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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It’s been quite a nice day here, a bit dull a times but warm and dry, however, it’s now chuckinitdarn. I did manage to get to the workshop, but unfortunately, no modelling was undertaken. By the time I’d got back from shopping and put everything away, then made myself a muggertea, it was worth starting anything. So instead, I tidied up the stuff/tools etc, that I’d been using for the bangle making. I also gave the floor a good clean too, it had become a bit muddy from the work on the patio, I’d been listening to music from the stereo I have in there. After dinner, Sheila was having her hand therapy, so I had to stay in and wait for Ian, as he was coming round to pick up my steam wallpaper stripper. So I pottered about in the cellar preparing the old laptop for the workshop. I also dug out my sprog unit and ESU chip tester, ready to take to the workshop too!


Aditi. Happy birthday


My votes in too!


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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I mentioned my niece and her football exploits earlier. She is fearless between the posts.


She's up for goalie of the month in her league

They encourage as many votes as possible and apparently you can vote every hour (riggable or what?)


So far I've voted 3 times.....


It's the least I can do as she is my US delivery point for railway stuff purchased over there and currently has some awaiting a transatlantic trip in a couple of weeks courtesy of Junior NB.....


Please vote for Katie Maher.

Your votes would be most appreciated.







Hmm, she's doing well, should I vote for her again?

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  • RMweb Premium

Hmm, she's doing well, should I vote for her again?


 She is and I have.....


In a couple of weeks, I will have to pick up the golf club mixed doubles trophy as a singleton. Katie was my doubles partner when she was home over summer.


Keep voting please!




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Morning All,


We have another rather pleasant autumnal morning in this part of the world.  This week is proving to be extremely busy though!


Two days of testing are now to be followed by a two day safety audit.


First though, time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all and happy birthday to Aditi


There is an ominous placard in the entrance to my local Tesco.  It proclaims that the cafeteria will be closed from 17th November for a make-over.  At present the cafe does a handy 8 items breakfast for £4.20.  I fear for its future.  Up and down the land those who purvey breakfast are turning their backs on the full English and its derivatives in favour of such fluffy things as muffins.  Some years ago the Tesco on the edge of Northampton did this.  When I asked at customer services where I might now find a decent breakfast I was directed to Sainsburys.  Are the days of the Full English numbered?


Andyram, it was good to hear from you again.  You are not alone so don’t think you are.  My own four legged fiend has been straining at the leash again, with rubbish timing as always.  Keeping busy is helping to mitigate the effects - all those C*****mas cards! - but isn’t entirely foolproof.  Hang on in there buddy.


The news that Harry is interested in the Spice Girls gig at Ashton Court, Bristol on 10th June is mildly intriguing.  Heaven knows how much it will cost.  He will rest assured, when I get round to telling him, that he won’t bump into me there.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing. 



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I shall be at the Tolworth show on Saturday, assisting  on the South Western Circle stand.  Come and visit.  I shall be wearing a rather boring green tie.  Chris, however, will be wearing THE TIE.




I seem to remember that ERs have been invited to join us afterwards in the Surbiton 'Spoons.



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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday Aditi.


Gooòoooood Morning ERs.


Andy just keep kicking the black hound...as hard as you can.


Can't join you in surbiton, I am at Blackburn helping people to do a bit of makinglocosandstockdirty over next weekend.


I have to parcel up and post an item, other than that I have no items on the "todo" list.


Anyone heard from our missing ERs?

Have a great day!



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

After a good nights sleep, a bad one, perhaps 4 hours in several bits, not good.


And on the TV, those elections... and the woman says, "and there is news from the rest of the world, so we go over too" who promptly spends the first half of his bit talking about those elections...


On the way in the morning, lots of blue lights... yes the NDR again, a Black Audi I think ,,tried to straight line the Wroxham road roundabout, going through the <<<<<<<< signs.


Found my company pass, it had gone down the side of the drivers seat in the car..


if you hear snoring wake me up, both systems are on 40minute automatic runs so...


Time to...Do not a lot...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a breezy bit of France.    Teddy the Golden retriever has been out in the garden for a walk and no doubt later in the day I will be taking him for a longer ramble.  He's stating  with us till Sunday.   Yesterday we had a second evening of stew and dumplings to finish off the leftovers.   An excellent meal.   Then the three of us played trionimos and Teddy snored under the table.


