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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Still dark here but dry and a fine but breezy day is forecast with temperatures up to 14oC

I too am off to Wycrail so will probably see you there Chris along with Bob, Mike and Ian (RH).Hopefully the journey should take less than an hour providing the M25 behaves. This is one of my favourite shows and I've been looking forward to it.

I will probably leave by 1.45 to get home in time for a 3.00 kick off. I'm looking forward to the match but possibly not the result. Oh pessimistic me!


Ian (A) if you are in the UK next weekend the Tolworth show is on, details here: 



Only slight downside is that the catering may be a mobile van due to building works.


More tea needed,

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, check,

Bath, check

Clean underwear, check,

Clean everything else, check,

Lots of anti perspirant, check,

Ben the Border Collie patrolled, check,

Fire made up, check,

PE12 6ET entered into GPS, check


Spalding MRC show here I come, bye...

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up! Looks nice weather wise outside.

As it happens Chris

Heathrow T5 isn't bad

Singapore airport..nice

Darwin..at 2am everything will be shut (ar least it was when we passed through)

Adelaide, Melbourne fine

Sydney fine

But don't upset border security and don't have any fruit in yourcarry on bag.

I sleep well on long haul. No booze, not much food lots of water and some gentle music on my headphones.


Hong Kong..new airport can involve a bit of walking but it is quite spacious.

So didn't fret..the airports are fine..butare you transiting through Darwin or staying there? It used to be the place they funigated the plane.


No exhibitions for me today but next weekend off to demo with Mick.


Have a great day!


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  • RMweb Gold

The OFMC are here today as the Obergrumpenfuhrer has some Guiding event in Birmingham.


I am in charge of catering, so I'm off to get some rashers of bacon for our lunch.


The weather is fine so cutting and chopping of timber  and plywood can take place outside on the driveway.

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Morning all


Wet overnight but dry now. Very windy thanks to ex-hurricane Oscar.


I have not succumbed to anything O but am tempted by a Bachmann Scotrail DBSO. And a little excited that there may be a Hornby Q announcement soon.


Anyway, Jamie, your picture shows us in more innocent times.


There's an article by Ian Jack in today's Guardian which suggests that Britain jettisons railway enthusiasts (among many other things) because they live in the past. Do we? I'm sure we're all trying to stay hip and groovy. Actually, I'll let you into a little secret - the writer, Ian Jack, loves trains and train travel.



Like GDB I'll be watching the rugby, but the Wales-Scotland match for me. Should be a good game. No idea who'll win as both teams will have to shake off some cobwebs.


Enjoy Wycrail those who are going and a good day to all



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Thanks for the good wishes - today is a better day than many for us recently!


I used to fly a lot in my Merch days as our ships seldom visited a UK port (once in my 7 year career) I often flew to or from far eastern places, Japan, Hing Kong, Sweatypore Singapore etc.  More recently we have flown to NZ three times for holidays and the last time all but killed me.  Next time we will have to afford seats with more space and of course my mashed foot will protest at the pressure reduction.  Maybe we'll go by sea!


Jealous about those going to shows, something I really miss.  Whenever we're in the UK it is always a weekend with no show in reach of wherever we are.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s windy, but dry. Breakfast has been consumed as has the muggertea and glass of orange juice. I’ve just made a second muggertea (in a large thermal insulated cup) which I’ll take down to the workshop. I may be some time.


Enjoy what ever you’ve planned for the day.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and its a decidedly achy one today after spending all day and most of the night setting up and then clearing up a fireworks display.

Glorious weather was enjoyed all day, although by the time we came to the actual display there was heavy frost / ice on a lot of the kit we'd set up. 




Whilst most members of the public are entirely sensible and give the firework cordoned area a wide berth it never ceases to amaze us how stupid some Darwin Award candidates are. 


Having used hundreds of meters of "DANGER" tape to block off the various styles, pathways etc onto the field where we do the display we still found one woman walking her dog in the middle of what is effectively a minefield 10 minutes before our team started to press buttons to illuminate the sky in this part of the world. 


