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I was just about to get up at 9:00 am when the power went out. As it still had not come on after fifteen minutes I had to get up and start the generator at our community well. Power was restored after about two hours. Apparently wildlife got into their equipment. But, in the process of trying to find out the cause I discovered that they are going to bury some of the lines in this area next year. Not sure if that will include the ones behind our house but it would be great if it does.

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We used to have very unreliable power here when we first moved to the north of Fraggle Rock, they eventually renewed the pole line to the village and installed a new transformer since when we have only had two outages in about 10 years.  It was really annoying when it was several times a week but al least I could remember how to set the clocks in things!

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Evening yet again from Estuary-Land. Just watched the finale of The Great Model Railway Challenge. I'm glad I'm not a judge as it was too close a call, all five layouts were that good. (I'm not going to reveal the winner in case anyone wants to watch it later.)

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I've heard that Jo Johnson really resigned because he was fed up explaining at least once a day to Failing that trains ran on track and couldn't run on motorways.



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Evening awl,

Just back from the MRC arriving in a blizzard of tree leaves, just made it in front of the rain which is now hammering on the windows.


More slartybartfast work carried out, rocks are grey, grass is green and Heather various shades of purple.


We had another prospective member arrive today, he'd picked up one of our leaflets at our show, he's ex BR engineering I believe.


Driving was painful, when packing up at work I bent down to pick up a test lead and I think managed to pull a muscle on the inside of my right knee, also climbing the stairs was painful as the ibuprofen I've just taken hasn't kicked in.


Time to study more parallel metal bits winding their way through the highlands of Scotland..


Good night Awl.

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Evening all from a hotel in Orleans that does have wifi. Thsnks to ID for his comments about Cannines. I can certainly see the attractions and am thorougly enjoying having Teddy but still prefer cats. The day has gone well. A good train trip this morning. Then an hour on the station. I then explored the modern tramway syatem which was excellent then back to Les Aubrais station and the hours flshed by. I got talking to some retired railwaymen who are also going to the show tomorrow.fascinating conversation. Then to the hotel by tram followed by a meal at the Jspanese restaurant round the back then back here. Goodnight all.


Pray tell, identity / location of said Jspanese restaurant.

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Good evening everyone


My shopping trip this morning was uneventful and quick. I left home around 9:40, went to Costco to put some fuel in the car, then I called in at Asda to buy some yogurts for Sheila that we can’t get anywhere else. Then it was off to the Trafford Centre where I got a few more bits and pieces. I then went to the butchers to collect the meat rations for the week and I was home for 10:45. Once I’d put the shopping away, I made myself a muggertea and had a read of BRM whilst I drank it.


After dinner I decided to do something that I don’t normally do, I sat and watched some recorded TV, namely the rerun of Dan Snow’s History Of The Railways.


Goodnight all

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Exhibitors told not to arrive before 5pm as we won't get the hall at least 4.30pm to start marking out. (It is a school, so no chance of entering site until last child has gone home - or that's what the school letting services manager told us)

I arrive at 4.15pm (to wait for access) to find exhibitors let into hall by school caretaker - who it seems wasn't aware of the school policy............


I'm then allowed into the main hall where kids are still doing after-school PE/gym/fitness class.


Exhibitors then asked to await marking out. They all congregate inside around the doors.

I ask them to wait outside.

"But it's cold, they say"

"Go wait in your van then......"


Which they did. Thanks guys!


A hectic start to set up the show, not helped by the venue being unprepared for our requested table requirements, but I think we're there now, just awaiting the few planned Saturday morning arrivals.


There has been a very steep learning curve on both sides of the new venue.


I may be gone some time over the next couple of days.




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I'd just left the house when it started snowing. By the time I reached the highway I had the truck in 4WD. It's still chucking it down and it's supposed to be very cold tonight. As everyone has forgotten how to drive in snow the roads will be a complete shambles tomorrow. We won't be going anywhere.

