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Ey up!


Got the makings of a nice morning up here in the North West Leeds Highlands.


Busy week lined up. Her indoors has decided Wednesday is clean the house day as we have visitors staying for the weekend. They are bringing a layout to our show in Leeds..(need to dig out my schoolpass..its handy when components one of the securitydoors with us inside a room like they did last year).


Today is V (Visa) day. I may need some help from Tony and Aditi with this one as some of the instructions are interesting to say the least.


We are a few Ers missing. Some I know why others have seemingly disappeared. I will try and contact Horsetan. AndyRam is busy with his new venture (hope it's going well Andy!).


Have as good a day as you can, wherever you are on Planet Earth.



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Morning All


Back again - though not a great deal to say at the mo.


Chris - hope that the black dog is not returning, and I think that goes for all of us.  Generic greetings to everybody else, as usual.


There do seem to be a few missing ERs still, and I do miss some of their contributions - Rick's recollections from the hill of strawberries, Ian's adventures in La Sarthe, and Pete's pithy comments from New York, to name but three (I know Pete has been posting, but not recently), Hopefully Andy and Ivan will appear again before too long.  And of course, we all long for another contribution from Debs as soon as she's fit enough.


PAT testing at the charity shop this morning is the order of the day.  There was a rather decent 28" Sony TV awaiting testing, and as I am not a great lover of very large screen TVs, I was hoping to get it to replace the 24" which I now have, (and which I bought by mistake some years ago from Amazon, thinking I had ordered a 26").  However, it got tested by the other tester, and was promptly sold for fifty quid.  However, every cloud etc..  Was in another charity shop, and there was a 28" Panasonic with a three month warranty, and which had the advantage of being the same but larger as my existing TV - so I could set it up and know all the logic and controls and settings already.  A snip at £35, and the 24" is now in the spare bedroom, and the old TV and Digibox are going to the car boot next year.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All



ps - I see that Jamie's post was #180,000 - that's a lot of posts and water under this particular bridge.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A bad nights sleep of less than 4 hours with many wake ups and try to get comfortable, the strange thing is my back pain has disappeared. Whether or not I tweeked into where it should be, during racing yesterday, I don't know, I certainly didn't feel a change at the time..


Ben the Border Collie just stood in the hallway this morning, he didn't even come to the back door, it's definately too dark for him to go out now... It was noticeably windy out there, where was that yesterday when we needed it?


Just one major system and a load of 10GOhm resistors to do this week, so hopefully a quiet time...


Dr Who... I really don't like them involving the programme with real events, and yesterdays programme involving an event in peoples lifetime, was annoying. I don't know why they chose an event in America, which has little to do with the UK, unless it was to try and boost sales to the USA. It could very much back fire as the Yanks could get very uppity about the British messing with their history...(Though they like destroying ours)


Driving in there was a chirping noise and then the ABS light came on, I suspect a little plate on the front disks  has come off after their work last week, I think a trip back to the garage is in order.


While we had a big line up of boats from 12ft to 40ft, at the club yesterday I had a good look round at them and at the trailers that arrived with the smaller boats. Nothing has changed my mind on my boat and trailer plans. So I think that's it for the redesign, now to just try to find time to complete the work..


Time to.. Take the 8th Measurement this morning...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining and although it’s cool (8C) outside, I’m hoping to get a little further with the patio later this morning. But first, I must wait until the cake I’ve just popped into the oven is baked. This was started last night when I left the fruit soaking in fruit tea overnight. When Sheila gets home from her Zumba class, the first thing that will greet her is the smell of freshly baked cake! Once it’s removed from the oven and sat on a cooling rack, I’ll make myself a muggertea before venturing outside.


Chrisf. I do hope you can manage to keep the black dog in it’s kennel, they can be a bit of a bu99er when the escape!


Back later

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hopefully the roadworks on the A13 are over and I can reach Tesco's without too much hassle, just as well the lorry under the bridge incident happened before the road closures. The high pressure dome sitting over Jamie is a different one to that over the USA as midweek that one is predicted to move east and settle in the Atlantic for most of the coming week. As winds rotate in a clockwise direction that means that very cold air will be drawn down across the UK from the Arctic. Luckily it will be dry air so the only snow will be on high ground in the north of Scotland but its still going to be cold so winter drawers on.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hopefully the roadworks on the A13 are over and I can reach Tesco's without too much hassle, just as well the lorry under the bridge incident happened before the road closures. The high pressure dome sitting over Jamie is a different one to that over the USA as midweek that one is predicted to move east and settle in the Atlantic for most of the coming week. As winds rotate in a clockwise direction that means that very cold air will be drawn down across the UK from the Arctic. Luckily it will be dry air so the only snow will be on high ground in the north of Scotland but its still going to be cold so winter drawers on.

Google Maps is showing a slip road closure until noon from Southmayne onto the A13 eastwards. That may cause other tailbacks but you should be able to access and leave Tesco!

