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  • RMweb Gold

Just returned from a flexi sigmoidoscopy, (camera up the bum) and all looks OK, which is a relief. Several biopsies taken and sent off for analysis, but not expecting anything of significance.


So favourite is now just an extreme reaction to Diclofenac. Fingers crossed, I should be home in a few days.




The flexi ones are so much better than the traditional non flexi variety. The words " I'll just try and see round the corner" are not my favourite! The doctors doing the examination with the camera can usually tell you straight-away that it looks OK which is as you say a relief.

I'm so lucky that most pain for me is dealt with by a couple of paracetamol. According to Wikiwotsit Diclofenac shouldn't be given to peop[e with Crohns or UC but there again I'm only kept going by things with most unpleasant warnings (none of which I've had fortunately).

I'm sure you will get even better when you are home. I'm off to Barts on Thursday but I don't think there will be any thing more intrusive than blood tests. Aditi has a day's leave and will be spending the morning at King's studying but the plan is that we will meet up in Oxford St for lunch. Apparently we are then looking for shoes!



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm just waiting for something else at home to go wrong. The washing machine decided to vent soapy foam all across the kitchen floor and then the shelf in the door of the fridge collapsed (or the plastic bracket did), fortunately only a drop of the 12 pints of milk didn't spill. I think the internet is wonderful. I entered the part number that was moulded on the broken bit and was able to order a part (and just the part not the whole shelf).

Hopefully the rest of the evening will be incident free!


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As the Queen said to the Duchess of York.

Unfortunately even Tesco didn't want her so they got Charlotte Church to open their new store.


If I've got it right, Gordon caught something at the hospital and to cure it they've given him something that made him ill.

Just as well you are not going private, Gordon, I wouldn't want to pay for something like that.


Did they fix your leg?

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Morning all.....First in. Just like the old days. :)


Perfect summation, DD,,,,,,


Had a good nights sleep and the tide was out all night, so that's a first.


Only nightmare was my laptop wouldn't fire up and this has become a lifeline for me......:O


A few thumps, cusses and bangs and it started . Thank you Lord!


Thinking about writing a book about this debacle. Knee op was cancelled as I was in hospital....


Thanks for being such a great bunch of guys...:)

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Morning All,


It seems to be getting colder with every passing morning (sorry to mention passing again :P) It is an extremely cold -8°C here - but the sky is clear as a bell so hopefully there will be a nice sunrise.


I hope you laptop continues to function Gordon - if in doubt, give it another thump. Nothing like direct(um) action.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all.

Glad things are looking up Gordon. Hope to see you home very soon.

Forecast was clear and warm (27).

So far cool, thick mist, no sky visable.

How's the track laying going BoD?

Being half term I expected Jam to post. I hope he is OK.

Have good hump day all.

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Morning all. Must have needed a lie in, slept through my alarm this morning. Never mind, should still be in work by 9.


Glad you had a better night Gordon. I think if I ever have to go into hospital I'm going to get a Myfi rather than a dongle. Have been considering one for my iPad but could never justify the additional expense when I'd only use it occasionally at weekends when I'm at SWMBO's house.

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Some good news. Been given the all clear subject to one final blood test, so hope to escape later today. All bowel results were also clear so it would appear Dicofenac was to blame. It's not a bad drug, just didn't suit my medical profile....


Can't wait to get home. Just the back and knees to fix now...:D

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Hi Don, I'm very well thank you and enjoying a nice quiet half term. Although this is about to change as I've got the dentist today and I'm going to my best friend's 18th birthday party tomorrow!

I haven't been doing a lot so far, but if you look at my recent blog entry you will see that I'm being distracted as usual. So I've been researching my local ex-railway station in a bit more depth. I've convinced myself that I need to get Calshot up to a reasonable level before I even consider building a new layout though. laugh.gif


Gordon: Glad to hear you are recovering at last! My laptop seems to be deteriorating rapidly, the fan is now making a rattling noise! I will have to back up all my files just in case...



On another note, I've been listening to a couple Mark Knopfler songs I haven't heard before. (Yes, Mark Knopfler is pretty much all I listen to! huh.gif ) So if you're interested and/or like MK, have a listen to these:



In The Sky

Behind With The Rent


Jam smile.gif

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I told them I have to go home. I've got a Comet B1 chassis waiting for me....:)


Looking forward to starting that one Geoff. I'm not physically fit enough to lug layout boards about yet, so soldering the chassis up on the kitchen table will be the perfect recovery challenge.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Just pinched this from the joke forum. I thought some on here might appreciate it.


Bloke from Barnsley with piles asks chemist "Nah then lad, does tha sell arse cream?"

Chemist replies "Aye, Magnum or Cornetto?"

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Great news, Gordon I am really pleased to hear your news. Diclofenac is a most odd drug - I was tolerant of it for ages, and was given it for my shoulder, on the grounds that I'd had it safely before, and it knocked my stomach for six - I was off work for nearly three weeks, and needed another drug to control the acid! Regrettably, modern drugs are a bit that way - the side effects can be worse than the condition that they're trying to cure!


Wet and windy here - we went to Ambleside for a mooch, forgetting that it was half term, It was raining and also heaving with kids, so we decided that this was a bad idea, and called it a day and came home for a hot bath and a sit in front of the stove.


Need to turn out again later as Mrs 45156 has to go the the Dr - this thread is rapidly becoming the medical area! :D :lol:

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