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Morning All


Rude awakening this morning.  It was 30747's only day off this week, and the phone rang just after 7, and it was her work calling to ask her to attend - now the start is 8am, and as we were at the time still in bed and half asleep, it didn't give her much time, but she actually managed to get hold of her colleague who gives her a lift on some days, and she kindly said that a lift would be forthcoming.  Mad rush ensued, and AFAIK, they got there in good time.  So our plans to go with Lily to Grange Over Sands have fallen by the wayside.  I may just go to LASAR shop this morning and do some PAT testing.


Anyhows, I've again managed to read and rate each and every one of your posts - Chrisf pleased that you enjoyed the Oyster Band - my band played a ceildh at University of Kent, where we did the music and calling for the dancing, and the Oysters did their bit as a concert - a good night it was, and we were electric, and the Oysters accoustic, so you can tell how long ago that was, as they said at that time that they would never go electric.  Sorry to hear about Roy Harris and Bill Caddick - two more of the old time folkies gone.


Generic greetings are on offer as usual to all who deserve them, and I'll be back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit dull this morning and according to the app on my phone it’s cold, I may even have to put on a jacket when I walk to the swimming pool shortly. Later this afternoon we have Evie and Max coming round for tea, Ava won’t be joining them, she’s going to her friends instead, which is a pity as she chose tonight’s tea and will miss out on pizza and white chocolate and vanilla cheesecake.


Back later

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moaning all from the boring borough. Crabtree says it's too damn cold for him this morning. 


No snow here due to the heat island effect. Only 2c though and it rained all night. Nothing else happening so I'll just say commiserations and congratulations as appropriate. Enjoy the day. 

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Mooring Awl, Inner temple here,

Only 4.5 hours sleep in bed but I may have gained an hour on the sofa.


Ben The Border Collie went on strike this morning, that is he will sit down looking at you and not do anything. Until that is you walk over to him, then he rolls over on his back all submissive , you rub his chest a couple of times, then he runs back to the house which is what you wanted..

 This plus the fire almost went out this morning and took some persuasion to get going meant I was a little later leaving.


Once out on the main road, a Black Golf pulled out on me and caused me to brake heavily from 50mph down to about 15mph, I believe this is the same Golf that passes me a silly speeds most mornings. There was nothing behind me but he was desperate to get out. Eventually he overtook the vehicle that was in front of me, then that Vehicle turned off.. I indicated I was there, by putting my headlights on full beam for some time.....

As I entered effin clown town, there he was at the back of a long queue of traffic, at the front of which was that car that drives very slowly into Norwich each morning, behind that car was one of those small Japanese tipper lorries, that effectively meant no one got past. When we got the the NDR, the golf and most went left, the slow car, mini tipper and a couple of others,went straight on and I was the only one turning right..


The second half of yesterday into this morning, I have been testing various methods of measuring 2 Amps (A new requirement for the new systems), as the majority of reference shunts are decade values, measuring 2A rather than 1A introduces more error. Just as I was finishing that this morning, the Boss came in and requested a futher Ohms test, due to differences between the old systems and the new systems, that is settling at the moment.


Time to... take that measurement... 0.0000234 Ohms..

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' Morning all from red dragon land.

My, it is cold outside but at least it is dry and  :sungum:


Hey up! Still dark outside but it is wet out there.

Chrisf ..to get meds in just tick the box on the landing card to say you have them. The security people ask what they are, how many have you got etc. They are generally ok with that...if in doubt..tell them..

Cricket had some interesting ways to get out last night. A lot of run outs, catches off the side walls etc. Now finished until the 8th January.

Some tidying up to do today. Boxes are packed for Warley just need to pack the car tonight and I can go down9 there tomorrow.

Chances of attending a meet up at Warley..zilch..timed lunches (If I manage to get one) mean that I am sat demonstrating or having lunch.

