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Good morning one and all


Area Group was enjoyable yesterday.  Ten sat down to lunch, four joined us afterwards and between us we put the world to rights, if only for a moment.  There was an unannounced appearance of The Tie, which has now been admired by two bartenders, one male and one female.  Make of that what you will!  Some have not yet seen it so I must arrange for a photograph, as I did last week with the Welsh language T shirt.  The latter has been published on Facebook but not as yet on here.  Watch this space, or one very like it.


While I was enjoying myself at Area Group both my pairs of jeans were soaking in the bath.  They are now rinsed, spun dry and draped over the clothes horse.  They have retained most of the blue colouring though an awful lot has washed out.  Jeans, I find, have a tendency to become manky without me really noticing.  If anyone else notices they are usually too polite to say so.


Today I am due to see Sister Syringe for my hormone injection.  I expect that I will also receive my flu jab.  Should I be worried that I am already snuffling?  After I have been filled full of holes I ought to check that my new debit card works, though what I shall do if it does not is a good question.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing.  There are a lot missing and I do hope it wasn’t something I said.



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Morning All,


It is a reasonable morning in this part of the world.  There are signs that it is going to cool down over the next few days though.  I think that will probably mean wind and rain, but we do need the rain.


I have quite a bit to do today, so I guess I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Ah Xmas - not sure if we will be having xmas lunch on a train between Santa Barbara and San Diego or in a hotel in San Diego. The hotel we are staying doesnt have a restaurant but the one our friends are in may well do so. Ours is handy for the station and Stone Brewing Store. Wont be much else open, maybe take a Pot Noodle with us just in case :sungum:


Morning, not sure what its like outside but my other half does. No Thameslink towards London due to signalling issues yet again - coming out in sympathy with FGW chaoes yesterday, so she is on a bus from the end of our road to Coulsdon to catch a train from Tattenham Corner ot LBG. Glad that I am not doing that journey anymore.

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Off to a retired members get together of one of my previous employers today. 5 car parking spaces available...20 visitors...so I am taking my car with 3 visitors to try to help.


Cool here this morning but supposed to be sunny today.

Mugatea awaits so TTFN



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Morning all from a village where I am gradually teaching our male neighbours to say "Oui mon cher". I must have earned some brownie points as I have been given permission to go to a big model railway show at Orleans in November. It's about 200 miles and I don't fancy driving there and back in a day so I'm going by train and staying over the night before. Train tickets and hotel come to less than the cost of diesel and peage. Much of the G word got done yesterday and a large bush of what I call bindweed got removed and the roots dug out. Then in the afternoon some more soldering on something that moves on rails.



My first task today is to arrange an MRI scan, or IRM as it's called here, for Beth as she has problems with her left shoulder. Then I'm off to have my hair cut. Hopefully some more muddling will be done. Meanwhile it's time for a cup of coffee and continue to watch the cat on a neighbours roof opposite. It spends a lot of time up there.




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Good morning all,

A dull start but it should stay dry and partly cloudy with some sunny spells.

A little bit of drama here yesterday as I had a phone call from Nicki asking me if I could pick up Joe from school as he was unwell. (She was at work and it would have taken her about 45 mins to get there)

His blood glucose level had gone through the roof and initially the insulin hadn't brought it down. He did look rather rough but after a couple of hours it settled down and got back to normal.

He was well enough to eat a hearty meal later on and a great (and noisy) time was had by all.

Today it has been decreed that we will will be going to Sainsbury's. Yes dear!

After that I have much paperwork to plough through.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A better nights sleep at last, just in two sections.


Ben the Border Collie wanted out this morning, Sadly he is a disgrace to the Wolf race. We had got half way down the garden, when a deer in the darkness let out a warning grunt, Ben turned and ran back to the house...


I'm sitting here illegally at the moment with no , company pass, I suspect it fell out of my trousers this morning when I stumbled around in the dark, trying not to Wake SWMBO. I'll have to go get a temporary one later, but at the moment there is no one with access to them in yet.


