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I used to (many many moons ago) have a rising sun t-shirt. It had Chinese writing on it. When I wanted to buy it, my Mum was very concerned about what it might say, and was only slightly mollified when I reported that the man in the shop had told me it meant "made in Hong Kong". Fast forward a couple of years to University and a friend of mine who was studying Chinese translated it as "fragrant harbour".  Turns out the man in the shop was right!



I asked Chris the question based on a memory from 1989 or so when Australia was flavour of the year for Japanese honeymoon couples.


I saw a sweet assumedly newlywed Japanese couple  walking hand in hand down George St Sydney with matching T-shirts which said " Drink more Pi55, smoke more Sh!t - Yobbo club, Cairns"


The bloke in the tourist shop that sold them the shirts probably told them it said "I've been to Cairns!" or something.


Oh and in regard to nothing relevant - check out the bids on this at the moment.





Probably means nothing to non-Australians, but this car was kind of like a unicorn to Oz car nuts - did it even exist? Our three car manufacturers went mental post Bathurst 1971 in an attempt to build a race winning car, all based on how powerful they could make it -  then the press went nuts with stories about teen death traps and they were all banned.


So ever since  there were rumours about prototypes hidden away and now this has surfaced... its a lot of money for a four door early '70's sedan, unless you are an Auatralian and a Ford fan in which case it is a sensible price to pay..

Edited by monkeysarefun
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All this talk of kettles.


Passed me at work the other day. 35018 British India Line

attachicon.gif35018 1Z84.jpg


It was going very well from a dead stand at the bottom of the hill, but this was helping a bit on the back.....

attachicon.gif33207 1Z84.jpg


No POETS, but there will be a lie-in tomorrow.


Catch up later.



A different flavour 33 in home territory at Eridge. The first exhibition layout that I built in 1980 and many of the modelled buildings still exist plus one board.


Edited by roundhouse
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I have absolutely no idea - not having sufficient electronic knowledge - if this would be useful for a shop window display for a model radio/electronics shop, or possibly even for some form of station/platform/signal display - but I mention it because it came up on my 'puter and may offer possibilities - It appears to be available in different display colour options   https://www.banggood.com/7Pin-0_96-Inch-OLED-Display-12864-SSD1306-SPI-IIC-Serial-LCD-Screen-Module-For-Arduino-p-1364267.html?utm_design=41&utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=Mail_promo181019_email&utm_campaign=newsletteremarsys&utm_content=leander&sc_src=email_3277132&sc_eh=90154e378507a6711&sc_llid=1304737&sc_lid=128716942&sc_uid=14j3s5xNiU&cur_warehouse=CN

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No worries, its all air-conditioned up there now which has made it a lot more liveable. Hopefully the wet season will be on schedule so it'll be happenning when you are there which means every day at exactly 5pm it pours down for 20 minutes to cool everything down. Its just the first time it hits you when the plane/train/car door opens...  - it can suck  all the life from your body and make you instantly soaked..


The other thing which doesn't get a mention much  but which can be a surprise are the flies. Locals just buy a  can of Aerogard and theres no more problem, tourists can be a bit clueless and needlessly suffer through it, then post up youtube clips...  So definitely buy a can of Aerogard!






Well done with the T-shirt, it'll go down a treat here in Sydney!  Just thinking though -  I reckon there will be some earnest well-meaning Welsh person at some point when you are wearing it, come on up to you, pull your arm and whisper  "Excuse me, but do you realise what your shirt says.?"

Those are huge! try the wee midgie on the Scottish west coast, and they bite too!

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A different flavour 33 in home territory at Eridge. The first exhibition layout that I built in 1980 and many of the modelled buildings still exist plus one board.

That's a model!!.........brilliant



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Well the funeral went as expected - It was OK until they played the Last Post at the end - made my eyes leak.  Dave was ex Royal Corps of Transport, lots of British Legion folk there, flag bearers etc, the lot.  Standing room only at the church, lots of sparkly uniforms.  Didn't wear mine as I was the leader of the bike cortege, I prefer protective equipment when riding!


