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  • RMweb Gold

Eyes bigger than your belly. :jester: as usual.




BTW I will be naming the station on my Indian Hill Rly Bunda Vara  any takers on translating it.  :scratchhead:

Bunda sounds like the Hindi word for monkey. Not sure about Vara

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  • RMweb Gold

Cumberland bangers and mash here too tonight washed down with a Yellow Tail Merlot. The Boss took a bit of persuading that it was a good idea but then saw sense.


Tomorrow will see me buying a new printer. Been having problems with my Epson one with jets clogging up, possibly because I don't use it enough. It takes 6 ink cartridges and I've just used up over half of each cartridge running umpteen cleaning cycles and it's still not right.  Fed up with paying £60 plus for a set so am binning it and buying an HP printer for £30. Ridiculous the price of these things now. As I don't print photos (much) these days a basic printer will do me.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Cumberland bangers and mash here too tonight washed down with a Yellow Tail Merlot. The Boss took a bit of persuading that it was a good idea but then saw sense.


Tomorrow will see me buying a new printer. Been having problems with my Epson one with jets clogging up, possibly because I don't use it enough. It takes 6 ink cartridges and Ive just used up over half of each cartridge running umpteen cleaning cycles. Fed up with paying £60 plus for a set so am binning it and buying an HP printer for £30. Ridiculous the price of these things now. As I don't print photos (much) these days a basic printer will do me.

Some printer companies could give the printers away and just charge for ink going by the refill costs.
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  • RMweb Gold

I thought we had a day at sea before arriving at Madeira but we arrive tomorrow. We have just left Tenerife. Had a nice day visiting the observatory and then the Teide Volcano.

Now having a rest before another dinner. Our waiter keeps,bringing me double portions of meat. I can’t think why.


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Some printer companies could give the printers away and just charge for ink going by the refill costs.

They pretty much do. They charge *something* for the printer so the purchaser perceives *some* value with the unit.. After factoring in all the retail uplifts, what they get might cover the design, manufacturing and distribution cost, but not by a lot.


The business model is indeed all about the cartridges. I am somewhat familiar with the technology involved in the refills. The print heads in at least one well-known brand are actually semiconductor devices with MEMS* technology. That is part of the reason the print heads are so relatively expensive. You are literally throwing away an electronic chip each time the cartridge runs out.


* MicroElectricalMechanical System

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

I thought we had a day at sea before arriving at Madeira but we arrive tomorrow. We have just left Tenerife. Had a nice day visiting the observatory and then the Teide Volcano.

Now having a rest before another dinner. Our waiter keeps,bringing me double portions of meat. I can’t think why.


so that will be head for the Porto Santo Maria hotel, hard right at the front bow and full reverse. Square up then full tilt backwards into the harbour avoiding other cruise liners, the local ferry and any fishing boats..oh yes and the replica Santa Maria!.. enjoy!

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought we had a day at sea before arriving at Madeira but we arrive tomorrow. We have just left Tenerife. Had a nice day visiting the observatory and then the Teide Volcano.

Now having a rest before another dinner. Our waiter keeps,bringing me double portions of meat. I can’t think why.



Nice place Tony just be beware of the young children begging and pick pocketing in crowded area's as well as the older chaps selling flowers and plants by the roadside 

short changing you if buy something give them the exact money don't expect change back the crafty old crustys.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice place Tony just be beware of the young children begging and pick pocketing in crowded area's as well as the older chaps selling flowers and plants by the roadside 

short changing you if buy something give them the exact money don't expect change back the crafty old crustys.

We didn't see any young ones begging in Madeira. A few older ladies have small stall selling bunches of small flowers but they left us alone in Funchal 6 weeks ago.



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Evening all,


Interwebby thing was playing up this morning so this is my first visit.


Then I've buggered my knee so am moving at 0.0001 mph. 


I'm becoming more and more vegetarian (perhaps 90% now) and at some point will take the plunge.  Chlorinated chicken from trumpland may just be the last straw.


Hope to see some of you at Tolworth on Saturday.  I'm the slowcoach with a green tie.



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  • RMweb Premium

Cumberland bangers and mash here too tonight washed down with a Yellow Tail Merlot. The Boss took a bit of persuading that it was a good idea but then saw sense.




The deed was done here.  No Yellow Tail as I'm not a huge fan of that particular poison.  Instead a perfectly good Côtes du Rhone was employed to wash the meal down.  SWMBO professed to be too tired to really care but managed to suggest she found the meal palatable.  As usual her drink of choice was humble tap water.


Article written for the magazine, committee report compiled and submitted to the editor, and a quick check of the estate before lock-up all completed.  Currently the chance of sleep is zero as I am caught between the vacuuming occurring upstairs (which must mean she is expecting male company ;) ) and the power-snoring emerging from the Good Lady.  I'll probably end up asleep with the cat's behind in my face as well.


And with that thought I bid you all Good Night.  Tiz Fry-Day in the morning.  The pan is ready and waiting.

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... Yellow Tail Merlot. 

No Yellow Tail as I'm not a huge fan of that particular poison.



