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Guest Max Stafford

Afternoon All


Great news, Gordon


Need to turn out again later as Mrs 45156 has to go the the Dr - this thread is rapidly becoming the medical area! :D :lol:


Well it's the ER's after all! ;-)



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Home Sweet Home! :)


Done and dusted and back in front of the old wood burner. Mrs S and dogs were really chuffed to see me home. Thanks guys, it was great to keep in touch and have a little normality in a crazy, crazy place.


Eastwood here we come!

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Home Sweet Home! :)


Done and dusted and back in front of the old wood burner. Mrs S and dogs were really chuffed to see me home. Thanks guys, it was great to keep in touch and have a little normality in a crazy, crazy place.


Eastwood here we come!




Start with some loco weathering, blow by blow...................no heavy lifting, no ducking under......glass of wine by your side etc., etc.


Best, Pete.






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VERY, VERY glad that you are back home, Gordon.

Is it too early to know wn back and knee can be attended to?

Enjoy the Commet kit.

Same weather as yesterday. Although the forecast is cloud on the mountain, a thick low mist/fog prevails. Yesterday the mist only lifted at 11.

Can' see any sky, though thanks to Dd, I know where to look.

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Wow, first of the Europeans to check in this morning!


Pitch black here. I have a 4 and a half hour meeting on farmland ecosystems today, then a drive down to Durham after work.


I'm going to make it to Model Rail Scotland on Sunday, and will be taking Jamie with me. Do say hello if you're there and see me. BoD & Max Stafford - are you going this year?

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Morning All,


I'm a little later this morning. I got to work at the same time as usual, but had a few things to do before I got a chance to post.


It seems to be snowing lightly at the moment - however, the temperature is right on freezing so I can't see it staying around too long. Fortunately, the ice rain that was forecast hasn't materialised.


Have a good day everyone...

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Wow, first of the Europeans to check in this morning!


Close , but no cigar, Mike......;)




Didn't like to wake the ER's at that ungodly hour.


I guess I'm hospital lagged. Six nights of an hour here and a few minutes there meant I have been up and about since 2.45am. Not what I expected....:D


Great to be back home though.


Too early to say what will happen on the knee/back front Don. To be honest I'm going to hold fire on everything until the scan on the 5th March and follow up at the end of March.


Thanks for all your best wishes.


If it's OK with you guys, hospital topic is now locked......:)

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Guest Max Stafford

Well I'm off now until Thursday. I got home about 8:30 last night. Opened my newly arrived Cravens unit, cracked open a bottle of Valpolicella and settled down to watch 'Extraordinary Dogs' with my own extraordinary mutt close by! :)

An easy day planned. Going to the park with Abi in an hour then some catch-up house cleaning. Other than that I hope to finish off the 'wee Ivatt' and 4F I've been weathering and then a run round the woods in the late afternoon.

I think I'm going to have my Aberdeen Angus burgers and salad for dinner tonight.


That's today taken care of. Tomorrow, I'm off to Glasgow. :)


Good to see you home Gordon though it's sounds like your body clock is a bit shot up. As an extreme shift worker I can fully sympathise! :D


Have a good day up The Smoke, Tony and I hope your check-up is OK!


Keep up the subtle insanity, Dd!



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Yet another big storm for tonight and worse tomorrow for the North East Coast. We may get lucky here and just get rain. However just to keep us on our toes (everything has to be "terrible" and "we're all going to die") the forecasters are predicting floods and high winds.............

Been the coldest Winter for years so far.


Best, Pete.

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Batten down the hatches Pete. I'm sure Fox will be saying the harsh winter is President Obama's fault! :D



I can picture Glen Beck doing a weather report for Fox, then going off on a rant about how bad weather is all down to the Democrats and that if they had a Republican president everything would be sunshine and lollypops. :huh:
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We're up to c. 6 foot in total snow depth thus far this Winter - Connecticut still above us in snow depths, however, I've lost track of them! Can you imagine getting this much snow in S.E. England?

We're on the same latitude as Rome furchrissake...........it's -8C outside as i write.


Best, Pete.

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