Time for a mugatea


We will have to come and say "Hello," then, won't we?  :locomotive:   Er… How do you weather an 0 gauge wagon....?  :scratchhead:  :jester:

Answer:  Get a bigger brush....  Oh! And a bigger bottle of ink, bigger bags of powders, bigger box....Oh! And, most IMPORTANT,  bigger HANDS....  :jester:





Have a good trivial day, all.

Edited by southern42
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Morning all,


Brightening up nicely outside but somewhat soggy underfoot from yesterday's rain.  Mr Fox apparently does not like rice - having missed out on leftover cat food (the birds f got there first) he duly sniffed at the rice and then showed his disdain by peeing on it - which might be a shame as one of the pair of (almost) resident magpies was cheerfully tucking in to it yesterday.  Who wants bird food - simples, the doves, and various smaller birds. (oh and Mr Fox would also appear to be keen on doves judging by the leftovers).


Moving on from avian adventures a bit of info for Chrisf - as Baz says just tick the box regarding prescription drugs but I found it a good idea to have a written list with me which I duly showed them when they asked what I was on - all cheerfully accepted.  Big warning - don't take any foodstuffs of any sort although factory produced stuff in sealed packing might be ok.  I attracted considerable attention, and a lot of head scratching among the customs folk, when I turned up at Sydney with some shop bought, pre-packaged Eccles Cakes I was taking in for an RMweb member.  Internal travel tip - if flying with Virgin Australia and they are still offering seats adjacent to emergency exits for a few $s extra go for them and assure them you are quite capable of opening said doors if an emergency need occurs, well worth it for the extra legroom.


Off to wend my way through the byways and ind alleys of RMweb.


Have a good day one and all.

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Morning all.

As Phil mentioned it is sunny and chilly here in South Essex. I think we had a years worth of rain yesterday .

Deliveries are due today. Aditi’s cafetière insulating jacket and some beery stuff for me.

We got the quote for the replacement double glazed window. Aditi replied within seconds of the letter arriving to confirm our acceptance.

This morning I discovered something very useful but I suspect I was the only person with an iPad who didn’t know! When I had an android tablet there were left and right arrows to move the text cursor. I found this useful when correcting a spelling or inserting something. On the iPad using a finger to select a space or the middle of a word seemed to be difficult. However I found out placing a thumb on the space bar and sliding left or right moves the cursor. Less excuse for leaving typos now!


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One of the medical relatives consumes quite a lot of ispaghula husk. This is also available as a commercial product called Fybrogel and is used to relieve constipation. He arrived in New York via the cruise terminal and declared the suitcase full of said product at customs rather than wait for it to be discovered. There was a “Please wait, I would like to speak with a colleague.” . Ian didn’t really need to be worry, the customs mans colleague was similarly afflicted and was grateful for a chance to write down the name of the product!


In some countries products that are over the counter items here in the UK will get you arrested. The high dose codeine I used to be prescribed would have still not been allowed in some Middle East countries. The only time we have had any medication queried was a very officious security person at Zurich airport who said it was irregular that Aditi had two asthma puffers in her her hand luggage. Aditi explained they were different medications and both were powders not liquid or gels. The woman just kept saying “one only”.


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Hi Polly.


' Morning all from red dragon land.

My, it is cold outside but at least it is dry and  :sungum:



We will have to come and say "Hello," then, won't we?  :locomotive:   Er… How do you weather an 0 gauge wagon....?  :scratchhead:  :jester:

Answer:  Get a bigger brush....  Oh! And a bigger bottle of ink, bigger bags of powders, bigger box....Oh! And, most IMPORTANT,  bigger HANDS....  :jester:





Have a good trivial day, all.

and guess what.. I have an O Gauge wagon in my things to take to Warley box (plus a kit built 08)...



Edited by Barry O
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I thought there was something wrong when I signed in 20 minutes ago, no posts on ER's for five hours (that was until Baz broke the silence). Downloading is still slow at times perhaps thats putting some off?

