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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Rather dull here. That describes me as well, The Clio alarm went off at 3am, I think it was due to a rapid drop in temperature. Although Robbie would normally bark at any strange occurrence on his territory, he slept through the alarm. I hope the neighbours did.

I did a first aid course while I was doing my PGCE course back in 1975. One of my fellow students broke the Resusci-Annie when he was chosen to demonstrate mouth to mouth resuscitation. The lecturer was not amused.

Gordon, I hope you had a better night and that the path lab identify the cause of your discomfort. Last time I was in a similar situation they never identified the cause but just treated the symptoms. Aditi's father's first job as a doctor was in a refugee camp. He had to do all his own lab work to identify whatever was causing the problem. I'm certain that you don't have any of the things he was happy to talk about years later (usually at dinnertime!)



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, could get used to this not going to work. Leave day today, takes a while to get over the aches and pains of a weekend driving turn on the railway, a steam loco cab isn't the most stable or comfortable of places to spend hours on end.


I've managed to get a loco running round the bit of home made track for Bodge City that I've laid, 6 points down which all seem to be reasonably successful. Long, long way to go though, especially at the rate at which I work.


Gordon.-. oh dear, hope you get better soon. Try Polyfilla for breakfast.

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Coffee quaffed, papers read. Busy day of tracklaying ahead.


Now that sounds like my kinda day...Need any help?...:)


Future bulletins may be short and sweet, as three times now I've typed up a masterpiece that Shakespeare would have been proud of, only to have the signal drop out.....:angry:


Have a good day one and all.




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A redhead joke for Gordon:

The redhead ordered a pizza. The pizza guy asked her if she wanted it cut into six pieces or twelve.


“Oh, six,†she said. “I could never eat twelve pieces.â€


"You're really a blonde aren't you?"



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One of my fellow students broke the Resusci-Annie when he was chosen to demonstrate mouth to mouth resuscitation. The lecturer was not amused.


How do you break a Resusci-Annie?!?


I remember getting a terrible telling off at school over Resusci-Annie - The arms and legs were an optional extra and therefore our Annie didn't have either. I was discussing with a friend what her quality of life would be like, if we were to resuscitate.


The teacher wasn't overly amused by that either...

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A belated 'morning' all from me,


Nights again but at least I get to listen to my own choice of music on the drive home! Grey and dreary once again here in leafy Warwickshire, and strangely quiet considering it's half term. Was hoping to get some modelling done this afternoon but my email account has gone belly up so no doubt I'll be on the phone to the Talk Talk helpline till it gets dark...:rolleyes: . Damn this modern life malarkey, it always gets in the way doesn't it?



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  • RMweb Gold

How do you break a Resusci-Annie?!?


I remember getting a terrible telling off at school over Resusci-Annie - The arms and legs were an optional extra and therefore our Annie didn't have either. I was discussing with a friend what her quality of life would be like, if we were to resuscitate.


The teacher wasn't overly amused by that either...


My fellow student Wally was a very big lad and must have had a very powerful set of lungs. He really was just following instructions! He was so embarrassed.







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  • RMweb Gold

Handy bloke to know if your footpump's b*ggered...!






Although he was huge he was really gentle. He and I got persuaded to "look after the door" at a university club(it had for those times very extended licensing hours!)occasionally. No one got past Wally.








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  • RMweb Gold

Remember my earlier post saying that I was going to spend the day track laying?


Well change that to spending the day tidying up ready for track laying......


..... and looking for that 'xyz' that I know I have somewhere....


and finding out that I didn't have 'xyz' after all .......


..and finding the tub of PVA glue dry and empty......


...... and trying to find a shop with 'xyz' in stock.


Well tomorrow's another day.



p.s just found the bag with my original 'xyz's in it. Any one want to buy one?

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  • RMweb Gold

Remember my earlier post saying that I was going to spend the day track laying?



I can't remember if I actually planned to lay track today but 2.4metres (1.2 metres of double main line) of track has been fixed down and ballasting commenced. This is just simple track, no turnouts or crossings are on this module. I haven't even had to endure the garage as I've "borrowed" Matthew's room while he is away.






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Guest Max Stafford

As I was passing through work I decided to check my emails. Big mistake! Before I went off last week I bunged in a file for checking. Today there's an email from my favourite supervisor saying the summary in the file is the worst I've ever put in and he wants it resubmitted!

He's probably right, but it still feels like a flaming insult! I'm bl**dy raging, cheeky s0d! :angry:

Will I survive six years of that sort of stuff? :blink:


Never mind, tomorrow's another day! :rolleyes:



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Guest Max Stafford

No he's only 27, Mick but he's got a promotion coming before long I believe.

Anyway, a good workout at the gym on the way home helped. It helps a lot these days actually. Good for my health and good for his! ;) :diablo_mini:



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all...


I'm noticing I am trying to take various things easier at this time...which I would guess to be some sort of compensation for the past two weeks. I am also having a feeling like I should do some modelling – considering how this, too, certainly is something from the world of the living.


I'll be off to bed for now, though!

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  • RMweb Gold

As I was passing through work I decided to check my emails. Big mistake! Before I went off last week I bunged in a file for checking. Today there's an email from my favourite supervisor saying the summary in the file is the worst I've ever put in and he wants it resubmitted!

He's probably right, but it still feels like a flaming insult! I'm bl**dy raging, cheeky s0d! :angry:




I once submitted the report on an experiment I'd done at university. It came back with the comment "crap" scrawled across it. Now in school I don't think you can comment negatively.

I think the main reason my wife left her employers of 33 years that she didn't want to have to keep justifying herself to a new manager who had only taught a couple of years, not at degree level but did have a management qualification.Now she is "management" but she says that is no excuse for being nasty.




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Guest Max Stafford

Sadly, it's increasingly the house style of my organisation. Apparently last year, there was a management seminar north of the border which one or two of our seniors up there attended. During an open forum, one of them was asked to describe his management style. My source reports that he responded; "Fear and Power".


Still what goes around comes around and apparently there's a high-level cull of senior staff about to take place up there. I wonder where the smell of fear's coming from now? <_<

Despots are falling all over the place just now, after all! :lol:



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Morning All,


It is just starting to get light here - which is a considerable relief because it means that the days are getting longer :)


Temperature wise, we are still very much the grip of Winter with a very chilly -6°C.


I must admit that I have been very lucky with my management over the years. One of my most annoying managers was a guy who would insist on reviewing practically every document that went out of the department and then ripping all of them to shreds. Most of these documents went through multiple review cycles, and there were even instances where he would change things on one review cycle and then change them back on the next. One of my documents went through sixteen (yes, sixteen) review cycles :angry: - until I finally got a little stressed, and asked him what he expected to achieve by repeating this process ad nauseum. At my next appraisal, I was told I needed to do a course on "communication in difficult situations" <_< (apparently, I had allowed a "communication breakdown" to occur by not seeing the process through to a satisfactory conclusion).


My fellow student Wally was a very big lad and must have had a very powerful set of lungs. He really was just following instructions! He was so embarrassed.


Good heavens :O


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning all.

I have been in/on a few times earlier as I was hoping Gordon would log on with an update, so I am hoping for good news.

Still hot weather here.

Grim news from Christchurch New Zealand.

I hope you all have a good day.

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