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Ey up!

Mugatea has been delivered by her indoors (possibly due to making herself one at 5:30 am then turning her bedside light on to see to drink it. "Sorry for waking you up" year right!)


Not a lot planned this week but a bit of weathering to do.


Enjoy your week everyone!



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A short nights sleep due to SWMBO having caught a cold, just before 02:00 she had a coughing fit and woke me up, I never really got to sleep again just occasional dozing.


Remember Remember the 5th of Novermber, Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.

I also remember reading that from 1606 to the 1770's those living in what is now the USA ,did celebrate Guido Fawkes day, as they generally were of a Protestant persuasion. When however  they became traitors themselves, it disappeared along with cricket...

 I just wish they kept the fireworks to the one day, Ben the Border Collie is not happy, when you consider the nearest they fire any works is about a mile away, they are still loud enough to make him hide in his cage, that's a bit excessive...


Coming back from Sailing yesterday, a BMW went past the other way slowly... hazards on... Bonnet open by about a foot.. most odd... a few miles later another Black BMW saw me coming the other way on an unmarked road with no white lines, but easily wide enough for two to pass each other, and he pulled over into a farm gateway  to let me through as I passed with about 8 ft between us.. most odd again.


I went to put the label on the major system for next week saying i'd be taking it for calibration.... and couldn't find it... They sent it for repair after I left work on Friday. So if they fix it this week, It'll be just right for me to combine the post repair calibration and routine calibration events..

 Meantime I'm on my 7th measurement today of the second system from last week, this will pe pushed to one side when this week's sytem comes in as it's more important. It should however be done by mid week.


Time to... take the last two measurements on this system and start pushing..

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s a little dull here in the northwest, but there is no rain forecast for today, I wonder if they’re right, we’ll see. Sheila is getting ready for her Zumba class, so once she’s gone I’m off down to the workshop to carry on making a copper bangle for Vickie. Since Sheila has been wearing the ones I made her, her rheumtism has improved so what. Her aches and pains have decreased and she can now wear her original wedding ring, something she’s not been able to do for over 15 years or so. Vickie is also showing signs of having the same condition (as did Sheila’s mother and maternal grandmother) so I said I’d make her one too.


Back later

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Morning all from the Charente where we will be having a bonfire and fireworks but no mention of Guido and no Guy.   Large quantities of stew have been prepared and I now have a variety of tasks scheduled, eg get the benches from the Mairie and get the bread from the local town.   The village baguette machine is not filled up on a Monday so instead of a 50 yard walk it's a 3 mile drive.   


Beth got back about 4.15 yesterday and no sins were pointed out initially but a few were mentioned later on.   I also finished scanning baby and toddler photos for Rachel and got them emailed off.   I am getting to enjoy scanning and have learned a lot.  Some of the totally random memories that have been triggered have been great. 


As to breakfasts I suspect that the thought of a full English would overwhelm the average Frenchman.   Anyway the weather looks to be set fair but it is cool at the moment.


Also I've had a major success this morning and have got appointments for Beth and myself to go to the Prefecture in La Rochelle for our Carte's de sejour or residence permits. Not technically required at the moment but worth having depending on the outcome of certain negotiations.  The Prefectures have been inundated with applications and I had been told that appointments were now booking in September 2019.  They release a batch each Monday morning and I was able to get the last two blank spaces this morning for 14th February. 


Regards to all.




Regards to all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We have arrived in Lanzarote. Well, Arrecife which is the port. Please excuse spellings!

We are going to Fire Mountain which is a new (in geological terms) volcano. No strenuous hiking required.

We have had breakfast. Variations on full English.

Hope you are all well. The photo I posted on Facebook isn’t the most exciting view of the island. Will try later to get something interesting, or even of Aditi eating a regional snack!


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dullish start here but it should stay mainly dry with some sunny spells. There may be the odd isolated shower later.

Bob, you could have problems in getting suitable stock for your Terrier. Adrian Swain produced white metal kits of LBSC wagons but his business is pretty moribund due to ill health.


M and M Models are still advertising that they are able to get ABS kits direct from Adrian. A family wedding prevented my visit to Telford this year but I think at the same show last year, M and M had a table full of ABS kits. No harm in making a phone call or sending an email to see what the latest situation is.






Bill and Mike, thanks for the info. At this stage I will probably only be going for 4 or 5 RTR wagons and create a small shunting plank so will run it in preservation mode which leaves me free to get what I like. (Just  like my OO set up) Never built any railway kits but have just bought a OO (plastic) wagon to cut my teeth on. Depending on the success of that I may attempt something larger in the future.


Didn't enjoy the rugby much, probably because of Quins managing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory over Newcastle.


No paperwork got done yesterday due to playing with trains so that task needs addressing this morning, after a visit to Sainsbury's.


Have a good one,


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Good morning all


Went to a wedding party on Saturday night for two fifty-year olds - and what a raucous, joyous occasion it was, Wonderful to have been invited.


Sunday, lots of fireworks around here.



I must admit, I've never been a huge fan of a cooked breakfast.  A bacon roll is one thing, but the thought of full English doesn't fill me with joy.


What's the full German, Robert? Lots of cold meats, cheeses and radishes with bread and coffee? That could do me - well, not the meat part seeing as I've gone veggie.


Glad Wycrail was a success.