RIP 'Big Dave' Oldland, had his last lap of the TT course, probably the slowest he's ever been around it.

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Mike, you've just reminded me to ask about shingles vaccine when I reach 70 in a couple of months. I've actually had shingles at least 3, possibly 4 times (can't remember exactly) so you'd think I wouldn't need it but the NHS website suggests otherwise.

GDB, word-on-the-street and medical recommendations over here also is to get the shot(s) even if you've had shingles.

The new/recommended/pushed local brand is called "Shingrix" and has been touted by the Feds to such an extent that after the first round (it's a two-shot deal) in the spring the product became in extremely short supply leading to long waiting lists for the second shot. We just got ours Tuesday, right on the six-month mark recommended.



'ello, 'ello...


Typically quiet again yesterday, brief foray into mild-panic mode as Long Island client called with urgent need to "modify" the monthly financials (cook books anyone?!?!) :jester:

Choir rehearsal was, as usual, a very pleasant diversion. We're gearing up for a couple of remembrance performances, one Thursday 1st. in our memorial garden, and Sunday 4th.


Bob (cat) under the weather yesterday, off his feed and lethargic, but seems to be brighter today and had breakfast with me, always a good sign.


Mrs out for the day with one of the great-nieces - we have this "odd" event in Minnesota that is referred to as "MEA Weekend" although the "MEA" part hasn't been a true reference for a decade.

It's the "Minnesota Education Association" that results in the schools being closed Thursday/Friday for a state-wide teachers convention/training/seminar thingie!

Most of the teachers and students, however, take the opportunity to make it a getaway weekend and travel far and wide having a 4-day holiday rather than actually "convening". Not sure how that works, but it's one of the busiest at the airport apparently. Blqqdy good job I'm not travelling I guess :O


10 and sunny first thing, expected to reach 17 before "plunging" (forecaster speak) to around ZERO overnight, high of only 5-6 tomorrow with "good chance" of flurries/light snow.


POE if you can, I probably will - may the farce be with you :locomotive:

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Mike, you've just reminded me to ask about shingles vaccine when I reach 70 in a couple of months. I've actually had shingles at least 3, possibly 4 times (can't remember exactly) so you'd think I wouldn't need it but the NHS website suggests otherwise.

Shingles, horrible thing, feeling tired all the time with sore bits. Ow! I'd have the jag if I qualified.


Denim - stopped wearing it when my gut went over the top. I did wash them, though.


Had the first viewers to our house this afternoon. Fingers crossed for us over the next few weeks. Saw a couple of houses this morning, one close to Glenkinchie Distillery - that one had a great feel to it, but public transport there is non-existant, so it's probably a no. Another house just didn't feel right at all. What is it that gives you these feelings about houses?


Good luck with your small claim AndrewC; remember that getting the bailiffs round there may be easier if the builder "accidentally" mislays the court order. There probably are many other excuses, sadly.


Ivan last posted 11 days ago; if he's away for two weeks he'll be back soon. Hope he's all right.


Hope your Fridays are going well



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Fun and games today near Tesco's. Just west of the store is a skew bridge carrying the C2C Pitsea-Upminster line over Pitsea High Road. This morning it had a very large lorry wedged underneath it. Quite a surprise as the normal clearance is about 15 feet but apparently his nearside wheels were up on the pavement. Needless to say the trains were stopped and a rail replacement service is in force, I don't think the lorry's insurers will be too happy.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Evening all. A good day has been had. Firstly I managed to hear enough of the answerphone message at the MRI place to find their website and book the appointment online. Then the fire permit was obtained from the Marie. The fireworks permit should arrive on Tuesday. A good lunch was had and L Marmite restaurant, none of the Burton on Trent product was visible. Then a fabulous afternoon looking at the beginnings of a Gauge 1 garden railway for live steam and battery then a look at the owners immense collection of rolling stock, which ranged from early (Pre 1919) Carret tinplate to an Aster Duchess, and a good afternoons chat. Two of us then spent half an hour on the local station and saw 5 trains, including the bonus of a freight. I was also given two whitemetal kits, and Anbrico 4mm Bradford tram with motor and a Superscale 7mm 1923 dustcart. All in all a good day.