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The fruit tea loaf is now a cooling rack, it will be a couple of days before we start to eat it, as a bit like Christmas cakes, it gets better with age. It’s made to a recipe that is one I’ve been tinkering with and only slightly resembles the original. It has no dairy products, now eggs and is only about 15% sugar, which comes mainly from the fruit, but is very tasty. Over the years I’ve played about with different types of dried fruit, but I’ve now settled on dried blueberries, dried cranberries and dried black cherries. At Christmas I change it slight by using a different fruit tea and add seasonal spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and all spice. It looks a bit like a malt loaf, but is much lighter in texture, it goes down really well here, especially with Sheila as it’s so low (for a cake anyway) in sugar.


I’m just finishing off my muggertea, so as the sun is still shining I’m off outside to make the most of it.


Back later

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Busy weekend, late catchup.


On the teeam bus to watch the away game at Hull Saturday night. a 10-3 loss against a much stronger team (one of the three that dropped a league last year when that league folded).

One of our players took a slapshot puck to his face - severe OUCH! - result is broken jaw and several lost teeth. It will be wired for a couple of weeks to see how that goes and if not, plates will be inserted. So the team bus had to detour via Hul A&E on the return to pick up one of our supporters who had gone to the hospital with him. His g/f had arrived to watch over him.

(On the way home, his condition was enquired upon. "He'll survive, but he's still ugly" was the reply.)

Get well soon Bobby Streetley.


Result of the delays was that Mrs NB who should have picked us up at our original estimated return time of 1030pm, turned into 1205am.


Brownie points were regained Sunday by a trip t o the blue and yellow furniture outlet, although I did manage to time it with a cheeky visit to Warrington Exhibition and a quick chinwag with ER Polly.


More hockey Sunday and a 0-6 loss against Sheffield - an even stronger team than Hull. Can't fault the Hawks commitment though - they gave it everything.


It certainly showed the gulf between these three teams and us, many of them are semi-pro, whilst our lads are pretty much doing it for the love of it - getting paid very little and/or expenses only.

Last season and this, only one has been beaten once by the original league teams (and that was us against Hull last year!)


There was also some modelling done. I must post the results on my workbench thread soon.


Niece's wedding to look forward to at the end of this week. Luckily our family seem to get on quite well.


Have a good one folks.







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Greetings all from a sunny and crisp LBG.


Condolences to HH for the loss of Elsa.


The rest of the family have safely made it to half term, and are now presumably enjoying themselves. I am in the middle of year end work, which progresses slowly.


I always enjoyed the tribal belonging of standing in a football crowd, and being completely one-eyed over all the refereeing decisions! What I don't understand is the crowds that don't get themselves worked up for their team. The North Bank at Highbury was one of the most depressing experiences. You could hear a pin drop.

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The fruit tea loaf is now a cooling rack, it will be a couple of days before we start to eat it, as a bit like Christmas cakes, it gets better with age. It’s made to a recipe that is one I’ve been tinkering with and only slightly resembles the original. It has no dairy products, now eggs and is only about 15% sugar, which comes mainly from the fruit, but is very tasty. Over the years I’ve played about with different types of dried fruit, but I’ve now settled on dried blueberries, dried cranberries and dried black cherries. At Christmas I change it slight by using a different fruit tea and add seasonal spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and all spice. It looks a bit like a malt loaf, but is much lighter in texture, it goes down really well here, especially with Sheila as it’s so low (for a cake anyway) in sugar.


I’m just finishing off my muggertea, so as the sun is still shining I’m off outside to make the most of it.


Back later

Recipe please.



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Morning all.


Weekend of too much work emptying the garage of useless sh!t into a very large dumpster. We've plenty more to go as we continue to prepare to downsize.

Result was a lot of aches by the end of Saturday and a welcomed relax as Trevor made dinner while I/we watched and imbibed :)


Sunday more "relaxing" while the Mrs had a long brunch with friends.

Weather overall over the weekend about average, no precip, highs 8-14 and sunny.


Back at work now, and tonight off to see Fleetwood Mac - yeah, yeah, minus Lindsey, but hey it's that or probably not seeing any of them again, right, not getting any younger! :jester:

5 and sunny this AM, expecting to reach 14 then drop to ZERO overnight and starting a cooling trend for the week ahead.


Enjoy whatever you're upto.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for the info re. the A13 Tony. I didn't venture that way until lunchtime and the roads were practically empty. The neighbours are finaly moving this week and I have just found out the buyer is a private landlord so its pot luck as to who my new neighbours will be.

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Evening all


A bright day but getting quite gusty.


Had some good interest in the house with the first public view over the weekend. Lawyer has advised that there will probably be more interest next weekend. The house looks the best it's ever looked - almost wonder why we're moving.



