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Good evening everyone


The rain held off until after 11:00pm tonight, which was unexpected, as it had been forecast for the afternoon. I mentioned earlier this morning that I was going down to the workshop, well today I actually managed it. I spent most of the time making a couple of bangles, one each for Ava and Evie, as they’d seen the ones I’d made for Sheila and really liked them. But before I started, I cleaned up a few old refractory bricks, so that I could them whilst I was annealing the copper bars. This I did outside, where there was less risk of causing a fire. I’d completed one before dinner and made a start on a second one. After dinner I finished that and then made a start on one for Vickie too. It’s been a nice change from working on the patio and I’ve really enjoyed myself too.


Tonight was the local council fireworks display, which is held near by, so there were lots of bangs and flashes, which we could see clearly form of living room window.


Tomorrow sees us all meeting up at a local pub for our anniversary celebration, I’m hoping that it doesn’t rain, as it will then mean that we walk there and I can have a few drinks.


Goodnight all

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We just spent a half hour disposing of daylight saving time -- several hours before the official time!


Visited my nephew and family including new great-nephew. Delivered Christmas presents which were not picked up last year.


Stopped at train shop on the way. SWMBO encouraged me to buy a video of Toronto Transit.

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Good morning all,

Dry here at the moment and hopefully it will stay that way with some sunny spells.

First task today will be to surround a nice cooked breakfast but it will not be as big as the one mentioned above.

After that I have some paperwork to deal with which may or may not bear fruit at a later stage.

Then, with a bit of luck, my latest wheeled purchase will be placed on parallel strips of metal and tested.

After lunch there is a rugby match to watch with Harlequins at home to Newcastle in the Premiership Cup.

Tonight there will be some sort of lamb casserole for dinner.

I may pop in and out of here from time to time.

All in all seems like quite a reasonable way to spend a Sunday.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from a bright but rather cool, 3 degrees, corner of the Charente.  The first batch of photos ere despatched to my daughter last night.  I scanned ones of her as a newborn and the next batch when she was about 7 months.  Today, Beth returns from near Limoges and I will be making some preparations for tomorrow night's bonfire. I will shortly be firing up the mower and widening the firebreak between the fire and the midden.  In between times I will be putting further batches of negatives on the scanner and processing them.   Hopefully the weather will stay bright and dry if the seaweed twirlers have got it right.  Later on I will play my usual game of seeing how many sins of commission and or omission are pointed out to me between Beth getting out of the car and into the house.  Par is three, a hole in one would be a miracle.


Hope that you all enjoy your days.



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Good morning All!

Chris, I normally have scrambled or poached egg on toast at Morreasons..very tidy.


Off to umpire some indoor cricket today. It isn't the best venue in the world..may need my shin pads and a bump cap!


A pleasant evening last night. We have a hotel nearby with a separate bar. I had the choice of Leeds best, Leeds pale, Leeds pumpkin, copper Dragon golden popping, York Minster or Tetleys.

Not cheap but a nice warm, quiet and calm evening.


Mugatea then breakfast.

C u later!


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Morning All,


Not been 'round for a bit ('tho' still posting now and again on RMWeb).


Not much to report: my company (i.e. me) is still looking to expand its' client list, the Wolfpack are becoming well trained (well as well trained as they'll ever be), Mrs iD continues to enjoy the holiday hovel, I have started singing in Latin (Christmas mass with a choir) and my diet is stuck at -50Kg. Most Annoying

Good morning one and all.

.... I had breakfast in Morrisons at Aylesbury.  I commend to you the Big Daddy Breakfast.  For £6 you get three sausages, three rashers of bacon, three hash browns, mushrooms, egg, tomato, black pudding, beans and fried bread.  Yum!

