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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Good to hear from SHerry - even if it is only a reminder (once I deciphered it).  More please, and if you can get Ian to contribute occasionally, even better.


Generic greetings are, of course, on offer to all deserving parties, and Chrisf hope that the black dog remains in its kennel - it does sound as if your e-friendship is somewhat fraught from time to time, and I hope that you can resolve this in a favourable way.


Out later to go to a new(ish) antique centre at Ingleton, then to a jumble sale - I never seem to be able to find anything much at those events, and jumbles are a bit thin on the ground for sure.


Last A6 car boot of the season tomorrow, and I may well go to that as well, even though it is very chilly - not selling, though, as the stuff is well packed away.


Back later tomorrow

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The sun shineth, which is more than it did for most of yesterday when the rain felleth in considerable quantities.  Day seemed to be taken up with leaving early enough to get a space in a town car park, getting a proper job breakfast (yippee), then visiting the Good count's latest daughter.  A very nice lady who was ace at sticking in the needle although I suspect the number might again be rather on the high side but some good news on other numbers when she checked the results of the previous blood letting as the diabetes number has dropped back to 52 and the cholesterol has taken a mighty drop down to 4.6 - hopefully these will no be flashes in the pan.  Day later progressed to visits to two garden centres and a happy Mrs Stationmaster who bought six very nice geranuiums at Root one - they really are good for plants.


The excursion to town enabled me to get my hands on BRILL so I could read my own letter plus Bylines wherein I have read ChrisF's latest erudite piece on DMUs  - as ever from Chris a nicely crafted and enjoyable piece of writing.


Today will be devoted to tidying the garden - herself is busy out front while I shall be giving attention s to some of the consequences of the efforts of the trimmers of trees.  Laddo has shot off to Twyford where some as yet not apprehended scum last night set alight the. bonfire intended for the Round Table's fireworks etc event and efforts are being made to build something to replace it so as Branch secretary he needs to attend, but this evening he will be Signalman at Cockcrow Hill for the GCR's Halloween evening running session.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The latest update from Mike is that he finally got a bed at 1:30 this morning. He’s had breakfast and is waiting for the consultant to come round to discuss what his next step in treatywill be. Laser treatohas been mentioned and he’s not looking forward to that “I’m sh!t!ing it” was his phrase. Anyway, for now he’s playing the waiting game. The plan is to visit him this evening, when hopefully it will be a bit quieter.


As for the day ahead, I’m off outside to carry on working on the patio.


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and its a chilly but sunny one here today.

To celebrate a work anniversary swmbo suggested I invest in something to mark the occasion. 

Oh well, if you insist...

All I will say is that my investment now resides on my layout


Slight annoyance is that the chip purchased as well will need to go back as, for the 2nd loco that this type of chip has gone into, it patently doesn't operate how the manufacturer may have intended.

More a case of plug and pray rather than plug and play.


I await eagerly a chip from another manufacturer to see if this cures the problem.


Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl, inner Temple Here,

Hail, rain, occasional sight of the Great fried egg, very windy.

This included when Ben the Border Collie was out on his long patrol he's somewhat soggy..


The lazy Kate took two hours to make, I made many many brownie points by making it in the shape of a collie. This was however followed by several while your here's, including making new parts for a loom.. So further points have been made.


I too will be tie wearing, it's the summer sailing clubs annual dinner and prize giving to night. So I shall be fully kilted later, the high winds won't be a kilt problem as the hotel is is a very sheltered spot.



As for the layout carriages I've made two errors, one is the bolts are the wrong size for the casters. So I'll be placing an order shortly. The other is the casters have 6inch wheels so I ordered legs that adjusted over the 6 inch point. What I forgot is the wheels are mounted in the casters, and 1.5 inches higher. I've had to cut 12 spacers from a beam I had the right size.

One carriage base has been framed, spacers fitted, and leg mounts fixed to that.


This also means the layout will be 1.5 inches higher, so the track level of the main line will be, approximately 3ft 4inches above floor level.


Time to order some bolts, to be followed by climbing upstairs for a long soak in the bath...

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This morning we set off into the outer reaches of the big city, 22 miles to the south, and I have to advise that we had the first snow of the winter down to a couple of metres AMSL, and we are not even out of October - I hope this doesn't presage a really bad winter for us this year - a few miles further south across the Cromarty bridge and going up the brae we could clearly see the snowline on the Black Isle was about 400', but a surprising number of vehicle-drivers were peering out of letterbox slots - I'd really have thought that in an area where snow is not uncommon, they would have the sense to clear their windscreens - but then I'm honestly convinced that common sense is an item that no longer exists. The Grampians and the Mondliaths appeared to have collected a fairly solid covering of the white stuff.

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  • RMweb Gold

Round Table at Twyford have been absolutely overwhelmed with material to rebuild the bonfire for tonight,  by 12.00 they were unable to accept any more.   Regrettably they didn't have a trailer so I'm building my own bonfire as part of my efforts to clear various brambles and piles of leaves left as stuff went through the chipper plus I have several pallets or parts thereof I had hoped they might like to collect.   A eureka moment has been finding that some small paving blocks I knew I had hidden in the overgrowth are just the right thickness for a job which has been vexing me for sometime, so they are gradually being recovered from nature and the trampings of the tree trimmers (although rain has stopped play for today0.


Thus I moved on to photographically recording Mrs Stationmaster's pastie making process as somebody else where on RMweb is after her recipe.  Next job, a bit later on, will be eating one!

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the depths of Northamptonshire, through rain, sleet and wind, with fabric type loot. Success!


