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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. At least RMweb is now up to speed. Last night was pretty dire, so slow that it 'timed out' a couple of times. I see that Rails of Sheffield are to produce a model of the recently restored 1904 NER petrol-electric railcar, I've already paid my deposit for one. Not much else to report, C&C's where neccessary, be back later.


That railcar has been announced pretty quickly - I only suggested it in the wishlist poll thread a week ago!!

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Chewsday, still hampered by sinus infections, both me and the Mrs!


Working from home is a help, but other than that not exactly a "fun time" at present.


Only ONE more day after today as we then get the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. I'm fortunate that my company gives us Friday as  a day off also so a 4 day weekend essentially.

We'll be celebrating Thanksgiving on Friday as Jemma doesn't get home until late Thursday night and Trevor & Meagan are at her family for "the actual day".

In case you wondered, NO, we'll NOT be doing the idiotic Black Friday get up 'o crack sparrow fart to battle people in the shops - never see the point in that, a decent search on the internet usually reveals better unadvertised prices even in local stores for many things.


Excitingly chilly here at -12 this morning retrieving the newspaper, ZERO for the high and expecting some snow flurries, but no accumulation.


Carry on one and all...

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At least RMweb is now up to speed.

Page loading is up to snuff. I'm still seeing slow performance when adding notifications, viewing notifications and opening, editing and posting a reply. 


EDIT: Actually since I posted this, RMweb timed out again.


Another nice bright sunny day today. Cold in the morning.and I don't think we will hit the teens for a high. It all changes tomorrow.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning all. Well, I guess it’s now officially winter as snow showers began in the afternoon! Makes me all the more glad to be cuddled up at home.


Much earlier shifts than usual till Thursday due to reserve week and staff shortages brought on by the first wave of cold bugs, most likely. At least those yesterday and today were short at less than four hours, and we could have dinner together. Car is up for check and MOT on Friday, but I don’t expect there to be anything of concern.


I‘m still noticing some server speed impediments, too, but I’m sure it’s going to pass.


Best wishes and thoughts to everyone as appropriate... :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Nah Q, all you need is a telegraph and a wheel.


Oh, and maybe.....

Control air

Starting air

Piston cooling water

Jacket cooling water

Main Oil pressure

Crosshead oil pressure

Fuel injector cooling water

Fuel pressure primed

Auxiliary blower

Propeller checked clear

Turning gear out

Engine turned on air

Indicator cocks closed

Telegraphs tested

Annnd begin…..

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  • RMweb Gold

Nah Q, all you need is a telegraph and a wheel.


Oh, and.....

Control air

Starting air

Piston cooling water

Jacket cooling water

Main Oil pressure

Crosshead oil pressure

Fuel injector cooling water

Fuel pressure primed

Auxiliary blower

Propeller checked clear

Turning gear out

Engine turned on air

Indicator cocks closed

Telegraphs tested

Annnd begin…..


Left hand down a bit ... Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

I've just found out that my uncle was in 271 Squadron RAF at the same time as Jimmy Edwards DFC - and there's a picture of the squadron's aircrew to prove it.

He was at Down Ampney for Arnhem flights. My dad was there too, but in 48 Squadron.


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  • RMweb Premium


Mugatea drunk, hope Rick has a better day today at work. Network Rail are really unable to sort themselves out. Young man from MR on the news last night far too glib. Perhaps they should be one on many with the passengers they have disrupted?



Bit better thanks Baz though there's a lot of bad press around and still some spleens being vented at anyone in uniform.  The apology posters went up - and ten minutes later came down for reasons not made known to us.  A case of "Sorry - not sorry any more".


Been out for a bit of lineside , or more accurately footbridge photos. Well this is where I was standing.



To see this go by on its way via Redhill and Guildford to Gloucester this morning.



But it did get held up for nearly 10 minutes between here and the station and no doubt will be further delayed due to, you guessed it, signalling issues that today are between Wokingham and Reading. Quite a few delays and cancellations in and out of Redhill



It was freezing standing there but now back home and I can feel my toes again.


Time for a pint of tea and carry on scenic work on Dobris. I hope that I have enough fencing to complete the task in hand for Warley.

I saw the smoke and steam but not the train.  Alerted by the chime whistle from the country end of platform 17 I strolled discreetly in that direction but my view was blocked from seven platforms away by numerous other trains.  And it was cold, yes.  Very cold.




Rick; it's a lot worse when you're so far away, too, so I really hope that you're able to discover what's going on very soon and avoid worry.



Looks as though we have a new agent up and running and we have, within the past few minutes, received confirmation that our tenant is, as usual, in credit with their rent by several weeks.


was it followed immediately by the Samaritans announcement that is doing the rounds at the moment...?


No.  Those announcements are not made here.  The place is too busy with departures (of the rail-borne variety) and the usual security banter.  The signs are up on every platform end though.