There's an old joke (that I sadly cannot recall) about Aussie Titanium ore mining for "rutile"  and roo tail. (It's probably best that I can't remember it - it's probably in the 'groan' button class of puns.)  (Though I may also be conflating it with Yellow Tail and yellowcake mining.)


Either way, Yellow Tail is indeed one of those cheap Aussie export labels we were talking about the other day. Recue the Python "good wine for laying down and avoiding / Chateau Chunder" bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


As I predicted earlier today, I’ve almost filled the garden waste bin. I took 2 barrow loads from the back garden and added another from the front garden. I also managed to spend a couple of hours in the workshop, mainly testing a few old ZTC DCC chips, which I originally bought when I had a large fleet of old Hornby engines, with high current motors. I think I’ll eventually end up putting them on Ebay.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Layout (and most of the stock) is stacked and ready for the Blackburn Exhibition this weekend.

There is still much to do on Friday in preparation for the show this coming weekend. (Load layout and barriers, sort out the extra van, load it with club stuff, mark out the hall, set up and test layout, etc, etc.)


My available time is further eroded as Junior NB wants me to go and look at a house she wants to rent.....


The trade off for my time, is her time to make some cakes for the exhibitors this weekend.


Time to go and triple check the hall plan. (It's a bit too late to change it anyway......)


I may be gone some time.




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Good morning one and all


There is progress on the counselling front.  Yesterday I sent an e-mail at 11.20 am to the counsellor that emerged from the re-run selection process and by 3.40 pm I had received a reply.  This is already a considerable improvement.  Then the phone rang.  As a result I have my initial assessment at 11.30 this morning!  All of a sudden I am optimistic.  I might even do the ironing before I attend.


I will probably not post on Saturday as I will be on my way to Tolworth Showtrain.  With any luck there will be something interesting to say on Sunday.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing. 



Edited by chrisf
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Morning All,


We have a rather foggy, autumnal morning in this part of the world.  Rather mild for the time of year, but dry which hopefully means I can get the grouting on the terrace finished this afternoon before it rains.


It has been a rather busy week, two days of testing, and then two days of safety audit.  Necessitating a trip down to Karlsruhe yesterday.  I will be glad when the weekend arrives!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

A quick good moaning to you all.   That's great news Chris, hope it goes well.    I'm up and breakfasted and will be away soon to catch and early (cheap) train at Niort.   Teddy the house guest got up at the same time and was let out for a quick run.   He came back and went back towards his bedroom.   I was then called by SWMBO.  Teddy had only climbed onto our bed and was settled down on my pillow.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here at the moment and conflicting forecasts, either wet and windy or a few light showers with bright or sunny spells. Take your choice.

I'm going to Sainsbury's later to buy my new £30 printer for £27 (Benefits of "veteran's" discount). Let's hope the set up process isn't too painful. I've also got to visit the medic for a review of the latest meds which seem to be agreeing with me.

Whilst I'm out The Boss will stay in waiting for a parcel containing my latest acquisition which was despatched from the Croydon Mail Centre at 5.13am, presumably to Sutton.

Tolworth is on the agenda for tomorrow along with family visitors and rugby.

Better take Herself a cup of tea,

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

How weird! According to the tracking my parcel reached South Midlands Mail Centre at 6.20am! Did it fly? Same thing appeared to happen last week but it reached me on time.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Misty/overcast here this morning. Due to chuckitdarn today but hopefully we can do the shopping at Moreasons first.

I hope today goes well for Mick. I hope to see him about 8amish in the morning.


Great news Chris, hope your meeting goes well.


Robert.. two days of quality audit..you have my sympathy.


GDB.. I know a man with some wagons....


Have a great day!

Keep an eye out for our missing ERs and positive thoughts to Debs. Perhaps we need to form an escape committee for her?


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

 Leaving work last night I felt particularly sad, and I don't think is was anything to do with heading to the Landrover Garage (independant) to book this years work, I'm expecting a bill of £1000+. The major expenses of which, will live longer in the landrover than I will.


With the above and getting home to find we had a visitor, meant I forgot to go horse hair hunting, the visitor was the lady who sadly knows she is losing her memory. She was supposed to visit today!! 


Sleep was aided by a large whisky, I needed it... 7 hours later, with only one short wake up, I feel a lot better. 


I've already been playing with spreadsheets and this weeks major system is a pass, so I've handed it back to the users, although my boss will review my work on it later.

Meantime the test equipment for today's work, has zeroed, and I'm now zeroing the unit under test. Then there will be a 15 minute break while it warms up and settles. Yes, I have lots of shunts today to do, culminating in 2 100A shunts, that will get it warm in here..


Several people have talked to me about the GMRC show, with the final being on tonight, I shall miss it at the time as it's MRC night, so it will be on Catch up tomorrow..


SWMBO reports a mouse in the Model railway shed, so the first thing tomorro I'll have to do is search the place to see where it got in.. SWMBO has put poison out but we have to be carefull with Ben the Border Collie being around. Then Hopefully if further instructions don't arrive I'll be building transport carriages.


Time to... go measure the first shunt 0.5 Ampere

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