2 minutes to make what should have been a 14 minute connection but the gods of TVSC (Thames Valley Signalling Centre) were benign and  I got a cross-platform change instead replatforming and a hike across the footbridge.   Arrived home duly knackered after a good day out in good company although unlike ChrisF on this occasion I think I was one of, if not the, youngest present.


Today will be rather more sedentary I think.


Enjoy your day one and all

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Oh dear, Oh dear Oh dear. It is possible that I may have been extremely naughty. So naughty in fact that there may not be a step big enough for me to sit upon.


However, am I bovvered?   Nope!


  :onthequiet:  :whistle:   :imsohappy:  :yes:

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Had a quick look on Farcebook this morning where someone has posted an amusing pic of a Metropolitan Police car with silhouettes of motor scooters on the front wing. Fog has disappeared and the sun is shining but not for long according to the forecast.

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Oh dear, Oh dear Oh dear. It is possible that I may have been extremely naughty. So naughty in fact that there may not be a step big enough for me to sit upon.


However, am I bovvered?   Nope!


  :onthequiet:  :whistle:   :imsohappy:  :yes:

I said you might lose those brownie points. :jester: :girldevil: :girldevil:

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' Morning all from red dragon land.


I got up to one of our really exciting sunrise panoramas of strong yellow, orange and red lit clouds above deep purple and red lower bank of cloud coming towards us from the mountains...absolutely fabulous...but shepherd's warning and all that....it's chuckinitdarn...visibility much to be desired  :blind: ...and lots of the blowy stuff.  


We did a bit of shopping at Tess Coe's yesterday and our sturdy vegetable & fruit bag (printed over with fruit) from Emaness has split so is due for renewal.  Time to visit them again, methinks.  Something for C*******s, possibly.  Might get two of them if they still do the style that you can get items into with ease!


Time to do lunch, then give the rooms a bit of TLC.


Welcome back Mick.  BrianR, hope you enjoy your retirement.  

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Early rising has returned...


Or in my case has never been away. But there is not always time to post between those early morning minutes ‘twixt alarm and train ;)


Welcome back to Mick. Unwelcome back to unleashed black dogs. Here’s to them being leashed and quarrantined very swiftly. Meanwhile anyone in charge of said K-9 unit please be assured of my support here.


It has been foggy. It has been cold. But the two combined nicely during the morning to ensure some decent exhaust from something called 44871 leading its train from Victoria towards Eastbourne and Hastings. Not a very common sight on the Down Brighton Fast




Now for lunch. Back later.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Chewsday from Long Island.


Yesterday was another flustercuck at JFK, apparently it was raining and a bit windy! Result, my plane was 2 hours late as everything was held at point of departure to enable them to manage the traffic :O

Fortunately I was on the afternoon flight so wasn't into JFK at some ungodly hour, rather than getting to the hotel around 7:30 I managed to stagger in at 9:40PM!

Then, as I opened my suitcase to unpack...



Fire alarms going off and all kinds of "excitement", some safety control accidentally tripped. All residents viewing the scene from the inner balcony as there was no obvious reason to do anything else and a notification it was a false alarm - took them 20 minutes to silence the alarms though and they are LOUD!


This AM once again amused by the NY weather farcecasters warning that it was "COLD" out there commuting, it was 4C for heavens sake!!

At home it's -11 (windchill -18) and no-ones whining about it!


Onward and upward I guess, hope everyone can "carpe" something ;) :jester:

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The naughtiness won't arrive until early next year so I think I may be OK at Christmas once she sees the presents that she's getting.


Possibly.  :scratchhead:


:boredom: OK OK OK we give in  what have you bought now.  :rolleyes:

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A'noon all,


Damp and fogworthy hereabouts, but still pleasant enough where I've just driven down the back lanes around Stoneleigh with the Autumnal colours much in abundance, leafy Warwickshire always provides some lovely views if a visual a pick me up is needed (Herself is booked into a clinic for an eye operation the week before Christmas, not the best time of year to be poked and prodded but needs must).


Stay safe / warm / upright folks.

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Today is earno a crust day for a new customer. The photos he has sent me are OK but one tanker will be a challenge.



I almost read that as something else.....


Catch up later.




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Afternoon all, although it's so dark outside at 4pm that I may as well call it the evening.


Good to see you earlier today, Mick, welcome back.


And good wishes to Brian for the retirement.


Didn't get the house we went for last week, so onwards and upwards like Ian Abel. At least we know what we do and don't like by now. Hopefully we'll have one by C*******s. Moving day from here is pencilled-in for 22 February, which means I'll probably miss RailScotland.