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 Sainsbury's duly visited and two items not in stock so we "had" to go to another one. Weren't in stock there either. I refused to try anywhere else.   :no:



Chris must be in a state of distress now.   :girldevil:                      :jester:  



Good morning all,

Dull and rather fresh outside. Heard sounds of ice being scraped from windscreens earlier. Lots of rain last night and a few showers expected today along with some sunny spells.

Kids were here for the usual Tuesday afternoon visit so bangers and mash were on the menu which was great although Gemma has the veggie ones which are possibly not so great.Opinions on that will differ.

Once again we are off to Sainsbury's as the main weekly shopping trip has been altered from tomorrow  due to parcels various of the birthday and C#######s type being delivered over the next couple of days. Yippee although I have been told no peeking is allowed on pain of nastiness to certain parts of my anatomy. There will be one I can open as I will be ordering it today.

Later on we're venturing out into darkest Surrey for afternoon tea courtesy of a "red letter day" voucher that The Boss got for her birthday.

Have a good one,


Don't worry Bob help will be with you soon in the form of men in white coats this is a serious case of Sainsburyitus that I have ever come across

just keep a check out of the front room window for a white van with a red cross on itthey should be with you very soon they will restrain you so no        :danced: 

future visits maybe made this week, just have a few bottles handy you never know what these withdrawal symptoms will turn out to be like. :imsohappy:

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The                                     site              

                                                              is                                               still


runningcreeping along 









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I've not noticed the site being slow but I haven't been checking the site as much today as I've been working on stuff with not much warm up time.


Just back from delivering the landrover for a new back door, rebuild back axle, MOT and service I'm expecting to be a lot poorer on Friday when I pick it up..

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Using any search function or rating a post seemed very slow but it is somewhat better now. I did post this afternoon on the driving standards thread and no one has shouted at me

I did remove a lot of unwanted packaging I had chucked around the railway layout earlier this year. This is a start to at least think about playing with my trains again. We went for a walk this afternoon, I have been so disorganised this year my woolly hat was still hanging up in the hall from springtime. I would usually have put it away.


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Some odds & ends.


'Our' ship's programme received for next year - email sent to hopefully get well up the queue but on the 'phone first thing tomorrow to get some bookings in.  The price has gone up but as it's been held for the past three years it isn't exactly an imposition.


The lad is off to HQ (Geneva) again in a few weeks time and has worked out that coming home on the Friday he can stay an hour later in the office there if he returns by train rather than by aeroplane although it means he will be several hours later getting home.  Seems that the term POETS might not be in his work lexiconshok.gif  However it does mean he gets a long distance TGV/Eurostar trip at the company's expense ;)


This site seems a little better at present but it was very slow this morning especially trying to rate posts and sometimes when trying to find a thread.

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I have been so disorganised this year my woolly hat was still hanging up in the hall from springtime. I would usually have put it away.

For understandable reasons.


I have lived in my home for two years. The first Christmas I installed two miniature Christmas trees - one on the dining table and the other on a bookshelf. I've not yet bothered to find proper (off season) homes for them. Other than moving one from the dining table to the side board in the off season, they are both still there and have been the whole time, though they were only illuminated seasonally.


I have a feeling it will take an Epiphany to find them homes - or at least I should do so around about then.


Our promised rain has arrived. It has been missing in action for some time and I was looking forward to it, largely because it is supposed to be here this time of year.. Now I'm not so sure why I was looking forward to it. The dull grey dimness is an abrupt change from what felt like weeks of sunshine and blue skies. It is also supposed to rain in California. Hopefully that will end the fire season and the misery of smoke filled air for the big cities. 

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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A raw cold damp day here, not much better outside...…


Well at least our work with the YJT has been recognised, even though they have thrown it away - the skills are gone now, all the good people are retired :sungum:  or moved on elsewhere. The team ethos and enthusiasm is dead and buried.


Some drink drivers stopped here in northern FR yesterday, two were three times over the limit - its started early this year. :triniti:

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Display case ...loaded in car

Stockfor display case....collected

My stock...ready

My boxes of weathering stuff.. packed

Load car in the morning ETA NEC .....1pm


Time for some sleep,so Goodnight All!



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