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My email files for years must be on BTs server. I only download a copy to my personal devices.


I've used Yahoo email since it started. I backup anything critical by forwarding it to myself on Gmail. I've switched ISPs several times too - rule number one; NEVER use an ISP's email. It's a trap. Oh, and MS Outlook strikes me as the work of the Devil :)


I'm about to give up on NAS too. The first one turned out to be a disaster. The second one (Seagate) worked reasonably well until they didn't support Windows 10.

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I love a big UHD telly, the bigger the better until Gabe says enough, of course. So the 58" is fine, but not its bigger 65" brother... And she's not overkeen on the 58" btw!

Back in the dark ages I used to think that large (projection) system televisions were an extravagance with fewer benefits than inconveniences.


As the technology has changed and finally settled down on various interpretations of LEDs, I have to say that large HD flat panel televisions are life changing - not always in a good way. They are magnificent and in the right room, really quite amazing. So good, particularly with sporting events properly transmitted in the right format that they can have a devastating impact on the modelling mojo and somehow the sofa has a particularly intense gravity well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Finally took the motor home to the repair shop.  They think it is repairable for less than the assessor, but they have to deal with the insurance company. 

Municipal election today.  Computerized returns a bit confused.

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Finally took the motor home to the repair shop.  They think it is repairable for less than the assessor, but they have to deal with the insurance company. 



Not sure about how things work in Canada, but "have to work with the insurance company" sounds like a racket that would be illegal in the US. If you are paying for the repair out of your own pocket the insurance company has buqqer-all to do with it. Is there another repair shop you can take it to? If there is you probably don't want to mention insurance.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.


Yesterday was a productive one. Started off by dropping other half at station then round the corner to sorting office to drop a returns back to Amazon. A three rail Digikeijs block detector was received instead of the correct 2 rail one that was ordered. Sorting office scanned the QR code in email. This instantly generated a return label to go on the package and all on its way back . Refund even received yesterday with replacement 2 rail unit delivered during the day. Its now under the board ready to be wired up. Amazon can be so quick but I will still try to use local stores where I can - just dont have much in the way of model shops around here any more.


As it was a sunny day I also purchased the timber to repair the old small shed. Ply and new framing now treated for woodworm along with areas exposed on the shed after removal of the rotten / infected timber. Hopefully today I can fit the new roof and floor.


Plenty of other jobs to do but where has the time gone since I stopped commuting back at the end of July.

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning All,


It's quite a chilly morning today.  The temperature is down to around 2°C for the first time.  Good that we have an appointment to get the Winter Tyres put on at the weekend!


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Too dark outside to see what the weather is like but it feels cold.


Emails sent to a couple of missing Ers. No response from one. Horsetan is ok but currently "off" RMWeb. He has had a bad week as a prospective client died before he got to see him. Hopefully he will be allowed back soon...


Today is optician visit, layout building and indoor cricket umpiring day (Not all at once!)


Mugatea awaits so TTFN.



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here.




Debs will be in our thoughts today...





Much hassle with this computer this morning, I've had to find and use a wired mouse as someone has taken the dongle for the wireless tracker ball. I suspect the Boss or Deputy boss borrowed the tracker ball to use with their laptops while in the lab last night after I left and then wandered off with ithe dongle still plugged into their laptop. Added t that MS struck again with updates to Office requiring a reboot this morning..



A reasonable nights sleep, was had the usual 5 hours in bed followed by dozing on the sofa when I could get on it... I came down to find Ben the Border Collie in MY place fast asleep. Then he woke and looked at me with a very guilty face... and slowly stepped off and went to his bed without instructions to do so.


On the way in there was a very naughty police man, First he cut the corner on the mini roundabout to join the road in front of me (not impeading my progress) Then once over the Wroxham Bridge he sped off at around 40mph in a thirty limit, no blue lights, not as fast as he could have gone if in an official hurry. His lane discipline was awful as well, as he wandered across the central white lines a couple of times. It would have been an interesting video to send to the police Chief constable had I got round to fitting the Car cam to the Landrover..


 If I had a huge TV in our living room Watching TV would be like Wimbledon, heads turn left, heads turn right, heads turn left, heads turn right..


I delete emails when I've finished with them, there are very few over 3 months old. So at the moment there are undelivered Internet purchases, a few "CXXXXXXXs" menu's / order forms for the MRC /Sailing Club/ Weaving Group / ETC, and that's about it.

 BT's server I believe has limits, So those expecting to have years worth of Emails on it, will be sadly disappointed if they haven't paid extra for storage space..


Now things have had time to settle and warm Up,


Time to... take the first of many measurements.


 Oh still no back pain since Sundays sailing, though various other bits are aching from Sundays effors..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the land of the high pressure dome. The sky looks clear and the sun is shining as I type.



Thoughts are with Debs this morning. Chrisf, I'm sure that your inner contentment will show to all as you continue your journey. Thanks to Baz for the updates in the missing ER's. I noticed Railsquid posting on another thread tis morning. I miss our updates from Tokyo.


Yesterday plans changed. Some tidying of the shed got done and the rest of the morning evaporated as a friend called in with some things that he had brought over from the UK. (Suet and Self Raising flour.) Anyway after lunch the weather was so nice we decided to attack one of the jungle areas where there was a great mass of vegetation that had been covered in blackberries. Yards and yards of bramble, Ivy and cotoneaster were removed to reveal one bush that's worth saving. There was another small tree with yellow berries and spikes on it but most of it was dead. It appeared to have been strangled by Ivy. I ended up getting the chainsaw out and demolishing it. There were 4 Ivy trunks about 2" diameter entwined round the main trunk of the tree. Today the debris will be carted to the top of the garden. However the area looks an awful lot better.