"But there wasn't a sign" was her excuse. Clearly the  "DANGER" cordon tapes, the immense crowd 100 metres away watching a s@dding great bonfire wasn't enough of a clue as to what was going on.  

"But HOW did you get in here?" 

"I used my normal route"

"What by climbing through, over, or under multiple "DANGER" tapes? Did you not look / see / think that all those wires and cakes of gunpowder might not be the best place to be?" 


Another character was found wandering around inside our cordon looking for a toilet (in the middle of a field). Well, that was his excuse. 

So, to get there he ignored the gate to the public area and instead climbed over a hedge, crossed a road, climbed over a fence and walked into the middle of the fireworks cordon to take a p1ss? Seriously? 2 minutes later standing where he was he'd not have needed, or been able have one. 



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Morning all and its a decidedly achy one today after spending all day and most of the night setting up and then clearing up a fireworks display.

Glorious weather was enjoyed all day, although by the time we came to the actual display there was heavy frost / ice on a lot of the kit we'd set up. 




Whilst most members of the public are entirely sensible and give the firework cordoned area a wide berth it never ceases to amaze us how stupid some Darwin Award candidates are. 


Having used hundreds of meters of "DANGER" tape to block off the various styles, pathways etc onto the field where we do the display we still found one woman walking her dog in the middle of what is effectively a minefield 10 minutes before our team started to press buttons to illuminate the sky in this part of the world. 


"But there wasn't a sign" was her excuse. Clearly the  "DANGER" cordon tapes, the immense crowd 100 metres away watching a s@dding great bonfire wasn't enough of a clue as to what was going on.  

"But HOW did you get in here?" 

"I used my normal route"

"What by climbing through, over, or under multiple "DANGER" tapes? Did you not look / see / think that all those wires and cakes of gunpowder might not be the best place to be?" 


Another character was found wandering around inside our cordon looking for a toilet (in the middle of a field). Well, that was his excuse. 

So, to get there he ignored the gate to the public area and instead climbed over a hedge, crossed a road, climbed over a fence and walked into the middle of the fireworks cordon to take a p1ss? Seriously? 2 minutes later standing where he was he'd not have needed, or been able have one. 




You always have to remember that NOTHING is foolproof - the Fools will always manage to find some method of circumventing whatever precautions you set up - Try a Military Bombing Range , clearly marked on OS maps and surrounded with barbed wire fences with signs everywhere, and red flags raised to indicate that activity is taking place , including signs at 50 yard intervals hanging on the fence - and one summer day one of the sighting towers (fortunately!) spots a family sitting on the grass on a blanket beside one of the targets laying out a picnic!!!   The Range Controller (yours truly) was decidedly unamused and made his displeasure (politely) felt, whilst pointing out the errors of their ways!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

I used to be involved with our local town bonfire (I ended up being number 2 in command...).

We used to have a roped cordon around the fire. But there were always the eejits that overstepped it.

Eventually we ended up with the 6 feet high HERAS fencing. (Building site stuff)

Next year we had a roped cordon outside the HERAS fencing because someone complained that they had burnt their hands on it...….


Then we had to patrol the roped area like guards around a prison...…


Town bonfire is tonight, I shall be elsewhere.




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,... I'm back.

About 5 hours driving, 4 hours at the show, not a good ratio


It was however enjoyable,, with a higher percentage of layouts were of a style I like, and of those I'd put Portchullin best in show though it was a close run thing with several others. . Very crowded at times, more than usual, model railway show influence? I did retire to a chair at half time for me, to let the crowds dissipate.


I spent all but £10 of my muddling tokens, all on second hand items. The price increases on new stuff this year is frightening...


Time I think for a eyelid inspection..

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  • RMweb Premium



Howling gales here now and persisting down.  Mrs NHN commented earlier that we haven't heard a single firework yet, most odd ('thinks' though - the moron next door is away on holiday).  There won't be any tonight for sure!