Have a good day



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Seemed like it was remember, remember the 4th of November round here last night as the racket was not only much louder than on previous nights but seemingly a lot closer, fortunately Simba (no, we didn't chose the name!!) is stone deaf so not in the least worried.  The bonfires finally went out early yesterday evening having managed about 24 hours - maybe the nearby bangs were revenge for somebody else having a bonfire?


Not sure what is in mind for today apart from some car rearranging as the car has gone off to Camberley for Day 1 of his new job but will be back early afternoon in order to be off to Geneva for induction training or whatever with his new boss so his car will have to be marshalled last off shed (drive) so that the Good Doctor and I can get our own vehicles out when we need to; what an exciting life we lead..


Have a good day one and all.


...but loose the tomatoes and beans and then it WOULD be perfect!

Your diet sir?  :jester:  :jester:

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OSIM from the boring borough. 


More idiots last night with fireworks than on Saturday. <insert joke about going off prematurely here> Not looking forward to the clean up of the alley and gardens tomorrow. For some reason we seem to collect all the remnants of the bloody things. 


My new O locos are due to arrive sometime today. You know it's sad when you are on first name terms with the DPD drivers. We have 2 regular ones. I have a feeling it will be Stephen today in his smaller van. Aaron tends to get the larger parcels. 


No noticeable improvement in the ear so far. I have a feeling I'll be back to the quack on Friday. Meh! 


Update: Stephen will be delivering my new toys scale models between 13:00 and 14:00 today. Just enough time over my lunch break to grab some track from the shed and a couple of wagons from the loft. 


Time for more coffee. Enjoy the day. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dull but dry here this morning. Had a quick word with my neighbours last night about their barge board, another thing on their list for their builder. The fireworks last night sounded a bit nearer but there wasn't so many of them and they'd finished by ten. Muggatee to be drunk, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a wasrm but overcast Surrey. Gazeboo back up for just a couple of days before the forecast wind on Wednesday so better get the spray booth out today and set up under the gazeboo.


More tidying up of the two modelling tables - never been so clear in years but still looking messy. A mixture of Czech HO scale, USA HO scale and Uk OO scale currently being worked on plus I need to search for a N sclae etched plate for a class 67 that went flying off the etch last week in the conservatory but there are a few  large spiky cactus in the way!

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That was a morning to put behind me! No service on the West London Line due to a major signalling failure. Sussex coastal trains down the gurgler thanks to overrunning engineering works. Our own were more or less ok though with a few minor delays caused by the wrong kind of leaf in the wrong kind of place at the wrong time of day.


Large numbers of Very Grumpy Persons were redirected to alternative travel arrangements but The Award goes to a group of hopefuls laden with suitcases and occupied pushchairs who hopped aboard the all-stations-to-Hounslow service before asking me, through the window because the doors had closed, what time it reached Gatwick. Geography 101 Fail. Come back and see me in an hour when your train has gone around the loop and everything looks just like where you were before ;)


SWMBO messaged to advise she is expecting a parcel this afternoon. I am therefore confined to quarters until such time as it has arrived. Please send chocolate help bacon and eggs.


“Full English” breakfasts in Australia seem to be less than full. And too often contain a large dollop of something green, damp and steaming which I suspect is spinach. Green food does not belong on a breakfast plate. Nothing green should be served before 6pm. Unless it’s guacamole with corn chips for lunch.

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. At this stage I will probably only be going for 4 or 5 RTR wagons




 Yeah right. Pull the other one. :locomotive:



I tried the only word for my US project.

As in only a few locos. Only a few cars (wagons)


Only now, I  have too many...…




Edited by newbryford
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 Yeah right. Pull the other one. :locomotive:



I tried the only word for my US project.

As in only a few locos. Only a few cars (wagons)


Only now, I  have too many...…




I know of your condition. Onlyitis. I had a couple of Canadian & BNSF locos. Only for display you know. Oh, I'll build only a small diorama with the station building kit I have. Met Roundhouse and Warbonnet of this parish in the Rake quite by accident as they were discussing Digitrax. Ok, I'll only build a small module for the Thamesiders layout. I'll only build a layout of Essex Montana. I'll only build a set of Freemo modules.


Several years later I've only got over 100 cars, only 30 coaches, only 50+ locos, and only a 12' by 24' shed filled with layout and Freemo modules. (and a lot of crap from the house but that is another story) 


Today I'll only get these 2 locos to add to the few old Slaters wagon kits I have.  They'll only run under the Christmas tree, maybe only a small shunting plank, and only.................


If only I had more space. 

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Enjoyable weekend, comprising a tour of the baseball stadium here with friends, and various other and sundry activities.

Partly getting prepped for the trip to the UK coming up tomorrow. We leave around 5PM, get there Hump day 8AM...


Enjoy the start of the week.

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I have some O Gauge,, and a few bits of C & O HO stock...and a bit of N gauge..and lots of OO.... and O16.5...time for a new layout..oh yes..I am already building one...


something has to go but what??





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Hockey was a narrow 4-3 away win in Nottingham last night. Don't quite know how it came down to the last 90 seconds for the winner - we were all overthem, but just couldn't score .


We had one eye on live stream from the USA watching my niece playing a Conference soccer football final. They unfortunately lost on penalties. She looked absolutely gutted.



They will bounce back as last year and this year have seen them improve their standings with a relatively young team, the core of which is quite young and should be around for another 2 years or so.


Well done Katie.


Have the rest of a good Monday folks.




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