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Good morning all,

Still dark but at least the rain that has been chucking it down all night has stopped. For now. Today's forecast is sunny spells with heavy and possible thundery showers.

I am up early thanks to my right hip which has been causing me grief all night. I'm hoping that some walking today may ease things.

First walk is to the surgery to escort The Boss for a flu jab. She doesn't normally have one (needle phobia) but I've persuaded her.

Second walk will be around the Tolworth show for a couple or 3 hours so I'll probably see you Bill and Chris. I've been instructed not to buy anything on pain of death as I have a significant birthday coming up in three weeks. Nicki, kids and son Steve are visiting this afternoon to discuss final arrangements for the celebrations (commiserations?) and I've been asked to submit a wishlist. That won't be difficult as there is already one lodged with an emporium up North.

Also on the agenda this afternoon is a rugby match. It will be interesting to see how England fare against the best team in the world after their success last week. Smart money says the result will be somewhat different but who knows?

Have a good one,


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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here.

A good solid 6hours sleep, I didn't get woken by the rain and wind.


Soon after I came downstairs there was a TV trailer on with a wolf howling, Ben the Border Collie replied by giving little woofs in his sleep.


I've since been on patrol with Ben, and everything is very wet, large puddles in the hollows.


We used to get many power cuts in wet and windy weather, but a couple of years back they replaced the triple overhead wires with twisted insulated wires. Since then powers cuts are very rare.


Today's plans, for as long as my ibuprofen coated knee holds out, a little work on the shed, where slowly drying and settling wood has opened up a crack which needs filling.

Then layout carriage making, I hope to get one basically constructed, and the other two bases, fitted with casters and feet sockets.


If it's dried out a bit, I'll do a trial fit of the carriage into the trailer, I'm not going to build the others till I know they'll fit.


Time to... Have a Muggacoffee.

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Morning all.

Seems quite pleasant this morning in Funchal. We have had a cup of tea and are off to breakfast soon.



When the MiL was on one of her cruises we used to take a look at the harbour webcams - sometimes you could see folk streaming off to do sightseeing. 

Rumours that I used to take a look on the off chance she'd been lost at sea are entirely untrue.  :jester:


Come on Tony. Give us a wave! 


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 Got to Tolworth at 9.35 to find a rammed car park. Couldn't find anywhere sensible close enough to park so came home again. Might try again tomorrow.   :scratchhead:

I suspect a certain TV show may have something to do with it.

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The Boss did well as she had a shingles jab as well as the flu one. When I came home early she obviously felt sorry for me so cheered me up with bacon sarnies. She's now in the kitchen making sausage rolls and mince pies for later. Bang goes the diet. Again!


Edit: Just tested a sausage roll and they seem OK but might need another one to double check. :onthequiet:  :yes:  :whistle:

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Good morning everyone


Very late on parade this morning, only just got out of bed, but we must have ended the rest!


Not a great deal planned for the day, my first task will be to give the boot of the car a bit of a clean.


Back later

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning due to the RMweb server not being available but everything looks OK now. I forgot to mention that I took some locos to the test night on Thursday. One in particular was an Ertl Thomas the tank engine diecast of Toby the tram engine. I found it on the club stall at an exhibition a few weeks ago. It had been motorised with a Tenshodo spud, the 'face' had been removed and replaced with a panel with yellow/black chevrons and a pantograph on the roof. When I placed it on the track it went in fits and starts but soon got into its stride, not bad for £22.

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Morning all,


Having spent the past 90 minutes trying to post on another thread, and not succeeding (twice over) I've actually managed to get into this one and hope that this post will 'take'.  Not going to Tolworth but hoping that those who do manage to park and get in have an enjoyable day, hard luck GDB but at least you got some bacon sarnies as a consolation prize.  I think my next show trip will be to the dreaded Warley event although it has some good points (especially the bit organised by Baz ;) ) and i'm wondering about trying Peterborough this year for the first time.


Nearer home the G word has been mentioned but rain is forecast, my fingers are firmly crossed for the right outcome.


Have a good day one and all.

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