Home via Lakeland, where we took the plunge and bought a new mixer and blender - same price as on Amazon.


Told you we really know how to live!




A couple of years ag Aditi was using the attachment on our Kenwood Chef (approx 40 years old) to process oranges for marmalade when a lot of smoke came out of the motor housing. Very smelly smoke.

Initially Aditi thought a new new mixer would be a good idea until she saw the price of a Chef or equivalent. I found a repair kit with new 1kW motor and control unit. Works well. Hopefully for a few more years. We also have a heavy duty Magimix food processor.There are still parts available for that too .

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.  


.  Who will be the first to rise an hour early?

Highly unlikely to be me!

A couple,of years ago,on a cruise we had a change from Summer to Winter Time and a time zone change. We nearly missed our trip departure. Definitely missed breakfast.

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  • RMweb Premium

How many laps of the TT is that?


But anyway, I'm hoping Keith still gets it serviced on a time rather than mileage basis, and he takes it for a decent long run now and again to boil-off the water in the crankcase. The oil-seals need to be exercised an a regular basis too, as do the tires.


4,138...…… :jester:


Agree about your other points too, Andy.  Edit: Having read through now, I see the matter has been resolved!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome back Rick - missed you and the tales of the Strawberries and the student antics within.


Our day here was mostly sunny - and absolutely freezing!  Managed 8c but the 'feels like' wind chill was hovering about zero.  Not absolute zero thankfully, but after the recent warm autumn it felt like it was getting that low!


Interesting discovery today on Mrs NHN's newish motor, she had cause to do a good and proper emergency stop, a real tyre squealer, and the hazard lights came on at double speed, presumably as an alert to anyone following.  Maybe triggered by the ABS although we didn't feel it had kicked in to take over, but a nice safety feature we thought.  Do all cars do this sort of thing now?  I haven't seen it before.

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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning, crew. En route to another night shift, which will comprise an extra layover due to the clock change. Which I don’t mind one bit!


Tortellini with walnut and parsley pesto for dinner, so I should be sufficiently fed, too.


And that‘s about all there is to report right now. Best wishes and thoughts as appropriate!



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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting discovery today on Mrs NHN's newish motor, she had cause to do a good and proper emergency stop, a real tyre squealer, and the hazard lights came on at double speed, presumably as an alert to anyone following.  Maybe triggered by the ABS although we didn't feel it had kicked in to take over, but a nice safety feature we thought.  Do all cars do this sort of thing now?  I haven't seen it before.

Our Prius apparently triggers flashing brake lights on an emergency stop. Which I haven’t seen myself (thankfully) but did only read, I should mention!


Our NGT10s do activate hazard lights, though, and our older low floor units are to be so retrofitted as well. Which I fully concur makes a lot of sense.

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  • RMweb Gold

Welcome back Rick - missed you and the tales of the Strawberries and the student antics within.


Our day here was mostly sunny - and absolutely freezing!  Managed 8c but the 'feels like' wind chill was hovering about zero.  Not absolute zero thankfully, but after the recent warm autumn it felt like it was getting that low!


Interesting discovery today on Mrs NHN's newish motor, she had cause to do a good and proper emergency stop, a real tyre squealer, and the hazard lights came on at double speed, presumably as an alert to anyone following.  Maybe triggered by the ABS although we didn't feel it had kicked in to take over, but a nice safety feature we thought.  Do all cars do this sort of thing now?  I haven't seen it before.


Mine don't come on like that but then the car is nine years old so it could be a more recent thing.  


The emergency stop capability was very thoroughly tested yesterday when some myopic twit pulled out of a side turning right in front of me as I was exiting a mini-roundabout.  He was very lucky that I was coming off a mini-roundabout because if it had been a straight road job I very much doubt that even at 30 mph, or probably a little less at that sort of location,  any sort of brake would have stopped 1.5 tonnes of Peugeot in barely twice the car's length (because that's how close I was to him when he pulled out).

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Welcome back Rick! Hope things are still going well at the Junction of Clap-ham (sorry, channelling too much Peter Sellers).


Returning to the hat thread: really like pork-pie hats but my head's too big for them and they look silly; can't find the right fedora or trilby; baseball caps look silly on me, likewise fisherman caps; flat hats are ok, never tried a 'newsboy' cap. Woolly thinsulate hats for when it's really cold, and a sunhat for strong sun, of course. And the basque beret.


We need a hatter who can advise which hat for which head!


Hope your evenings are going well



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  • RMweb Gold

I have done a couple of fast stops in the Evoque but not enough to engage emergency braking assistance. It stops pretty quickly anyway so I suspect tailgaters would get a nasty surprise. Mine doesn’t have the adaptive cruise control which applys your brakes, if you get too close the the car in front.


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Evening all.  


One or two of our illustrious community have recently taken the time to engage in PM conversations with me noting my absence from this place.  Many thanks to those who enquired after my well-being.  The being has been well, on the whole.


This return is by way of a water-testing exercise.  I hope not to receive the same response which caused my departure some weeks ago.  I now consider that to be water well and truly under the bridge.


There is no way I can ca tch up so instead I shall endeavour to re-join and fall into line as we go.


The Hill of Strawberries has been busy of late.  More details may follow.  I am currently awaiting my nephew who is staying the night with us before "chilling out" tomorrow.  Perhaps this is why the weather has become so cold.


Best wishes to all.  And remember we have an extra hour before breakfast tomorrow.  Who will be the first to rise an hour early?

I don't know what happened and that is between you and the jerk that caused your absence. Just happy to see you back. I've missed the updates from the hill of berries de strawb.

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