And how many slices of black pudding came with the Big Daddy Breakfast? It's been my experience that establishments tend to skimp on the black pudding whilst abundantly ladelling out the "excreta de diablo" - baked beans (presumably because industrial quality baked beans in catering sized tins are quite cheap compared with [even industrial quality] black pudding). Apart from my well known aversion hostility to fried tomatoes and baked beans on a breakfast plate, I am none too sure about "hash browns". Fried potatoes at breakfast has a long and honourable history, but ready made, frozen, "hash brown" patties fried in cheap oil are - to my mind - not worthy of a place on the "iL Dottore's Clinically Approved Low Carb BreakfastTM". This contains:

  • 3 sausages (of choice. I like artisanal or local butcher bangers, but good quality "industrial" bangers are also tasty)
  • 5 rashers of bacon (preferably streaky. The Swiss make an excellent streaky bacon called "speck", which - because it is not pumped full of water like much bacon sold in the UK - crisps up nicely)
  • Fried or grilled fresh mushrooms (too many place serve tinned parboiled button mushrooms that are reheated in water then chucked in a pan for a few moments - which are most unappealing). If fried, they should be fried in either bacon fat or butter. Button mushrooms for frying, flat cap mushrooms for grilling
  • 3 pieces of black pudding (artisanal, local butcher or supermarket. I find all these are pretty good, unlike bacon that varies wildly)
  • 2 pieces of fried bread (at least). Fried in bacon fat - no discussion
  • 3 eggs (I prefer mine scrambled in the pan that has already cooked the bacon, black pudding and sausages, as scrambling the eggs in the leftover juices really enhances the eggs)

Honourable mentions (i.e. optional or "nice to have"):

  • White pudding
  • Haggis
  • Hashbrowns (proper home-made hash browns NOT the triangular pre-frozen patties)
  • Devilled kidneys

(if diners at my pop-up restaurant wish for tomatoes or baked beans with their "iL Dottore's Clinically Approved Low Carb BreakfastTM", I will gladly show them a photo of either [or both])


Alternatively, one could have a "French Intellectual's Breakfast":

  • Strong black coffee
  • A Gauloise
  • Two aspirin.

And on that culinary note I bid you a pleasant Sunday




p.s. you may have guessed that my breakfast, today, was rather skimpy: some mortadella, some cheese and black coffee

Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning All,


(if diners at my pop-up restaurant wish for tomatoes or baked beans with their "iL Dottore's Clinically Approved Low Carb BreakfastTM", I will gladly show them a photo of either [or both])

Alternatively, one could have a "French Intellectual's Breakfast":

  • Strong black coffee
  • A Gauloise
  • Two aspirin.

And on that culinary note I bid you a pleasant Sunday




p.s. you may have guessed that my breakfast, today, was rather skimpy: some mortadella, some cheese and black coffee

Even though I am now an attested French resident (Please note Atested and not Detested) I am obviolsy not an intellectual as my breakfast was a bowl of my home made Meusli consisting of Jumbo rolled oats, All Bran, Morrisons Luxury dried fruit and raisins with a small sprinkling of Dark Muscavado brown sugar and plenty of cold milk, please notice NO Nuts, I hate the things.


Along with a cup of coffee and the two blood pressure tablets.


By the way, some of your work was being much admired on Friday when an RMWeb friend, who lives locally, helped me put the final boards up on Green Ayre.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning All,


Not been 'round for a bit ('tho' still posting now and again on RMWeb).


Not much to report: my company (i.e. me) is still looking to expand its' client list, the Wolfpack are becoming well trained (well as well trained as they'll ever be), Mrs iD continues to enjoy the holiday hovel, I have started singing in Latin (Christmas mass with a choir) and my diet is stuck at -50Kg. Most Annoying

And how many slices of black pudding came with the Big Daddy Breakfast? It's been my experience that establishments tend to skimp on the black pudding whilst abundantly ladelling out the "excreta de diablo" - baked beans (presumably because industrial quality baked beans in catering sized tins are quite cheap compared with [even industrial quality] black pudding). Apart from my well known aversion hostility to fried tomatoes and baked beans on a breakfast plate, I am none too sure about "hash browns". Fried potatoes at breakfast has a long and honourable history, but ready made, frozen, "hash brown" patties fried in cheap oil are - to my mind - not worthy of a place on the "iL Dottore's Clinically Approved Low Carb BreakfastTM". This contains:

