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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,


The results of SWMBOs doctors visit are:

She has osteoathritis in both knees.

She's too young to Operate,

She's already on the painkillers they would issue,

She's been put on the waiting list for physio...


My pass for work was by our bed...


Coming home I passed several road signs saying road closed, but since there were cars coming the other way I ignored them. Correctly as it turned out, there were a couple of by vans and a hiab sat on a farmers concrete pan but that was it.


SWMBO has arrived from teaching painting, time to turn the kettle on.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


No frosts just mists and mellow fruitfulness where we have been this week. Spectacular autumn colours may tempt me to post a photo or two on the British Isles thread.


Heading back south but stopped off overnight. I'm sitting on a bench enjoying a view over the Firth of Forth with the evening sun glinting off Edinburgh Castle and Arthur's Seat.


I can't pick out Mal though.


As the sun is slowly sinking it will soon be time for an aperitif.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


A lovely sunny morning so the armstrong (I wish) concrete mixer was called into action and it produced =2.5 full mixer loads of the stuff which duly filled the penultimate step and provided a base on which to build the riser for the top step.   As herself was on gardening and carrot pulling duty she made a cuppa which was most welcome but I had to make my own bacon sarnies after I'd cleaned and tidied the tools away.  And yes, faux Friday has been deferred to - Friday but it will only be a Tesco visit but potentially a big one as it's the first day of 20% discount (for us special folks that is).


As importantly as mixing and laying concrete was booking somewhere to stay tomorrow night to avoid an early start for the ANTB gathering on the Gloucester & Warwickshire Railway.  Alas I didn't sufficiently carefully check  the first place I booked only to find out too late that its 'breakfast' comes in a box and not on a plate.  Further study of places along my route discovered a hostelry which although also alongside the main road does real breakfasts and will allow me an even later start on Saturday - suitable boxes ticked and duly booked and they sounded quite pleasant when I spoke to them to enquire at what time breakfast will be available.


Enjoy the rest of your day

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Evening all


No frosts just mists and mellow fruitfulness where we have been this week. Spectacular autumn colours may tempt me to post a photo or two on the British Isles thread.


Heading back south but stopped off overnight. I'm sitting on a bench enjoying a view over the Firth of Forth with the evening sun glinting off Edinburgh Castle and Arthur's Seat.


I can't pick out Mal though.


As the sun is slowly sinking it will soon be time for an aperitif.

That's a shame, I did wave at you. Nice looking aperitif, by the way!


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At teatime - I looked out of the kitchen window and say multiple skeins of geese flying southwards, here 22 miles North of inverness - we have been seeing occasional skeins over the last week or so - but my estimation was that there were probably 2000 birds in total in these at least - my guess is that they may spend the night roosting around the Cromarty and Beauly Firths, before moving on southwards tomorrow - Mal, and Jon Gwinett may well get to see a few more around Edinburgh. BoD may be a day too early!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Gold

At teatime - I looked out of the kitchen window and say multiple skeins of geese flying southwards, here 22 miles North of inverness - we have been seeing occasional skeins over the last week or so - but my estimation was that there were probably 2000 birds in total in these at least - my guess is that they may spend the night roosting around the Cromarty and Beauly Firths, before moving on southwards tomorrow - Mal, and Jon Gwinett may well get to see a few more around Edinburgh. BoD may be a day too early!

I am roosting overnight in Aberdour (Mal, you have excellent eyesight). Having spent a few days further north we decided to take the opportunity to see the little coastal villages of the East Neuk of Fife, an area we have not visited before. I must say it was well worth it, they are beautiful.


We will be travelling home later tomorrow but haven't decided what to do during the day. Edinburgh is a possibility or, as I have never visited Glenkinchie distillery, that option may be investigated. On the other hand I could count geese.

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  • RMweb Premium

This time of year in Norfolk, there a great many geese who feed along the marshes along the north Norfolk coast, then fly down the coast and turn inland over our house to feed and roost overnight on the Norfolk Broads..

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Lots of geese here, they fly in to feed through the day then head back to Jockland sort of direction of an evening.