Hopefully I will get into the shed this afternoon for some activities connected with items that run on parallel pieces of nickel silver.



Brian, thanks for the T loaf recipe, I've printed it off. I also have a recipe that includes All Bran, in my case for a fruit malt loaf. It also tastes better when left for a few days.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Breakfast has been consumed as have my muggertea tea and glass of orange juice. I’m shortly off to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, once I’ve retuned and put the shopping away, I’ll make myself a second muggertea before venturing out into the garden to carry on working on the patio, in what currently is a dull day.


Back later.

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Greetings from the boring borough. 


Thoughts with our Debs today. (and everyday) 


Little of note here. Work sux. 

Highlight of the morning is the pair of great t1ts resting in the neighbour's apple tree that are popping down to the feeder every so often for a snack. A nice change from the bloody starlings we usually get. The other neighbour's racing pigeons seem to have flocked off already. Either that or his MRS got fed up and made pigeon tikka for dinner one evening. 


That's about it. Coffee time again. Enjoy the day. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It was very dull here earlier but looks quite nice now. I have to go to the doctors to request a copy of some results to take to the hospital next month. My hospital appointment is for the day after we return from our holiday.

Thinking of Debs.


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Racing pigeon update. Went to the alleyway to dump some more crap into the skip. A large amount of white and brown feathers on the ground. I'd say one of the multitude of neighbourhood cats or urban foxes had pigeon for dinner recently. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thoughts are with Debs today. The pruners are about, sounds as if we're surrounded by a swarm of angry bees. Those with wood burning stoves will be happy though. Talking of trees, an interesting pic popped up on Facebook yesterday. A truck (in the USA) had been parked up sometime in the 1970's. A tree had sprouted underneath the gearbox. Over the years the tree grew around the gearbox until it was decided to remove the truck. To do so they had to cut the truck up in situ leaving the gearbox imbedded in the tree trunk.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sad news from the Norfolk Broads Robert John Richardson has died at the age of 95. He was one of the Big names in Norfolk Broads companies. If you've been on Holiday on the Norfolk Broads The Thames, or several other places you may well have holidayed in one of his boats or chalets.




The Business will continue as his family have been running it for some years.. I've often seen Clive as he is a regular sailer in the big events on the broads..

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Afternoon all


As others have said, thinking of Debs today especially.

Good morning one and all


My thanks to those who have been solicitous as to my welfare, with particular reference to the threatened appearance of the black dog.  Well, so far, so good: there has been no more weepiness and no sign of Fido scratching at the door wanting to be let out.  I hope I haven’t spoken too soon.


This is going to sound so silly, but I need to learn to smile again.  For years I had little or nothing to smile about and so I didn’t.  Lately, thank goodness, I have been much happier.  In an ideal world my newly rediscovered sunny disposition would be clear for all to see, heralded by a natural smile with lips upturned at each end and with no need to resort to a cheesy, toothy grin, as many do whenever a camera is pointed at them.  It’s not that easy.  If you have seen the photo of me wearing a certain T shirt you will see that my lips are almost dead straight.  I had hoped to emulate the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa but clearly did not succeed.  Is this really an impossible dream?  Many things are supposed to come naturally.  Let’s not delve too deeply into that one but I guess that smiling is not one of them – unless, that is, you know differently.


Last night I saw Emily Barker, new to me, and Jack Carty, almost an old friend, at The Stables.  Tonight I return to the Slaughtered Lamb in Clerkenwell to catch the Drystones.  Who they?  Ford Collier and Alex Garden, two 21 year old lads from Priddy in Somerset who are more impressive every time I see them.  It will be a good night.  I have commanded it.


Glad to hear the dawg is kennelled, Chris. Think the very act of smiling genuinely, even if you're on your own, releases feel-good endorphines or whatever they are called and can perk you up a bit.


But I really popped in to say how good it is to hear about Priddy, a little village on top of the Mendips. We honeymooned there 39 years ago. The car broke down, too, as they so often did back then. But being a Morris Traveller it was soon fixed. Stayed at the New Inn there, which I think is no longer there. Quite a few cavers used the bar there.


Thanks for your news of missing ERs, Baz. Hopefully all will return sometime soon.


Still blowy here; hope your days are going well



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Chewsday, and thinking of Debs... <sigh>



Had an excellent pre-concert "happy hour" eat/drink that we'd just happened upon between the parking lot and the venue. Planned/expected to find something but were well pleased with what we did choose.


Concert report;

CAVEATs - 1) I've always been a great fan, 2) They ARE older (like all of us!!) 3) Knew in advance Lindsey Buckingham wasn't there 4) Not likely to see them again "ever" since we're all aging, especially since they were last here in 2014 I doubt they'll pass this way (or close enough for us to go to) again...


I thought it was excellent, acknowledging they will NOT again sound like the original renditions of the popular oldies they preformed. They didn't fail to please me, and though some folks thought it was too loud (NOTE: we WERE at a CONCERT?!?!?!?). Plenty of energy and enthusiasm. Came away grateful we'd decided to go. If you are fans and get a chance, take the opportunity, there aren't many left for some of these groups/bands/performers.


Mrs heading out for her one day working today.

Continuing the work ritual again today, probably take a break and go with Jemma and Whitney to the vet, just a routine visit, but gets me a welcomed break from work and out for a bit.


ZERO this morning getting 't paper, sunny and calm, supposed to make 10 if we're lucky...



Edited by Ian Abel
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Yesterday card in letter box, sorry you weren't in, (SWMBO was in all day) we'll deliver your two parcels tomorrow, they need a signature . Today SWMBO was not in, two parcels left by the back door.. Parcel farce strike again...


The parcels? Two acrow props so I can rebuild the front of the garage..

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