My sailing compatriot rang up last night, he's arranged to use the boat yard just down river from the club. They used to have 40ft broads sailing yachts in their fleet, so their slipway is emminently useable. It is however inside the building and manouvering from the road into it will be most interesting.. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.702917,1.464319,3a,75y,256.05h,84.26t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1snv2avsKYSg426-pcP8yvKQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3Dnv2avsKYSg426-pcP8yvKQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D6.778484%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100


Having been thinking about adjustable legs for the layout carriages, and the fact the layout has 6 inch wheels. I went for a wander around the net, and found these.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/150MM-PLINTH-KITCHEN-CARCASE-ADJUSTABLE/dp/B06XD3ND3Z/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1539843668&sr=8-8&keywords=150mm+Cabinet+legs+12

So I decided to take to risk and ordered a set. I'd like to have them removeable from the Carriage bases, as otherwise it may negate the large wheels. It looks like they just plug in, we shall see when they arrive.


I've done 20 measurements this morning and completed a set of Current shunts. So I'm waiting for a major system to finish it's run, some bright spark fitted an external resistor as part of the test last night, but wandered off before pressing the go button. So I've done that test and now set it up for the final test which has a 600 second warm up time..


Time to... go see if it's finished..

Edited by TheQ
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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit wee bit cold 1C and misty here in the northwest. Not much will be done here today, my brother and his wife will be arriving mid afternoon so a little bit of tidying up is the order of the day. Sheila did quite a bit yesterday but there are still one or two bits to do, these I’ll get done whilst she is at her Zumba class this morning.


Baz, enjoy your reunion.


Back later

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is just beginning so just as well I'm up. Interesting CCTV footage on the BBC breakfast show this morning, in a very snowy Colorado. A car parked in a driveway is visited by a bear that seems to have got the knack of opening car doors which it duly did. Problem is that it left them open leading to a car full of snow. Off for a quick bath before breakfast now, be backlater.

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Finally got around to taking a look at an old analog multi-meter a neighbor gave me a while back. Based on the damage it looks like someone tried to measure the resistance of the AC mains. A resistor and the rectifier were shot. Seems to work OK now, but I better ship it to Q for re-calibration.


No big deal. Before I joined the ranks of the unemployed we had some exotic kit that had to be sent from California to South Queensferry for re-calibration.

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Finally got around to taking a look at an old analog multi-meter a neighbor gave me a while back. Based on the damage it looks like someone tried to measure the resistance of the AC mains. A resistor and the rectifier were shot. Seems to work OK now, but I better ship it to Q for re-calibration.


No big deal. Before I joined the ranks of the unemployed we had some exotic kit that had to be sent from California to South Queensferry for re-calibration.

IIRC You Probably sent it to this building, or what the building was, it's been rebuilt a few times and changed ownership several times. It was at one time Hewlett Packard, who became Agilent as far as test equipment was concerned, and part of that was turned into Keysight.




It's about 9 miles from Bo'ness where a large part of my family live..


I've a few bit's of Agilent Test equipment in the lab Particularly 3458A multimeters

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If I remember correctly Roy actually started ELO and when The Idle Race broke up Don Arden "suggested" to Roy that Jeff should join... That line up lasted two singles. That was a GOOD idea as even Jeff couldn't take The Idle Race anywhere.


I'm still wondering whether Jeff ever takes off his hat. We should be told. I was watching the Concert for George last night; some good line ups in that. Check it out.



Didn't Jeff join The Move after Carl Wayne left, just before ELO? ISTR he played on Brontosaurus. But that was about the time that Roy Wood started Electric Light Orchestra with Jeff and Bev; remember an interview with Roy in Melody Maker where he was very keen on getting cellos into the band.


I imagine that Roy and Jeff had an argument about ELO's direction - their first LP on Harvest Records didn't do too well commercially, but Jeff changed that with his songwriting style and the band shortened its name to ELO and changed record labels. 


Roy did pretty darn well with Wizzard, though. Are You Ready To Rock? with bagpipes is great - and there's always I Wish It Could Be... He's a good songwriter is Roy. Jeff, too.


No idea about the hat - but whenever I see a slightly older musician wearing a hat I just assume they're bald - rightly or wrongly.



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It's too long ago for nuances, Mal! My brain hurts wondering what I was doing back then.


That explains a lot - when I take my hat off people are surprised that I have a full head of hair (well, receding a bit since my 20's but not at all bad).