Wizzard - Ball Park Incident was possibly the first single I bought.  Can't really remember now, but as it was '72 I would have been 14 so sounds about right, oh hang on I have Life on Mars too...'71....hmmm.  My memory, or as Chris says, forgettory, is suffering middleageitis.


Missing - Ivan?

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At teatime - I looked out of the kitchen window and say multiple skeins of geese flying southwards, here 22 miles North of inverness - we have been seeing occasional skeins over the last week or so - but my estimation was that there were probably 2000 birds in total in these at least - my guess is that they may spend the night roosting around the Cromarty and Beauly Firths, before moving on southwards tomorrow - Mal, and Jon Gwinett may well get to see a few more around Edinburgh. BoD may be a day too early!

Wow! I saw what I'd call a large skein a couple of days ago - only looked up because I heard a load of honking. There were maybe 300 geese, so will look out for a couple of thousand birds in the next day or two.


I am roosting overnight in Aberdour (Mal, you have excellent eyesight). Having spent a few days further north we decided to take the opportunity to see the little coastal villages of the East Neuk of Fife, an area we have not visited before. I must say it was well worth it, they are beautiful.


We will be travelling home later tomorrow but haven't decided what to do during the day. Edinburgh is a possibility or, as I have never visited Glenkinchie distillery, that option may be investigated. On the other hand I could count geese.

Glenkinchie Distillery is well worth a visit - like most other distilleries, of course, but as good excuse to buy a bottle or two. It's a nice smooth whisky, nothing peaty (sadly imho) but good nonetheless.



Lots of geese here, they fly in to feed through the day then head back to Jockland sort of direction of an evening.


Wizzard - Ball Park Incident was possibly the first single I bought.  Can't really remember now, but as it was '72 I would have been 14 so sounds about right, oh hang on I have Life on Mars too...'71....hmmm.  My memory, or as Chris says, forgettory, is suffering middleageitis.


Missing - Ivan?

Maybe he's away for a couple of weeks break? Am hopeful he'll return soon.


A bit chilly here tonight.


Hope you all stay warm, with or without whisky - have one for me BoD!



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Premium

Evenin' all,


I was delighted to see on the news last night that in North Dakota there is a candidate for an upcoming election going by the name of Heidi Heitkamp


I'd like to think at her rallies the crowd shouts out "Ho-de-Ho" when she comes on stage.  



I'm not sure if it was spending time with Mike, GDB and 81C next to James Street layout last weekend, but I'm getting the urge to replace the shunting plank with something a little more "ambitious". Must resist.....must reeeesist!  

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Done a bit more on the shed this afternoon, found that the 12 mm ply I'm using for shelves needs about a millimetre shaving off of one corner to fit. I eventually found my Surform only to discover that its knackered so I'll have to visit the orange emporium for a replacement. While I'm there I'll have a look out for any offcuts of ply or MDF, very useful for m*d*l*ng.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Done a bit more on the shed this afternoon, found that the 12 mm ply I'm using for shelves needs about a millimetre shaving off of one corner to fit. I eventually found my Surform only to discover that its knackered so I'll have to visit the orange emporium for a replacement. While I'm there I'll have a look out for any offcuts of ply or MDF, very useful for m*d*l*ng.

A whole new surform or just a new blade/rasp/knuckle remover ?

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Today’s been quite busy, but very enjoyable, my brother and his wife turned up early afternoon and we had quite a lot to catch up on. Luckily we managed a couple of hours with just the 4 of us, until the rest of the family turned. Ian brought the kids round after school and Vickie and James and Amelia came round after he’d finished work. Mike and Sarah are currently in Ibiza at the moment so they were the only ones missing. My brother and SiL noticed a big change in the kids, Charlie (now 18) was 7, Amelia (12) was only a few months old, and Ava, Evie and Max weren’t even born then! It was noisy but great fun.


Once everyone had gone we were left with the usual tidying up to do, we then sat down and took a nap, very rock ‘n’ roll.