The saga of attempting to pay my local taxes continues.   I had, as instructed, sent the necessary form off to the giant payment centre in Lille but had crossed out the name of the previous owner (From 2015) and inserted mine.  Apparently that won't do for the automated system and a letter arrived yesterday saying that I need to head back to the local office.  So that's my first task this morning then I've got to head east for 20 miles to pick up a folding bed for the lady who owns Teddy.  It just happens that my route may take me past some railway related places so a good morning is in prospect.


We need to have a cull of back dog's but unfortunately I'm not sure of the right weapon to use but wish those who need such weapons well.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s getting a bit windy (outside) here in the northwest, but at least it’s dry, but rain is forecast for later. Once I’ve finished my breakfast, as it’s Wednesday, I’m off to the pool for my weekly swim. After that I’ll take it easy for the afternoon, in preparation for the arrival of Charlie, Ava, Evie and Max.


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

That was a very wet night. A good test of the patch repair I did to mums conservatory and after calling her she thinks that the window soffit is dry. It just needed a bit of flashband over the joint between the asphalt roof and copings.


I was thinking of going to Banbury today to take photos and visit the Ye Olde Reindeer, a favourite pub serving Hook Norton range of ales. Always had a good pint in there yet it doesnt make the Good Beer Guide.


Anyway the weather forecast ofr tomorrow looks better. So a day in today fitting more resistors to N scale axles and more weathering of the Czech rolling stock ready for Warley.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a better night last night than the one before, at least no barbed wire in the throat but the cold still persists. Its still debatable as to whether I will make it to the club tonight, I'll see how I feel. Muggatee awaits, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

That was a very wet night. A good test of the patch repair I did to mums conservatory and after calling her she thinks that the window soffit is dry. It just needed a bit of flashband over the joint between the asphalt roof and copings.


I was thinking of going to Banbury today to take photos and visit the Ye Olde Reindeer, a favourite pub serving Hook Norton range of ales. Always had a good pint in there yet it doesnt make the Good Beer Guide.


Anyway the weather forecast ofr tomorrow looks better. So a day in today fitting more resistors to N scale axles and more weathering of the Czech rolling stock ready for Warley.

Last time I had a pint in there was many, many years ago with the late Mike Cook (long time organiser of the York Show). It was a cracking pint then...glad to hear it still is!




PS wet walk to the post office as it is raining enough to get you wet..but not so hard as to put you off going out.

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I have returned - and it was a not only a proper appointment, but a 30 minute appointment no less.  Problem duly disganosed as a result of some sort of muscle damage and some self inflicted home phsyioterrorism duly prescribed after seeing how I got on with various things (i.e. practice torture).  Tipping down with rain when I emerged from the almost hospital so after a quick visit to WHS for a 'paper I duly adjourned to a local café for a sort of properish job breakfast and by the time I'd finiished the rain had eased off.  


Fortunately for a trip down to see the Good Count's daughter at 12.00 the Good Doctor duly provided a taxi service which saved me from getting drenched twice.  In view of the weather Mrs stationmaster has duly wimped out of 'gardening buddies' this afternoon so attention to own of the town's flower beds will be without the benefit of her green fingers today.


Off to look round RMweb

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  • RMweb Gold

So far I have stayed dry but wont be for much longer both inside me and outside as should be meeting other half in our local Harveys pub for our first beers this week.


A productive day so far with another dozen or so N sclae wagons fitted with resistors, replacement step ordered frorm Roco  (very speedy reply form them)  for a Czech Zamracena. This step has been missing for some time as they are only clip on to the chassis block and tend to fall off when the body is removed. Most of mine are now stuck on but needed to find the partsl ist in the box whihx was buried in the loft. Fingers crossed it arrives before Warley.

ANother Zamracena now has new number decals  printed andcurrently drying after applying sealer coat. Its a loco that I took a photo  back in 2006 so could just crop the number and reduce to a suitable size.


Now looking for a break in the rain then head off to town. However my other half maybe a while as all great white worms (Thameslink units) up creek due ot a borken down train at Blackfriars - seems to happen very frequently to these ' award winning' (pah) trains.


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