It's been cold and wet.  I travelled beyond the known universe (i.e. outside the M25) and paid a brief visit to Woking tonight to book a meeting hall.  It was even colder out there.  It took a large kebab and a large glass of a quite decent Bordeaux to thaw me out.  I'm ready for bed now.  Night all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


This morning’s Sainsbury’s Grand Prix was interesting, not! I don’t know if it was the rain that brought them all out, but every inbred, pea brained numpty and knuckle dragging moron were out this morning. Some were driving the wrong way in the car park, others standing round in large groups, generally block the aisles or standing across the end of an aisle. But apart from that it was alright! Still, I did manage to take the three boxes of stuff to the charity shop, so that’s a little bit more room in the cellar, the small room is now almost ready for the work to start in turning it into an office. I just need to make a start on removing the old paint from the walls.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a question, what is the gauge of the track that runs left to right, and how do you remove the block when something wants to use it? :jester:


West Shore has dual track, running both 5" gauge (outer rails) and 31/2" using an inner rail.  And (unofficially!) one of the plastic Thomas trains fitted the other side of the 31/2" track - it was tried out by one of our young passengers, a season or two ago.  Manually operated - pushed, in other words!  It is, however, best to warn people that the track gets grimy...


Anyway, back to the traverser.  The white box houses the controls that operate the traverser.  There is a locking mechanism inside the traverser that has to be in locked position on the track before trains can run over it.  This is linked up to the signalling system whereby the traverser signal is at red until the lock is on and the light changes to green.  


In this video of the Grand Opening of the Completed Track, the traverser is being operated in manual mode (2min.22sec in).  




Best get a move on and get to bed or it will be time to get up again!

'Night all and nos da.

Sleep tight.

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Morning All,


It is dark and cold this morning - Fairly clear, I think, but can't be sure until it gets light.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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At the dawning of the day, greetings


Yesterday's score: Grim Reaper 2, folkies 0.  Bill Caddick and Roy Bailey have both died.  As some will have heard of them I feel it worth mentioning.  Roy in particular had battled illness for many years and in that and many other respects was inspirational.  Who else could have sold out the Albert Hall with at least two members of the Cabinet in the audience - oh yes, and me?


Last night saw an almost capacity crowd at The Stables - a welcome change - for Oysterband.  The hessian bag is richer by five CDs and the concert was rather good too.  A concert in June 2019 in Bristol may well be very good, the more so because Harry could not get tickets.  I'm surprised that he wanted to see the Spice Girls.  He assures me that he was alive last time they toured.  In other news, my bedside clock/radio finally needs replacing.  The radio bit is fine but the clock is kaput.  Can I wait for Black Friday?  Best not, I feel.


I spent some of yesterday applying on line for a visa to enter Australia.  The scope for something going wrong is almost infinite.  I have yet to study closely the other bumf that Ffestiniog Travel sent me.  It should contain lots of useful stuff about climate, tipping, where not to go at night and above all how to bring prescription meds into each realm.  Plenty of scope for confusion ...


Tonight the Area Group meets in Harpenden, it being the third Wednesday of the month.  Please let Thameslink behave itself ...


Warm thoughts as always to all in distress and missing



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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up! Still dark outside but it is wet out there.


Chrisf ..to get meds in just tick the box on the landing card to say you have them. The security people ask what they are, how many have you got etc. They are generally ok with that...if in doubt..tell them..



Cricket had some interesting ways to get out last night. A lot of run outs, catches off the side walls etc. Now finished until the 8th January.


Some tidying up to do today. Boxes are packed for Warley just need to pack the car tonight and I can go down9 there tomorrow.


Chances of attending a meet up at Warley..zilch..timed lunches (If I manage to get one) mean that I am sat demonstrating or having lunch.


Time for a mugatea


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  • RMweb Premium

Nah Q, all you need is a telegraph and a wheel.


Oh, and maybe.....

Control air

Starting air

Piston cooling water

Jacket cooling water

Main Oil pressure

Crosshead oil pressure

Fuel injector cooling water

Fuel pressure primed

Auxiliary blower

Propeller checked clear

Turning gear out

Engine turned on air

Indicator cocks closed

Telegraphs tested

Annnd begin…..


I just turn the key on the motor boat and the electric motor just hums away. :sungum: 


No it's not DCC neither is it DC, it's 48v DC converted to a 10kw 3 variable phase supply for the motor. That then will tow my sailing boat to any distant event.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a very cool part of the Charente.   We had an interesting day yesterday.   I got the plates I need for the car and trailer but as I don't have a riveting tool will have to get my local garage to fit the ones to the car.   In between dropping the plate order off and collecting them we spent 2 hours at the hospital for Beth's eye test.  As it was her first appointment over here she had to see the consultant.  The initial laser scan of her eyes by the nurse was done quickly without dilation and we then waited over an hour for the doctor.   When we saw him, (I'm the semi competent translator) he spoke excellent English and was very thorough.  However the slightly worrying news is that there is some detachment of her left retina.  We have to go back next week for further tests.   When we got home she spoke to her optician sister in law who re-assured her that things are being dealt with properly.   In the evening I spent over an hour in a rather cold shed but got a thing made of brass and steel to move along strips of nickel silver (See layout thread.)


This morning I'm off to the garage to get the plates fitted and then have to pick up a fig tree that we have been given.  A hole will then be dug and it will be planted to take the place of a plum tree that blew down two years ago.   


Anyway breakfast and coffee have been consumed.


Regards to all.



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