Goodnight all

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While I was enjoying myself at Area Group both my pairs of jeans were soaking in the bath.  They are now rinsed, spun dry and draped over the clothes horse.  They have retained most of the blue colouring though an awful lot has washed out.  Jeans, I find, have a tendency to become manky without me really noticing.  If anyone else notices they are usually too polite to say so.

There is a school of thought that denim should never be washed (unless of course it is covered in mud, oil, etc). This school suggests freshening them up by placing them in a freezer for long enough to make sure the manky bacteria are no more. I've not experimented with this approach.


I don't wash them often, though eventually it does become necessary.

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Good morning one and all


Checkpoint Charlene struck again at the surgery yesterday.  When I checked in for my 8.50 am appointment I discovered that it had been rescheduled to 9.20 am and, worse, that no-one at the surgery had seen fit to notify me.  I made it clear that if this happened again I would escalate the matter, ie involve the practice manager.  The harridan behind the window insisted that the appointment had always been at 9.20 until I pointed out that I had made the appointment myself at that very window.  In the end I was seen at 9.10 am.  Booking my next appointment, in 12 weeks’ time, was not possible, although it used to be.  I must now keep going back to the surgery, in person or by phone, until it becomes possible to book the appointment that I require.  Why is it that new systems are always quite the opposite of an improvement?  While I was there I asked if I could have my flu jab.  Fat chance.  I now have to make a separate appointment for that!  If the NHS is as hard pressed as we are told it may only have itself to blame.


Monkeysarefun, thank you so much for your kind and helpful comments!  I am grateful for the warning about humidity.  In this country when we get it the effect on me is not unlike the effect of kryptonite on Superman so I’m not sure how I can prepare for it.  No doubt the travel company will tell me all I need to know.  Yeah, right.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing.  Oh, do you like the T shirt?




The slogan is in Welsh and translates as "Some people are gay.  Get over it".  The enigmatic smile needs a bit more work ...




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Morning All,


It is a rather cloudy morning today - there are definite signs that the indian summer is leaving us.  There is also quite a nip in the air.


I don't have a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

A very good nights sleep, of around 7 hours with very little wake up and turn overs. A much needed night.


Humidity gets me too (and very much my Dad), It doesn't help living between the Norfolk Broads and the North Sea...


Denim I've never worn much of, I've probably have only had a couple of pairs of Jeans in my life.. As a child school trousers were downgraded to play trousers as they got too old. As a teenager Jeans were fashionable, therefore expensive, and I've never been interested in fashion anyway. So I never got into the habit..


On the radio this morning, a big piece about the A 1067 Speed camera on the way into Taverham from Norwich (it must be the one road in Norfolk without a tractor on it), it's in the top ten busiest in the country around 13,000 in the last two years  ( it does take pictures of cars going in either direction apparently) and so far it's on track for the same this year. It's where the speed limit drops from 50mph to 30 mph. I've only ever used that road a couple of times and that before digital cameras...


Just looked at the tides for the Big race on Sunday, we are supposed to start at roughly the top of the tide going down river with it.. This is good because the wind forecast is only 10mph, which for the first and last 5 miles in the trees is nowhere near enough.. Sadly coming back we will be against the tide, I predict the finishing line being moved down to in front of the first boat, at the appropriate time..


Time to ... go take 200 + resistance measurements each of 8 digits...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.


My other half is having a lay in as she has today off to go to have an eye test at 9am. It worked out handy as that means we can do the Tunbridge Wells and Eridge railway beer fest today then hopefully to Wales tomorrow for a day out.


A little modelling already done this morning - fitting resistors to N scale axles so that wagons and coaches can be detected in the block sections on the layout. Its fiddly but easy enough to do. Hopefully all up and working when we go to the Taunton show in a weeks time.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from the North West Leeds Highlands.


A fun filled day is scheduled vis:


Shopping at Moreasons

Trip to building society

Trip to travel agent to pay for a trip in the new year (stay calm Chris we were in Oz and the land of the big white cloud this year)

Book the gas service



Oh what a fun filled day!


Her indoors is off to play in a recorder group later so I might just do a bit more crust earning.


Have a great day wherever you are on Planet Earth.



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