Dentists today to replace a cracked filling, except he says he thinks I'll need a root canal in there first. That's this Thursday, then. Deep joy.


Hope your days are fun-filled, too!



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Or in my case has never been away. But there is not always time to post between those early morning minutes ‘twixt alarm and train ;)

Welcome back to Mick. Unwelcome back to unleashed black dogs. Here’s to them being leashed and quarrantined very swiftly. Meanwhile anyone in charge of said K-9 unit please be assured of my support here.

It has been foggy. It has been cold. But the two combined nicely during the morning to ensure some decent exhaust from something called 44871 leading its train from Victoria towards Eastbourne and Hastings. Not a very common sight on the Down Brighton Fasthttps://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-5Mmj6/i-Q5BqpTP/A

Now for lunch. Back later.

I arrived at Merstham Station with at least 5 minutes to spare so I thought but as I went to get out of the car that steamer went past early despite departing Vic late. Wouldn't have been a good shot as a Southern unit was in the way.


Went to see mum thrn back home. Decided tonight is the best night for mid week Harveys Old so got out of the house in time to catch bus as its raining but I Could see traffic queued up into town so I walked instead and beat the bus. Now in Wetherspoons drinking a nice dark Arundel Winter Knights before heading to our Harveys local to meet my other half. I bet her train won't be early!!

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Now in Wetherspoons drinking a nice dark Arundel Winter Knights before heading to our Harveys local to meet my other half. I bet her train won't be early!!

How on earth will you pass the time waiting?
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:boredom: OK OK OK we give in  what have you bought now.  :rolleyes:


You won't approve Bob even though it's OO and green but in 2 shades and also has a small yellow panel and is a diesel.  Made by a firm with an MD with the same name as the town I live in.  They are alleged to be the canine's round whatsits by people who know about these things including, I believe, one of our members who works in a shed across the sea. I've wanted one for a long time but never been in a position to buy one before but my recent good fortune has changed that.

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Afternoon Awl,

The answer is

Is the big orange shed will mix to RAL numbers... If it's in their system and RAL 6003 isn't.

They did advise that the Dulux depot will mix to any RAL number, however having seen the prices in the house of orange I dread to think of the prices in Dulux.


So I went round looking at the paints that they did have, one was called tank green, only I've never seen Tank a painted that colour. Eventually I alighted on one called crocodile green which is a little blue, but is a water based paint I can mix with acrylics I have. So I'll mix in some yellow to reduce the blue, then add white or black to adjust the shade.


Meantime who brought the Cockwombles out, lots of them, a long and painful trip home...


The one thing that isn't painful is the noise in the landrover I knew the old spare wheel bracket was worn and crashed when I drove over a bump. What I didn't know was it was the cause of much continuous rattling and noise. The landrover is very very much quieter.

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You won't approve Bob even though it's OO and green but in 2 shades and also has a small yellow panel and is a diesel.  Made by a firm with an MD with the same name as the town I live in.  They are alleged to be the canine's round whatsits by people who know about these things including, I believe, one of our members who works in a shed across the sea. I've wanted one for a long time but never been in a position to buy one before but my recent good fortune has changed that.

Yes very nice although not got one myself

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  • RMweb Gold

You won't approve Bob even though it's OO and green but in 2 shades and also has a small yellow panel and is a diesel.  Made by a firm with an MD with the same name as the town I live in.  They are alleged to be the canine's round whatsits by people who know about these things including, I believe, one of our members who works in a shed across the sea. I've wanted one for a long time but never been in a position to buy one before but my recent good fortune has changed that.


Good for you it must be that Sutton Models class 24 then :senile: mind you there stuff is quality with no Lego gearboxes like those DJM things. :boast:

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one wagon weathered two to complete...


Too many things to do at the moment as "things" have crept out of the woodwork which need doing "now"  Pah!


My AGM tonight starts at 8pm.. Flippin eck! Could be a late night!



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Quick salutations and felicitations to all.


I was offline through the long Thanksgiving weekend and am now on the road, so there is sadly no time at present to catch up with the 266 or so posts in the intervening period since last Wednesday.


I actually ventured to a shop on "Black" Friday, which is something I never do.. The book shop was offering a limited edition "free" item with a purchase, greatly desired by my cousin's eldest in Australia (who has no other recourse to acquire said item). That's his Christmas sorted.  Other than dragging myself out of bed on a holiday, it wasn't anything like the scenes you might see on television news. There was parking available (usually quite rare at this location later in the day) and it was a bookshop after all.


I hope all are well without any personal setbacks.

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