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Evenin' all,


Last night the car exhaust that had been vibrating a bit started to rattle as if it was going to fall off. It was already booked in with a local garage but this was urgent, so an appointment was duly made with KwikFit. Rang them this morning, noting that their default appointment for exhausts is for emissions. "Erm, it's not so much the emissions but the the fact it may fall off. Could the appointment be for that please." 


KwikFit. "Well, as the spares supplier is shut on Saturday pm we'd struggle to get any parts if we only look at it tomorrow. Can you bring it in before 4 pm so we can order parts up? If it's not safe to drive it after we've had a look at it we'll get you sorted to drive home." 


Fair enough. So I pitched up at 14:00 and by 14:15 the mechanic had not only inspected it but had found a suitable bolt, repaired the car and was lowering it off the ramp.

How much was that?

No charge.

Suitable email dispatched to his supervisor for excellent service.


Less impressive was coming home early from work to find a small Peugeot parked on the drive. Not at the front of the drive, not at the back of the drive. But halfway along the drive. So, the smallest car imaginable had effectively used all the parking. Came back again after the KwikFit trip and the car was still there. 

Eventually a young girl came out of a neighbouring property; clearly a cleaner. 


So, Andy taps on her car window as she was typing up her invoice on the phone. 

Young lady jumps out of her skin. 

"Excuse me, but next time would you mind asking if you can use my drive?" I'd have left it at that but....

"Sorry there weren't any other spaces and I'd have had to walk. I was only a few minutes."

"Actually that's not true. You were there for 2 and a half hours and my wife and I had to park elsewhere because of you. So.Don't.Do.It.Again." 

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Evenin' all,


Last night the car exhaust that had been vibrating a bit started to rattle as if it was going to fall off. It was already booked in with a local garage but this was urgent, so an appointment was duly made with KwikFit. Rang them this morning, noting that their default appointment for exhausts is for emissions. "Erm, it's not so much the emissions but the the fact it may fall off. Could the appointment be for that please." 


KwikFit. "Well, as the spares supplier is shut on Saturday pm we'd struggle to get any parts if we only look at it tomorrow. Can you bring it in before 4 pm so we can order parts up? If it's not safe to drive it after we've had a look at it we'll get you sorted to drive home." 


Fair enough. So I pitched up at 14:00 and by 14:15 the mechanic had not only inspected it but had found a suitable bolt, repaired the car and was lowering it off the ramp.

How much was that?

No charge.

Suitable email dispatched to his supervisor for excellent service.


Less impressive was coming home early from work to find a small Peugeot parked on the drive. Not at the front of the drive, not at the back of the drive. But halfway along the drive. So, the smallest car imaginable had effectively used all the parking. Came back again after the KwikFit trip and the car was still there. 

Eventually a young girl came out of a neighbouring property; clearly a cleaner. 


So, Andy taps on her car window as she was typing up her invoice on the phone. 

Young lady jumps out of her skin. 

"Excuse me, but next time would you mind asking if you can use my drive?" I'd have left it at that but....

"Sorry there weren't any other spaces and I'd have had to walk. I was only a few minutes."

"Actually that's not true. You were there for 2 and a half hours and my wife and I had to park elsewhere because of you. So.Don't.Do.It.Again." 

Blimey! Rather more polite than I'd have been :triniti:  :butcher:  :rtfm:

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And relax.


Pint of Atlantic to hand, pizza (Friday treat) cooking, and the end of a stressy day, but at least all went well. One shock was finding Big Dave was born a few days after me.  Taken so soon.