  • 3 sausages (of choice. I like artisanal or local butcher bangers, but good quality "industrial" bangers are also tasty)
  • 5 rashers of bacon (preferably streaky. The Swiss make an excellent streaky bacon called "speck", which - because it is not pumped full of water like much bacon sold in the UK - crisps up nicely)
  • Fried or grilled fresh mushrooms (too many place serve tinned parboiled button mushrooms that are reheated in water then chucked in a pan for a few moments - which are most unappealing). If fried, they should be fried in either bacon fat or butter. Button mushrooms for frying, flat cap mushrooms for grilling
  • 3 pieces of black pudding (artisanal, local butcher or supermarket. I find all these are pretty good, unlike bacon that varies wildly)
  • 2 pieces of fried bread (at least). Fried in bacon fat - no discussion
  • 3 eggs (I prefer mine scrambled in the pan that has already cooked the bacon, black pudding and sausages, as scrambling the eggs in the leftover juices really enhances the eggs)

Honourable mentions (i.e. optional or "nice to have"):

  • White pudding
  • Haggis
  • Hashbrowns (proper home-made hash browns NOT the triangular pre-frozen patties)
  • Devilled kidneys

(if diners at my pop-up restaurant wish for tomatoes or baked beans with their "iL Dottore's Clinically Approved Low Carb BreakfastTM", I will gladly show them a photo of either [or both])


Alternatively, one could have a "French Intellectual's Breakfast":

  • Strong black coffee
  • A Gauloise
  • Two aspirin.

And on that culinary note I bid you a pleasant Sunday




p.s. you may have guessed that my breakfast, today, was rather skimpy: some mortadella, some cheese and black coffee

Even my local traditional butcher's dry cured bacon leaves the grill pan flooded! However, the rest of his produce is good!


Dry-fried egg on buttered toast sufficed for this morning's breakfast; might wash it down later with a slice of fried bread in evoo (extra virgin olive oil!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning All!

Chris, I normally have scrambled or poached egg on toast at Morreasons..very tidy.


Off to umpire some indoor cricket today. It isn't the best venue in the world..may need my shin pads and a bump cap!


A pleasant evening last night. We have a hotel nearby with a separate bar. I had the choice of Leeds best, Leeds pale, Leeds pumpkin, copper Dragon golden popping, York Minster or Tetleys.

Not cheap but a nice warm, quiet and calm evening.


Mugatea then breakfast.

C u later!


Leeds  Midnight Bell is my favourite Leeds Brewey ale.


We had a good evening on dark beers starting off in Wetherspoons with Kissingate Old Tale, my other half on their Dark Cherry Mild then to our local Harveys pub for the Old.


Was a great way to finish off the day after a very good show at High Wycombe and a good chat with many friends including a fair few from ER.

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A few fireworks were let off last night by one family a few houses around the circle, and that was it - the lot.  Amazed.


A nice still, sunny autumny morning here after yesterdays deluge, hard to believe the difference a few hours makes.


Still feeling jealous about all the shows this weekend, as I said it is one of the downsides to Fraggle Rock life for a railway enthusiast. 


The other downside currently is more personal, I think I am going to have to hang up my uniforms for Groudle Glen, as my foot at almost two years down the road from the accident is not up to walking about on ballast and uneven surfaces.  Unfortunately when the Broadbent family built the railway in the Victorian era, they did not consider vehicular access - the only way to the railway is along uneven footpaths or for staff, down the permanent way.  The staff car park is a third of a mile away from the shed/station, the easiest/quickest way is.....down the track - and it is ballasted. 


The footpath way, is where I did the injury in the first place!  This is not something I can take on board easily, but having thought I would be able to manage this year, at least as Guard if not driving, it has become apparent I cannot manage without repercussions, as in being totally crocked the next day - which is our busiest day at work of course.  I have no interest in selling tickets or working in the shop, as that is what I do 4 days a week anyway.  My fun there is in the engineering and track really, and being Guard a few times a year is a penance for that as we never have enough qualified operational train staff.  I may defer finally handing in my grade card until next season, but this last couple of weeks has made me realise things aren't likely to get much better now.  P!ssed off of Fraggle Rock.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. After yesterdays exertions I felt a bit knackered but a long soak in the bath this morning and I feel a lot better. I don't use Radox unlike ChrisF but a cheaper alternative, the big advantage of adding such substances to the bathwater is that it makes the bath easier to clean. One of my purchases at Romford was a book of photographs of buses and coaches around Romford in the 60's and 70's. What surprised me that on reading some items in the captions (about the car he drove and where he worked) that I had actually worked with the author at the time he was taking the photographs. His name is Dave Christie and he also mentions photographing the last steam locomotives on the old GER. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Good morning everyone