Best, Pete.

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Didn't Jeff join The Move after Carl Wayne left, just before ELO? ISTR he played on Brontosaurus. But that was about the time that Roy Wood started Electric Light Orchestra with Jeff and Bev; remember an interview with Roy in Melody Maker where he was very keen on getting cellos into the band.


I imagine that Roy and Jeff had an argument about ELO's direction - their first LP on Harvest Records didn't do too well commercially, but Jeff changed that with his songwriting style and the band shortened its name to ELO and changed record labels. 


Roy did pretty darn well with Wizzard, though. Are You Ready To Rock? with bagpipes is great - and there's always I Wish It Could Be... He's a good songwriter is Roy. Jeff, too.


No idea about the hat - but whenever I see a slightly older musician wearing a hat I just assume they're bald - rightly or wrongly.



That brings back some very happy memories of dancing with a young lady to a Wizard song. The start of a relationship that lasted a while.



Mick (NB) that view must have been spectacular. We lived on the ridge above Giggleswick and used to see the same effect though in the early 60's the white mist was tinged with grey from the coal fires. However the chimney of the Shed Mill, which was still a cotton mill in those days, used to tower above the mist and produed it's own plume of black smoke.



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Roy Wood (probably in the Wizzard years) seemed to invoke extreme disapproval from Dad. Mum, who probably liked the tunes anyway, always liked that someone from Birmingham was on the television.

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Roy Wood (probably in the Wizzard years) seemed to invoke extreme disapproval from Dad. Mum, who probably liked the tunes anyway, always liked that someone from Birmingham was on the television.

A little older, a little fatter - but who isn't? Roy in 2015:



Best, Pete.

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BIN day - all BINs sorted.

The parade of trucks began a while ago, more to come yet. The downside of "free enterprise" is that there are somewhere around 5-6w different trash haulers servicing my area, so there is a never ending stream of trucks when you take into account they all use separate vehicles to get the garbage, recycle and organic waste! :O


Other than "work" not much happening around here. Mrs and I spent most of last evening not-so-silently suffering the various aches and pains apparently brought on by the combination of flu and shingles shots. Better than getting the actual virus/infection of course.


Off to choir practice this evening, with the pre-rehearsal visit to an eating/drinking establishment with several other choir members, we need the fuel :jester:


Carry on, tomorrow IS POETS after all.

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Good morning one and all


Area Group was enjoyable yesterday.  Ten sat down to lunch, four joined us afterwards and between us we put the world to rights, if only for a moment.  There was an unannounced appearance of The Tie, which has now been admired by two bartenders, one male and one female.  Make of that what you will!  Some have not yet seen it so I must arrange for a photograph, as I did last week with the Welsh language T shirt.  The latter has been published on Facebook but not as yet on here.  Watch this space, or one very like it.


While I was enjoying myself at Area Group both my pairs of jeans were soaking in the bath.  They are now rinsed, spun dry and draped over the clothes horse.  They have retained most of the blue colouring though an awful lot has washed out.  Jeans, I find, have a tendency to become manky without me really noticing.  If anyone else notices they are usually too polite to say so.


Today I am due to see Sister Syringe for my hormone injection.  I expect that I will also receive my flu jab.  Should I be worried that I am already snuffling?  After I have been filled full of holes I ought to check that my new debit card works, though what I shall do if it does not is a good question.


Warm thoughts to all in distress and those who are missing.  There are a lot missing and I do hope it wasn’t something I said.





Hey mate,  a bit late to the party with the congratulations but truly glad to hear you got on the Ghan.


It costs us local yokels around $3k for a ticket on it around the time your trip is so for what you are getting for 7k english money is a bargain.


One of our local TV stations did one of those slow documentary things earlier this year where they stuck a camera in the drivers cabin of the Ghan and played 16 or something hours of it as it travelled north. I'd post the link here but its probably geoblocked for you blokes,  but if you have a VPN then set it to an Australian server and google SBS Ghan documentary if you are interested.


It got really high ratings here and people had Ghan parties while watching it

. Here is a link about the abridged 3 hour cut down  version ...https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/tv-ratings/this-should-be-the-most-boring-show-on-tv-but-people-love-it/news-story/3f3300ec3768aa05ac70e88b0cf9ea0a

 Now here follows  the standard tips etc that locals use on visitors to make the place look scary...