Joints (limb type, not illicit smoking for the use of, Canada excepted) all feeling very creaky, is this a side effect of the 'flu jab we had yesterday?

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When we lived in Arizona, Lorna described it as living with a hairdrier up your nose, so a friend gave her the tee-shirt.


Yesterday I had every intention of finishing my 3D bullhead chair models so I could get moving and print some turnouts. Got a mug of tea, sat down at computer, knocked over mug, computer and lights all went off!


The tea had dripped on to a power strip. No Problembo! Obviously I had tripped a Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI). After moving various bits of furniture around I concluded there was no GFI power-outlet in the office, so I checked all the adjacent rooms, garage and even the exterior outlets. No joy! Oh well, it's not a "wet" area, so a GFI is not required.


Maybe I tripped the circuit breaker? Removed distribution panel cover. Nope, breaker working as designed.


Maybe the current surge caused a dodgy wiring connection to fail? Odd that it wouldn't trip the breaker, but you never know, so I started pulling all the outlets and lights to try to find the cable that feeds the office. They all looked fine, but I did have a pretty good idea which one was the "feeder" (none of your rings here, thank you very much.)


Time to do a resistance check on the cable. I could confirm I had the right cable if I disconnected the neutral at the panel and "found" the other end in the office. Long piece of wire and meter required.


WTF! The neutral wasn't connected to the office either!!!


You might believe the hot wire had failed, but it would be a bit unlikely for the hot and neutral to fail simultaneously. It HAS to be a GFI.


And, behold, it was. It's the one beside the WHB in the utility room which is on a different floor at the opposite end of the house. Sigh.

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Joints (limb type, not illicit smoking for the use of, Canada excepted) all feeling very creaky, is this a side effect of the 'flu jab we had yesterday?

Pretty much a guarantee of that - we got our flu jabs same time as the shingles thing, and Wednesday was "quite painful" in the aching/sore joints department!

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 The fireworks permit should arrive on Tuesday.


You might want to be a bit cagey about why you are setting off fireworks. Some of your neighbors' ancestors might have been Guido Fawkes sympathizers :)


(Edited to relocate errant apostroscope)

Edited by AndyID
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If that had been me Andy I'd have blocked her in for a couple of hours.


In other news we've been observing comings and goings at a house in our road. The family moving out, specifically the husband, will not be missed. He's known around her as Richard (ie Dick)  Head.

He's a few doors away and over the road from me so luckily I haven't had much of a problem with him but nearer neighbours have. (DIY  and power tools at all hours, car and motor bike repairs, revving engines etc.)

Just hope the new people are an improvement.

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Blimey! Rather more polite than I'd have been :triniti:  :butcher:  :rtfm:


Aye. But I sort of figured that this is a bit of a 1st world problem. 

In other news I did win an award at work this month for a robust / effective way of dealing with tricky comms. stuff.

This lass just needed to be called out, as I believe it is termed. 


If that had been me Andy I'd have blocked her in for a couple of hours....



In fact when I first got home I did. Then due to how her car was parked my car was hanging over the drive of another neighbour who wouldn't have been able to use her own drive. 

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You might want to be a bit cagey about why you are setting off fireworks. Some of your neighbor's ancestors might have been Guido Fawkes sympathizers :)

That had occurred to me. I just explained to the mayor that having a fire on 5th November was an Anglo tradition. I carefully avoided any mentions of Guys and burning effigies.



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The "new and improved" front hitch for the tractor. The welding might best be described as "functional". It least it doesn't look like parrot poop this time.




This contraption attaches to the tractor's quick-release front bucket bracket. The 2" square receiver accepts a variety of hitch-balls. I have three different sizes. 1-7/8", 2" and 2-5/16". Why we ended up with so many variations I do not know. There's a similar receiver that can be attached to the three-point hitch at the back of the tractor.

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