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Darwin..at 2am everything will be shut (at least it was when we passed through)


I'll raise you - Keflavik at 2 A.M. Not only was everything closed, there were no lights visible outside beyond the runways and, even if it had been light, about all you can see is lava.

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  • RMweb Premium

Lots of flashes and bangs outdoors here tonight - just like last night!


But nowt  like a night shoot with Challenger... watching rounds ping down the range,,, all with a nice loud Bang!




PS see England managed to get a win...as did the Black Cats..Howay the Lads!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Managed to visit two shows today, Romford and Wickford. Both shows were pretty good but very different in nature. The Romford show was your typical local club show with a good mix of layouts and traders. The Wickford show was a typical 'church hall' type show which despite that had some very high quality layouts. The only bugbear of the whole day was nothing to do with the exhibitions but with Essex CC highways department. Some idiot had decided to close parallel sections of the A13 and A127 at the same time. :rtfm: :threaten: Traffic chaos ensued. Fortunately I have the local knowledge to enable me to avoid most of it, I think my companions were impressed by my knowledge of the back streets of Hornchurch and Romford. I made a few purchases at Romford including the Oxford Warwell with Sherman tank load. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Wycrail was good - meeting lots of nice friendly RMweb folk including quite a number of our ER number.  For once I arrived early enough to get a space on hardstanding in the real car park - I'm usually in the overflow to the overflow car park - and I was early enough in the catering queue to get a bacon bap and Chrisf and I also booked  apiece of bread pudding each to be kept for us later in the day.  Top marks to the Wycrail ladies as when we returned 2+ hours later for a cuppa there were two pieces of bread pudding duly set aside on paper plates and wrapped in clingfilm and we were immediately recognised as the lucky recipients. (maybe our RMweb badges helped recognition?).


GDB was easy to pick out, as he approached the catering area, from his bandaged finger and I noticed that it didn't stop him unfolding money for a little bit of retail therapy. 81C Bob as usual managed to find an unmissable bargain (he is good at that), when I left Chrisf had spent nothing except on catering supplies (thanks for the tea and bread pudding Chris) and I lashed out on an expensive book (Part 3 of the breakdown crane series) and a kit.  Ian (Roundhouse)was conversed with as he kept an eye on the operators on his layout - the Czech one this time and various other RMweb folk but not of our little corner of the forum were also spoken with.  All in all a good show and a pleasant day out.


I duly returned home to engage in bonfire building starting off a second one which I'd intended to light first however the Good Doctor suggested lighting the original one first - which was not a success.  However the second one turned into a major success and was duly fed with much of the first one as well - it's still glowing away out there and consuming some brambles.  I think we'll have another one on the due date in the coming week as we still have a spare pallet to dispose off which will make an excellent base for a fire.  Obviously our bonfire must have encouraged others but their main aim seem to be to recreate the sound of a major WWI battle and we are currently surrounded by explosions of various intensity stupidity rating.


Enjoy the rest of the evening - if the barrage allows.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


Afternoon tea was had with our guests and over some slightly awkward conversation. One of those times when no-one really had a lot to say, and for no other reason. My late aunt’s artwork, which we are now custodians of, was viewed as the subject matter and techniques were of interest. We have been advised that most of what we have could be readily sold if framed. SWMBO has a new project to work on as we have no particular interest in keeping the entire portfolio of perhaps a couple of thousand individual works.


Tonight has been another festival of whizz-popping though not quite matching last night’s performance. Mr. Cat seems untroubled by the sudden noises and spent an hour watching the sky from the window. For a nervous cat he copes with fireworks extremely well.


It seems the local boys won the egg-chasing by a single point. Tucked away in our sleepy corner Upon the Hill of Strawberries we call it a busy day if a rugby fan walks past. I saw three today. Half a mile up the road is another matter as traffic usually comes to a standstill around Twickenham Green on major event days and there are thousands of fans making their way to or from the event.


I am not aware of any plans for tomorrow other than waking, eating and drinking. I expect to find additional items placed on my agenda at short notice. Meanwhile g’knight all.

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