Every english person   says "Oooh Spiders! ooh snakes! oooh crocodies!  oooh Shane Warne!" but the first dangerous  thing    that you'll notice due to when and where you are going is the humidity. The top end is always around 32 degrees C, just the humidity goes off the scale between round November to february.


Coming from Englands green pleasant land you'll notice it even if it is low by local standards, it kills me when I go there between Nov and March - and I'm from Sydney. But  If you embrace it as part of the experience you'll have a never ending rebuke to your mates back in the UK when they whinge that it is 'hot' there (30 degrees or something) ie:  "Pffff call this hot - let me tell you about when I was in Darwin...." and so on.


  Anyway, the temperature is part of the experience - would you book a trip to Antarctica and then whinge about the cold for instance? But, it is very very draining, Definitely look after the hat, sun screen and liquids side of things and you'll be right. Still hot and drained, but right.


So other than the fact that it WILL be amazingly hot, it sounds  a brilliant trip, I've never done it by Ghan, I've seen the Ghan in its 42 car long guise tear past me when I was working up in Katherine -I;m  not sure when they make the train  that long, I saw it in July which is the high tourist season cos the temperature is bearable maybe it'll be shorter in the hot months..


I've  driven around the top end a lot though so I can say that you'll have an experience so unlike anything you've ever known in as far as climate, the  sheer expanse of nothingness for hour upon hour, and the alien beauty of the place. I love it up there and would live there if I was rich so I could have another house \down here to escape to in the hot season.  Being there at that time though allows you to experience  the place in the  same way that the early pioneers did. For instance, check this place out:



Its a bakery in the Northern Territory, made of corrugated iron. I visited it in winter here and it was hot - imagine, high thirties, 98% humidity,  corrugated iron everything, little windows and a baking oven, The Americans took it over in WW11 to bake bread for their personnel in the airfields around there , imagine how those poor bu99ers must have felt, they'd have wanted to be anywhere else - DDay or whatever.


But it really is the last frontier so enjoy the experience.


And then theres Sydney.


The time that you will be here is definitely party time. Mardi Gras   kind of takes over the whole place for a couple of weeks, its tropically warm, the evenings go on for ages, you'll see fruit bats and possums enjoying the tropical nights -  the pubs have outside tables on the footpath so you can enjoy the warmth - its the best time of the year to be here...


If you need any info or what ever about your trip, PM me or post a question  on the Australia thread here - its meant to  be  about stuff like spiders to make us out to be tough as  but we are pretty friendly.. if you need someone to show you the local beers and music around here let me know and I'll sort something out no worries.


OH and if while you are here you feel the urge to buy a V8 6 litre ute , (catback exhuast and power chip, 297 rwkw) due to a mid life crisis thing like I had when I bought it,  mines for sale!



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Old colleagues met..buffet eaten, techni whizz kid listened to...

Pete thanks for the video.


Pete and Mal..yes Jeff Lynne joined The Move to clear the recording contract they had..then they formed ELO.

Roy left before the 2nd ELO album was released but he did work on it. Trouble with Roy at that time he couldn't get the sound he wanted...

Shame Jeff couldn't get Roy on stage for a mini reunion...




Ps are all property management companies flipping useless idle g!ts?

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Ian’s shingles shots were something I was totally unaware of until a couple of years ago. When I got my pneumonia jab (65th birthday present from NHS) I asked if that was my last scheduled non-annual jab. The nurse then told me I would be invited to have a shingles inoculation when I was 70. I may be advised to have the pneumonia jab again depending on the state of my immune system or medication. My mother had a repeat pneumonia jab when she was in her 80s and said she thought the one she had when 65 was for life. The nurse told her most people didn’t live as long as she had. My Mum had some quite serious health issues and coped well but she got very anxious about what were relatively minor things, almost paranoid, “they aren’t telling me the truth about my health....”.


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It's too long ago for nuances, Mal! My brain hurts wondering what I was doing back then.


That explains a lot - when I take my hat off people are surprised that I have a full head of hair (well, receding a bit since my 20's but not at all bad).


Best, Pete.

Hahahaha! :yes:

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