Back at work now, and tonight off to see Fleetwood Mac - yeah, yeah, minus Lindsey, but hey it's that or probably not seeing any of them again, right, not getting any younger! :jester:


Yep, think I'd see Fleetwood Mac if I got the chance. Read that each member is making around US$12m-$14m each from the tour. Shame that Lindsay and the band fell out over his personal tour dates or that Lindsay didn't put the band first. Pete (Trisonic) probably knows more about bands falling out over silly things (not implying that Pete has, just that he may know some who have)


There was a rather decent 28" Sony TV awaiting testing, and as I am not a great lover of very large screen TVs, I was hoping to get it to replace the 24" which I now have, (and which I bought by mistake some years ago from Amazon, thinking I had ordered a 26").  However, it got tested by the other tester, and was promptly sold for fifty quid.  However, every cloud etc..  Was in another charity shop, and there was a 28" Panasonic with a three month warranty, and which had the advantage of being the same but larger as my existing TV - so I could set it up and know all the logic and controls and settings already.  A snip at £35, and the 24" is now in the spare bedroom, and the old TV and Digibox are going to the car boot next year.


Couldn't help but laugh when you said you'd bought a television "by mistake" - reminded me of Withnail & I, where they went on holiday "by mistake". I love a big UHD telly, the bigger the better until Gabe says enough, of course. So the 58" is fine, but not its bigger 65" brother... And she's not overkeen on the 58" btw!


Hope you all enjoy watching your tvs this evening, whatever size they are.



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Cheers, troops. :bye: Hope you’ve all been well or on the mend, but may I send a round of thoughts if that shouldn’t have been the case.


Now hath begun that Time of Wet Leaves on the Line to Make Driving Trams a Particularly Delightful Activity, I might say after today’s shift. It’s quite baffling how you can have essentially nil traction while braking from one moment to the next. Thank the Universe for sanders and track brakes to use if it gets too hairy!


I understand it’s going to be wet and blustery for the next couple of days. Given how little there has been in precipitation in recent months, it’s probably not a moment to soon...


Guess I’m gonna call it a night soonish, so, sweet dreams!

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Evening all,


Had a brainwave last week - replace my laptop's hard drive with an SSD (solid state drive) with no moving parts.


Thought I'd taken the necessary backups then proceeded to the nearest purveyor of such devices, instructed them on the requirement and departed to other local shops to await the call indicating completion, which eventually came.


Arrived back to collect my newly fitted laptop with the original HDD now mounted in a USB carrier. Homewards!


Located my CD and installed a clean operating system on the new drive before copying the necessary files from the old drive; whoops, got the destination folder wrong so no email or web detail. Tried to sort the problem but was not thinking clearly enough for success so gave up for the evening.


Decided on a restart on Sunday so re-installed the OS before copying the files to the correct location. Internet browser works fine, just like the old installation. Email - no chance! Seems my default profile has disappeared! 4 out of five files in the source folder but not the crucial one. Checked the backups; same thing! I'm sure it was still there when I c****d it up yesterday!


Nett result, near complete installation but goodness knows how many years of email history gone. Unless anyone knows a way of getting an Ubuntu Linux file back (the disk has not, to the best of my knowledge, had anything written to it since so the remnants of the file should still be around somewhere), I appear to have a clean Email sheet which I now need to configure from scratch!


Hey Ho! The wonders of modern technology - and boy, do I wonder at modern technology!!

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Backups! My students used to get annoyed with me if they lost work. As IT students they were expected to keep secure backups of their work and were graded accordingly. So an excuse like “I lost all my work when my computer crashed” wasn’t going to work. Once they tried to accuse me of being biased as they said “some girl comes in and you help her, you don’t help us”. I said it wasn’t a gender thing it was because they weren’t IT students.

My email files for years must be on BTs server. I only download a copy to my personal devices.

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Ok, for those who want to try the cake I mentioned earlier, here’s the recipe


It’s important to use the same size cup for all the ingredients, size doesn’t matter, so long as it’s the same size, or it just doesn’t work.


One cup of all bran (the twig type not flakes)

One cup of dried fruit (I use equal amounts of cranberries, blueberries and black cherries)

One cup of soft brown sugar (I use a 50% sugar & 50% canderel)

One cup of fruit tea (double strength) (I use Huffkin’s Cotswold fruit tea.


Mix all the above in a large bowl and leave to soak for at least 30 minutes, but it’s better over night if possible.

Once soaked add one cup of self raising flour and mix thoroughly.


Once mixed, grease or line a suitable sized cake/loaf tin (your choice) and add mixture, then bake in the middle of the oven for about 1hr 30 minutes on gas mark 3 or 160C.


It’s quite nice warm, but better after a day or so to soften up.



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Good evening everyone


The weather has been good to me today and more progress has been made on the patio. By dinner time I was at the 2/3rds stage when I’d ran out of cement. So I decided to pack up off for dinner. Once dinner was finished I set off to the big orange DIY shed to by some more cement, I’ve estimated that another 2 bags should do it. But as the local schools are currently on half term, the roads were quite busy and I took a lot longer to get there and back than usual. So once I’d unpacked the car and stored everything in the shed, I cleaned off my tools and packed up for the day.


The rest of the afternoon was spent in the workshop.


Goodnight all

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