The sun is shining, although there is a little cloud about, hopefully it won’t rain. As is usual for a Sunday, we had a lie-in with breakfast in bed! Just made myself a second muggertea and I’m just waiting for the clock to get to 12:30 when we’ll leave to walk to the pub where we’ll meet up with the family for dinner and a few pints!


Back later

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Morning all.


Chrisf that sounds like my kind of breakfast. Morrisons don’t bother with our locale which is served by Waitrose and M&S saying something of the relative affluence of this area.


Breakfast here was our regular French toast with bacon and maple syrup. I am so over bacon which produces watery white scum in the pan. I sometimes oven-bake it to get a decent crisp rasher.


One of my favourite breakfast spots is Smokey Joes just off the A30 at the Scorrier exit near Truro. I attach an unattributed image. It’s a greasy-spoon truck-stop but seriously popular across the area. Quick service, too. At the end of the line Sullivan’s Diner (a very grand name for a wood-and-glass cube) outside Penzance station still does a decent cooked breakfast for a fiver with bacon, sausage, eggs, tomatoes, beans, hashbrown and toast with a muggertea.



Still no plans for the day but the recycling has been recycled and outside swept and tidied. Neighbours (next door) were sighted but managed to avoid speaking. Judging by the vocals, various, which were heard in the small hours they probably have company ;)


Wishing all a good day with matching health. Thoughts with those missing for any reason.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Just a quick check in somewhere off the coast of Africa. Warm but as forecast cloudy. Apart from the view one wouldn’t know one was afloat. Very calm seas. We arrive in Lanzarote tomorrow.

Everything is fine so far. As for breakfast on this ship they cater for all. Black pudding is available, but probably not after 11.30.

If mobile data is ok on the Canary Islands I will post some pictures.

Hope everyone is well,


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Afternoon All


Sorry I've been AWOL, but I have been away to Ludlow and its environs for a few days - something I no longer advertise on Social Media.  I've missed a few days of ER chat, so if anything major has happened, which I should know about has happened, please can some kindly soul let me know by PM.  Of course, generic greetings are on offer here to all who have been ailing, otherwise suffering, or celebrating. 


Ah, breakfasts, my ideal is

Two slices of good Scottish square sauasge (Pickens of Ayr is my favoured one).  Normally in our freezer

Two slices of good Scottish fruit pudding (again Pickens do a very good one).  Again normally in our freezer

Two good Scottish potato scones (Stobbs bakers in Ayrshire do a very good one fried crispy in the fat in the pan from the sliced sausage and bacon (see below).  Again normally in our freezer

Four rashers of Aldi (yes Aldi) "The Best" oak smoked, dry cured streaky bacon (it is delicious, and doesn't fill the pan with water - crisps up beautifully).

Two good free range eggs - can be fried or scrambled.

A slice of fried farmhouse bread (optional).


Very very enjoyable, I must say.


Back tomorrow before my visit to the fangmeister for three fillings - can't wait as I've actuallly lost them, so there's gaps where my teeth should be.

Regards to All


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Cricket umpired. Team expected to win didn't ,(national finalists last year) but quite a friendly environment.


Herself is busy with the early music group. I have moved up to my workshop.


Enjoy the rest of the day



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Last night the fireworks were quite distant but tonight they sound as if they are in the next street. Just met my new nieghbours this afternoon, Dave and Irene, they seem to be OK. At the moment they are giving the house a thorough going over. We did discuss the repointing of a wall that straddles both properties, and extending his gutter to connect with mine, the gutter is the cause of the problem in the first place. Our guttering is of identical profile fortunately only his is black and mine is white. I will have to point out a few things that need attention that they may not be aware of, such as a barge board on their extension that is falling apart but is only visible and accessible from my side of the property.

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